So... Patience wearing slightly thin.
In 4 sec Thief may only kill upleveled character in wvw, everybody else running toughness+vitality+?
If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.
Anet should bust base damage for it, but for now thief is nothing in spvp, scout and hand-blaster in wvw. Pve… well even autistic can follow champ train and run out from red circles.
Depends on the enemy. Uplevels… easy. Low armor… yep. Wounded… probably. High armor… nope. Skilled player… unlikely.
If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.
I frequently solo roam and skirmish. Deadly… nearly 50k kills and growing with a D/D build. There are only a handful of builds that I consider extremely dangerous 1v1 and even then they have to be played well.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
(edited by Straegen.2938)
In 4 sec Thief may only kill upleveled character in wvw, everybody else running toughness+vitality+?
If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.
Anet should bust base damage for it, but for now thief is nothing in spvp, scout and hand-blaster in wvw. Pve… well even autistic can follow champ train and run out from red circles.
Hi Malik,
I still find thieves to be one of the more effective classes in 1v1 if played very well.
Straegen, I might revert back to the d/d but im just so bad with c/d haha
Yes, but it takes entirely glass armor and trait selections. There’s no real halfway point on it since backstab (from the back ) only has a multiplier of 2.4. What you’re depending on is all of your traits and the use of all of your utilities to deliver such a hit. Other abilities that are channeled and some that are not (see eviscerate) have higher multipliers meaning you can spec more defensively and still deliver a very big hit. As an example, my toughness specced warrior typically hits higher crits on eviscerate than my semi-balanced thief does.
Backstab (no Assassins Signet):1770
Backstab ( + Assassins Signet):1929
Evis (level 2, no Signet of might): 1960
Evis (level 3, no SoM): 2352
Evis (level 2 + SoM): 2141
Evis (level 3 + SoM): 2570
The Thief has 2011 base power
The warrior has only 1943 base power (and 3200 armor and 19500 health).
TL:DR Thieves are very dependent on traits for their damage leading them to either lose effectiveness in ability to kill when traited for sustain or vise versa.
Aware of the build required to do maximum burst but that seems to only work with other medium & light class also with a high offensive build.