Showing Posts For Tuccos.8592:

I do enjoy journey for my Legendary :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Hope that comment made you feel better about your life, lol.

yea better at the beach surfing some while getting tanned skin meeting nice girls than 1350 hours at my desk with a mouse and keyboard on it or drinking tons of Ice tea and meeting the Pizza boy every day because i have nothing else in mind but playing a computer game ….

i already felt good dude ……. very good even !

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


MF doesnt do anything, i told that to many players , they ran around with crap DPS and defense just for MF.

If MF would be so great, ANet wouldnt sell any Gems…

Why are drop rates so bad in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Because they want you to buy gems from the store to exchange them for gold.

right, thats business as usual……..

I do enjoy journey for my Legendary :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Hmm 1350 hours in 4 months, that’s over 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day.

That’s what I’ll think now every time I see somebody with a legendary.

sad isnt it ? just sad what young people do with their lifetime these days…..

this guy writes as if it is honorable to play a game for 1350 hours.

(edited by Tuccos.8592)

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Nope…. i lost trust and the believe about this company

Dec 14th Minions still broken but >>>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


“Warlock” is what we have in GW2…. there is no Necro in GW2 yet

a Necro is something else

How do YOU use death shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


i used it when my HP went below 50% as emergency skill or when i had to tank champions which i could do better than some tank classes with all the selfheals.

in wvw as anti thief reaction to buy some seconds before i died

Dec 14th Minions still broken but >>>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Aoi dont waste your time man, its not worth it. the worthy emotions you put into this are wasted.

you can post on this forum until the end of days and you wont get heared by the people you want to get attention of.

play your necro as is or just start a warrior or play another game. there wont be any fast and good changes. the devs are busy with happy new year textures and probaly they work on the eastern celebration textures for april. they have no time for Necromancer class fixes.

if they change something in the near future then that will be more “optimized” underwater skills which anyway only 1% of all players use….

I hit a landmark! 1000+ hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


1000 hours……… in a computer game… ….. Jezus let wisdom rain down on them

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


i am playing champions online atm, i am back to GW2 once the Patch notes say >>

“Necromancer class improved”
All Minions regen HP out of combat
AI/Pathing of Minions has been optimized they now all attack
Dagger now has a chance to hit additional targets and has its damage increased
Axe now attacks 3 targets like Ranger Axe 1 , increased damage
DS skills have faster cooldowns
DS UI removed
Fear duration increased , necro should have the best fear
Traits reworked, more logical chains that make sense

Necro vs Thief

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


The ability to down someone in 2-3 seconds just needs to be removed, period. Who the hell thinks that’s engaging PvP? There’s nothing you can effin do! I’ve been nice and polite in my various posts here, but kitten ANet, wth is that crap? I’m dead before I can even get off a heal or the blinding well. Not even 15 minutes ago I was in WvW in DS – full bar – and suddenly, BAM! I’m out of DS and in the down state because of a single thief. Wtf?

i have a L80 thief and i havent played him since weeks but yes i can down lets say a Ranger in under 5 sec ignoring his pet and concentrating on him. if i am mean i blind them both before and watch him jumping around while he dies…….. he wont get a hit off ……. fair ? no its not but its fun for some people. i did it a few times and had a bad feeling about it. parked Thief and leveled Necro, Ranger, mesmer and Guardian instead.

The ultimate necromancer dmg-hybrid(tutorial)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


a thief still destroys you in a few seconds and so does a Warrior or dagger elemenentalist…… usually before you even got off any skills…

zipp zipp zipp zapp zipp = dead necro 30k HP + DS gone

Necro vs Thief

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


ANet just has to improve Armors effect (pvp/wvw only) and make it 200-300% more effective for all classes that would slow down burst DPS and give everyone a chance to react in PvP/WvW.

for example:

2500 armor today = +30% resist
2500 armor after = +50%-80% resist

just fictive values….

fights woule become more interesting that way and there wouldnt be any 2-3 second or instant kills anymore.

PvP/WvW fights should never last only 2-3 seconds or even less in my opinion, in no game that should happen. its cooler if the fights lasts a bit and players can use their skills instead of beeing instant killed.

Crit build, Survivor (PvE/WvW)[Update 2]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


@Tuccos That would be useful in PVE but not so much in WvW where minions are next to useless. In dungeons minions are also not that useful because of their low health pool (and the massive amount of high damaging AoE dungeon mobs/bosses throw at you). Also I prefer my stat distribution since I dislike using pets (mostly because of the state they are in now) and I find that faster LF generation has saved my life more often than having higher toughness/vitality. In your build there also seems to be no critical damage which would greatly decrease your damage output (excluding pets of course).

my build is good. i solo champions and i do great in dungeons. i am usually the last man standing in groups.

i kill level 80 mobs in 3-5 seconds and i am able to solo up to 1-8 mobs at once in Orr with ease. Dagger DPS + Focus does that.

i usually never loose more than 20% HP if ever.

while other classes fight one enemy in Orr i kill 5 at the same time…… if i want to play another build i port to WvW and retrain to something else in 5 minutes…

dont make a mystery out of the GW2 builds. This game isnt complicated enough to make a science out of it.

its made for 8+ year olds, 5 skills, 3 utils and one elite + a few traits which are easy to understand even for childs. Only Elementalist has 4 ways of gameplay but that shouldnt be a problem for a 10+ year old either.

this isnt Everquest or Anarchy Online , this is GW2 , its easy and an average veteran mmorpg player finds out the best possibilities for every situation for every class after a few hours………

this whole Necro science is a joke as simple as this class is….. same counts for all other classes in this game. Dont make a science out of a childs game….. its not complicated enough..

overall some players seem to take games like this far to serious, 1% here or 1% there and for that they do research for days and weeks as if theres nothing other important to do on this planet. at the end they have 5% more crit or 1000 more HP for days and weeks of wasted lifetime. Nerds are a growing species on this earth and it seems to continue like that for a while…..

have a nice one

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


This is a great thread. Keep it up and we will use it t help figure out all of the issues.



yes do that……. 3 weeks ago he said that……. nothing else came from devs but this since then …… cool really ! Now we know you care about us necros …….

did he ever pass by here again after this ?

/ironic off

Crit build, Survivor (PvE/WvW)[Update 2]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


i leveled to 80 with a pure +crit build never had less than 50% crit , used Vampirism lifeleech, minion HP transfer ,Lifeleech food and lifeleech on the weapon + 10 prec x 25 sigil + focus heal

full Knight armor tough, vit , prec

PvE tanking as Necro is good if the pets work and heal you. i was able to solo +10 level MOBs all the time with dagger and capped Bonus xp all the time after level 65ish. but i did the same as ranger (even +13 levels) and thief so nothing special at all….

p.s traits 30 toughness, 30 vitality and rest precicion . think i had 2800 armor and 25k HP 56% crit and still like 2600 Attk. Mobs dropped like flies but i havent logged on since a few weeks.

(edited by Tuccos.8592)

Stop discussing Minion AI/pathing .....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


If they try to figure it out………..

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


you can debug all you want here, its pointless…. no one at Anet cares.

but my compliments to you guys, you collected some good info and data which serious developers would be thankful for and try to work with this community instead of just igoring it.

i ask myself where this leads to in 1-2 years………

Stop discussing Minion AI/pathing .....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


because the developers long know about the broken Minions, probaly since beta and they just ignore it since then. they sincerly saw all the complaints here on the forums. they sincerly have the broken Pets on their Agenda, but probaly not before Spring 2013.. if ever. i beth not one Anet developer plays a Necromancer, well why should he ?

its pointless to further discuss if or why and when a Minion attacks or not or how bad the pathing is. they, the devs have better things to do. Warriors could use a few more buffs, guardians arent good enough yet…

play another class, one without pets or minions and enjoy the game..

The developers here are aware but do not care…… obviously

My Necro feels very weak, need advice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


play warrior instead

Minions are still not attacking Dec.21st

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


i just thought ill check out my necromancers Minions once more after almost 2 weeks break.

Flesh Golem and all other mellee Minions are still broken and just watch the battles instead of attacking…

So sad to see all kind of stuff, content added to this game weekly which i wont actually ever see because i just feel bad login into the game with my broken Minion Necromancer….

I am off again to play something else….. maybe january is the month for Necros … if some Developers feel like fixing the Minions…..

i am glad this isnt a subscribtion based game otherwise i would freak out…

December 14 patch notes - Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


this patch is a colossal cheek for necromancers. ANet just laughs about us while buffing and improving other classes.

Almost got excited about Terror

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


they hate us necromancers

Plague Blast

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


as if we ever play underwater……

i played like 3% of my GW2 time underwater and that was in the starter area…

Rename Necro to Warlock or Demon Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


and create a real Necromancer class please.

Necromancers benefit from enemy corpses
Necromancers have life transfering DoT´s
Necromancers can heal huge areas with the Life of their enemies not just 240 Radius
Necromancers have a real FEAR not just a 1-2 sec joke
Necromancer summon Skeletons
Necromancer summon Zombies
Necromancer summon Ghosts
Necromancer summon Vampires
Necromancer summon Ghouls
Necromancer use dead bodies to buff theirselfes and their group
Necromancer lets dead corpses explode for AoE damage
Necromancer Buffs HP and HP regen while draining from enemies

The class ANet created as Necromancer is a Warlock or Demon Master and should be named like one of either.

This class has almost nothing to do with classic necromancer and it has nothing to do with Necromancer lore. The only Necromancer thing this class has are the tiny lifetaps on critical hits called Vampirism…..

Demon Pets are DEMON MASTER

Undead Pets are NECROMANCER

Something went wrong with the basic design of this class. I think someone started to design this class as a Demon Master and someone else thought it sounds better to call it Necromancer.

This class is a Warlock Class which includes Demon Masters

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I’m serious. Don’t do it.

I am not and will never be a minion master. Even if the art didn’t look like it was straight out of Nick at Nite, spending my days supporting bots isn’t what I chose the class for.

Many of the people on the forums complain about minion AI… but back in the game they’re playing conditionmancers or freezers or power shrouds. The complaints aren’t because they’re secretly yearning to load their skillslots with blood fiends, it’s because the error is so glaringly obvious that we can’t help but point it out as visible proof of the neglect the class is getting.

So don’t fix MM’s and think we’ll be happy. We won’t. There will be like five necros who go “gosh, I better go change over to a minion build!” unless you screw up and make the minions OP. Especially since we’d then have to trait OUT of mm every time we enter a dungeon that feeds on minions.

Proof? Look at the patch notes thread. You addressed the insignificant issue of jagged horror life length, but ignored the far more pressing issue that you’re forcing them down our throats. Result? Anger. Change this already to let us opt out. I promise you that there aren’t any builds in the build thread that you’re going to screw up by moving reanimator to a higher minor or even to a major slot(with buffs).

Instead, fix the more substantial issues. You can find them easily, it’s not like we’re hiding the problems, it’s just that bashing minions is easy. We didn’t realize that you’d fix ONLY the minions, or we’d have kept our mouths shut.

Leave the minions dead and buried where they belong. And stop forcing us to use them!

you should ask for a WARLOCK class added to this game for your demands.

You seem to have no clue about “Necromancer” lore……..

Necro had and should always have undead Minions, not like in Guild Wars 2 tough because that class is something between Warlock and Demon Master.

I dont see Ghouls, Zombies, as Minions etc etc ….

Dec 14th Minions still broken but >>>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


We got some finishers for Underwater Skills now. Lets all fight underwater !

/irony off

This patch was a joke for necros, the minions bevave as bad as before.

Minion Necromancers are beeing ignored again…………. this patch was = ZERO interesting for us.

AHH ! no !! i can run with +25% runspeed now………..

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


No Necro Minion changes at dec 14th. Maybe some minor skill fixes but nothing about Pets. I cant imagine they worked on the AI and just ignoring all the Necro complain posts here on the forums without telling us that they are working on it.

I say nothing will happen. No Christmas gift for Necros

But well i guess my wifes Warrior will get a few buffs, fixes and changes

[Sugestion] Overhaul of the minions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


nothing will happen until mid next year about Necro Minions. They are not important on their to do list. Maybe the Ranger fixes somehow affect Necro Minions.

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


This is a great thread. Keep it up and we will use it t help figure out all of the issues.




Well this response is nice but ruins all the hope i had for Minion AI fixes for the dec. 14th. Its comming 4-6 weeks to late…. Minion Necros have a hard time, no one at Anet cares about them since month.

Its clear that Anet knows about the crappy Minion AI in GW2 since Beta but they ignored it and did something else. Well Warrior got their finishers, that sadly was more importand than fixing Minion AI for Necro, Mesmer, Thief and Rangers..

If a new player joins GW2 and starts a Minion Necromancer because he loves pets, the 1st impression about GW2 after a few hours wont be good. I dont know why no ANet responsible agrees with this. AI would be one of the 1st priority issues on my Agenda..

Necromancer minions broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


one month has passed and nothing happened( very sad

just found this posting and i wonder why no one at Anet cares about broken Necromancer Minions.

Not even a statement……… its just sad

Commanders in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


if the commander runs events in ORR i am fine with his Icon. Better for all.

If he just has it on for showoff i usually send them a tell and ask them if they have no friends or anything that gives them the feeling of getting respect in real life….

but sadly some of the commander TAG wearing players are really poor creatures that only seem to get the feeling of being someone important in a computer game which they play 18 hours a day ignoring school, job, friends and family…..

Minionmancer hate.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


i leveled to 80 with a minion build somehow, if it the pets would work Minions could be nice..

half of the minions are often just standing around , broken or whatever

parking necro now until minions are fixed.

fix for minios ?

i think not before feb 2013

Lich Form or Flesh Golem?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


i only used Flesh Golem from 30 to 80.

When i saw the 180 seconds cooldown on Plague and Lich i had to laugh and at the same time been kitten off. not even enough time to experiment with the skills so fast it ends and then wait 3 minutes to test again ?

i took them both anyways around level 70 but i am not impressed and the 180 sec cooldown prevents me from using the skills.

So overall i have used lich once and plague once in a few days and kept the broken Golem which prefers to stand around and do nothing.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I say ANet is not fixing the broken Pet AI and they are not fixing or correcting the confuse Necro Traits either.

The December patch wont do anything good to Necros. The fact that one of the ANet developers >officially< wasnt aware of all the Necro problems until last week lets me think that nothing will happen until Feb 2013. If earlier then, ok i am sorry.. but i doubt it.

My Necro just turned Level 80 and i am done with him for now……….

i dont care anymore, my work is done until they bug fix the pets and bring the traits into a state which makes sense.

not sure what to do next, i have 3 L80is and some 30-50is meanwhile. maybe taking a break from GW2.

Minion Necro vs AoE Mobs very sad >>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


it takes two “2” stupid normal L54 spiders to take out all my pets with 2 AoEs………….

1st spider Aoe = All minions down to 50% (with +50% HP trait)

Minions not regenerating HP out of combat and no Heal for them either but this weak heal Well which would eliminate my Blood Fiend and give me a 30 sec cooldown.

2nd Spider = All minions dead

Ah i forgot !!

The Flesh Golem is still alive… He stood far away and did nothing at all…..

Its so sad to see how ANet treats Necromancers that want to play with Pets… i feel somehow insulted by ANet because of their ignorance for us Necros.

ETA on Minions AI?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Well, they can write working AI for hundreds of attacking Centaurs , Undead NPCs for events but not for Necro Minions ? Something is weird here…

Ever thought about that if they fix Necro Minion AI, Necros could become to good for PvE with a Death Magic build ?

i have the impression ANet could fix the AI but they dont want to…….

If they could reduce Warrior Player AI they would do it

Minion Necro could be fine if.....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


the minions would work and not stand still while i fight. The Flesh Golem is the worst of all. He looks nice but 75% of all fights he does nothing.

I have a Death Magic build that could work pretty well if all minions would attack my target and heal me instead of doing nothing.

i found out how to get 99% agro and tank for my pets using Dagger/Focus. the heals i get per minion hit is not much but if all minions would work it could be a good build for solo pve. Also the small life siphon works ok with a fast dagger.

Also +50% HP for Minions works wonders, they often survive a Veteran with almost full HP if i manage it to taunt the MOB´s on me. The Area DS Heal also helps every 35sec.

Death Magic could be awesome if the Minions AI wouldnt be broken…..

Now add Minion HP regen and fix their crappy AI, pathing and Necro would be on the same Level as Warriors, Guardians, Rangers in PvE. The resummon cooldowns are to long even with 20% reduction. i dont want to wait longer than 8 seconds to recast a pet. currently 16 sec is the fastest…

Well builds could be nice too but their long cooldown and only 900 Range isnt good enough for me in WvW.

I also wonder why my characters stats dont influent all my Minions.
Some of my Toughness, Precicion, Power and Vitality should transfer to my Minions to make them more individual. If i want more Tanky Minions i stack Toughness , if i want more criticals i just Stack precicion. the pets could get 10-20% of my stats. That would help alot.

All togheter in WvW that all wouldnt change much because the pets die in 5 sec with or without extra Stats anyways….

(edited by Tuccos.8592)

Can we at LEAST have minions regen?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Only HP regen for all pets would make sense for a necro class. Pet Necro players are sick and tired of running around with almost dead Pets all time and enter next fight with the feeling that it starts with an AoE that just killes all pets together in one shot….

Anet isnt doing much in the last days anyway, i guess i let my wife play her warrior for a few weeks before i try Necro again.

AH sorry ! Its not a Necro, its a Warlock !! …… i forgot…. the class just got the wrong name..

TAB targeting needs some rework please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


well not to many people seem to care about TAB targeting..

i guess they still target via Mouse Pointer….

Lock Skills if target is out of Range please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Either lock skills completly if a target is out of range or reduce the cooldown for an out of range used skill please. The current way that a skill just shots and gets a full cooldown is no fun.

thank you

TAB targeting needs some rework please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


While in combat this all happens to me when trying to TAB target in GW2

  • I target an Onion , Bush or another collectible
  • I target a MOB/player 3000 or 5000 feet away and unreachable
  • I target something completely out of sigh, behind me or where ever
  • I target another MOB instead the MOB i fight
  • Overall i target everything but the target i would like to target..
  • in WvW TAB target doesnt work well at all, it targets MOA´s, Deer´s instead of enemy players and if then out of range even if some are melleeing you.

GW 2 has no Encounter lock where i can only TAB between attacking enemies
GW 2 has no filter which disables collectibles as TAB target while in combat
GW 2 has no logical TAB target Max range while in combat

Nearest Target is no solution

i am sure Anet knows all that, i just wonder when they start fixing TAB targeting

On necros being "broken"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I got my Necro to Level 20 finally and that only because i have a few 80is already and got bored so i rolled a necro alt to try out this class.

I am shocked how bad the design of this class is, The signets, the traits the Utilities they all look like designed in the last minute before release.

>> Pet agro is almost impossible to overwrite by the player, i can do what i want the enemy wont get off my pets and so after every fight my pets are at 5-50% HP

>> whats the point of playing with almost dead pets all time ? Why arent these beings healing up ? Give all Necro Pets regen now ! i am sick and tired of running around with a almost beaten pet army.

>> Blood fiend can heal me but not himself ?? Blood fiend should be an group AoE heal effect to round up the necro.

>> Blood fiend takes more agro than anything else, he should not take any agro at all, and the Blood fiend needs to heal himself

>> Bone Minions often do nothing, they just stand there and die… ??!!!? What is that ?? Anet wasnt able to fix this until now ??

>> Lack of good passive Signets.. A little bit Power and 10% runspeed are the only usefull signets so far.

>> Utilities are all on horrible long cooldowns, most of them need to be reduced by at least 50%

>> Dead Shroud is a complete fail. Its slow it ends to fast and the skills are mostly fail designed. The LF AoE is the only i use and thats on 35s cooldown…. omg !

>> the Trait Vampiric Precicion Siphons 8 HP on a critical at level 20 ???? What is 8HP at level good for ?? my goodness this should heal for at least 25HP per crit

>> Traits , i checked them all and i see many things that should be exchanged

>> Who needs DS traits ?? Lifeforce ?? I want normal Hit Points as Necro and not Lifeforce ! overall i have no interest to use this Dead Shroud at all.

>> Minions , whats the point of these endless long cooldowns after a minion died before i can resummon him ? Why cant i just recast and summon my pets like in othergames ? why do you let me wait 30 seconds before i can continue to play ?

From all classes i played Necromancer makes no sense at all.

Ranger 80, Warrior 20, Engineer 20 , Elementalist32, Thief 80 , Guardian 47, Mesmer 35

All classes need some fixes but Necro really needs a complete re-design…

Start to give Necro Minions HP regen out of combat and improve their AI…….

i prefer to level my Elementalist next……

p.s i just tried Reanimator “JAGGED HORROR” >> The minion is dead before i can attack another Mob because its bleeding ? What is that please ? and even on a 30 sec cooldown ?? come on…….

(edited about a minute ago by Tuccos.8592)

(edited by Moderator)

All pets/minions need normal regeneration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I loved to play Necromancer in RIFT, AoC, EQ1,EQ2,DaoC, Vanguard etc etc etc……. but in Guildwars 2 its something else, its not better , no its worse than all other games ever offered as necro Class.

I love to have Pets and the main reason i dont play this strange Necroclass in GW 2 is because the pets just loose HP but dont regen any HP back after combat. Thats most disturbing for me because i have never played a necromancer were pets just loose HP and die.

In addition i dislike this strange cooldown that activates after a pet died, i want to recast my pets after they died and not 20-30 seconds later. This just slows me down and ruins smooth gameplay..

I know the Pets/minions can be healed but thats not enough for me to become interested in this class. Its just to strange.

These Minions and Pets should all have HP regen like the Ranger Pets have and i mean all the smallest up to the biggest should heal.

One Necro pet has this regen thats why i see many necros just with this one big pet but isnt it a waste ?

The whole necro class in GW2 should be deleted and redesigned the way other games show it. GW2 has stolen so many features of other games why not simply copy/paste the necro class from successful mmorpgs with some special features ?

The best Necros in GW2 are those without Minions/pets and thats not a Necromancer

The Necro in GW2 is no necro its something like a Warlock………..

RENEAME this class to Warlock and create a real Necromancer class

Thank you

Opinion: Orr and Southsun Cove are player unfriendly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I really wish they had made Ruins of Orr and Southsun Cove more player friendly.

i hate these two maps, why couldnt they create these maps more Solo player friendly ?

In Orr players are perma stressed by perma attacking mobs and in Southsun cove the Mobs hit so hard that a normal equiped player dies in 2-3 hits….

Orr needs a revamp, less mobs more exploration without permanent fleeing from mob crowds. Its no fun there..

not more to say … that was all….

Thiefs & PvE doesnt work well.....

in Thief

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


ok will try out your suggestions. thnx

Thiefs & PvE doesnt work well.....

in Thief

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


from Level 1 – 80 thiefs in PvE are weak and weaker compared to the PvE content.

You can max out + Vit and end up with 18k-20 HP and have kittened DPS
You can max out + Toughness end up with 2200 Armor and have kittened DPS
You can max out +Prec +Power and end up with 12k HP and die from a few hits

>> Shortbow = its simply horrible weak takes forever to kill something only 900 Range
>> Pistol = to weak to slow and only 900 range

> Sword is horrible, slow and the skills are no fun…
> Dagger only hits one target …. why ? Why cant dagger hit for 130 Range like the warriors Axe does ??

Shotbow damage needs a +50-70% damage boost and a range increase or a speed boost…..

With shortbow and pistol even down leveled to level 10 it takes a long time to kill something.

never mind how you do it, Thiefs for PvE are horrible. They can spam Blindness yes… is that the way to have fun ? no its not.

As L80 down leveled to Level 10 my character has less HP than he really had at Level 10.

As Level 80 down leveled to 40 a champion can still kill me with 2 hits.

Thiefs are horrible for a little harder PvE content and theres no way to specc them for better defense or alot of HP never mind how much +VIT +Tough gear you give to him, they will always be weak in PvE because they rely on +CRIT% which would be to low on a defense setup….

If a thief has 2-3 mobs to fight he usually ends up close to dead if ever…….

WHO would like a Thief in their PvE group ?

Answer > No one wants a thief because Warrior and even Guardians can do better than Thiefs

Give Thiefs a better position in PvE …. thnx

(edited by Tuccos.8592)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


this is the last thing i am saying in this Ranger forum of doom..

Delete your Ranger and play Warrior if you want Range damage, or play Thief if you want to destroy someone in a few seconds.

goodbye Ranger forum….. this class cant be fixed for pvp

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


50 feet after leaving the border i met an enemy thief , he was jumping and wanted me to leave the safe area, he was so hot to attack me i known i would die.

So i left the safe area and 2-3 sec later i was dead and logged out , my so mighty L80 ranger with his pet doing something else while i got killed ……. I wonder why they gave Rangers a pet…..

And then I did the only logical step after this lovely experience…

I logged to my L60 thief and i will never look back to my Ranger and probaly delete him..

In addition i will level my Warrior and my Engineer

Ranger is the worst and most useless class in this game…….. And Thief still destroy everyone in 2-3 sec…

and i am going to have fun with my Thief now…. Take care Rangers …..

p.s i usually dont delete L80 or Maxed out chars in mmo´s but i think i wont miss my Ranger and somehow it wont hurt..

Just do away with thief invisibility

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


Give thiefs the opportunity to have their >Alpha Strike< out of stealth, do their burst but dont give them a way to re-stealth again after they showed up because that would be magic and part of a mage class.

Re-Stealth is the weird thing thiefs can do. I cant imagine someones attacking me in real life from behind then dissapears into nothingness and i just cant see him anymore. Thats completly stupid.

Invisibility belongs to mages (Mesmers) and not to thiefs if at all………