Thief is overpowered
For Zero Day include Thief Players:
You ask if thief profession was Op so why not have alot thief players in parties and fights?
I have answer/question: think about it: maybe reason why is, wining all the time and using the same builds and same moves/play-style all the time is too boring for them so they play other professions that offer different builds with different moves/play-style?
It is the decision, the choice, they made, what they play and not play. Allow them to grow up and own up to the decision they made – it’s harmless since it’s a game after all. If they choose to play other professions and exclude one, that’s by choice. If they see it boring to do the same thing over and over again, that’s fine, they can play other professions and come back whenever they please/find those professions boring. If they’re tired of winning all the time and switched over to “not winning all the time”, it is again by choice.
They’re allowed to make them (choices and decisions), and they should own up to it. If they make a choice/decision and then blame others for it… well… it shows a personal flaw.How that relates to something being OP, is beyond me.
I already answer: Arena net design the thief profession to guarantee win: that is why.
Guarantee goes against choice and rewards mistakes and risks instead of punishment.
If you are Guarantee to pass a test, will it matter if you chose to give the right answer? or chose to give the wrong answer?
Another Example:
If you are Guarantee to graduate from University: will it matter if you go to class? will it matter if you do not go to class?
Zero Day: you are a intelligent/smart person, you know this is true
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
For Zero Day include Thief Players:
You ask if thief profession was Op so why not have alot thief players in parties and fights?
I have answer/question: think about it: maybe reason why is, wining all the time and using the same builds and same moves/play-style all the time is too boring for them so they play other professions that offer different builds with different moves/play-style?
It is the decision, the choice, they made, what they play and not play. Allow them to grow up and own up to the decision they made – it’s harmless since it’s a game after all. If they choose to play other professions and exclude one, that’s by choice. If they see it boring to do the same thing over and over again, that’s fine, they can play other professions and come back whenever they please/find those professions boring. If they’re tired of winning all the time and switched over to “not winning all the time”, it is again by choice.
They’re allowed to make them (choices and decisions), and they should own up to it. If they make a choice/decision and then blame others for it… well… it shows a personal flaw.How that relates to something being OP, is beyond me.
I already answer: Arena net design the thief profession to guarantee win: that is why.
Guarantee goes against choice and make rewards mistakes instead of punishment.
Can you create a thief on your account? You don’t have to do it, just yes or no, if you can create one.
Similarly for GW2, the thief is is on nearly every team. It fills the niche/role of being a roamer, back-capper, and someone that makes fights unfair (turning that 1v1 into a 2v1, a 3v3 into a 4v3 (picking off easy targets(people with low health/ones that do more damage)))….
If thief was truely OP, you would see teams composed of more than just 1 thief, since, being OP, it can/should handle more than what I’ve listed above….
…well, for starters, what you were trying to do with saying the thief is OP because it’s in every team, is a team/role-composition issue as opposed to an issue pretaining specifically to a class/character.
Nice try spinning something off of it.
Nonsense, multiple classes are supposed to fill the role of roamer, just like over the course of this game multiple classes have fulfilled other roles, the simple truth is thief is poorly designed because it is far too good at that role and it has far too much going for it in regard to glassy builds, the only “spin” I see here is from you.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
For Zero Day include Thief Players:
You ask if thief profession was Op so why not have alot thief players in parties and fights?
I have answer/question: think about it: maybe reason why is, wining all the time and using the same builds and same moves/play-style all the time is too boring for them so they play other professions that offer different builds with different moves/play-style?
It is the decision, the choice, they made, what they play and not play. Allow them to grow up and own up to the decision they made – it’s harmless since it’s a game after all. If they choose to play other professions and exclude one, that’s by choice. If they see it boring to do the same thing over and over again, that’s fine, they can play other professions and come back whenever they please/find those professions boring. If they’re tired of winning all the time and switched over to “not winning all the time”, it is again by choice.
They’re allowed to make them (choices and decisions), and they should own up to it. If they make a choice/decision and then blame others for it… well… it shows a personal flaw.How that relates to something being OP, is beyond me.
I already answer: Arena net design the thief profession to guarantee win: that is why.
Guarantee goes against choice and make rewards mistakes instead of punishment.
Can you create a thief on your account? You don’t have to do it, just yes or no, if you can create one.
I think about it sometimes, i will soon.
For Zero Day include Thief Players:
You ask if thief profession was Op so why not have alot thief players in parties and fights?
I have answer/question: think about it: maybe reason why is, wining all the time and using the same builds and same moves/play-style all the time is too boring for them so they play other professions that offer different builds with different moves/play-style?
It is the decision, the choice, they made, what they play and not play. Allow them to grow up and own up to the decision they made – it’s harmless since it’s a game after all. If they choose to play other professions and exclude one, that’s by choice. If they see it boring to do the same thing over and over again, that’s fine, they can play other professions and come back whenever they please/find those professions boring. If they’re tired of winning all the time and switched over to “not winning all the time”, it is again by choice.
They’re allowed to make them (choices and decisions), and they should own up to it. If they make a choice/decision and then blame others for it… well… it shows a personal flaw.How that relates to something being OP, is beyond me.
I already answer: Arena net design the thief profession to guarantee win: that is why.
Guarantee goes against choice and make rewards mistakes instead of punishment.
Can you create a thief on your account? You don’t have to do it, just yes or no, if you can create one.
I think about it sometimes, i will soon.
Thanks. That’s all I needed to hear.
You’ve made a choice to not create one, if you do make one and stop playing it for those reasons (guaranteed win, mistakes being rewarded) or any other, it will be your choice to do so. Own up to it.
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
Similarly for GW2, the thief is is on nearly every team. It fills the niche/role of being a roamer, back-capper, and someone that makes fights unfair (turning that 1v1 into a 2v1, a 3v3 into a 4v3 (picking off easy targets(people with low health/ones that do more damage)))….
If thief was truely OP, you would see teams composed of more than just 1 thief, since, being OP, it can/should handle more than what I’ve listed above….
…well, for starters, what you were trying to do with saying the thief is OP because it’s in every team, is a team/role-composition issue as opposed to an issue pretaining specifically to a class/character.
Nice try spinning something off of it.
Nonsense, multiple classes are supposed to fill the role of roamer, just like over the course of this game multiple classes have fulfilled other roles, the simple truth is thief is poorly designed because it is far too good at that role and it has far too much going for it in regard to glassy builds, the only “spin” I see here is from you.
Yes, the meta is OP. Meta-team composition is OP.
Nonsense, multiple classes are supposed to fill the role of roamer, just like over the course of this game multiple classes have fulfilled other roles, the simple truth is thief is poorly designed because it is far too good at that role and it has far too much going for it in regard to glassy builds, the only “spin” I see here is from you.
Yes, the meta is OP. Meta-team composition is OP.
Poor class design is OP.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
Nonsense, multiple classes are supposed to fill the role of roamer, just like over the course of this game multiple classes have fulfilled other roles, the simple truth is thief is poorly designed because it is far too good at that role and it has far too much going for it in regard to glassy builds, the only “spin” I see here is from you.
Yes, the meta is OP. Meta-team composition is OP.
Poor class design is OP.
Across the board, yes. I wouldn’t have a problem if, say, rangers and engineers (or any other class for that matter) could roam.
They can – every class can roam – fact is most people don’t roam anymore, or if so it’s 2 to 5 to 50(yeah, that happens) But if I meet solo roamers, they’re either mesmers, rangers, warriors, guards, eles, necros or engis, no thieves, it’s always 2 thieves if so.
Thieves have got the advantage that they can pop shadow refuge and run once they are vastly outnumbered – that alone is not really OP but those who want to roam might chose thief for that very reason.
Edit: And yes, that’s what I’m doing =) Although I’m a mobile scout – my server needs to listen to me more, though
He was saying about tPvP/sPvP.
He was saying about tPvP/sPvP.
Even there it’s solo roam/holding every class
But maybe not in the meta because this game is all about pvp, isn’kitten
(I know that anet “balances” regarding pvp)
Edit: I really hate that I’m not allowed to write “Ist es nicht?” in English!
He was saying about tPvP/sPvP.
Even there it’s solo roam/holding every class
But maybe not in the meta because this game is all about pvp, isn’kitten
(I know that anet “balances” regarding pvp)Edit: I really hate that I’m not allowed to write “Ist es nicht?” in English!
because isn’ t and it spell a female’s chest…. well a part of it anyways…. yup, amazing filtering/regex.
He was saying about tPvP/sPvP.
Even there it’s solo roam/holding every class
But maybe not in the meta because this game is all about pvp, isn’kitten
(I know that anet “balances” regarding pvp)Edit: I really hate that I’m not allowed to write “Ist es nicht?” in English!
because isn’ t and it spell a female’s chest…. well a part of it anyways…. yup, amazing filtering/regex.
I already figured that, believe it or not
so the guy actually tries to play Thief and gets rekt and realises its not OP at all. then on his “main” class he gets rekt by thieves and says they are OP…. and cries for a nerf. facepalm …….. (i think that says it all)
you people should be literally banned from posting or your posts should be deleted. cuz if Anet will take your post seriously then we Thieves will be nerfed even more. and if you played one you probably realised theres nothing OP at all. #hardcorefacepalm….
so please stop. dont post such nonsence… its just a l2p issue / build issue / how to counter classes issue / time your dodge issue and etc etc. not some " omgomg thieves op…" issue. kthnxbai
Here is my research investigation result:
- 1st report thread of thief profession being problematic
- 2nd report thread of thief profession being problematic. Arena net delete thread very fast: why? why nor investigate it and resolve problem first is present?
- 3rd report thread of thief profession being problematic.
- 4th report thread of thief profession being problematic.
- 5th report thread of thief profession being problematic
- 6th report thread of thief profession being problematic
So now for 1 year later report thread of thief profession being problematic
- 1st report thread of thief profession being problematic: Arena net delete thread
- 2nd report thread of thief profession being problematic
- 3rd report thread of thief profession being problatic
- 4th report thread of thief profession being problematic. Arena net remove evidence from youtube.
- 5th report thread of thief profession being problematic.
- 6th report thread of thief profession being problematic
2 years + New year= 3 years of same thief profession being problematic is “nonsense”, “build issue”, “L2P issue”, “counter issue”, “how to counter classes issue”, “time your dodge issue”, “and etc etc”?
Darksyze, I have a seriously unhealthy obsession with hating every word you say. Can you pitch it towards my shrink?
Agreed. Every profession has people screaming they are overpowered, and outside of stealth I find myself doing some of the highest damage in my parties. Additionally, i find thieves are the ones selling dungeon runs and soloing boss fractals the most, just the other day, my party wiped in Mai Trin and our other thief solo’d it from half health. It was a beautiful sight, such elegant gameplay. As for Darksyze’s philosophical points… he sounds like the neighbor of a man who tries to play wise man.
Doesn’t have a thief.
Thinks his ideas are the best changes for the class and game.
You can’t make this stuff up, kids!
I agree Klowde. He sounds like Tim Taylor (Allen) from Home Improvement after his neighbor Wilson gives him advice.
For Zero Day include Thief Players:
You ask if thief profession was Op so why not have alot thief players in parties and fights?
I have answer/question: think about it: maybe reason why is, wining all the time and using the same builds and same moves/play-style all the time is too boring for them so they play other professions that offer different builds with different moves/play-style?
It is the decision, the choice, they made, what they play and not play. Allow them to grow up and own up to the decision they made – it’s harmless since it’s a game after all. If they choose to play other professions and exclude one, that’s by choice. If they see it boring to do the same thing over and over again, that’s fine, they can play other professions and come back whenever they please/find those professions boring. If they’re tired of winning all the time and switched over to “not winning all the time”, it is again by choice.
They’re allowed to make them (choices and decisions), and they should own up to it. If they make a choice/decision and then blame others for it… well… it shows a personal flaw.How that relates to something being OP, is beyond me.
I already answer: Arena net design the thief profession to guarantee win: that is why.
Guarantee goes against choice and make rewards mistakes instead of punishment.
Can you create a thief on your account? You don’t have to do it, just yes or no, if you can create one.
I think about it sometimes, i will soon.
Thanks. That’s all I needed to hear.
You’ve made a choice to not create one, if you do make one and stop playing it for those reasons (guaranteed win, mistakes being rewarded) or any other, it will be your choice to do so. Own up to it.
Now now… u serious? i can think of maybe 1build that is a “guaranteed” win like you are stating. yet even on that build you have to be focused and time your skills well or you’ll’ be blown up very quickly. err.. not sure if you trollin or wot. buuuuut lets say a great Thief vs. a great Mesmer in WvW = very unpredictable ending. i just had a fight not long ago with a rly good mesmer. and umm.. 1st fight took about 5-6minutes. i won. 2nd fight took like 30seconds and he blew me away. that’s an example for your “guaranteed win/ mistakes being rewarded” idea. and this build is one of the best ones (but rly not a meta). on meta builds D/P thieves would get blown up even more often. so… idk idk. ill just assume you are trolling cuz u must be. (and yet many classes have those “less risk” builds. ) but Thief? well it has.. but its far from a guaranteed win against a good player. pro Medi Guard vs. pro Thief lets say.. those fights can go forever. but Guard will be a lil on top always. unless you outplay him a lil and go for the kill. ( had few days ago an awesome encounter with medi guard. fight took like foreeeeever. and none of us knew who’ll win in the end. sketchy and unpredictable ). soooo again.. ill repeat myself… in a Tier of “a good player vs. a good player” = there’s no guarantees at all. just some easier and harder counters. thats all. good day mr.troller xD
I don’t think you followed along the conversation between me and DarkSyze at all.
Either way it ended.
Haven’t seen one of those in a while, where are your all mighty nerf suggestions O.o?
stay tuned
Haven’t seen one of those in a while, where are your all mighty nerf suggestions O.o?
stay tuned
brb getting popcorn… anyone want some?
[Teef] guild :>
@Klowdge, @ Davee
First of all, there is more then one build that gaurantees win on thief.
As an experiment myself and 4 friends all qued up in spvp kitten d/d thiefs. We roamed the map in groups of 2 with 1 guy holding home and literally 1sec comboed the enemiy team. Players were disconnecting because what we were doing was unstoppable, and simply overpowered.
Sure at the moment you dont see thief picked up in every battle, but give it a month and people will start noticing how strongly buffed the class has become in comparison to others, over the last few patches.
The first thing that must be done if we wish to have a good game, is to cut all weapon evades from the thief class, as they currently have enough evades through dodge rolls and utilities, as well as vigor.
The second step to making a more balanced thief, is to give each class that isn’t a thief a new ability. This ability will counter stealth for a few seconds. Lets say the thief is DP and spamming powder/heart seeker or DD with CnD. Well stealth lasts up to 5 – 10 sec, therefore we make a skill that reveals invisible units for 4 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. This skill will be called eye seeker and a hard counter to perm stealth builds. Every class but thief will have this as an optional utility.
The last step to rid the game of this Overpowerd character and to balance the class, would be to scale attack speed according to enemy armour. The thief currently puts out to much damage to fast, with a quick attack speed and 100% crits with hidden killer. If an enemy has high armour, the thief will then be dealt a frost effect after hitting from stealth, this effect would reduce attack speed per strike. The effect will stack up to 4 times, reducing attack speed by 25% each stack.
With these changes made, we have a more balanced meta with thiefs becoming a more challenging class to play, instead of the insta-win they are at the moment.
(edited by Peow peow.2189)
As an experiment myself and 4 friends all qued up in spvp kitten d/d thiefs. We roamed the map in groups of 2 with 1 guy holding home and literally 1sec comboed the enemiy team. Players were disconnecting because what we were doing was unstoppable, and simply overpowered.
Are you sure it wasn’t their connection…? It would explain a lot of things…
Sure at the moment you dont see thief picked up in every battle, but give it a month and people will start noticing how strongly buffed the class has become in comparison to others, over the last few patches.
It’s already been a couple months since the last balance patch. So…? I don’t exactly want to hold my breath, just like I don’t want to hold my breath for you learning to play – it’s been 3 years?
With these changes made, we have a more balanced meta with thiefs becoming a more challenging class to play…
Oh definitely.
By the way, the plural form of thief is thieves.
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
DarkSyze must be a mesmer because “thief needs to be nerfed” is his mantra.
Nah. He probably thinks Mesmers are OP, too. Hell, guy probably considers folk like me the Antichrist … considering we like both professions.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
@Klowdge, @ Davee
First of all, there is more then one build that gaurantees win on thief.
As an experiment myself and 4 friends all qued up in spvp kitten d/d thiefs. We roamed the map in groups of 2 with 1 guy holding home and literally 1sec comboed the enemiy team. Players were disconnecting because what we were doing was unstoppable, and simply overpowered.
Sure at the moment you dont see thief picked up in every battle, but give it a month and people will start noticing how strongly buffed the class has become in comparison to others, over the last few patches.
The first thing that must be done if we wish to have a good game, is to cut all weapon evades from the thief class, as they currently have enough evades through dodge rolls and utilities, as well as vigor.
The second step to making a more balanced thief, is to give each class that isn’t a thief a new ability. This ability will counter stealth for a few seconds. Lets say the thief is DP and spamming powder/heart seeker or DD with CnD. Well stealth lasts up to 5 – 10 sec, therefore we make a skill that reveals invisible units for 4 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. This skill will be called eye seeker and a hard counter to perm stealth builds. Every class but thief will have this as an optional utility.
The last step to rid the game of this Overpowerd character and to balance the class, would be to scale attack speed according to enemy armour. The thief currently puts out to much damage to fast, with a quick attack speed and 100% crits with hidden killer. If an enemy has high armour, the thief will then be dealt a frost effect after hitting from stealth, this effect would reduce attack speed per strike. The effect will stack up to 4 times, reducing attack speed by 25% each stack.
With these changes made, we have a more balanced meta with thiefs becoming a more challenging class to play, instead of the insta-win they are at the moment.
Thief and Mesmer is already the most challenging classes. (i tried every class and all of em were easy mode compared to these two). so yeea….. make it more challenging. ruin the game and make all thieves roll some cheesy rangers. u all just hate thieves so bad that u want em nerfed that no1 would even play it. oh and btw about ur “dd thief team”. any classes paired with 2 are unstopabble. i tried that on medi guard. and i had a friend with same build medi guard also. guess what? we could 2v3/4. so of course… 2 players paired are quite OP. anyway whatever. i just hope devs wont listen to you cuz its the only class that is still fun (but if devs will nerf it thnx to such trolls like you then there wont be anythin left in GW to enjoy). all other classes in GW are easy and boring mode. dont even understand how people can play Guard/Warr/Ranger. i fall asleep on those.
PS. in general – stop complaining bout classes. its MMO. hard/easy counters are nature. have some respect for other classes. and instead of moaning learn your class or make such build that you would be a very successful on it (every class has that). im out. sick of these QQ/omg/OP posts. l2p or gtfo instead of cryin.. >_>
@Klowdge, @ Davee
First of all, there is more then one build that gaurantees win on thief.
As an experiment myself and 4 friends all qued up in spvp kitten d/d thiefs. We roamed the map in groups of 2 with 1 guy holding home and literally 1sec comboed the enemiy team. Players were disconnecting because what we were doing was unstoppable, and simply overpowered.
Sure at the moment you dont see thief picked up in every battle, but give it a month and people will start noticing how strongly buffed the class has become in comparison to others, over the last few patches.
The first thing that must be done if we wish to have a good game, is to cut all weapon evades from the thief class, as they currently have enough evades through dodge rolls and utilities, as well as vigor.
The second step to making a more balanced thief, is to give each class that isn’t a thief a new ability. This ability will counter stealth for a few seconds. Lets say the thief is DP and spamming powder/heart seeker or DD with CnD. Well stealth lasts up to 5 – 10 sec, therefore we make a skill that reveals invisible units for 4 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. This skill will be called eye seeker and a hard counter to perm stealth builds. Every class but thief will have this as an optional utility.
The last step to rid the game of this Overpowerd character and to balance the class, would be to scale attack speed according to enemy armour. The thief currently puts out to much damage to fast, with a quick attack speed and 100% crits with hidden killer. If an enemy has high armour, the thief will then be dealt a frost effect after hitting from stealth, this effect would reduce attack speed per strike. The effect will stack up to 4 times, reducing attack speed by 25% each stack.
With these changes made, we have a more balanced meta with thiefs becoming a more challenging class to play, instead of the insta-win they are at the moment.
Thief and Mesmer is already the most challenging classes. (i tried every class and all of em were easy mode compared to these two). so yeea….. make it more challenging. ruin the game and make all thieves roll some cheesy rangers. u all just hate thieves so bad that u want em nerfed that no1 would even play it. oh and btw about ur “dd thief team”. any classes paired with 2 are unstopabble. i tried that on medi guard. and i had a friend with same build medi guard also. guess what? we could 2v3/4. so of course… 2 players paired are quite OP. anyway whatever. i just hope devs wont listen to you cuz its the only class that is still fun (but if devs will nerf it thnx to such trolls like you then there wont be anythin left in GW to enjoy). all other classes in GW are easy and boring mode. dont even understand how people can play Guard/Warr/Ranger. i fall asleep on those.
PS. in general – stop complaining bout classes. its MMO. hard/easy counters are nature. have some respect for other classes. and instead of moaning learn your class or make such build that you would be a very successful on it (every class has that). im out. sick of these QQ/omg/OP posts. l2p or gtfo instead of cryin.. >_>
Did you read this?
@Klowdge, @ Davee
First of all, there is more then one build that gaurantees win on thief.
As an experiment myself and 4 friends all qued up in spvp kitten d/d thiefs. We roamed the map in groups of 2 with 1 guy holding home and literally 1sec comboed the enemiy team. Players were disconnecting because what we were doing was unstoppable, and simply overpowered.
Sure at the moment you dont see thief picked up in every battle, but give it a month and people will start noticing how strongly buffed the class has become in comparison to others, over the last few patches.
The first thing that must be done if we wish to have a good game, is to cut all weapon evades from the thief class, as they currently have enough evades through dodge rolls and utilities, as well as vigor.
The second step to making a more balanced thief, is to give each class that isn’t a thief a new ability. This ability will counter stealth for a few seconds. Lets say the thief is DP and spamming powder/heart seeker or DD with CnD. Well stealth lasts up to 5 – 10 sec, therefore we make a skill that reveals invisible units for 4 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. This skill will be called eye seeker and a hard counter to perm stealth builds. Every class but thief will have this as an optional utility.
The last step to rid the game of this Overpowerd character and to balance the class, would be to scale attack speed according to enemy armour. The thief currently puts out to much damage to fast, with a quick attack speed and 100% crits with hidden killer. If an enemy has high armour, the thief will then be dealt a frost effect after hitting from stealth, this effect would reduce attack speed per strike. The effect will stack up to 4 times, reducing attack speed by 25% each stack.
With these changes made, we have a more balanced meta with thiefs becoming a more challenging class to play, instead of the insta-win they are at the moment.
Thief and Mesmer is already the most challenging classes. (i tried every class and all of em were easy mode compared to these two). so yeea….. make it more challenging. ruin the game and make all thieves roll some cheesy rangers. u all just hate thieves so bad that u want em nerfed that no1 would even play it. oh and btw about ur “dd thief team”. any classes paired with 2 are unstopabble. i tried that on medi guard. and i had a friend with same build medi guard also. guess what? we could 2v3/4. so of course… 2 players paired are quite OP. anyway whatever. i just hope devs wont listen to you cuz its the only class that is still fun (but if devs will nerf it thnx to such trolls like you then there wont be anythin left in GW to enjoy). all other classes in GW are easy and boring mode. dont even understand how people can play Guard/Warr/Ranger. i fall asleep on those.
PS. in general – stop complaining bout classes. its MMO. hard/easy counters are nature. have some respect for other classes. and instead of moaning learn your class or make such build that you would be a very successful on it (every class has that). im out. sick of these QQ/omg/OP posts. l2p or gtfo instead of cryin.. >_>
Did you read this?
I’ve read it Before. For some reason people who call for thief nerfs seem to think thieves are immune to damage in stealth. Anyway, stealth can’t cap points. I was planning on saying a bunch of other stuff, but it’s all been said, so just refer to some post about the weaknesses of stealth, because contrary to popular belief, damage applies to us in stealth.
Darksyze, I have a seriously unhealthy obsession with hating every word you say. Can you pitch it towards my shrink?
this is so me
some players like DarkSyze should just move on to another game, would save me a lot of facepalms
I like my D/P Thief Build.
It’s Nomnomnom~
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Darksyze, I have a seriously unhealthy obsession with hating every word you say. Can you pitch it towards my shrink?
this is so me
some players like DarkSyze should just move on to another game, would save me a lot of facepalms
you do realize they are doing it on purpose and don’t actually care about state of the class/game?
[Teef] guild :>
Darksyze, I have a seriously unhealthy obsession with hating every word you say. Can you pitch it towards my shrink?
this is so me
some players like DarkSyze should just move on to another game, would save me a lot of facepalmsyou do realize they are doing it on purpose and don’t actually care about state of the class/game?
Please! Show Evidence from inside our minds?
Yes! I am asking you to give evidence of us doing it on purpose and don’t actually care about the state of the class/game?
I want to share this with you:
“Ron Kaufmann, from Singapore, in his book: Up Your Service, asked, “Who actually picks up the phone, takes up a pen or gathers the courage to complain? You think it’s the troublemaker, the dificult customer, and the one who enjoys being angry. You’d be wrong”
“Research shows that complaining customers are overwhelming loyal and sincere. They are complaining to you because they care about your business and about the service they receive. They intend doing business with you again in the future, and they want you to set things right”
“The complaining customer trusts you to care, this is why the customer contacted you. Don’t avoid them, embrace them. If a customer does not contact you, it does not mean that they did not experience a similar issue. Customers with similar issues who do not contact you are already lost.”
“Remember that the customer is not complaining about you, they are expressing the dissatisfaction to you. You are not the problem, you are the solution. Rather than perceiving the customer frustration as a personal attack, think of yourself as a person that the customer is coming to for help”.
“How you respond to the complaining customer will determine the long term loyalty of the customer. Take care of a customer who takes time to communicate with you, and you may preserve the loyalty. Let them go, and they will communicate the experience to many other potential customers”.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Woah woah woah, let’s not get angry in these forums, ok? Calm down with those means.
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
Evidence from inside our minds?
Yes! I am asking you to give evidence of us doing it on purpose and don’t actually care about the state of the class/game?
I want to share this with you while you look for evidence:
“Ron Kaufmann, from Singapore, in his book: Up Your Service, asked, “Who actually picks up the phone, takes up a pen or gathers the courage to complain? You think it’s the troublemaker, the dificult customer, and the one who enjoys being angry. You’d be wrong”
“Research shows that complaining customers are overwhelming loyal and sincere. They are complaining to you because they care about your business and about the service they receive. They intend doing business with you again in the future, and they want you to set things right”
Not all complaining customers are “loyal” nor even care about doing business with the company. Alot of them believe that they can control the company by saying “Do X or we are not buying from you again”. Any sensible businessperson can discern between a legitimate problem and a megalomaniac. And anet does that every day.
The point is the customer may always be right but people are not.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)
sandy is that you o.o?
[Teef] guild :>
sandy is that you o.o?
Sanduskels ?!?! WHERE!?! did Burnfall come back too? Do we need more popcorn?!?!
Please consider rolling a thief and playing it for like a month.
In one thread, we see someone complaining about thieves being overpowered and having high survivability and damage. In another, we see people complaining about how thieves can’t stay alive. Oh, the joy of forums.
Darksyze, I have a seriously unhealthy obsession with hating every word you say. Can you pitch it towards my shrink?
this is so me
some players like DarkSyze should just move on to another game, would save me a lot of facepalmsyou do realize they are doing it on purpose and don’t actually care about state of the class/game?
Please! Show Evidence from inside our minds?
Yes! I am asking you to give evidence of us doing it on purpose and don’t actually care about the state of the class/game?
I want to share this with you:
“Ron Kaufmann, from Singapore, in his book: Up Your Service, asked, “Who actually picks up the phone, takes up a pen or gathers the courage to complain? You think it’s the troublemaker, the dificult customer, and the one who enjoys being angry. You’d be wrong”
“Research shows that complaining customers are overwhelming loyal and sincere. They are complaining to you because they care about your business and about the service they receive. They intend doing business with you again in the future, and they want you to set things right”
“The complaining customer trusts you to care, this is why the customer contacted you. Don’t avoid them, embrace them. If a customer does not contact you, it does not mean that they did not experience a similar issue. Customers with similar issues who do not contact you are already lost.”
“Remember that the customer is not complaining about you, they are expressing the dissatisfaction to you. You are not the problem, you are the solution. Rather than perceiving the customer frustration as a personal attack, think of yourself as a person that the customer is coming to for help”.
“How you respond to the complaining customer will determine the long term loyalty of the customer. Take care of a customer who takes time to communicate with you, and you may preserve the loyalty. Let them go, and they will communicate the experience to many other potential customers”.
i gotta agree with you there. i always thought the same and instead of taking personally people should realise the source of complain coming from. BUT. theres a big BUT. it doesnt apply everywhere. and surely its very questionable in MMOs. cuz… just cuz… its full of immature kids that dont really care about anything except their class/their gear nor they have respect for other classes. and if someone is standing against them they will complain and complain like mad. so yup..
on the other hand.. its weird. some people are mad to have Thief in their group. cuz of being useless and weak class. some people complain that they are OP. facepalm … like yesterday.. we had a match and i completely destroyed warrior 2 times. guess what. he goes “useless thief. no burst. bunker, noob, useless bla bla bla..” (useless/noob but he couldnt manage to do anything to me… talk about paradox.) facepalm#2. so there you go. some complain about burst and how OP it is. some complain about a lack of burst (yet they get pwned on 1v1 100% to 0%).. some complain its weak some complain how stronk it is…… so all in all you know… its a game. full of weird people and KIDS. some players are skilled and dont ever complain (cuz they realise its all about knowing your class). some players are less skilled and all they want is their class to be OP’est. —-———-> so your theory kinda doesnt apply here imo. its definetely not a place for such stuff. the only moment (a reasonable one) that we’ll be able to truly complain about some class being OP is when it will be very very obvious and really over the roof. and for now i cannot see such a class. maybe the most obvious is rangers #2 RapidShot at this time + 1500 range.. but yet again its quite dodgeable. so cannot complain too. and believe me we will all know when something is realllyyyyy over the roof and is destroying the game. for now – nope. theres no such class/skill. for now.
(edited by Dave.6819)
It boggles my mind some of you actually listen to Darksyze. Apart from his incoherent jibberish and affinity for quoting. He talks with authority on the mechanics of Thief profession, yet he doesn’t own a thief. Let me repeat that for some of you that seem to have 5 stacks of confusion.
Ignore the tool.
It boggles my mind some of you actually listen to Darksyze. Apart from his incoherent jibberish and affinity for quoting. He talks with authority on the mechanics of Thief profession, yet he doesn’t own a thief. Let me repeat that for some of you that seem to have 5 stacks of confusion.
THIEFIgnore the tool.
I never tell anyone to ignore anyone including you: do you see who is the one want to cause a problem? I do my best to respect other players decision: i hope you do same next time
Last, I want to share something with you:
" Experience is not what you have, it is what happens to you " I do not have thief profession but i know what happens to me by thief profession.
-The reason why i quote is because: I honor other knowledge and experience who are more than mine. In return: will help improve my knowledge and experience better- That is why i do research and investigate so i can use other experience and knowledge to help me make case.
That is all
(by the way: i am working with my thief profession )-
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
While I’m inclined to agree, Dave, I think P/D dire perplexity thief is pretty out of line.
The thief class itself isn’t – Engineers are way worse to deal with as a whole – but this particular build is so ridiculously overpowered that the traits alone have been proven to be able to carry this build; there is a thief that plays this with no weapons at all because it’s just too overpowered to make any justifiable claim of player skill.
Sandusky it is then.
Keeps paying extra money to kitten about thieves
@DarkSyze: Someone mentioned you had a knack for quoting which finally got me to look at your quotes. Mind including who said it? If you wish to honor those with more knowledge, you may as well give the credit where it’s due.
Anyways, tried to look for your last quote:
“Experiance is not what you have, it is what happens to you.”
Maybe I just wasn’t searching wide enough, but closest thing I could find was this gem:
“Experiance is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.” Attributed to English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley.
This sounds like advice you could benefit from taking to heart.
(edited by Kury.8210)
(by the way: i am working with my thief profession
Good! Try it, love it (or hate it) then come back here with results. Once you have more experience playing the class it will also be easier to counter and beat it on other professions. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn to like thief Oh and visit for builds. Makes it easier to get started.
EDIT: Don’t feel disheartened if you die alot, it’s part of the (high) learning curve. Feel free to pm me in game if you need a hand.
(edited by Maris.3164)
Hey guys. Nerf thief cause I said it.
I play ranger and they hit me too hard
so… yeah
EDIT: Oh Dark is actually giving it a try?
My interest is piqued. Very much so.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
It boggles my mind some of you actually listen to Darksyze. Apart from his incoherent jibberish and affinity for quoting. He talks with authority on the mechanics of Thief profession, yet he doesn’t own a thief. Let me repeat that for some of you that seem to have 5 stacks of confusion.
THIEFIgnore the tool.
I never tell anyone to ignore anyone including you: do you see who is the one want to cause a problem? I do my best to respect other players decision: i hope you do same next time
Last, I want to share something with you:
" Experience is not what you have, it is what happens to you " I do not have thief profession but i know what happens to me by thief profession.
-The reason why i quote is because: I honor other knowledge and experience who are more than mine. In return: will help improve my knowledge and experience better- That is why i do research and investigate so i can use other experience and knowledge to help me make case.
That is all
(by the way: i am working with my thief profession
100% agree with you man. The only people defending the class, are the ones that play thief.
Those that aren’t attached to this overpowered class and aren’t abusing it’s imbalance, always ask for it to be nerfed.
I hope that ANET executes come better balance, or atleast applies some of the ideas in this thread. By the next patch.
Hey guys. Nerf thief cause I said it.
I play ranger and they hit me too hard
so… yeah
EDIT: Oh Dark is actually giving it a try?
My interest is piqued. Very much so.
Good enough reason… added to nerf wish list!
Hey guys. Nerf thief cause I said it.
I play ranger and they hit me too hard
so… yeah
EDIT: Oh Dark is actually giving it a try?
My interest is piqued. Very much so.
Good enough reason… added to nerf wish list!
Here we go.
Pls nerf Peow peow´s thief (if he has one?). He seems to be so overpowered contrary to everyone else. Its unfair. He oneshots everything while in stealth, evading and being invincible. And not forgetting that all of his ports are always working (to close for steal ftw).
But seriously where have you been? Banned from forum?
I´m never sure if you are a troll or a thief player being annoyed about all the complaining —→ making ridiculous complain-posts
DarkSyze.8627 never even played thief? Oh sweet irony.
Pls make me the favor and play against decent players. (no, uplevels don´t count)
Boy @Peow peow.2189 I post again my opinion for y QQ …
@Sein.5160: Khahahah… Khahahaha… Khahahah…
Good Post-troll x)
I have read in this post no problems but QQ of BAD PLAYERS in PVP ^^
1) Take the problem and you explain pro and con and because fix this problem and how resolve the problem!.
If y hv QQ for y Bad Gameplay or for y Class WRITE IN Y PROFESSION CLASS for no QQ free ^^" … TY! ^^
Ah For y happiness read here and stay beef