Thief meta currently?
10/30/0/30/0 s/d + sb lyssa runes
10/30/0/0/30 d/p + sb ogre runes
I’d consider these the two top spvp builds. The s/d build is designed to evade a lot and provide steady damage. The d/p build is meant to spam blinds, interrupts, and have a great burst. Neither heavily rely on stealth although the d/p build will use it for burst. Short bow isn’t talked about a lot but it is really important for team fights and mobility.
I use the same d/p build in wvw but arguably it’s still better to use a perma-stealth variant if you like taking on uneven odds. I’ve never liked sword in wvw because it’s chase potential is too low. Everyone in wvw runs… everyone.
Hope this helps.
Highest Solo Queue Rank Achieved: 40
Highest solo-join Team Queue Rank Achieved: 198
Thanks for the great answers, I will definitely be trying those builds out once I get back into the groove of tournament play. If I may ask 1 more question, which build would be best suited for situations like 1v1 fights, 5v5 teamfights, capturing nodes, and things of that sort?
So i haven’t played gw2 in several months
Im pretty sure this is the current thief meta.
That’s pretty impossible to answer. They both have their 1v1 match-ups that they are better at so their ability to cap nodes is about the same (assuming the same utilities). S/D is much more sustainable in teamfights though. If the d/p thief gets focused he has to get out fast. I’m around rank 450 solo queue only using d/p thief; it is viable and I think it’s more fun than s/d. However, using shadow step instead of signet of agility has made s/d so much better for me so that’s what I’m playing now. I miss being able to end fights faster but the kit gives you the tools you need to survive long enough to get the kill and you end up fairing better in ugly situations.
So for both builds I suggest infiltrator signet, shadow step, and shadow refuge. I used to play double signet with s/d (FOTM style I know) but ningyou’s commentary about shadow step made me realize I could use my d/p utilities just as effectively on s/d.
My only trouble on s/d so far is 1v1 vs a good d/p thief. I never learned to counter stealth without stealth of my own so I don’t dodge the backstabs properly yet.
Give both a try, they’re different enough that when you get bored you can switch to the other.
Highest Solo Queue Rank Achieved: 40
Highest solo-join Team Queue Rank Achieved: 198