Thief PvE armor builds

Thief PvE armor builds

in Thief

Posted by: zuldzin.7219


So im thinking about thief armors and builds, i play pve sometimes wvw , so dont need pvp builds
As glasscannon its hard to do some dungeons like arah and its getting harder on fractals around lvl18 so i thought about changing a my armor, for example soldier armor + berserker weapon and jewlery , or knight/valkyrie armor/jewlery, what do u think?
Usually i use 25/30/0/0/15.
I prefer using D/D and Shortbow , have P/P to change sometimes.
Other than armor what rune would be good for a little tanky thief that can take a hit?

Thief PvE armor builds

in Thief

Posted by: rolos.7491


Could you specify if you are running a condition or a backstab spec?

If you can post it, even better!

Thief PvE armor builds

in Thief

Posted by: zuldzin.7219


backstab spec with full berserker armor

Thief PvE armor builds

in Thief

Posted by: rolos.7491


If you want to play glass cannon and have a little more survivability, you can go for runes of divinity and still retain a big part of the damage. Runes of the Wurm/Warrior should also be viable alternatives, depending on your style.

You can certainly mix in some vitality, but after a certain point it stops being a glass cannon spec and your damage won’t be as impressive. Note that you will still be fragile as hell if you don’t dodge/stealth effectively.

Another viable option would be to use something like Blinding Powder for the blind/stealth. In the end, however, the only consistent source of survivability will be your own ability to stay out of harm’s way after dealing your damage.