Thieves are cheap, Thieves are noobs
I think it’s not amusing. It’s just sad that people nowadays can’t think with their heads.
But yes, unfortunatelly I’ve been called names and whatnot, just because people are too danm dumb to step out of black powder OR knock me out of shadow refuge OR immobilize me OR dodge my heart seeker OR dodge unload OR spread if I’m using short bow OR …
People need to either create more alts and try classes out more or go to PvP and at least play a few matches with classes they’re having problems with. Mostly it’s a l2p issue as I see it.
I admit I was steam rolled a few times by a warrior using GS whirlwind on me. But hey, that’s my fault if I don’t have the reflexes to dodge.
People need to scuk it up and do a little research and l2p.
Just my 2 cooper.
I think i have to agree with those other people, more often than not you see the d/p thief win, which they wouldnt if they had any other weapon set.
Even as thief i think d/p is kittenkitten cheap in a good thieves hand.
I think i have to agree with those other people, more often than not you see the d/p thief win, which they wouldnt if they had any other weapon set.
Even as thief i think d/p is kittenkitten cheap in a good thieves hand.
Seriously? It’s our most functional weapon set, but it doesn’t make a bad player better.
all is vain
I think i have to agree with those other people, more often than not you see the d/p thief win, which they wouldnt if they had any other weapon set.
Even as thief i think d/p is kittenkitten cheap in a good thieves hand.
Seriously? It’s our most functional weapon set, but it doesn’t make a bad player better.
Well, with d/p it lets people survive encounters that they wouldnt have done in any other weapon set.
I dont see a d/d thief fight 5 people and kill them all, but a d/p can do that Stood and watch this thief kill a bunch of people and i knew that with any other weapon set, they would easily have killed him.
Ofcourse it doesnt make a bad player better, but it makes them more viable. Btw im talking from a WvW point of view
(edited by Rissou.7213)
Seriously? It’s our most functional weapon set, but it doesn’t make a bad player better.
Agreed. The weapon set offers mostly everything needed in any fight. However, if you do not know when and how to use it on enemy classes it does not help at all.
On Topic: 1 vs. 2 where they try to rezz the downed mate and get themselves killed while doing that and moan about OP-thieves. I tend to say it’s not 1 vs. 2 if I down one of them and they try to rezz the other one instead of attacking me while having low HP and some skills on cooldown…
I dont see a d/d thief fight 5 people and kill them all, but a d/p can do that
in which universe you can kill 5 ppl ?
there is a problem that every weapon set has and it is called “downed state”
i can down someone in a 1 v 5 fight, without a d/p build but i won’t perform the stomp.
no one can, against semi-decent players.
I dont see a d/d thief fight 5 people and kill them all, but a d/p can do that
in which universe you can kill 5 ppl ?
there is a problem that every weapon set has and it is called “downed state”
i can down someone in a 1 v 5 fight, without a d/p build but i won’t perform the stomp.
no one can, against semi-decent players.
Doesn’t even require semi-decent players.
logging GW2 forum
And yeah, I find D/D as a broken weaponset as well it’s limited to #1 #2 and #5 and 4 way too situational. It requires a bit more skill than D/P but at the same time there are situations where D/D perform better than D/P.
You can’t base anything on WvW encounters. You can kill 5 peeps with D/P? Guess what you can do it with anything, even SB.
All it takes is for 1 single player to be decent (tough luck if you run into someone who’s actually good or insane) to ruin everything you can attempt in your 1vs5 situation.
Personally I run S/P with SB and I have loads of fun, I have very good damage and avoidance, easy access to poison, cleave dmg, decent condi removal, blinds / weakness etc.
Noob is boon spelled backwards. I’ve never noticed that.
Anyway, just like every other class, it’s all about knowing what you can and can’t do and getting the most out of your build while dealing with someone else trying to do the same thing. I just wish everyone would go straight into evaluating why a fight was lost instead of trying to salvage their ego.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
I never got those since I use S/D and shortbow and don’t really use stealth
you havent seen a d/d thief take on 1v5?
Let’s stop kidding ourselves. Thieves have a very high surviability and high damage build where as it’s not hard to play right if you know what you’re doing. Most classes it’s one or the other.
I stopped playing thief quite a few months ago just because off how easy they are to play and felt like i actually needed a challenge when roaming.
It makes me cringe when i see people playing p/d set up roaming around thinking they are gods, when in reality it is the easiest set up with in the entire game!
I would love to see those people play a 3 kit engineer (p/s, tool kit, bomb, ff is my fave set up and it destroys thieves quite easily) it would give a lot of thieves a wake up call in how little they have to put in to get good results.
I leveled thief to around 60 in WvW and deleted it. It’s just stupidly overpowered profession for WvW.
Insane survivability with sick damage, I don’t see how that’s balanced at all.
Against a good thief you have to play pretty much flawlessly to survive, and thieves can just screw up and get away with it. It’s actually kinda amusing.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
Let’s stop kidding ourselves. Thieves have a very high surviability and high damage build where as it’s not hard to play right if you know what you’re doing. Most classes it’s one or the other.
lol yeah right. you mean they have high sruvivability and dmg IF and only if its the RIGHT situation. and lets not say escaping a 100 man zerg coming after you at a distance is survivability bc anyone can use a WP before they engage….same thign as popping blind powder or Shadow refuge. 1 v 1 yes they have good survivability. 5v5 and higher? nope :P so you should put asterisks (*) next to some kind of statement as such :P. this is hence why thieves are always using trick shot on the outskirts of battles or dodge rolling away bc they cant take dmg. their only survivability is to avoid battle.
you havent seen a d/d thief take on 1v5?
ummm? seriously? :P few notes upon watching this:
1) there is no 1 v 5 ….some 1 v 2s and Kinda arguably 1 v 3 (most running some upscales)
2)This is tier 1. most of them dont roam…most meaning 99.9% and most are HORRIBLE 1 v 1 players. this i know … im t2 and have yet to lose a 1 v 1 or 1v 2 to a tier one player. they are horrendous at small skirmishes and duels. as a matter of fact they arent even aloud to do them…..ive watched 80 -100 man zergs pass me by within 900 range and im just standing there…not EVEN one attacked me. several times this has happened.
3) Entertaining enough video….and i RARELY if ever say this but that quality of opponent was horrendous. No defense guardians? thief that doesnt try backstab once? ele that doesnt RTL or use CCs? warrior who stands there with his back to opponent?
this is again not picking on the thief player in the vid…its just a bad example to show that the thief class is good OR bad. unless you are saying even an average player can pick off nubs in wvw then i would agree with that.
ur right yishish is trash. hes one of the best currently but yea think what u kittenid
I stopped playing thief quite a few months ago just because off how easy they are to play and felt like i actually needed a challenge when roaming.
It makes me cringe when i see people playing p/d set up roaming around thinking they are gods, when in reality it is the easiest set up with in the entire game!I would love to see those people play a 3 kit engineer (p/s, tool kit, bomb, ff is my fave set up and it destroys thieves quite easily) it would give a lot of thieves a wake up call in how little they have to put in to get good results.
Hmm I play both and honestly I do more wok on the engineer. That being said I am a hell of a lot less predictable running 3 kits. TBH I do not know what the other player is thinking. What I do know is that most players want to be effective in WvW. I think DP is still a very cheap set but anything that focuses CnD is easy to counter/punish. If players are actually landing their CnDs no problem then who they are fighting isn’t really all that good.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
I stopped playing thief quite a few months ago just because off how easy they are to play and felt like i actually needed a challenge when roaming.
It makes me cringe when i see people playing p/d set up roaming around thinking they are gods, when in reality it is the easiest set up with in the entire game!I would love to see those people play a 3 kit engineer (p/s, tool kit, bomb, ff is my fave set up and it destroys thieves quite easily) it would give a lot of thieves a wake up call in how little they have to put in to get good results.
Hmm I play both and honestly I do more wok on the engineer. That being said I am a hell of a lot less predictable running 3 kits. TBH I do not know what the other player is thinking. What I do know is that most players want to be effective in WvW. I think DP is still a very cheap set but anything that focuses CnD is easy to counter/punish. If players are actually landing their CnDs no problem then who they are fighting isn’t really all that good.
This is quite true , specially the fact they normally shoot 2 shots then go straight back in the for the cnd. only time when you have serious problems is when you have others, or npc around you, cos no matter what you do you cant prevent them from going back in stealth, until you have killed everything around you and that is not always viable.
I stopped playing thief quite a few months ago just because off how easy they are to play and felt like i actually needed a challenge when roaming.
It makes me cringe when i see people playing p/d set up roaming around thinking they are gods, when in reality it is the easiest set up with in the entire game!I would love to see those people play a 3 kit engineer (p/s, tool kit, bomb, ff is my fave set up and it destroys thieves quite easily) it would give a lot of thieves a wake up call in how little they have to put in to get good results.
Ehh, isn’t that FOTM build #4, only below s/d thief, spirit ranger and necro?
Actually it is #1 as he can tank them alltogether.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I’ve heard people call thieves noob when they lost to D/D eles and I’ve heard them say backstab is a cheesy attack when I used sword main hand. Really funny how little people really know about the thief, which is the reason we get easy kills in WvW.
I stopped playing thief quite a few months ago just because off how easy they are to play and felt like i actually needed a challenge when roaming.
It makes me cringe when i see people playing p/d set up roaming around thinking they are gods, when in reality it is the easiest set up with in the entire game!I would love to see those people play a 3 kit engineer (p/s, tool kit, bomb, ff is my fave set up and it destroys thieves quite easily) it would give a lot of thieves a wake up call in how little they have to put in to get good results.
Ehh, isn’t that FOTM build #4, only below s/d thief, spirit ranger and necro?
If your referring to the p/d build it’s more like foty build as it has been very viable for such a long time, but if you was on about the 3 kit engi, i would say no as fotm tends to favour over powered and easy to use.
I’ve heard people call thieves noob when they lost to D/D eles and I’ve heard them say backstab is a cheesy attack when I used sword main hand. Really funny how little people really know about the thief, which is the reason we get easy kills in WvW.
Never mind, I just took my time to understand what you wrote in the first sentence.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
Cheap, maybe, noobs, probably not these days, but quite shortsighted.
A good player bringing a Thief will pull thoughts such as “Great, another thief, yawn.” and when hopping on something like a gadget Engi or a Necro it goes “HOLY SHIET”.
People will eventually stop playing the Thief the day they’re looking to distinguish themselves.
As much as I don’t have hope for people in general, you’d be out of your mind to assume that Thief is underperforming in his domain. I have no problems with my Engineer because the class can combine two crucial requirements in order to kill them, but not every class has this chance.
Thieves at this moment are totally balanced imo. They may have been slightly OP months and months ago, but due to repeating nerfs, they now are far from OP. Only mesmer is overpowered atm.
I’ve had every single one of my classes called no skill at one point or another while playing. One of my fav times was one person that recently went on for 5 mins calling me a “no skill pos eng” repeatedly for using triple kit. Lol.
I agree that the game is fairly well balanced atm. People just like excuses for why they lost.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I’ve had every single one of my classes called no skill at one point or another while playing.
This. It’s usually hurt feelings that makes ppl trashtalk, nothing to worry about.
And as for thieves tbh it is the most nooby class in the game. The builds like signet+venom and heartseeker spam till someone dies- excuse me, how much skill do you actually need to push one button 4 times in a row?
The problem with thieves is they are noobstompers, but when facing someone with skill who can predict your action and your actual position you are dead- low hp pool, low defense. Once you finish off your combo and enemy didn’t die you can as well runaway- which is what this profession does the best. Somehow when you stealth people are standing in place like if they were waiting for the backstab.
Thief in games was always my favourite class, always fun to play with but not in GW2. I leveled my thief to 80, farmed my gear and I’m kind of disappointed. I ran around WvWvW a little and donno what to say, shortbow is my favourite weapon I guess, trolling ppl with evades and SB’s 3 makes me think this particular profession was designed by some master troll.
In sPvP it’s all hit and run tactics. You come, you attack, you run back, regen, attack again, and like that till your victim dies either from dmg taken or from frustration.
Last time I played my thief was something around 4 months ago, I don’t like doing pve with thief and I don’t like the playstyle in pvp. Thief is the most miserable profession in this game and needs reworking but this will probably not going to happen because ppl already got used to it and noone wants to admit the truth about the class he plays.
The biggest flaw is you can keep on restealthing in combat and no other profession has any skill that breaks stealth- I do not know who invented that game mechanic but this forces a certain playstyle to use this mechanic to the best of your advantage. It is very flawed mechanic.
Second thing is you can still take dmg in stealth but this won’t take you out of the stealth so you kind of have to guess where to aim to hit the thief which is quite easy- ofc noobs will stay in place waiting for the hit.
I think thief class should work in a different way, but whatever, dev wanted something new, or I don’t know why and came up with this broken squishy puppet. I do really hope this profession will get reworked in the future.
tl;dr- haters gonna hate. For me thief in this game is the noob class, but this is my opinion- I played thief and I didn’t like it, I hope profession will get reworked but I doubt it since many people (probably because of the profession being supereasy to play) like things as they are right now. I’m actually surprised that higher in the ranking the more thieves you face. I’m joining in duoqueue now and once in enemy team there were 4 thieves and 1 warrior, in my team mesmer, 2 guardians, warrior and engineer. Boy what a whooping they got. Very annoying tho with all the shadow refuges.
Once you have thousands more complaining about one class in particular over and pretend otherwise is just ignoring the facts.
Facts are thief is a noob class anyone can play,and in the hands of a skilled player its yawn eat chips watch tv and kill everyone without effort.
I can fight all day against all other classes and its close fight spvp wvw over and over until i fight a thief. insane damage out put and when I start to win poof disengaged.very fast movement for escape plus evasion.its a complete joke.
I think the thing that really is the most annoying is,having zero chance when you are downed.thief get free kill there too.
good solution: until someone fixes this broken class only allow noobs to play this easy mode/disengaging/evasion/escape artist/insane damage class.
Once you have thousands more complaining about one class in particular over and pretend otherwise is just ignoring the facts.
Facts are thief is a noob class anyone can play,and in the hands of a skilled player its yawn eat chips watch tv and kill everyone without effort.
I can fight all day against all other classes and its close fight spvp wvw over and over until i fight a thief. insane damage out put and when I start to win poof disengaged.very fast movement for escape plus evasion.its a complete joke.
I think the thing that really is the most annoying is,having zero chance when you are downed.thief get free kill there too.
good solution: until someone fixes this broken class only allow noobs to play this easy mode/disengaging/evasion/escape artist/insane damage class.
Really? You think thief can kill every class with ease? My mes/guard/eng disagree.
Dear god thieves are easy to kill on my eng. It’s a joke. Eng has SO many counters for anything a thief can do.
Gear shield = lawl plz try to backstab or hs spam more. Oh bask venom? Meet elixir S. That’s presuming the eng isn’t not traited for protection + 20% reduction (total of 52% additional reduction) when stunned and then… wth do they even care the eng will hardly feel it. Oh I see you got off a C&D… enjoy the stun from static shield when you go to backstab. Box o nails/glue shot = you’re not getting behind, enjoy your cripple/immobilize. What’s that, thief teled away? Magnet pull back and prybar your face. Shadow refuge? Magnetic inversion. I could go on and on. It can overwhelm a thief with conditions easily while doing these counters… even if they are using remove conditions on stealth.
My guard can easily mitigate the bursts and keep retal up so that you damage yourself while trying to hurt him.
My mes can juke/invis/evade/invuln to counter the thief and shatter burst them down or just let the phants do the work as they’ll start attacking the instant the thief comes out of stealth.
Stealth stomps won’t counter every downed skill. Some of them don’t require a target. Invuln stomps which other classes have access to on the other hand… are far harder to counter. That being said… you shouldn’t expect to win if you’re downed and your opponent is not regardless of the classes involved.
Thief is very strong when the skill level of both classes is low. As that skill level increases the thief hits the skill cap long before most other classes will and the thief can’t do much at that point.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Thieves are simply cheesy down to their very core thanks to Anet’s horrible design decisions. I happened to run into two thieves who would take turns using basilisk venom and headshot while the other one dealt damage until I died, classy. Being stun locked to oblivion by 2-3 hammer warriors makes for a far more interesting and comical end since they have to somehow catch me first.
This is the problem. It’s like Anet sat down and decided they wanted to make the most frustrating class on the face of the planet on purpose and it didn’t have to be this way. Stealth doesn’t have to be frustrating, hell in a lot of games I would take a fight with the stealth class any day over a fight with the typical quick or long range classes. I absolutely hate my regen ranger because of her brainless copy pasta build, but I still have her on stand by for those days when you swear you can hear the thieves giggling like school girls when someone strays from the zerg.
When players stop calling thieves OP or cheap, and realize they’re just extremely cheesy, you will be a lot happier losing to one/a few.
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
I have played over 500 hours on my thief and cannot play it anymore because it’s so cheesy. It’s also extremely easy compared to other classes. Compared to my engineer, I feel like I press 2 buttons on my thief to kill someone. On my engineer it’s over 15. It’s a lot more button pressing and to achieve something you often have to press 2 (swapping kits).
I just fought a thief who always ran from me when I got him low and only challenged me when his bas venom is up. I don’t have a stunbreak so that’s the only times he could actually damage me. Venom, 5, steal, 1. That was it.
Everyone who still plays a thief, is A) a noob who needs this class someone who only likes ganking people C) someone that can’t press more than 5 buttons.
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist
Thieves are simply cheesy down to their very core thanks to Anet’s horrible design decisions. I happened to run into two thieves who would take turns using basilisk venom and headshot while the other one dealt damage until I died, classy. Being stun locked to oblivion by 2-3 hammer warriors makes for a far more interesting and comical end since they have to somehow catch me first.
This is the problem. It’s like Anet sat down and decided they wanted to make the most frustrating class on the face of the planet on purpose and it didn’t have to be this way. Stealth doesn’t have to be frustrating, hell in a lot of games I would take a fight with the stealth class any day over a fight with the typical quick or long range classes. I absolutely hate my regen ranger because of her brainless copy pasta build, but I still have her on stand by for those days when you swear you can hear the thieves giggling like school girls when someone strays from the zerg.
When players stop calling thieves OP or cheap, and realize they’re just extremely cheesy, you will be a lot happier losing to one/a few.
1. If you run into a 1vs2 confrontation with two well organised thieves, of course it will be very difficult for you to prevail. This is no basis for your general statement.
2. basilik venom recharges every 35 sec, if traited that way. Two thieves could stun you once every 15 sec for 2 sec. Dazing shot only dazes for 1 sec. You can still evade incoming attacks. And even if you never hit the dodge button, they would never be able to perma-daze you, even if they were insanely skilled. Your description is exagerrated. Surely, your frustration about this smashing loss is still nagging at you.
People complain about thieves all the time, people accuse you of running simply for going into to stealth or call you a noob after you kill them. The fact of the matter is that non-thieves seem to hate thieves, take it as part of the game.
People complain about thieves all the time, people accuse you of running simply for going into to stealth or call you a noob after you kill them. The fact of the matter is that non-thieves seem to hate thieves, take it as part of the game.
I think its the mobility and how overwhelming in many cases stealth can be. It could also be frustration. CnD months and months ago was generally perceived as hard to counter. As more players got better at recognizing the animation more players switched to DP. Stealth access that is hard to counter is frustrating to many players. The other issue is many builds not being able to run effectively forcing them to beat the thief. All that coupled with the unparalleled ability to disengage makes thief a bane in the eyes of many. In the big picture however, the larger the engagement the less effective the thief.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
1. If you run into a 1vs2 confrontation with two well organised thieves, of course it will be very difficult for you to prevail. This is no basis for your general statement.
2. basilik venom recharges every 35 sec, if traited that way. Two thieves could stun you once every 15 sec for 2 sec. Dazing shot only dazes for 1 sec. You can still evade incoming attacks. And even if you never hit the dodge button, they would never be able to perma-daze you, even if they were insanely skilled. Your description is exagerrated. Surely, your frustration about this smashing loss is still nagging at you.
Yes it is since my original argument is that thieves are cheesy to no end, not OP, and not cheap, just cheesy.
I thought mentioning another scenario would let people know that I wasn’t expecting to win against superior numbers employing similar strategies. If I’m willing to fight an equal or greater number of another class using a cheesy tactic, it means the individual cheese on that class is the problem.
I’m also not too sure why you are breaking down the individual skills since I said they took turns and that is more than possible with a stun using initiative. Perma-daze was never an issue and that was never my original argument. Also I fail to see how my original statement that thieves being cheesy down to their very core is exaggerated.
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
People complain about thieves all the time, people accuse you of running simply for going into to stealth or call you a noob after you kill them. The fact of the matter is that non-thieves seem to hate thieves, take it as part of the game.
I think its the mobility and how overwhelming in many cases stealth can be. It could also be frustration. CnD months and months ago was generally perceived as hard to counter. As more players got better at recognizing the animation more players switched to DP. Stealth access that is hard to counter is frustrating to many players. The other issue is many builds not being able to run effectively forcing them to beat the thief. All that coupled with the unparalleled ability to disengage makes thief a bane in the eyes of many. In the big picture however, the larger the engagement the less effective the thief.
P/D since forever! C&D is still viable, it’s about timing and watching your enemy, it’s still easy to hit with it, people find it difficult because they don’t watch for enemy dodge.
D/P people simply don’t understand, the amount of players I’ve seen standing in blind fields trying to attack is mindblowing, you can stand outside of the circle and still be withing melee range, people just don’t learn, they get upset instead.
Everyone who still plays a thief, is A) a noob who needs this class
someone who only likes ganking people C) someone that can’t press more than 5 buttons.
Keeping it classy. I like that.
You forgot D) has every other profession in the game at 80 and wants to collect the set.
I have played over 500 hours on my thief and cannot play it anymore because it’s so cheesy. It’s also extremely easy compared to other classes. Compared to my engineer, I feel like I press 2 buttons on my thief to kill someone. On my engineer it’s over 15. It’s a lot more button pressing and to achieve something you often have to press 2 (swapping kits).
I just fought a thief who always ran from me when I got him low and only challenged me when his bas venom is up. I don’t have a stunbreak so that’s the only times he could actually damage me. Venom, 5, steal, 1. That was it.
Everyone who still plays a thief, is A) a noob who needs this class
someone who only likes ganking people C) someone that can’t press more than 5 buttons.
Not true. Thief is all about anticipating what your opponent is about to do and countering it (at least if you’re a good thief, a bad thief will just stick to his rotation and attempt to instagib, which against any skilled player just flat out doesn’t work). It is also about playing tricks with your opponent’s mind by using stealth and your movement skills. In many ways, it is just like the mesmer, just a non-magical version. Sure, there are plenty of thieves that run around trying to instagib people and being complete noobs bringing a terrible name to the class. And I apologize to you for having to fight them, because they are so ridiculously easy to kill that you must have cried in shame for them. However, when you come across a good thief, and you can’t seem to hit him, and no matter what you do you just can’t keep track of him through stealth and teleports, and you want to rage that thief is op because of this, stop, and realize that the thief most likely just outplayed you. He saw what you were doing, evaluated where you first looked when you got hit, and changed where, how, and when he attacked based on his evaluation of what you would most likely do. And, apparently, succeeded. At least, that’s how I play a thief, and that’s why I think it’s a fun profession.
So, everyone who plays a thief is either: A) a noob who just wants to instagib people (but probably dies more times than he kills people), or someone that loves to play with people’s minds and counter what they do.
A thief of type A will be terrible and brings a bad name to the class. A thief of type B is the type you see in high level tournament play and occasionally in WvW.
Engi has a higher skill cap but is just as powerful or more than thief.
Some people like hard to play classes like engi. Some prefer easy mode like a spirit ranger. Others prefer stealth like a thief. Thief shouldn’t be nerfed because you found out engi is hard to play. According to your logic most ranger builds and ele builds should be nerfed.
Doesn’t even require semi-decent players.
logging GW2 forum
“O MY GAD, THAIF OP!! ARINA NET PLISS NURF, HE KIL APPLEVEL 1v5”And yeah, I find D/D as a broken weaponset as well it’s limited to #1 #2 and #5 and 4 way too situational. It requires a bit more skill than D/P but at the same time there are situations where D/D perform better than D/P.
i just had to say how hard i laughed when i read this. funny stuff…
Because we use excessive amounts of stealth, and it’s a broken mechanic for sure with zero counterplay. It’s broken, and cheap, but there is the downfall that we have close to no teamfighting capabilities.
Denying stealth isn’t cheap is pretty dumb. It’s only counterweighted by the fact it’s pretty much our only true unique ability.
Because we use excessive amounts of stealth, and it’s a broken mechanic for sure with zero counterplay. It’s broken, and cheap, but there is the downfall that we have close to no teamfighting capabilities.
Denying stealth isn’t cheap is pretty dumb. It’s only counterweighted by the fact it’s pretty much our only true unique ability.
When i use my sword/pistol build (which only has utilities for stealth) i find it very easy to fight most dagger/pistol thieves who rely on stealth. Stealth is really not very difficult to counter at all
Dragonbrand |Twitch:
I jumped this SoS guy a few matchups ago and dispatched him quite quickly. He proceeded to party me and kitten talk me. He then ranted to his friend who then whispered me saying that the guy I killed called me a:
“Heartseeker spamming kitten Thief.”
I was running S/D.
Theres so much negativity on this thread its almost poisonous!
Anyway I wouldn’t call thieves a noob class what so ever, I’d give that honor to warriors (in PvE) and necromancers (in tpvp/spvp). Coming from someone who also mains elementalist, one of the more difficult classes, I’d say that thief is one of the harder classes to use and by no means cheap as good players can and will predict your position and ruin you in stealth, so thats why you have to be even better at positioning to outsmart them. Spamming <3seeker or whatever is obviously a bad idea, as I honestly only use it with a pistol to generate stealth. That being said the thief builds I love the most are S/D because of all of its evades, and P/D condition now that it has torment.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I don’t think thief as a whole is “Cheap” but I do think that they made d/p way too easy (emphasis on easy). I play every class regularly in pvp (thief most of all) so I can confirm this. Of course I’m not saying anything that’s viable is easy, I’m just saying that d/p is literally the most easiest setup for burst. Going against a opponent with slow attack speed and requires to get close to you? Hit 5 and spam your auto til he’s low on health, then hit 2! All your stealth skills on cd? Hit 5 then 2! (as well as blinding those nearby/your target). D/p thieves are not glass cannon even if they go full zerker and trait zerker. If you think of blinds like a block (both of which prevent your opponent from landing a hit on you) you can hit 5 and block slow melee attackers in the radius (ever other or so hit for fast melee), hit 3 for a teleport to the target and make their next attack miss, while at the same time dealing damage. No build that makes you reduce the damage you take by that much is glass cannon.
It all comes down to the base statistics of it really. Take two new people to the game, put them in a 1 v 1. Give one of the noobs d/p and the other d/d. Who is going to win? The p/d of course just because he noticed once he hit 5, his opponent started to miss his attacks, and he was able to stealth more. Of course there are counters to this, and it requires timing etc etc, but if you are a decent thief these “counters” don’t mean anything. If someone decides they don’t want to step into your 5 skill and attack you with their longer range weapon, you hit 3 and get close to them and force them to. Why do you think these kinds of builds are the meta? Because they are easy, plain and simple. You can justify it by saying “but it requires timing and thought” , but that is not enough considering every class has to deal with timing.
Then there’s also the point that this game’s pvp is built around “Team combat”. For anyone saying that thief can’t be useful for team combat needs to think a bit harder. If a team battle arises, all you have to do is go off point, spam auto with shortbow/clusterbomb (great aoe dmg). Close in on weak targets and gtfo if your team starts to fail. You can also pop a few smoke bombs in the fight to make people miss their attacks (nullifying any slow startup skill in the radius). And shadow refuge for rez’s.
d/p is that easy folks no doubt about it. Saying that weapon set takes large amounts of skill/thinking is just silly (even against good opponents).
ITT : People who don’t understand game balance + design.
Stealth is a broken mechanic simply because there is no counterplay. Counterplay doesn’t mean being able to beat the thief – even in games with broken characters or aspects, they can be beaten. Zero counterplay implies there’s no true mechanic or technique in game that allows for other characters to effectively counter the actual stealth condition. No class in the entire game has stealth detection. There’s literally no counterplay against a stealthed individual because the stealthed theif has 100% full control of the situation and battle the moment he or she pops stealth.
People call thieves overpowered and incredibly toxic to the game environment (especially in unregulated PvP <WvW>) because not only do many people have very little idea of what happens when they get backstabbed for 15k damage, but simply because they do die in less then a split two seconds often and there’s little way for them to do anything about it. It’s simply how the thief class was built, and it was terrible game design.
If anyone played League of Legends before and after the Evelynn and stealth changes, they know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Stealth in this manner is a broken, unfun, and quite a confusing and terrible mechanic. It’s only worse in this game because at least in League, there’s things you can buy to detect stealth actively around you. Here? They give you…a trap.
Roaming in 5 mans is the only thing i do since wvw release. Played thief for about 1500h in wvw and pvp. I have to say, a 5 man setup with a well trained thief (well trained for group play that is) is just wonderful. Certainly no disadvantage compared to any other group setup.
It`s all about the utilities that provide not only safe stomps but reliable escape/regroup and rez functionality as well. An opposing grp that loses its focus target just for a second is much easier to engage/fight. Precise burst to weakend targets is awesome, too.
Key is, the thief has to communicate his utilities and keep them for his teammates. Overextenders that use their utilities for themself are just plain bad, a thief can escape almost any situation just using his weapon skills.
My 2 cent.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man