Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Future weapon ideas for Thief; Claw.
Claws are Melee weapons that can be equipped in main or off-hand and excels most in offense, condition damage and non condition damage-over-time. The design of claws will most likely be held in hand or attached like knuckles to avoid clipping or replacing gloves, as well as making them easier to sheath them at hip. In any video game I always love hand to hand weapons like this the most.

Doesn’t have every last detail but~
General outline for skills:

1 Skills
Jagged Strike.
Cut and bleed your foe.
Bleeding x1

Twisting Fangs.
Stab and rip apart your foe, causing vulnerability.
Damage x2
Vulnerability x1

Quickly slash your foes twice, causing them to bleed.
Damage x2
Bleed x2
(Hits up to 3 enemies)

  1. Stealth:
    Falling Spider.
    Plunge your claws into your foe causing immobilize, poison, bleed and daze.
    Poison 3 seconds
    Bleed x1
    Immobilize 1 second
    Daze 1/2 second

2 Skill.
Shadow Shroud.
Shadowstep through your enemy dealing damage and inflicting a deadly shadow miasma into their wounds that consumes and shrouds their body. Foes within range of it take continual damage.
Damage over time
Bleed x1
Radius: 200
Combo Finisher: Blast
Range: 500

(Always makes you appear on opposite side of enemy. Effect is similar to Necromancer’s Locust Swarm except it attaches to enemy and follows them around. Duration stacks. Damage from this skill doesn’t stack unless it’s on more than one enemy and they’re near each-other)

3 Skill.
Blades of Deadly Corruption.
Jump towards your foe and drill into their wounds with a powerful spin attack. Damage increases based on the amount of bleeds on them. Using this skill again while it’s active will increase the spin duration.
Damage x5
Combo Finisher: Leap
Range: 240
(Skill follows target similar to Warrior’s Tsunami Slash)

4 Skills
Razor Wire.
Throw a knife to targeted ground with sharp wire attached to it and your weapon. Wire stays connected between you and the attached point cutting foes who move through it and causes damage and bleed with each hit. Moving out of range anchors the wire as a trap.
Bleed x1 (? second cooldown)
Duration: ?
Range: 600
(Combo: Wire used in or hit by fire or poison will become covered in it. Fire will make it more visible, but increases damage.)

  1. Razor Wire Trap.
    Attach the other end of wire to ground, setting it as a trap for remaining duration damaging and bleeding enemies that move through it.
    (More than one can be placed.)
    (Combo: Wire used in or hit by fire or poison will become covered in it. Fire will make it more visible, but increases damage)

5 Skill
Flashing Blades.
Block your foe’s attack causing a recoil that damages and bleeds enemies around you. Gain initiative if you are not attacked.
Bleed x3
Radius: 200

Feels like it’d be fun and unique way of doing condition damage. No evasion skills but there’s an off-hand counter and at least you won’t fly off cliffs as much.
What do you guys think of this skill setup? Things like ini cost, durations, bleed stacking and etc could be worked out/tweaked. For now I’m just throwing out the basic outline. I’m not sure what kinda sword/dagger dual skills there would be yet for it.
Any ideas and opinions are appreciated.


| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Negated.4105


cool nice post, didnt read all of it but I got the gist of what you was saying, I wouldn’t mind if a trait came out for ninja stars instead of caltrops when you dodge xD

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Kneru.8014


ArenaNet… Make this happen!

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


I actually own that first picture IRL XD

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: FoxJester.5672


I’m so down for this.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


unless these do mediocre direct damage it would be overpowering as you have it set up basically would be stacking 5 bleeds every 1.5-3 seconds (assuming attack speed is at 1/2s) with the number 1 skill while dealing damage the rest would be fine as they seem to

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Not liking the 2-5.

1 seems fine as long as the bleed and vulnerability duration isn’t too high. Duration is the important part. The sneak attack looks like it’s a glorified mini-stun, but whatever, I have no problem with it.

2 is too much utility in a mainhand weapon skill. Especially a shadowstep WITH a blast finisher. Overall it feels like a skill that doesn’t belong on a thief.

3 should be dual attacks. I need to know about every possible setup. The 3 you have makes you too stationary and will die too easily.

4 seems more like a utility, not an offhand, and seems like it’d have little use in general outside of gimmick builds.

5 isn’t as good as it sounds. A block with a counter isn’t great for the greatsword rangers since it roots them when it activates. Same would happen to the thief, making you vulnerable. And a thief that stands still is a dead thief.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


5 isn’t as good as it sounds. A block with a counter isn’t great for the greatsword rangers since it roots them when it activates. Same would happen to the thief, making you vulnerable. And a thief that stands still is a dead thief.

Was thinking more along the lines of the Boxing Glove’s block, which lets you run around~ As for the 2 skill it’s supposed to be too much~ it’d depend on how much ini it used. I’d think the main hand skills for this kinda setup wouldn’t be very spammy.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

(edited by Doggie.3184)

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Derk.3189


4 is the only interesting skill, and even then it seems more like a utility. Heck, you might even get a utility skill just based around 4; the rest of the skills are rather boring. No offense. Wouldn’t want to see this.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: crow.2709


I love it.
Actually, other MMOs have also added unarmed/fist/claw weapons after their release simply because people wanted that. WOW for example.

But please put this into suggestion forum or any other forum the devs actually look at. Class forums aren’t watched by devs at all. (Or so it seems)

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Hope they’ve considered adding claws or hand to hand weapons for one of their future new weapon additions.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: flyingfox.6150


This should be the skill sets for this weapon

Berserker Barrage: ??? + P
Tornado Claw: ??? + P
Drill Claw: P + K
Berserker Barrage X: ??? + PP
Weapon X: ??? + PP

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Penguin.5197


And the best part is you didn’t add more skills that stealth you!
I approve of claws for thieves.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


This is cool and all but I would rather have an off hand sword or at least an off hand dagger flip so that it doesn’t clip. I for one would rather have it retract back into the gloves rather than replace them.


Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

(edited by Nightarch.2943)

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


And the best part is you didn’t add more skills that stealth you!
I approve of claws for thieves.

I guess that comes from missing my GW1 Assassin that shadowstepped around carving people up and blocking attacks rather than stealthing.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

/Has my endorsement

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Raidium.3916


Might as well give each profession an exclusive weaponset… Flail for warrior, polearm for guardian, claws for thief, scythe for necros, etc.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


It would be awesome if Anet allowed us to use spears in land, because the Ascalonian spear looks great.