Staff is an odd weapon...
My god that’s a lot of micro-management of the auto-chain…do people actually do this? Is it even worth it to keep it queued up for the half-second of reflect or whatever it is?
If you want to solo Giganticus Lupicus as a Daredevil, then proper timing and management of the reflect portion is very helpful!
My god that’s a lot of micro-management of the auto-chain…do people actually do this? Is it even worth it to keep it queued up for the half-second of reflect or whatever it is?
I have made some LB rangers push themselves into their death with that. A more concret example (only the first fight).
So yeah having that in mind may be useful.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
My god that’s a lot of micro-management of the auto-chain…do people actually do this? Is it even worth it to keep it queued up for the half-second of reflect or whatever it is?
I have made some LB rangers push themselves into their death with that. A more concret example (only the first fight).
So yeah having that in mind may be useful.
Wow. That was pro. I gotta up my game. Thanks.
My god that’s a lot of micro-management of the auto-chain…do people actually do this? Is it even worth it to keep it queued up for the half-second of reflect or whatever it is?
I’m glad you learned something. I’m far far away to know how to effectively use all this but it seems awesome. Time to master another weapon set !
Micro-managing AA is honestly one of your best skills to have against ranged classes. It’s also good for learning how to stick and keep pressure on kiting foes; As you AA, you may need to dodge quickly in an emergency, but you can still continue raw sustained dps after dodging if you know how to manage it.
Micro-managing AA is honestly one of your best skills to have against ranged classes. It’s also good for learning how to stick and keep pressure on kiting foes; As you AA, you may need to dodge quickly in an emergency, but you can still continue raw sustained dps after dodging if you know how to manage it.
Yea, sometimes I forget how confortable shadowshot is as a gap closer…
I used to use such micromanagement on Ranger’s Greatsword autoattack all the time for an extension to the evade frames. X) Figured Thief’s reflection could be used the same way, but have not made good use of it just yet. :P
I used to use such micromanagement on Ranger’s Greatsword autoattack all the time for an extension to the evade frames. X) Figured Thief’s reflection could be used the same way, but have not made good use of it just yet. :P
It’s hard right ? only thing I could think of was AA #part 1 → AA part #2 → dodge → AA part #3 ( without touching anything ) → AA part #3 on the enemy and repeat.
I don"t get the balance yet between this chain and skill #3. I don’t know if we could do something like :
AA #part 1 → AA part #2 → skill #3 (without jump) → AA part #3 ( without touching anything ) → dodge in → AA part #3 on the enemy and repeat
Afaik if you reflect something with AA #3 AND if the reflected projectile it you will go back to AA #1 and Staff #3 doesn’t reset the AA chain only if it doesn’t hit.
The main point of creating distance between you and your target is to entice him to use ranged skills : a rifle warrior will rifle #5 or headbut you if you stay at melee but he is more likely to just gunflame or volley you if you stay “away”.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
Afaik if you reflect something with AA #3 AND if the reflected projectile it you will go back to AA #1 and Staff #3 doesn’t reset the AA chain only if it doesn’t hit.
The main point of creating distance between you and your target is to entice him to use ranged skills : a rifle warrior will rifle #5 or headbut you if you stay at melee but he is more likely to just gunflame or volley you if you stay “away”.
You are wrong on skill #3 I just tested it on golems in HoTM. Only the jumped version of skill #3 reset the AA chain on hit.