So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: intimidate much.1298

intimidate much.1298

Quick question, can thieves burst damage and kill an enemy in less than 4 seconds anymore despite the class ( 1v1 ) ? I personally believe not. Which makes me question why some other classes can like the Ele and Engineer amongst others. I am not here to complain about how perma-stealthing has been hit despite running dagger pistol. I never liked the idea of constantly heartseekering into blinding powder. But the hit at inititve regen makes me a little sad… as I like to run a sword pistol build in Pve this will sort of break my build as i aim for sustained damage over burst.. nerf after nerf i had never raised an eyebrow and welcomed them all with a smile. But as the title says..

so let me hear your thoughts and keep it clean, polite and mature please.

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: Malik.6781


In 4 sec Thief may only kill upleveled character in wvw, everybody else running toughness+vitality+?
If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.
Anet should bust base damage for it, but for now thief is nothing in spvp, scout and hand-blaster in wvw. Pve… well even autistic can follow champ train and run out from red circles.

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Depends on the enemy. Uplevels… easy. Low armor… yep. Wounded… probably. High armor… nope. Skilled player… unlikely.

If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.

I frequently solo roam and skirmish. Deadly… nearly 50k kills and growing with a D/D build. There are only a handful of builds that I consider extremely dangerous 1v1 and even then they have to be played well.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: intimidate much.1298

intimidate much.1298

In 4 sec Thief may only kill upleveled character in wvw, everybody else running toughness+vitality+?
If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.
Anet should bust base damage for it, but for now thief is nothing in spvp, scout and hand-blaster in wvw. Pve… well even autistic can follow champ train and run out from red circles.

Hi Malik,
I still find thieves to be one of the more effective classes in 1v1 if played very well.

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: intimidate much.1298

intimidate much.1298

Straegen, I might revert back to the d/d but im just so bad with c/d haha

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


Yes, but it takes entirely glass armor and trait selections. There’s no real halfway point on it since backstab (from the back ) only has a multiplier of 2.4. What you’re depending on is all of your traits and the use of all of your utilities to deliver such a hit. Other abilities that are channeled and some that are not (see eviscerate) have higher multipliers meaning you can spec more defensively and still deliver a very big hit. As an example, my toughness specced warrior typically hits higher crits on eviscerate than my semi-balanced thief does.

Backstab (no Assassins Signet):1770
Backstab ( + Assassins Signet):1929

Evis (level 2, no Signet of might): 1960
Evis (level 3, no SoM): 2352

Evis (level 2 + SoM): 2141
Evis (level 3 + SoM): 2570

The Thief has 2011 base power
The warrior has only 1943 base power (and 3200 armor and 19500 health).

TL:DR Thieves are very dependent on traits for their damage leading them to either lose effectiveness in ability to kill when traited for sustain or vise versa.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

So... Patience wearing slightly thin.

in Thief

Posted by: intimidate much.1298

intimidate much.1298

Aware of the build required to do maximum burst but that seems to only work with other medium & light class also with a high offensive build.