So I Tried an Evade Thief
Try Jumper’s build for the most evasive Thief build. Double S/D, 10/30/0/30/0, Quick Pockets and Energy sigils.
all is vain
I was running with this build for maximizing my evasions and it works pretty well. While you know how other classess works you’ll have no problems to timing your evades. Also you got blinds and teleports + PW evade frames.
I love how the build can stall until your withdraw is back up too: evade, evade, evade, swap weapons, evade, evade, evade, sig of agility if needed with more evades, withdraw ;D
Ah, nevermind. I just realized the devs are going to start toning down evasion thieves whilst simultaneously introducing hard counters to stealth. I’m just going to go play a warrior until this whole thing blows over and not bother with the next 3 months of nerf bat syndrome.
Ah, nevermind. I just realized the devs are going to start toning down evasion thieves whilst simultaneously introducing hard counters to stealth. I’m just going to go play a warrior until this whole thing blows over and not bother with the next 3 months of nerf bat syndrome.
It’s not that bad, they’re not “toning down evasion Thieves”, they’re toning down LS because two boons is too much for some classes (Guard, Ele) to handle, but will still be great when combined with BT.
Also, the “hard counters to stealth” is one utility on a Ranger that is rarely used. It’s not a good thing, but there’s no need for the doom and gloom, stick with it and try again.
all is vain
try jumper’s build… and ya conditions is the main problem for s/d but u can deal with it by using shadow return remove 1 condition. or signet of agility. watch my gameplay, please do watch @ 720p
RE: Simplicity
Between Withdraw + Roll for Init, a quick face-turn, and Shadowstep … you can disengage rather well. Let alone tossing a quick Steal at the end, towards a grey named mob in range. This presumes PvE or most areas in WvW.
Of course, I tend to go with P/P + SB or S/P, so my mileage might differ.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
s/d only works 1v1 or group vs group. In situations like 1vs2 its absolutely inferior to stealth builds.
Also, the “hard counters to stealth” is one utility on a Ranger that is rarely used. It’s not a good thing, but there’s no need for the doom and gloom, stick with it and try again.
It used to be there were no hard counters to stealth. There were plenty of soft counters, like, you know, knowing what you were doing, and those are fine.
Then It was just a trap in WvW.
Now it’s a WvW trap and 1 ranger skill.
In a few months It’ll probably be a handful of skills.
Countering an entire class mechanic, access to a thiefs “best” attacks, AND potentially 30 trait points entirely is just silly, especially considering stealth isn’t a problem in SPvP/TPvP. Anti-stealth abilities should just make the thief still visible while in stealth for a period of time, not cause revealed – thieves still have access to their traits/skills and follow all the rules of stealth (not capping points, revealed if they land an attack, etc), and everyone can still see them – viola, everyone is happy.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
s/d only works 1v1 or group vs group. In situations like 1vs2 its absolutely inferior to stealth builds.
Jumpers double S/D only works in those situations – Arg’s S/D – Shbow works fine in 1v2’s.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Seriously, stop copy my build ^^
My evade/control build for PvP/WvW
Skill 7 is free to change
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!
Try Jumper’s build for the most evasive Thief build. Double S/D, 10/30/0/30/0, Quick Pockets and Energy sigils.
most evasive build ever is double shortbow troll build haha… iv tried it once they can’t caught me not even once and i can only do slight dmg to single targets but good AOE cluster bomb dmg
I didn’t like it at first either but it grew on me after a while. It takes a bit of getting-used to but it’s still our most viable sPvP build.
We can agree that S/D is better than D/P thief for sPvP, but warrior and necro is still better.
Since you can switch char on the fly when it comes to sPvP, it seems to me it makes sense to play warrior and necro instead who are more OP, AND easier to play.
Every good build needs to be nerfed… Not just s/d thief. Basically every class has a build or builds that need nerfs.
We can agree that S/D is better than D/P thief for sPvP, but warrior and necro is still better.
Since you can switch char on the fly when it comes to sPvP, it seems to me it makes sense to play warrior and necro instead who are more OP, AND easier to play.
Yeah but dat Champion Shadow title doe.
Every good build needs to be nerfed… Not just s/d thief. Basically every class has a build or builds that need nerfs.
i guess anet developers are unware about the OPness of spike fear necros with:
they can drop from 8k ish hp to 0 AOE in just couple of secounds if you don’t have breakstun or multiple remove conditions your dead! + condi damage/fear dmg ignores armor what the heck!
(edited by Coloxeus.3480)
Ah, nevermind. I just realized the devs are going to start toning down evasion thieves whilst simultaneously introducing hard counters to stealth. I’m just going to go play a warrior until this whole thing blows over and not bother with the next 3 months of nerf bat syndrome.
It’s not that bad, they’re not “toning down evasion Thieves”, they’re toning down LS because two boons is too much for some classes (Guard, Ele) to handle, but will still be great when combined with BT.
Also, the “hard counters to stealth” is one utility on a Ranger that is rarely used. It’s not a good thing, but there’s no need for the doom and gloom, stick with it and try again.
There has been reason for doom and gloom for awhile now though. This recent Tequatl event just proves the unstable position of thieves. Any other class brings more utility, survivability and in this case even damage to that fight.
I was useful because I was a thief on the defense, anywhere else and I would have been fairly useless.
Dual Pistols + Ricochet pack quite the punch during Tequatl.
Far more than any other class I know of aside from Eles Ice Bow.