[Teef] A Thief Forum Guild (Lock pls)
IGN: Simian Mind
Playstyle: sPvP lvl 46
Server: Dzagonur [DE] (i’m fluent english)
Experience with Thief: Thief is the only think that matters for me in Gw2. He is my only level 80. in sPvP it is a 100% thief – nothing else! Let’s have fun!
(I was gonna complain that I never got an invite, but I was reviewing my comments and I never actually posted here… Fail.)
IGN: The Murk Muffin
Playstyle: WvW, PvE, sPvP (No particular order)
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Experience: Been playing on and off since game launched. Teef was only character up until lately. I love exploring new builds and gear options. I happily share advice and enjoy discussion on thief topics.
-Retired Thief
(I was gonna complain that I never got an invite, but I was reviewing my comments and I never actually posted here… Fail.)
I promise I will train my thought reading skills! ;)
IGN: Raikof
Playstyle: WvW .. and daily PvE world bosses
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Experience with thief: Been playing thief since the launch of this game. D/D WvW all day long.
IGN: Bloodyx
Playstyle: sPVP
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Experience with thief: Was invited to initial beta weekend in like summer of 2010 I think. Played 1-shot kill backstab build – was the best time ever in this game. Now I play SD juke-y screw around playstyle.
Like I’ve been saying since beta tho, thieves have no real sense of self. We aren’t assassins ganking people (DP is the closest to this but still weird in feeling) we aren’t bruisers who stun and survive, we aren’t trappers because we got nerfed and because traps I feel are like an addon to our utilities for Anet to say “here, we tried” we aren’t rogues who outsmart our opponents while relying heavily on stealth, we aren’t swashbuckler-y types who can actually use mainhand pistol or PP.
To me, thieves always have had an identity crisis by Anet never defining what we are supposed to be doing.
So I sPVP and try to make the best of it like most people do. Been going on for 5 years now and I’m pretty dead on the inside. Extremely dissapointed by staff or rifle that Anet will likely throw at us for the expansion instead of OH sword and then I’ll quit again.
(edited by Bloodyx.5946)
(I was gonna complain that I never got an invite, but I was reviewing my comments and I never actually posted here… Fail.)
I promise I will train my thought reading skills!
I expect progress!!!
-Retired Thief
IGN: Môôks
Playstyle: PVP
Server: Sea of Sorrows
Experience with thief: Experienced GW2 player. (2k hours total) 400 hundred hours on D/D thief however I am now wondering why I never mained thief to begin with. Love the class.
IGN: Lilah Knight
Playstyle: Spvp (mostly) WvW (yet to come) Pve (very little)
Server: Jade Quarry
I made my lvl 80 thief about 4 months ago she is my main, I have been pvping with her ever since i made her i have experience with elementalist and mesmer. I also have an engineer but i cant say im too good with the class, I am looking to expand my knowledge on thief and any other class and maybe help to get started with doing wvw.
I can represent you most of the time and ill try to do the activities.
(edited by x PHOENIX x.9140)
IGN: Kheiv
Playstyle: PvE(dungeons/fractals)
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Experience with thief: Very proficient with all dungeons except Arah. Also good with fractals 49/50.
I also have War/Guard/Ele/Engi/Ranger/Mesmer on full zerker gears with appropriate runes on them if I ever need them for runs. But I must say I love thief and it shall remain my main character for all eternity.
IGN: i Like Donutz
Playstyle: PvE/WvW
Server: Gate of Madness
Experience: Main since release, been away for a year.
IGN: Dr Cold Blooded
Playstyle: Mainly PVE and sPVP
Server: Ferguson’s Crossing
Experience with thief: Been playing the thief since release. Made a few other alts but I always came back to the thief. There’s just something about this class that makes me love it. I am not the best at it but I would really like to learn from other fellow thieves!
Is recruiting still ongoing?
IGN: Skya Technica
Playstyle: Largely PvE and WvW (zerg support/solo camp capture)
Server: Blacktide (not sure for how long more)
Experience with thief:
-Typically run a S/D or D/D with SB Berserker build for both PvE and WvW. Sometimes switch to S/P for PvE
- PvE generally okay, but can sometimes face problems solo against mobs
- WvW: commonly face problems with warriors and mesmers, which is expected, but tend to falter easily against larger groups and easily downed when not paying attention
Yes, we will recruit until we drop =)
IGN: Miss Dire
Playstyle: PvE/PvP
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Experience with thief:
I main thief since I joined the game about 4 months ago. Been playing mostly D/D(D/P) – SB berserker builds, but experimenting a bit with condies in PvP. I rarely face problems in PvE and while I only recently got into dungeons and fractals I believe (or i choose to believe) that I’m doing ok.
Thief – Ion Dire
Fort Aspenwood
IGN : Àkémi
Playstyle: PvE
Server: Desolation
Experience with thief: It’s my main class. Been playing thief in dungeons and fractals (50 and 40 daily) for over 2 years now. Recently i started playin PvP. Killing everything with my backstabs :p
If you guys need an extra pvp token I got one from somewhere I can’t remember, you can pm me about in in-game later.
IGN: Zizulaki
Playstyle: WvW only
Server: far shiverpeaks
Experience with thief: just a Casual player only doing WvW playing for a year or 2 now and its my only lvl 80 character also, just love playing thief nerfed or not ill be a thief in my heart. not the best thief out there i do not claim to be one nor im trying to be one, im just trying the best i can and that it aslong my game is giving me joy.
IGN : Shinead Metanbac
Playstyle : mainly PvE
Server : Augury’s Rock
Experience with thief : Been playing thief since launch. Thief has been my main class since then. I think I have played enough with the thief to know its strength and weakness. I’ve played with all weapon sets, although I’ve played D/P and P/D the least. I understand the strength and effectiveness of these sets (thinking about D/P mainly), but they don’t suit my playstyle (and it’s pretty useless outside of PvP/WvW). I guess the weapon set I like the least is D/P. I’ve never liked the stealth mechanic anyway.
On a side note, by joining the guild I’m hoping to get more into PvP, and be up to date about the state of thief in game. Be it PvE or PvP. Also if I could learn things I don’t know about the class it would be most welcome. The better I know the better I get.
Cheers !
IGN: Gauner Racker
Playstyle: PvE
Server: Gate of Madness
Experience with thief: Noob, 36 hours of play over 10 days(Level 41)
IGN: Blurryfacé
Playstyle: Spvp/Pve
Server: Gunnars hold.
Experience with thief: 655 hours of Spvp, still have a lot to learn.
Playstyle: Spvp/Pve
Server: Gunnars hold.
If you want to start wvw and need help, give me a shout =)
IGN: Crna Sjena
Playstyle: PVP
Server: Gandara
Experience with thief: Enough
IGN: Dharc
Playstyle: WvW
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Experience with thief: not much
IGN: Karnizera
Playstyle: WvW/PvE
Server: Baruch Bay
Experience with thief: 2 Months (since I started to play GW2)
Official Thief Forum Guild
PurposeWhether you are a scrub wanting to afk outside your favorite keep without being pestered by a thief or an experienced thief wanting to raise a baby thief abomination of your own, [Teef] welcomes all. [Teef] is a guild dedicated in the instruction and training of noobs into seasoned thief-slapping players as well as the promotion, bumping and discussion of various topics within the Thief Forums.
With this being a new guild, we will expand our repertoires as our numbers expand.
RanksRank structure is organized through symbols and meant as a level of knowledge pertaining to the thief profession (administration not factored). Currently there are 4 tiers of rank players may gain as their knowledge grows. Guild Leaders and Officers promote based on player’s level of knowledge of the profession and promotions to Guild leadership will be determined the same way in addition to post history, amount of thief experience, etc. The ranks are as follows:
1.) Filthy Not Teef
A repulsive and inferior non-thief.2.) Teef
Non-repulsive denizen of the thief community.3a.) Wvw Gankmaster
A high-class thief of the mists. Specializes in stabbing people in WvW.3b.) Pvp Gankmaster
A high-class thief of the mists. Specializes in stabbing people in organized Pvp.3c.) Pve Twomasher
A high-class thief of tyria. Specializes in killing everything else.4.) Teefrycrafter
A sage of the thief community bearing knowledge so advanced and obscure you’de think s/he was high.Activities
- Thread promotion and discussion.
- Instruction and information pertaining to the thief profession. (Classes and quizzes)
- Other activities will primarily involve making other players aware of thief’s state both in game and on the forums.
- December 10th* will be a pseudo-holiday where members who wish to celebrate will refrain from playing their thief for most of the day. This display of dedication is meant to remind players that thieves will reroll if care is not taken when dealing with this profession’s updates.
- Custom Arena for both NA and EU members!
- Bounties!
Events[July 19 – 25] Recruitment Drive
Guidelines1.) Representing is not required. As this guild is primarily meant to help train players, rep is optional (although some rep would be nice
2.) Drama and severe ignorance is not tolerated. If you are not willing to learn from someone experienced in the thief profession or you are not willing to learn in general, then you are not welcome in the guild. That simple.
3.) Follow the ToS.
4.) Events held are optional but again, being there would be nice.
5.) Read the Message of the Day often!
How to JoinFill this out in a comment below:
IGN: <enter main’s name>
Playstyle: <WvW/sPvP/PvE most played>
Server: <your server>
Experience with thief: <short paragraph>And someone will send you an invite.
- If you are highly experienced on other professions or like to organize events, [Teef] wants you!
EDIT: got a date wrong
Coming Soon
- All the upgrades! \o_
- Guild Halls! Priority when they launch.
- Personal Teamspeak for when we do events!
IGN: Theo Of Wolfgang
Playstyle: wvw>pvp>pve
Server: Ruins Of Surmia
Experience with thief: Assassin classes have always made me hard in games. There is nothing more fulfilling than jumping out of stealth and slapping someones health bar to zero. I am very wvw/pvp orientated and would be honored to be part of this guild to learn the ways of the thief.
IGN: Jásher
Playstyle: sPvP
Server: Dragonbrand (Soon to be Fort Aspenwood whenever it is not full)
Experience with thief: Thief was my first level 80 in 2012. I switched my focus to Guardian/Ranger/Mesmer after the 15% Pistol Whip nerf October 2012. I recently started playing Elementalist and then decided to play a bit of Thief because it was the only class I haven’t mastered in PvP.
Upon playing Thief for a while, I fell in love with the class again and officially switched my main back to Thief.
IGN: Rëiin
Playstyle: WvW Roaming
Server: Yaks Bend
Experience with thief: Main since I got the game a year after launch, I’ve taken a few hiatus’ from the game and always come back feeling strong. Except this last time where I feel like I’ve been gutted and left for the dogs. I’m a d/d die hard and don’t care for any of the other weapon sets (besides the occasional p/p). I need help coming up with a decent d/d build.
Main post updated. For those who’ve already posted, do not change your comment. You’ll be asked when you enter the guild.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
IGN: Wildforze
Thief Type: Artisan (Mostly pve and some spvp)
Server: Sorrow’s Furnance
Experience with thief: Thief has been my main since i got the game more than a year ago but i played some mesmer as well.
Hi, can I join please?
IGN: Koga Shinobi
Server: Crystal Desert (NA)
Playstyle: SPvP
Experience with thief: Have mained thief since first started playing which was only start of this year but I learn fast – only play PvP really, as a D/D thief running deadly arts, critical strikes and trickery, and generally do very well, better than most thief players running the meta
IGN: Rëiin
Playstyle: WvW Roaming
Server: Yaks Bend
Experience with thief: Main since I got the game a year after launch, I’ve taken a few hiatus’ from the game and always come back feeling strong. Except this last time where I feel like I’ve been gutted and left for the dogs. I’m a d/d die hard and don’t care for any of the other weapon sets (besides the occasional p/p). I need help coming up with a decent d/d build.
I don’t want to fully explain my D/D build on the forums, but you’re welcome to message me in game if you’d like some help with D/D
IGN: Koga Shinobi
IGN: Etrane
Thief Type: Scholar (Mostly PvP, some WvW)
Server: Jade Quarry
Experience with thief: Thief was my first character, which I have been playing on for about a year and a half now. Thief is still my main character, which I do lots of PvP with (mostly ranked). I also do a fair amount of roaming in WvW and farming in PvE. I played s/d for a long time after first getting to level 80. I then played p/d condi for a long time and have recently started playing d/p, which I have found to be my favorite.
IGN: Alicatraz
Server: Desolation
Experience with thief:
mained thief for 2 years, played nearly 3k hours on it, most of my play time has gotten me to rank 1,440 in wvw, occasional roamer and focus party member, not too much pvp as im only rank 65 with a win ratio of 46%
always played dagger pistol, currently running a glassy full ascended set up with hoelbrek runes.
IGN: Merkessa
Playstyle: mainly PvE, some WvW, interested in dungeons
Server: Piken Square
Experience with thief: I’ve leveled up thieves a few times but never felt like i really got the hang of it. I’ve tried playing with D/D, D/P, S/D, i tried backstab builds, venom build for wvw, acro build, and now i’m trying to build a hybrid (power/condi) but i could really use some advice from much more experienced thieves, regarding playstyles and builds :>
Ty in advance for the invitation!
IGN: Aslinn Zage
Thief Type: Scholar
Server: Yak’s Bend
Experience with thief: I started playing during launch, got my thief to 80 and immediately started playing wvw/spvp, I stopped playing around July 2013, and just recently came back to the game. Getting used to all of the changes and looking to master my profession! I still focus on wvw/spvp, I play mainly D/P but would love to see how well D/D works in the current meta and learn more about a thief’s “role” in wvw since zerging is pretty limited to venom share atm. I’ll be in game later today!
Engi Build Compilation
IGN: Qwinn Toorima
Playstyle: mainly PvE, some WvW (on other professions)
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Experience with thief: My “main” is and always will be my thief. Have all the legendary weapons a thief can have and have a staff / rifle for whichever one we get ready. I mostly do PvE stuff (like trying to solo group content) and tinkering with the specs.
IGN: King Nasebona
Thief type: teacher
Playstyle: PvP 99,99%
Server: Aurora Glade
Experience with thief: One of the best thieves in PvP. Best thief of Tough Muffins PvP guild.
IGN: Ellisire
Playstyle: Interested in WvW, learning in PvE
Server: Eredon Terrace
Experience with Thief: I am the epitome of a new player to MMORPG’s, and have just reached my first 100 hours with a main S/D thief. I really love the dynamics of GW2 fighting, and the thief mechanics seem brilliant (even if it appears through reading to currently be in an odd place in the meta) so I’d really like to master the profession but just don’t know where to direct myself for improvement. Thus TEEF seems phenomenal, happy to join.
IGN: John Ansell
Thief Type: Artisan / Teacher / Student
Server: Gandara
Experience with thief: From launch the Thief profession has been my main. I’m playing sPVP and WVW roaming mostly, rocking my Champion Shadow title for a while now.
I’d love to join the guild and roam with specialized thief parties, set up 5-thieves-dungeon-groups and learn and be learned to improve overall PVP thief skills. I believe everyone who is a teacher is also a student, since it’s never too late to learn!
See you in-game!
IGN: Ganymede Sicard
Playstyle: mainly PVE (world bosses and exploration), some WvW and PVP
Server Stormbuff isle.
Experience with thief: I’m still relatively new to gw2, so not much, it’s my main and I’m lv 80 but there’s lots of things I still don’t know. I have tried many different weapons, but I use mainly D/D and SB for PVE. I’m willing to learn the playstyle, and I’d love to join so I can ask for other thieves advice.
IGN: Tanto Yumi
Thief Type: Scholar
Server: Desolation
Experience with thief: thief is my fourth alt to reach 80 with whom I grew very fond of. I enjoy a lot the parts where thief really makes a difference (shadow refuge, infiltrator arrow, shadow trap tricks and overall gimmicks) and I lean more towards the pve side of things, even though open to pvp incursions, unfortunately WvW is a bit out of bounds due to low PC specs. My biggest focus would be to get to know about the tricks and gambits that almost makes the thief brake the game. See you in tyria.
IGN: Jayne T
Thief Type: Scholar
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Experience with thief:
My thief has been my main since I started playing (2 years), I stick mostly to PvE and would like to learn a bit more of the fine tuning to the profession.
bump bump
/15 char
IGN: Maugen Rawr
Thief Type: Scholar/Teacher
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Experience with Thief:
Thief has been my main since the 3 day headstart. Lately I play mainly S/D in PvP while also dabbling in a couple of other professions. Looking to learn more from thieves that are better than I am, and help bring others who are just starting out. I would consider myself average.
IGN: Em Aza
Thief Type: Artisan mostly. Always willing to teach what I know and learn more from others.
Server: Henge of Denravi
Experience with thief: Main thief so much since the Pre-Order beta all those years ago, i didn’t level a 2nd character to 80 until a few months ago. Carried over from maining assassin in gw1 so really enjoy the evasive play and build style.
PvE mostly just because I really enjoy build making and experimenting with gear setups.
PvP here and there but I really don’t enjoy the amulet system very much. Trying to do it more though since my go-to pvp game went to shiet so all i have left is gw.
WvW I haven’t done much but I just recently xferred servers to a more active one so hoping to hit that up more.
IGN: Hyenan Le Sinistre
Playstyle: WvW/sPvP/PvE I’m playing everything
Server: Gandara
Experience with thief: always wanted to play as a thief, but it was a bit squishy for me at first but got back to it recently and trying to learn it’s mechanics and tricks. I love the looka of d/d so that’s what I’m playing. I got 10 lvl 80s so I’m not new to the game. But I would love som help from experienced teef players! I wanna learn and become a real teef player see ya in game friends!
IGN: Aeo Khazscire
Playstyle: sPvP (Mostly & All)
Server: Henge of Denravi
Experience: Well tbh, Thief was my first gw2 character and i’ve been playing well over 2 years now –
I was always afraid when i got on to thief i always died in pvp not sure why i just felt so squishy . Then i moved onto Ele and played it a while sorta understood class mechanics then moved to Engi and understood class mechanics even better than i cam back to ele but this time i wanted a challenge so i took up S/f / S/d Ele took like few months to get it going to perfect combos i could take out a couple of ppl with it and i thrived in a good team fight as well then mesmer got op – but i sucked as it so i trained to land shatters better and eventually i did get better.
But during those journeys, I ve had people helping me out – i cannot thank them out.
Now i’ve came and want to face my fear the thief – i always have this mentality that i am going to die – Thief = death but i dont feel that afraid when im on the profession ive played quite well – Mes/ SF Ele – but when im the thief its different lol.
I would like to face my worst class and be better/ or best at it.
Another limitation is my geo-location – its a constant or at best 200 Ping but i did manage to do a lot a lot better with that ping with my Mes and SF ele so im hoping thief wont be much hassle compared to that.
Looking forward tto know u all and leaarn more teeeeeeeeeef