Stealth Cooldown Needed > min 2-5 seconds after last Stealth
There is a cooldown after exiting stealth. It’s called revealed, and it lasts 3 seconds. What you’re experiencing is what’s known as a rendering issue, where even after the Thief leaves stealth he does not show up on your screen for another second or two.
This is in no way the professions fault.
It was either the rendering issue, you’re exaggerating, or the Thief was hacking.
Next time a thief outsmarts your gang try using your brain and aoe instead of chacing something you can’t see….
It’s because of whiners like yourself that thieves lost they’re burst capabilities, now you’re trying to remove the thieves survivability, what’s next? The ability to log in?
There is a bug with stealth rendering so do not use it lasts three seconds excuse, its meant to fix that but the bug is stopping it from working right. For now they can basically perma stealth over and over to its fixed. To aoe them best bet is to have combat log open and watch for damage from one of the aoes. Channeled skills will still connect if it was used before a thief goes into stealth so necr roots with dagger will stop them in place once its done so that’s once way you can know where to aoe at least. Do not say that should be fixed, its magic it defies logic so do not complain channeled skills should not work that way because i might as well say your stealth shouldn’t make you invisible at that rate.
Another nerf thief thread… lick
If all 5 of you guys AoE’d he would be dead in a couple seconds.
All 5 of them all have to aoes up, finding him, and actually hitting him with those aoes :P
Stealth Cooldown Needed > min 2-5 seconds after last Stealth
in Thief
Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789
Uh, no. They just have to put the AoEs under their feet, and stand still.
Done, thief can’t approach, to recloak himself.
Another thread whining about invisible opponents. Because it’s SO IMPORTANT that you need to see your opponent to kill them, right?
This is a long-standing tradition in every MMO. No matter how weak or strong the stealth classes were, they were ALWAYS the ones that ppl whined about the most.
It’s like fear of the unknown – QQ about the unseen.
Those 5 players must be pros
Invisible opponents that can take 80% of a person health away in a single burst under 2 seconds is a valid complaint since there is few ways to actually stop it before it hits and then the thief vanish’s again. Necro can take the hit and fight back against it most times if the skills are up they need, same with guardians. Warriors shouldn’t have a issue taking the first burst but engineers, Mesmer (if know its the real one), ele’s, and other thieves will die before they have a chance to fight back in most cases not to mention if they are already lower on health.
Only if you build glass cannon. Thieves = counter to glass cannon. People saying ‘but I have 2100 toughness so I should tank’ are plain daft. I built a glass cannon thief before changing to my current 20/30/20/0/0 build, and had MORE TOUGHNESS than that. On a squishy class.
Lower 2000’s toughness is not high. It is low. Upper 2000’s (2700+), is fairly high and 3000’s is high.
Invisible opponents that can take 80% of a person health away in a single burst under 2 seconds is a valid complaint since there is few ways to actually stop it before it hits and then the thief vanish’s again. Necro can take the hit and fight back against it most times if the skills are up they need, same with guardians. Warriors shouldn’t have a issue taking the first burst but engineers, Mesmer (if know its the real one), ele’s, and other thieves will die before they have a chance to fight back in most cases not to mention if they are already lower on health.
If you’re going to go there, how about talking about confusion/condition mesmers that can 100-0 your 20k+ hp in 1 daze from the offhand pistol? How about the Moa elite? How about necros that have 3-4x their effective HP pool and still a metric ton of dps? How about warriors that can kill you in literally 2 seconds, no matter what class you are? How about eles who can stack 25 might and 2-3hit u.
I mean, I can go on, feel free to ask me about more examples, and then ask yourself: is a thief’s glass cannon burst really that much harder to avoid?
The point stands, that ppl like to complain about invisible opponents the most, regardless of how strong/weak they are. It’s annoying, it’s tiring, it’s banal, and it’s typical bads QQ-ing about things they shouldn’t QQ about.
Pet cooldown needed > min 2-5 days after last pet.
Also illusion cooldown>min 2-5 min.(plus 2-5 sec on the mesmers stealth).
Turret and minion too > min 2-5 min.
For Guardian i would suggest 2-5 min CD on passive aegis,regen,also on condition removals.
Infact any class that counter damage trough high natural toughness/HP instead of stealth must have a cd on armors.2 min geared,2-5 min naked.
Warrior can use 5-20 min cd on mechanic to gain adrenaline.
*ALSO 2-5 years CD on the WvW,because i am sick of whiners because of wrong-noobish-laggy-culling-gearbased impressions because of WvW.
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<
Invisible opponents that can take 80% of a person health away in a single burst under 2 seconds is a valid complaint since there is few ways to actually stop it before it hits and then the thief vanish’s again. Necro can take the hit and fight back against it most times if the skills are up they need, same with guardians. Warriors shouldn’t have a issue taking the first burst but engineers, Mesmer (if know its the real one), ele’s, and other thieves will die before they have a chance to fight back in most cases not to mention if they are already lower on health.
If you’re going to go there, how about talking about confusion/condition mesmers that can 100-0 your 20k+ hp in 1 daze from the offhand pistol? How about the Moa elite? How about necros that have 3-4x their effective HP pool and still a metric ton of dps? How about warriors that can kill you in literally 2 seconds, no matter what class you are? How about eles who can stack 25 might and 2-3hit u.
I mean, I can go on, feel free to ask me about more examples, and then ask yourself: is a thief’s glass cannon burst really that much harder to avoid?
The point stands, that ppl like to complain about invisible opponents the most, regardless of how strong/weak they are. It’s annoying, it’s tiring, it’s banal, and it’s typical bads QQ-ing about things they shouldn’t QQ about.
Yes it is much harder to avoid. I have a 80 necro and for tpvp setup I have a crap ton of hp (like35k) and toughness and guess whats hes meant todo is survive and i do it well since conditions and damage i take little of it with my bunker build. Not sure what you mean by them having a metric ton of damage when setup that way, any tips with that ill listen. For normal wvwvw and pve setups i prefer a power build myself which has a nice amount of damage and hp but not anyway near what you have in damage you can do to other players. For wvwvw in that setup i can survive the first burst but most times the thief will get away from me but i will at least be alive to fight back unlike others.
Mesmer setup that uses illusions + mind wrack and etc built to burst for like 20k is annoying but it still not as annoying as I find thieves to be because it does require a little more work them to do this. I also do not see this every bloody 5 minutes like I see a thief back stab build in wvwvw and tpvp. The Moa yeah i hate that thing but i can let it slide for this conversation since everyone hates it.
Warrior’s you can see coming, you can actually avoid it and hundred blades does miss often for warriors on its own. Yes they can kill many players if they do not quickly get away from him. They hit very hard and quickly thanks to there traits and has alot of health. Still not as annoying and far less of a pain then thieves with there burst damage and stealth.
Also i cant say ive had this happen to me while in wvwvw so I have no defense to it, eles hitting that hard is just something i have not noticed. Could be i thought it was the thief i was already fighting, or the aoes i was forced to slowly walk though, or maybe being hit by that cannon but i dont remember this every happening to me.
Now we can argue this to the end of time but many players will say this is alright and others will not claim its over powered. Me id be fine if stealth just had a slightly longer reuse. The patch has fixed that with the viable buff but there is a issue with rendering so it doesn’t work right yet. Once it does I dont think as many players will complain.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Heheh, Tuccos – why not roll up a thief that can accomplish these awesome feats you speak of, as it seems you rolled a mesmer to melt faces like wtftuesdaybbqbarbeque and probably died to a thief in WvW which brings you to our forum – I welcome thee.
Have to say considering the earlier posts you have been making:
I would highly suggest you analyze your posts and probably take it up from there – probably ask a nice person of <class x> which you play to give you tips on playing styles as it seems there seems to be some issues with that as well.
- TB
I see, quoting him:
“Why do we have to wait a full cooldown when a skill was cast out of range ? "
When I misjudge the distance, or there’s a bump in the terrain, and I miss a Scorpion Wire I think something like ‘You kitten you, next time pay more attention’.
I realize now I reacted completely wrong, in stead of trying to correct myself and adapt, I should complain on the forums. Noted.
Stop complain about thief, if 5 ppl can’t kill 1 thief they need to fix their problem.
Thre are other class that need fix:
Sweet Revenge for warrior with shark (no one can rally with shark, warrior can)
Elementalist, that can heal yourself in vapor form after downed and other can heal elementalist when they use vapor form in downed state.
And so many others.
if 5 ppl cannot kill 1 thief I think the problem is between the keyboard and the chair.
I got killed by a warrior tonight that used frenzy and then 100B before he even rendered on my screen.
Maybe they need a stealth nerf too… Oh wait.
On 2 separate occasions this weekend, as a P/D condition thief, I fought 2 different elementalists. One stood strong in his aoe circle and never moved and used his condition removals. The other ran all over trying to find me as I cnd’d and stacked 15-20 bleeds on him. Which fight do you think I won? And which one came to a forum whining I’m sure. I stealthed the same amount in the first fight as the second, only I took major damage anytime I had to get in close to cnd. I actually knew pretty quickly into the first fight that I couldn’t win, but I didn’t want to run.
Just put an end to the Blinking thiefs i have never seen a mmorpg where a rogue/thief can re-stealth free will every half second and laugh at their enemies inbetween.
2-5 seconds for a re-stealth should do it.
time to fix this !
Stealth Cooldown Needed > min 2-5 seconds after last Stealth
in Thief
Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789
Tuccos, that already exists. When a player attacks out of stealth, he becomes “revealed” for 3 seconds.
0/10 troll post (hopefully).
Otherwise looking at his history and you’ll see all he does is play a class, and complain that it’s underpowered and broken and all other classes need to be nerfed .
His thoughts on Rangers.
His thoughts on Mesmers.
His thoughts on ‘out of ranged/obstructions’ and skill CDs.
His thoughts on Thiefs (this thread :P).
By the way, just repeating what was already said in this thread:
Stealth has a CD in place (if you attack something from stealth). It’s 3secs. If you are seeing a Thief go into and out of stealth while attacking and it ‘looks’ like hes popping in and out every second, this is a game rendering issue, which has been discussed in length. Hopefully ANET will fix this, but until then, just lay down massive AoE where you see the thief (or if you can maintain it, lay it down around you). Not much else you can do at the moment.
I also want to add that this isn’t just Thieves, run around in a zerg or go against a zerg, dozens of players will jump into and out of view depending on the size of the zerg and how much you move around. Again, this is the game not fully rendering all the players in sight.
Edit for quote:
Just put an end to the Blinking thiefs
i have never seen a mmorpg where a rogue/thief can re-stealth free will every half second and laugh at their enemies inbetween.
2-5 seconds for a re-stealth should do it.
time to fix this !
No Thief can restealth every 1/2 for free. They are either using a 30ish+ second utility CD (admittedly you can have all 3 utility skills stealth you…but most if not no Thief does this), or Cloak and Dagger (costs 5 initiative – down to 3 if talented, needs to hit a target in melee)
(edited by Topher.1684)