These are some of the Thief changes I would like to see. I’ve been playing Thief since the game was released and I’ve enjoyed a lot of it, but I feel like there are some things missing and some of the changes we see to the class are not bringing what it needs to really cement it in certain areas of the game. A lot of base traitline changes I’d like to see pertain to raid level content and offering certain kinds of team utility.
Shadow Arts
- Rending Shade - Removed.
(Changed To)
- Compromising Strikes - Dealing damage to an enemy with a Stealth Skill applies the ‘Compromised’ debuff.
- Compromised – ‘Increases damage from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds, stacks up to 5 times.
Shadow arts is not a solid option over most other trait lines that the thief has because of how weak stealth utility is in raids. Stealth doesn’t even work in some of the raids, period. (Gorseval/Keep Construct) No one brings a thief specifically because of their team utility because until now Basilisk Venom wasn’t better than people taking the time to not drool on their keyboard and use their CC as a team. Basilisk Venom being applied to nearby allies baseline does not change that fact either, as helpful as it is.
A lot of what people care about in Raids is damage and team utility. Right now Thief has pretty good damage and little team utility. Necromancer scepter and Chronomancer sword remove boons on auto chains, theres no way boon stealing/removal is good enough to put on a grandmaster trait because its INFINITELY easier to create your own team boons than to rely on stealing them effectively from an enemy.
Boon stealing is not a core enough mechanic that it necessitates the use of thief over other classes that don’t have to trait out or use alternative weapons to do it.
Compromising Strikes from stealth would provide team utility in the form of damage that functions from consistent application of stealth attacks. It serves the purpose of working with a core class mechanic rather than just being more static passive damage. (Based on the current cooldown of Stealth + Attacks)
Example Trait Placement for Reference
Core (Minor) Traits:
- Expeditious Dodger (Mnr 1)
-Grants Swiftness on Dodging (6s)
-(Changed To) Grants Swiftness (6s) when successfully dodging an attack. - Feline Grace -> Feline Finesse (Mnr 2)
-Gain Vigor upon successfully dodging an attack. (5s) (1s CD)
-(Changed To) Increases Damage and Condition Damage by 5% while you have Vigor. - Endless Stamina -> Adrenaline Advantage (Mnr 3)
-The effects of Vigor on you are enhanced by 50%.
-(Changed To) Increases Damage and Condition Damage by 5% while you have Swiftness.[/b]
- Instant Reflexes (Top 1)
-Gain Evasion (2s) when health drops below 50% (40s CD) (Unchanged) - Guarded Initiation (Top 2)
-Removes Conditions Vulnerability, Confusion, Weakness, and Slow when striking an enemy while health is above 75% Threshold. (1s CD) (Unchanged) - Assassin’s Reward -> Acrobat’s Reward (Top 3)
-Heals the player when using skills that spend initiative for each point spent.
-(Changed To) Dodging grants Evasion (1s) to nearby Allies (Max: 5)(15s CD)
- Vigorous Recovery (Mid 1)
-Gain Vigor (10s) when using a Healing Skill.
-(Changed To) Gain Vigor (5s) upon successfully dodging an attack. (1s CD) - Swindler’s Equilibrium (Mid 2)
-Successfully dodging an attack while wielding a Sword or Spear reduces Steal by a static amount (1s). Increases Sword and Spear damage (7%).
-(Changed To) Dodging an attack reduces the cooldown of Steal by a static amount (2s). Stealing increases damage dealt by 5% for 5s. (1s CD) - Upper Hand (Mid 3)
-Gain Initiative (1) and Regeneration (6s) when you dodge an attack.
-(Changed To) The effects of Vigor and Swiftness on you are enhanced by 100%
Bottom Traits:
- Pain Response (Bot 1)
-Gain regeneration and remove damaging conditions when struck while below the Health Threshold (75%) (16s CD)
-(Changed To) Removes a condition when struck. (2s CD) - Hard to Catch (Bot 2)
-[s]Break Stun and Refill Endurance when you are hit with crowd control. (30s CD) (Unchanged) - Don’t Stop (Bot 3)
-Cripple and Chill applied to you have 50% reduced effectiveness. Periodically ignores incoming Immobilize changing it to Cripple instead. (10s CD)
-(Changed To) Reduces effectiveness of Cripple, Chill, and Immobilize by 50%.
Acrobatics is currently the least useful traitline and a lot of what it does was invalidated in a survivability sense compared to what Daredevil brings to the table. What I did here rearranging the traits and adding some boon reliant damage means that you aren’t losing as much damage to gain more survivability and you are also given the option of some situational team utility that actually ties in with the dodging mechanic. I also wanted to reward successful dodging rather than dodging senselessly.
Utility Skills
- Signet of Whispers (Elite Skill)
-Passive: Player gains Stealth (1s) every 6 seconds. The stealth from this signet will not apply if the player is already Stealthed.
-Active: Player gains Super Stealth for 6s (50s cooldown)(Doesn’t Work in PvP/WvW)
-Super Stealth stealths the player and does not reveal them when they deal damage.
The purpose of this signet isn’t stealthing for an eternity it is to enable other weapons to be able to reliably use stealth weapon skills that can’t use off-hand dagger or combo with the smoke field from off hand pistol. (Most of these tricks take too much time/resources to be cost effective in combat.)
The Super Stealth thing was by recommendation from a friend because we were reminiscing over playing as Caithe in Meeting the Asura (Living Story Season 2). It would just be regular stealth in anything other than PvE for obvious reasons.
- Soulstealer Trap (Heal Skill)
-Places a trap that when triggered steals a significant amount of health from enemies caught. (Max 5 Targets)
-Applies Chill
-Small heal when cast (Like most other skills)
Theres no trap heal skill for the thief, might sound like filler, but it would have uses and synergy with some builds that I’m sure some people would appreciate. There isnt a Trap Elite either lol.
Hitman/Sniper/Assassin/Marksman/Sharpshot/Deadeye/PewPew (Whatever name)
- Gains Rifle
- Gains Gadgets
- Gains Reload Class Mechanic (Replaces Steal)
- Summary of Weapon Skills: Long range, slow firing, high damage.
- Summary of Gadget Utility Skills: Thematically appropriate skills that fit with both the theme of the class and the theme of the game.
Reload (Class Mechanic):
- Self Cast
- Restores a Moderate amount of Initiative. (4-5)
- Moderate Cooldown (15-20s)
- Gains benefit from some previous Steal oriented traits that are still relevant.
- Intent of this skill is to fuel more weapon skill usage.
- (I’m sure you could change the name to suit its use for non ranged weapons/skills)
Rifle Skills:
Longshot (Skill 1 – 1200 Range – Targeted)
- Primary Attack
- 0 Initiative
- ¾ s Cast Time (Slow)
- Damage reduced the closer to the enemy that you are.
- High Damage at max range.
Headshot (Stealth Skill – 1200 Range – Targeted)
- 0 Initiative
- ¾ s Cast Time (Slow)
- Applies Vulnerability
- High Damage
Shadowblast (Skill 2 – 900 Range – Cone AoE)
- 2 Initiative
- ½ s Cast Time (Medium)
- Blinds all enemies struck.
- Medium Damage
Ruinous Retreat (Skill 3 – No Range – No Target)
- 3 Initiative
- 1s Cast Time (Animation)
- Leaps backwards firing a shell at the ground that detonates chilling and dealing damage to enemies caught in the blast.
- Medium Damage
- Leap Range (600)
Reap and Sew (Skill 4 – 1200 Range – Target)
- 4 Initiative
- Pierces (All Targets)
- ½ s Cast Time
- Applies 5 stacks of Might for 10s.
Singularity Round (Skill 5 – 1200 Range – Target)
- 6 Initiative
- ½ s Cast Time
- Fires an experimental bullet that pulls all nearby enemies to the target.
- Max 5 Targets
Example Trait Placement for Reference, Again.
Top – Initiative Traits:
- Tactical Maneuver (Top 1)
- Dodging restores Initiative (1) (1s CD) - Preparation (Top 2)
- Gadgets restore Initiative (2) when cast. (5s CD) - Deadly Momentum (Top 3)
- Killing an enemy restores Initiative (3). (1s CD)
Middle – Utility Traits:
- Magitech Munitions (Mid 1)
- Longshot, Headshot, Vital Shot, and Sneak Attack pierce. - Into Shadows (Mid 2)
- Ruinous Retreat applies Stealth (1s) when it finishes. (5s CD) - Laceration (Mid 3)
- Ranged attacks apply Bleeding.
Bottom – Rifle Traits:
- Shadowsnare (Bot 1)
- Enemies caught in Shadowblast are Immobilized (1s) (10s CD) - Gunleash (Bot 2)
- Enemies slain with ‘Reap and Sew’ or ‘Unload’ refund the initiative cost of the skill. (5s CD) - Quick Trigger (Bot 3)
- Swapping weapons applies Quickness (4s) (9s CD)
Minor – Core Traits:
- Thirst (Mnr 1)
- Enemies slain drop orbs on death that heal on contact. (Player Only) - Anticipation (Mnr 2)
- Ranged attacks deal increased damage against moving targets. - Revolver (Mnr 3)
- Every sixth ranged attack has its damage increased.
- Anchor/Retreat - (Self Cast/Self Cast)
-Anchor: places a hook on the ground that lasts for 60 seconds. This skills cooldown is refunded if the player does not cast Retreat.
-Retreat: The player flies backwards to their Anchor point, Knocking Down (1s) enemies caught in their way. - Magitech Visor - (Target Enemy)
-Targeted enemy grants Fury and Might to any attackers for a medium duration. - Ash Legion Flasher (Ground Targeted)
-Throws a non-lethal grenade that explodes blinding and applying vulnerability to enemies in a large range and stunning enemies caught closest to the center. - Scorchulator (Target Enemy)
-Applies a special sticky satchel to an enemy that causes attacks on the target to apply burns. (5s duration) (? CD) (Limit 15 Stacks.) - Quickstim Health System (Self Cast)
-Heals the player a medium amount.
-Applies Vigor and Quickness.
I’m not alone in the fact that I’d like to see a Rifle specialization on Thief, but I feel very strongly about the types of things I thought would be fun to see in this kind of specialization. This is why I bothered to type it all out, I enjoy brainstorming given my background, but I hope someone enjoys imagining the future state of specializations enough to share in the idea of a Rifle Thief Spec.
- Changes Not Included:
-Make Thieves Guild elite skill not janky.
-Make Dagger Storm elite skill not janky.
-Add an Elite Trap
-Plot the Downfall of the Han Dynasty.