And here we are, the first set of results from the State of Thief held last week. Weapon skills were also talked about during this event but due to burn out those are not entirely complete and will be posted another time.
OML has also asked me to notify everyone that future SoTs will be held in the near future which will go into other parts of the thief profession so we get the entire profession covered. Details will be posted as we get them. Onto the post…
k u can post
Name: Serpent’s Touch
Rating: C
Comment: Second part of the trait doesn’t really do much.
Suggestion: No change recommended. 2s of poison is nothing and you are usually dead anyways. So it really doesn’t matter what happens to the second part.
Name: Dagger Training
Rating: F-
Comment: This trait is useless and redundant. 33% chance of doing 2s of poison on a weapon whose auto already poisons. 2 seconds of any condition can be countered by doing nothing. Unless the uptime was amazing the effect this trait provides will not make much of a difference in combat. This is why nobody will use it over Mug or Trapper’s Respite.
Suggestion: Extend the effect to all weapons, increase the poison inflicted to 6 seconds and then tack on a 1 second CD. That way this trait can be useful for most builds instead of builds that maximize poison (which are rare anyway).
Name: Mug
Rating: A+
Comment: This trait is nice even without it’s ability to crit. 2k healing is amazing for thieves given their low HP.
Suggestion: No change necessary.
Name: Trapper’s Respite
Rating: A
Comment: The trap is awesome and goes well with Deadly Trapper. Good for power builds and amazing for condition builds as you can place 2 needle traps in the world at the same time. Not overall amazing but it makes using healing skills a better choice.
Suggestion: No change necessary.
Name: Lotus Poison
Rating: A-
Comment: Overall good trait. Weakness would be a good addition to our defenses if only we had more access to it.
Suggestion: Reduce the CD to around 7-8 seconds.
Name: Deadly Trapper
Rating: A
Comment: It makes traps useable and goes great with Trapper’s Respite. Thanks Arenanet for getting traps out of their gutter.
Suggestion: No change necessary.
Name: Revealed Training
Rating: D+
Comment: While on reveal traits are nice this one doesn’t particularly help as much as we’d want. It is probably good in boosting the 2 spam of the 5122222 technique but since [Teef] is looking for diversity this trait needs to change.
Suggestion:Instead of 200 power, we recommend that we have protection for the duration of the reveal. Our reasoning for this decision is that with one of our two defense mechanics shut down that the protection would balance out the harsh counter Revealed provides and make Revealed an “OH ****!” button against thieves while not entirely screwing thieves over in the process. More on-revealed traits would be nice too so there is some sense of investment added to this trait.
Name: Panic Strike
Rating: A+
Comment: Good trait.
Suggestion: No change needed.
Name: Exposed Weakness
Rating: A+
Comment: More damage is always good. And this goes into effect often given the nature of conditions.
Suggestion: No change necessary.
Name: Potent Poison
Rating: C-
Comment: With the lack of natural condition duration in this game (by natural I mean from traitlines) this trait is decent. But nobody will choose this over Improv or Executioner. The reason being is because the damage doesn’t provide anything and the condition duration while nice doesn’t compare with what the other two GMs bring.
Suggestion: Since we are talking about Poison, sometimes you get spasms. Sharp pains that sometimes make you stagger for a split second. In the spirit of those spasms, we suggest changing out the 10% damage for a 20% chance to interrupt channeling each second while the target is poisoned. This effect will also have a 5 second CD when it activates so it doesn’t make it impossible to channel anything while poisoned. This will add a little defense to thief via poison.
Name: Improvisation
Rating: A+
Comment: The only gripe we have is the RNG.
Suggestion: While we agreed that recharging 1 utility type in the utility bar would be our verdict, I feel that would be overpowered especially if you use all of a single type. So either 1 random skill on the utility bar recharges or no change.
Name: Executioner
Rating: A+
Comment: This trait is universally adored.
Suggestion: Increase damage to +100%. Jking no change needed.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)