Stop nerfing us
as a fellow i thief i feel like the reason why people say thief are op is not because of back stab or stealth but heart seeker strike being able to be spammed…as a thief i feel like we do not need to spam HS for our dps so i think raising the initiative cost will stop a majority of the whining. what do you guys think i don’t want the skill to be changed like its function because i need that for my d/p build
but i also think i don’t need to spam that skill. Thoughts?..
Spamming HS on a full health target does less dps than an autoattack and wastes all of your initiative. It’s not OP at all, in fact it’s a really really daft thing to do. Your opponent is likely to win if you do that.
Now, if you’re spamming HS on a target that is low, that’s a good thing to do. It’s a smart thing to do, it doesn’t take much skill no, but you know what, that’s the thief’s strength, skirmishing. It doesn’t take much skill for a guardian to press 6 7 8 or whatever your keybinds are and condition cleanse and boon all his allies, while proccing a massive amount of Altruistic healing healing (not a typo). You just have to know when and where to do it.
Heartseeker is hardly OP, haven’t seen or heard anyone complain about it in months
Thief is blatantly overpowered in WvW, but little more than a minor annoyance in PvP. I would go as far as to say many things in PvP require a buff when considering a Thief.
Thief is blatantly overpowered in WvW
Youre just a bad player if you cant handle thieves.
(edited by wish.1027)
Maybe that zerg was crap?
Zacchary, a party of 5 skilled Thieves can easily pick off 2-3 players and kill them every 15 seconds. Try it sometime, get organized, get a team of decent Thieves, and try it.
3 Stealthed-based berserker D/P players
2 Acrobatics based S/D Thieves
The Zerg cannot kill you, and you can just keep coming back picking them off.
Did you know that the moment the Thief gets CCed its game over? I have seen it every time as a thief and against other thieves. Its amazing what constant cripple can do.
Oh look, it’s one of those Guardians.
fixed that for you. Cause ya know, reading my sig is hard.
Thief is blatantly overpowered in WvW, but little more than a minor annoyance in PvP. I would go as far as to say many things in PvP require a buff when considering a Thief.
The only thing that Thieves can do in WvW is cap supply camps, burst down bads, and run away from fights that they’re losing; obviously you’re one of the former.
Oh look, it’s one of those Thieves.
If you actually need me to explain why Thieves are WAY more useful/stronger than any other class in WvW, then you need to honestly rethink your class. In PvP, they suck, and I doubt you could even scratch me in it, since I doubt you’re any good. In WvW, they dominate. A group of skilled Thieves can, as I have seen it, wear down a zerg to virtually nothing over time.
Please do oh MightyAltroll! Because anything you say will no doubt be absolutely hilarious!
all is vain
as a fellow i thief i feel like the reason why people say thief are op is not because of back stab or stealth but heart seeker strike being able to be spammed…as a thief i feel like we do not need to spam HS for our dps so i think raising the initiative cost will stop a majority of the whining. what do you guys think i don’t want the skill to be changed like its function because i need that for my d/p build
but i also think i don’t need to spam that skill. Thoughts?..
anyone else get the vibe this is a thief hater in disguise? i mean its pretty common knowledge that A) HS is less dmg than auto attack at higher HP amounts , andby the time target has under 50% hp we are pretty much close if not out of initiative and cant spam anything. :P seriously cmon
Yesterday I was killing thieves on my Necromancer faster than they can blink. In one on one fights they might run away, but in big fights, and when they try to stomp anyone, 2 seconds is all the time I need to down them.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Did you know that the moment the Thief gets CCed its game over? I have seen it every time as a thief and against other thieves. Its amazing what constant cripple can do.
<_< You mean…eh nvm…eventually you’ll figure it out…but no, CC isn’t always the end. Play some sPvP and you’ll become uber slippery.
So, he is that guy with the QQ thread after his Metrodancer got spanked in WvW and stating what a versed PvP-pro player he was.
Somehow he seems to still stick around, commenting every nerf/buff thread about thieves. I dont reallly read him in the Metrodancer forums though.
Hm,… what should I say…
I somehow can not take you seriously mate. Sorry, just being honest.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Yesterday I got jumped by two berserkerthieves in WvW.
I downed 1, SR -> Ress -> 2x Basivenom and as soon as I was under 50% hp, they Heartseekered me to death.
I could cry about this. Or I could think about what happened.
I knew there were 2 Zerkerthieves and after downing one it was me who decided to stay near the Shadow Refuge. It was me who decided to fight near their Blind and Stunspamming NPCs and it was me who only played with one stunbreaker.
It was also me who was to lazy to change condiremove against Iniregen on Stealth before re-engaging.
I made 4 fatal errors and that got me killed in PvP.
I moved on and so should everone else.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
Yesterday I got jumped by two berserkerthieves in WvW.
I downed 1, SR -> Ress -> 2x Basivenom and as soon as I was under 50% hp, they Heartseekered me to death.I could cry about this. Or I could think about what happened.
I knew there were 2 Zerkerthieves and after downing one it was me who decided to stay near the Shadow Refuge. It was me who decided to fight near their Blind and Stunspamming NPCs and it was me who only played with one stunbreaker.
It was also me who was to lazy to change condiremove against Iniregen on Stealth before re-engaging.I made 4 fatal errors and that got me killed in PvP.
I moved on and so should everone else.
Yep pretty sure all thieves do a lot of fatal errors, only difference is that they can escape with ease… the “non thieves” players can’t,
Good puppy, you are understanding the point !
Meh…. honestly, it’s useless to whine. All thieves play the same, so there is no sense of embarrassment when one kills me. I feel more accomplished dying to a guardian,necro, pretty much any class except mesmer, because I know that fight will last more than a few minutes, and I won’t be blinded half the time, wondering where my opponent vanished off to. It’s just one of those things. Thieves don’t have to build any Defense at all except for signets. Shadow arts and deadly arts, thats all they seem to be putting points into load up on PWR CRIT and CRIT DMG and go to town. There is no diversity in the thief class, whether it’s D/P or D/D or S/D pretty much every build and gear setup is the same. That’s the thief’s major problem. That and they have prec and crit dmg in one line…
Yep as i said invisibility is a broken mechanism who allows players to run literaly with no toughness at all and abuse it with outstanding damage,
As a thief the only skill you need is recognize when you must stop wasting iniciative in order to retreat and find another less skilled player to kill,
If i’m able to outperform by far a thief i feel like i should be rewarded and the thief punished with a repair bill,
Nowdays any thief with half brain is able to escape, that’s why i’m playing my mesmer more and more, just to kill and dance over this guys,
If one day the thief profesion becomes a challenge I will play it again, until then it will just gather dust,
so i am bad at pvp/wvw
that won’t me stop asking for thief nerfs !
your truly,
a bad plaier
(edited by DanH.5879)
And this is where Engels is telling us, that mesmer is the real challenge in PvP.
Hahaha, haha, ha.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
And this is where Engels is telling us, that mesmer is the real challenge in PvP.
Hahaha, haha, ha.
Take it easy… I play a lot of classes, “legendary guy” hehe
I have played and mained every class you have in your signature and they are all a faceroll.
Because GW2 is a faceroll when it comes to PvP.
But the biggest faceroll for me was mesmer. So big, that I only used her for crafting since november.
For you it is thief.
Please tell me now, what of those: “Lv80 Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, Thief” is challenging in any way?
If you now say ranger, Imma slap you in the face <3.
PD: Yes, I like to show off my legendaries so that ppl know that I am not only better in PvP than they are, but also better at trading. Because I am smarter. And more handsome.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
As a thief the only skill you need is recognize when you must stop wasting iniciative in order to retreat and find another less skilled player to kill,
if you are not a skilled thief, then yes. If you are a skilled thief you will try to break the bunkers and good players instead of running away.
People complaining that bad thiefs can kill bad players and thief has no challenge to it are just… meh
The challenge is to fight good players, not the bad ones.
If i’m able to outperform by far a thief i feel like i should be rewarded and the thief punished with a repair bill,
If you outperform a thief “by far” he wont be able to get away.
If one day the thief profesion becomes a challenge I will play it again, until then it will just gather dust,
People complaining that bad thiefs can kill bad players and thief has no challenge to it are just… meh
The challenge is to fight good players, not the bad ones.
I have played and mained every class you have in your signature and they are all a faceroll.
Because GW2 is a faceroll when it comes to PvP.But the biggest faceroll for me was mesmer. So big, that I only used her for crafting since november.
For you it is thief.
Please tell me now, what of those: “Lv80 Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, Thief” is challenging in any way?
If you now say ranger, Imma slap you in the face <3.
PD: Yes, I like to show off my legendaries so that ppl know that I am not only better in PvP than they are, but also better at trading. Because I am smarter. And more handsome.
My main class, the necro perhaps? Take a breath dude
WvW is casual PvP. WvW is so casual, that they remove everything that makes it somehow competitive on a Player vs Player environment.
Many good roamers like to play Thief, Mesmer, Ranger and Elementalist.
If these players meet the average casual WvW-PvPers even outnumbered, rage and tears will come.
In Warhammer it was less about nerfing than here. And that game had some really broken builds. Still it was a real PvP game so ppl tried to improve their gameplay instead of getting others nerfed.
GW2 is a little more about carebears.
That is ok. It’s what it is and it will stay like that.
And this is why the QQ and cry for nerf wont ever stop in this boards. Because it works.
Everything possible is done to protect unskilled players from above average ones. So dont worry, thief will be nerfed again.
Not because it is Op. But because it produces many casual tears.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
I have played and mained every class you have in your signature and they are all a faceroll.
Because GW2 is a faceroll when it comes to PvP.But the biggest faceroll for me was mesmer. So big, that I only used her for crafting since november.
For you it is thief.
Please tell me now, what of those: “Lv80 Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, Thief” is challenging in any way?
If you now say ranger, Imma slap you in the face <3.
PD: Yes, I like to show off my legendaries so that ppl know that I am not only better in PvP than they are, but also better at trading. Because I am smarter. And more handsome.
My main class, the necro perhaps? Take a breath dude
Yes very hard class to play, especially in Bunker/Boonwars aka tPvP. This just got hilarious on a whole new level.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
WvW is casual PvP. WvW is so casual, that they remove everything that makes it somehow competitive on a Player vs Player environment.
Many good roamers like to play Thief, Mesmer, Ranger and Elementalist.
If these players meet the average casual WvW-PvPers even outnumbered, rage and tears will come.In Warhammer it was less about nerfing than here. And that game had some really broken builds. Still it was a real PvP game so ppl tried to improve their gameplay instead of getting others nerfed.
GW2 is a little more about carebears.
That is ok. It’s what it is and it will stay like that.
And this is why the QQ and cry for nerf wont ever stop in this boards. Because it works.Everything possible is done to protect unskilled players from above average ones. So dont worry, thief will be nerfed again.
Not because it is Op. But because it produces many casual tears.
Whatever you say, no point arguing with someone so blinded by his own interest,
I’m not even talking about Spvp, thieves are ok on it,
I’m talking about WvW where thieves, as roamers needs a tweak to become fair and fun for everybody else,
Obviously you just think about yourself, life is not win or tie… sometimes you lose,
Gl and hf,
EDIT: Bunker necro? lol…
Go play some Spvp instead farming all day dude, seriously… there’s a class called engineer and another one called guardian…
I never said necro was a good bunker. But It is a great counter to them and able to make them explode. But you, little HotJoin Hero, sure knew that already.
So tPvP is necroparadise and facerollcountry. Because everything is about crowd control and corrupting boons.
When I am not on thief, I never have problems with thieves.
Btw: I never ever farm. I am just that good at making gold, so you are not pulling the PvE-card on me mate.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Yesterday I got jumped by two berserkerthieves in WvW.
I downed 1, SR -> Ress -> 2x Basivenom and as soon as I was under 50% hp, they Heartseekered me to death.I could cry about this. Or I could think about what happened.
I knew there were 2 Zerkerthieves and after downing one it was me who decided to stay near the Shadow Refuge. It was me who decided to fight near their Blind and Stunspamming NPCs and it was me who only played with one stunbreaker.
It was also me who was to lazy to change condiremove against Iniregen on Stealth before re-engaging.I made 4 fatal errors and that got me killed in PvP.
I moved on and so should everone else.
Yep pretty sure all thieves do a lot of fatal errors, only difference is that they can escape with ease… the “non thieves” players can’t,
Good puppy, you are understanding the point !
lol saying that Guardians, Mesmers, Eles can’t come back from their mistakes is blatanty false..
the only 2 classes that still need some love, at least from my thief point of view, are Warriors and Necro atm
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
So tPvP is necroparadise and facerollcountry. Because everything is about crowd control and corrupting boons.
This is going to be my new signature !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the lulz man, this was epic xD
lol saying that Guardians, Mesmers, Eles can’t come back from their mistakes is blatanty false..
the only 2 classes that still need some love, at least from my thief point of view, are Warriors and Necro atm
I didn’t say that,
(edited by Engels.8537)
There are builds for warrior that are next to impossible to be outplayed by any non condition class. Ppl just need to get off the fotm bandwaggons.
Necro, well. Few ppl roam on them and fewer ppl duel on them in WvW. But this is due to their low mobility. They are strong as hell.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
So tPvP is necroparadise and facerollcountry. Because everything is about crowd control and corrupting boons.
This is going to be my new signature !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the lulz man, this was epic xD
Glad to have had you learning something about your class. At least now you can stop dying on your powerbuild.
Maybe some day you will find a team and be able to leave HotJoin zergfest.
BTW.: most ppl that come to the thiefforum to complain are usually pretty bad players. You might see a pattern here.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I was not saying Warriors and Necros are underpowered compared to the Others, I have faced a lot of very good players on both sides.
Just saying that thief is no way the only class that can survive from their mistakes, every other class has tools for not dieing even when they play bad, only Necro and Warriors from my point of view still lack something.
Warriors require to be played perfectly or you’re dead and Necros still lack mobility in WvW for escape from bad situations
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
lol saying that Guardians, Mesmers, Eles can’t come back from their mistakes is blatanty false..
the only 2 classes that still need some love, at least from my thief point of view, are Warriors and Necro atmI didn’t say that,
Oh, you didn’t?
Yep pretty sure all thieves do a lot of fatal errors, only difference is that they can escape with ease… the “non thieves” players can’t,
Good puppy, you are understanding the point !
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
This is hilarious xD
I’m leaving… hope to see you again,
Thanks again man xD
EDIT: Stop editing like a maniac dude !
“They can escape with ease” take a breath and read, i’m starting to feel pity for you, but yes, a mesmer builded with that intention can run away too,
(edited by Engels.8537)
I was not saying Warriors and Necros are underpowered compared to the Others, I have faced a lot of very good players on both sides.
Just saying that thief is no way the only class that can survive from their mistakes, every other class has tools for not dieing even when they play bad, only Necro and Warriors from my point of view still lack something.
Warriors require to be played perfectly or you’re dead and Necros still lack mobility in WvW for escape from bad situations
I agree, if you position wrong on either of those you will die. Oh wait, Warrior is immune to CC and has the biggest mobility ingame. Hm…, I might reconsider my statement.
Agreeing on Necro though. You screw up and you are doomed.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Thief is blatantly overpowered in WvW, but little more than a minor annoyance in PvP. I would go as far as to say many things in PvP require a buff when considering a Thief.
Then, it’s obvious that WvW is bad designed, and that’s not thief’s fault.
Stop asking for thief nerfs and ask for a better WvW.
When I roam on thief, I am build for roaming and for escaping. If I kill several players that arent, I dont see why anything wouldnt be working as intended.
If they decide to move alone or in groups with a green arrow next to their name, it is a decision they made.
In PvP ppl that make wrong decisions die to ppl that made better ones.
Also if people spend 80% of their time tapping siegeweapons, manning cannons and trebbing walls, they most certainly will be killed by anyone who spends 100% of his WvW time roaming. No matter what class the guy played.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
To all the people that say stealth is OP, please roll a thief and roam WvW all day, all week, and all year long. You know, after all, roaming in WvW is the one and only feature found in GW2, no need to bother with anything else. Which brings us to our next point, do delete all the other 80s you have since they are useless now, even if you have an 80 mesmer, obviously, in your logic, they are weak and suck at roaming. But this isn’t all, get a real knife and place it next to you, now, everytime you die while roaming, do slice your wrist a little because you just failed at being OP, rinse and repeat…
[/sarcasm] Silly people -_-
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Did you know that the moment the Thief gets CCed its game over? I have seen it every time as a thief and against other thieves. Its amazing what constant cripple can do.
<_< You mean…eh nvm…eventually you’ll figure it out…but no, CC isn’t always the end. Play some sPvP and you’ll become uber slippery.
I was talking about WvW specifically but you are right about sPvP.
as a fellow i thief i feel like the reason why people say thief are op is not because of back stab or stealth but heart seeker strike being able to be spammed…as a thief i feel like we do not need to spam HS for our dps so i think raising the initiative cost will stop a majority of the whining. what do you guys think i don’t want the skill to be changed like its function because i need that for my d/p build
but i also think i don’t need to spam that skill. Thoughts?..
Nah I don’t want to be punished for other thieves bad tactics or other players inability to counter it. We made countless threads on how to counter spammers. If they didn’t read it not our problem. But thanks for at least thinking of ways to calm the calamity down. Keep thinking you might find the perfect solution.
Honestly, the only thing I find strange with Thief is that you can HS through a smoke field and hit something and still gain stealth.
Im still waiting for mightytroll to tell me why thief is so blatantly OP in WvW though. Cause ya know, thieves can break down keep doors in 3 seconds solo and then solo keep lords in 10 seconds.
WvW is casual PvP. WvW is so casual, that they remove everything that makes it somehow competitive on a Player vs Player environment.
Many good roamers like to play Thief, Mesmer, Ranger and Elementalist.
If these players meet the average casual WvW-PvPers even outnumbered, rage and tears will come.In Warhammer it was less about nerfing than here. And that game had some really broken builds. Still it was a real PvP game so ppl tried to improve their gameplay instead of getting others nerfed.
GW2 is a little more about carebears.
That is ok. It’s what it is and it will stay like that.
And this is why the QQ and cry for nerf wont ever stop in this boards. Because it works.Everything possible is done to protect unskilled players from above average ones. So dont worry, thief will be nerfed again.
Not because it is Op. But because it produces many casual tears.
Are you a superior intellectual being from another planet? Do you possess mind reading abilities? You just put in words my entire outlook on this silly game and it`s carebear community. Honestly i can`t think of a way to better get my point across. I will direct thief haters and liars to your post cuz brother u said it PERFECTLY. But what you`d expect from a game whose only mode of “structured” pvp is parking your behind in an area and zerg each other. Oh yeah and the huge potential wvw had was squandered on the EXACT same thing, only bigger: bigger areas to keep, bigger zergs to…zerg. Still i would have accepted this if only they wouldn`t have utterly destroyed what i love the most: my agile rogue. Every necromancer than can CC you to death but run sniveling back to his zerg when he slips up, every bunker ranger, every d/d ele has the audacity and poor taste of calling thieves “op”. Every patch is the same: moar pve, moar thief nerfs and maybe just MAYBE one spvp map. And the devs attitude to everything? “It`s fun to run in zergs”… Faulty game, broken professions, messed up priorities. Rant over.
I first thought you were flaming me.
Camelot Unleashed is coming. And then I will only use GW2 for open world pve. Because, well, Tyria is beautiful, I got to admit that.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
Thieves bout to get nerfed this next patch too!!!
Where it’kittenting gonna incite rage
I first thought you were flaming me
Camelot Unleashed is coming. And then I will only use GW2 for open world pve. Because, well, Tyria is beautiful, I got to admit that.
True Tyria IS beautiful. You know what would`ve saved this game? PvEvP maps. Like lets say u get the regular maps up until lvl 70 then BAM two closely ranked servers get to send “invaders” in areas of lvl 70+. As for end game pvp? U got it, more shared pve maps with 2 major camps for the enemy PCs. That PLUS wvw sieges and basically same old same old with their respective bonuses that would actually be helpful and fun in the maps where aggression is possible. Just imagine the high scale skirmishes between 3 servers all trying to take down a dragon. Or small scale pvp in some obscured cave while trying to finish an event. It literally makes me weep that i have more sense than people in the gaming industry…However if not this at least “balance” other professions for a change not only the thief. Next up let`s say…bunker necro, beastmaster ranger and lolengies trowing down immobilization, blind, burning and when all fails stealth. I guess stealth is not broken when it suits them…
Did you know that the moment the Thief gets CCed its game over?
This is the biggest lie I’ve ever read in the Thief forum.
Since when CC do something to thieves?
Did you know that the moment the Thief gets CCed its game over? I have seen it every time as a thief and against other thieves. Its amazing what constant cripple can do.
You must be an awful awful thief to say that. You’ve never heard of stunbreakers or cleanse (on stealth) have you.
You must be an awful awful thief to say that. You’ve never heard of stunbreakers or cleanse (on stealth) have you.
Lol! You are one to talk. Not every thief uses stealth because not every thief needs it.
I already know about cleanse and sb. What you probably didn’t understand was that I was talking about CC in 1vMany, not 1v1. Aside from it being more common, 1vM is different from 1v1 because if CC is chained, you are kittened 97% of the time. It’s happened to me multiple times and any person who I saw in the same situation. They would get caught, enemies would attack, they would break out, get caught again, lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the thing, CC can be lethal in steady doses regardless of the amount of stun breakers you have.
Yes, there is stealth cleanse but not everyone uses or specs for stealth (like me). And if you were wondering why I don’t, it is because of instances where people like you and Sebrent blow up a forum using inconsistent arguments to prove your points. That aside, I think it would be better for the baddies if I gave them no room for excuses rather then using the thief’s “flavour” builds so that once I do kill them that the only one they can blame is themselves. That’s just me.
Yes there are stunbreakers but not everyone stockpiles on it. In 1v1, having 1 stunbreaker on-hand is sufficient enough to keep yourself from dying. In fact I never use them in 1v1 because its almost never a problem for me (minus Engi and their net turret). Although in 1vM, I tend to die faster when CC starts getting chained on me.
Again, I would completely agree with you in 1v1 combat but it gets trickier when more are involved especially if multiples are targeting you. CC can and will kitten you over in steady doses. It is the whole point of it… control.
yeah cc is game over for thieves. i think it goes without saying that we arent talking 1 v 1. when 3-6 people come up on a 1 guardian they dont go for immobs….they go for highest dmg skills….when you go against an engineer…same thing …..when they roll up on a single thief they do immob/ice/stun/root skills first them move to dmg. there is a reason for this. …. CC is thieves’ worst nightmare.
You must be an awful awful thief to say that. You’ve never heard of stunbreakers or cleanse (on stealth) have you.
Lol! You are one to talk. Not every thief uses stealth because not every thief needs it.
I already know about cleanse and sb. What you probably didn’t understand was that I was talking about CC in 1vMany, not 1v1. Aside from it being more common, 1vM is different from 1v1 because if CC is chained, you are kittened 97% of the time. It’s happened to me multiple times and any person who I saw in the same situation. They would get caught, enemies would attack, they would break out, get caught again, lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the thing, CC can be lethal in steady doses regardless of the amount of stun breakers you have.
Yes, there is stealth cleanse but not everyone uses or specs for stealth (like me). And if you were wondering why I don’t, it is because of instances where people like you and Sebrent blow up a forum using inconsistent arguments to prove your points. That aside, I think it would be better for the baddies if I gave them no room for excuses rather then using the thief’s “flavour” builds so that once I do kill them that the only one they can blame is themselves. That’s just me.
Yes there are stunbreakers but not everyone stockpiles on it. In 1v1, having 1 stunbreaker on-hand is sufficient enough to keep yourself from dying. In fact I never use them in 1v1 because its almost never a problem for me (minus Engi and their net turret). Although in 1vM, I tend to die faster when CC starts getting chained on me.
Again, I would completely agree with you in 1v1 combat but it gets trickier when more are involved especially if multiples are targeting you. CC can and will kitten you over in steady doses. It is the whole point of it… control.
I didn’t say you had to use stealth. It was in parentheses. You have other ways to cleanse.
Basically TL;DR, sorry, uh, stunbreakers and cleanses, ever heard of them? If you keep arguing that CC’ing a thief = instant thief dead I’d like to see you take a hammer warrior and beat MY thief with it. Otherwise, I maintain you are an awful thief.