I’m posting this thread here to get input not only from thieves but also from players of other professions and from different game types. Since the changes would affect pve/wvw and pvp it is in my opinion best to label it as “general”. I’d further like to point out that I play a thief myself. Also English is not my native tongue; Should you find grammatical errors, please do not hesitate to show me so I can edit my post.
Hello everybody,
I’d like to discuss some ideas for the thief in order to bring him in line with other professions while not weakening his position in sPvP and tPvP.
First let me say that I believe, the way the PvP team has chosen is a good one.
It is important to make small steps and not revamp big parts of a professions mechanics/traits
and abilities at once to prevent major imbalances.
For this reason I’d like to concentrate on one ability in particular:
Black powder:
Cost: 6 initiative
Duration: 4secs.
Activation: 1/2 sec
As you most likely know the possible weapon combinations are
(not counting p/d since my focus is BP) p/p d/p and s/p.
My suggestion is to change the ability “black powder” to a poison field instead of a
blinding field with a duration of 5 seconds (maybe more/less – open for discussion)
and a poison stack of 2 (maybe 3?) seconds/tick with one tick/second while costing 5 initiative
(possibly 4?)
Impact on weapon setups are as follows:
Would benefit greatly from this change.
Aside from d/d cond. which in my opinion is subpar our only option for conditions is p/d.
The problem I see with this setup is the lack of actual conditions other than bleed.
Yes there is vulnerability for 3(!) seconds on #2 which will also receive an immobilize and 2 lousy stacks of torment on #3 which requires the thief to get in melee range.
Still the only really damaging condition is bleed and with the current condition removal in the game
this isn’t enough. #5 poison could change that.
Black powder shot would hit for one guaranteed stack of poison (the way BP works is as follows: the ability first lays down the combo field, then shoots a projectile with 100% combo finisher at the target) and could further be combo’ed with unload for an average of 1-2 additional applications (4-6 seconds, not counting additional duration through traits/runes and the actual poison field) per use.
I am aware of the fact that the defensive capabilities of this set are limited but also like to point out that one can use two weapon sets at all time and still gain access to stealth through traits, Hide in shadows and utility skills.
[Additional note] (in order to make p/p a real alternative for cond. users it could also include
the reduction of unloads direct damage with a 50% chance of bleed application per projectile (8 in total) or upping the projectile finisher chance from 20% to 40%.
Not really affected.
Used mainly for leveling the sole purpose is to facetank a horde of enemies unable to touch the thief while spamming pistol whip. The thief would not be untouchable anymore and actually has to think how to kill his enemies. Let’s not forget that the channeled part of pistol whip still has the attached evade plus cleave. The only difference would be that the user has to watch out while using the skills slashing part (still able to move). It should go without notice that the additional poison damage helps killing foes even faster.
Greatly affected, for better or worse depending on point of view.
The ultimate troll; greatly overpowered in terms of WvW/roaming, not due to its damage output, which by all means is fine as is, but by its riskless access to long durations of stealth. Now I don’t view stealth as something bad but with this particular setup the risk is non existent while the reward is being invisible (!) and gaining access to the hardest hitting single strike ability in the game (while not being revealed for missing, but that’s another thread).
Currently there are two weapon sets that fulfill the same roll: d/p and d/d with
pistol offhand being the superior version. My proposed change to BP serves multiple purposes. Firstly d/d would become the assassination specc. again. Yes, thieves still have access to stealth but this time with a catch. For actual reward you have to take a risk. No more stealth stacking through leap finishers, which not only is in line with the initial design decision by Anet to make stealth a short duration buff to set up damage or escape but also eliminates said non existence of a risk.
(edited by Crovax.7854)