[Video] PvP, Yippie Kye Yay 8 & 9
Fun to watch as always.
Also, the sound from Quip is just too much. People must absolutely hate hearing that funny little noise.
Nice vid. I can’t wait to get my hands on that for S/P combo in WvW.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
no offense, but nothing special or player skill in the vid. Autoattack+stealth and start again… boring and monolitic as all thiefs.
Your videos is why I started using P/D. I love it. I’ve only lost few 1v1s, and I’m confident in doing 1v2s, but I could never quite take on 1v3s. I can survive for a long time, but everytime I down one they both insta rez him before I can finish…
I know this guy, like to go solo, but also like to use Alf+F4 when he went downed.
(edited by Nels.3802)
no offense, but nothing special or player skill in the vid. Autoattack+stealth and start again… boring and monolitic as all thiefs.
Yea man. Timing, position, prediction and utility application are so pointless.
love your work as usual slic !
do you try any other builds or just stick to the trusty p/d condition?
I know this guy, like to go solo, but also like to use Alf+F4 when he went downed.
Haha yeah, I’ve restarted client, but only when I got zerged. Over the past week, literally ALL my deaths were to zerg/bigger numbers, not a single loss 1v1 or with even numbers (except to this 1 JQ thief this morning, because I was being bad/sleepy ).
IMHO, since other players use alt F4 ALL the time, I’m justified in using it every time I’m out numbered, especially if I get chased by 10+ for 5mins (that almost always happens, if I survive and have to run). Nothing like saying eff you to badge-hungry skill-less zerg than leading them on a 10-20min chase and then restarting client once they get lucky on immobilize/cc. If you want to condemn me, go ahead, but I doubt you’d also agree that zerg deserve to get a badge off me when I’m solo.
And, it was actually faster for me to reload client than wait for death and do repairs. Queues have been instant the entire time I’ve been filming.
If you want to condemn me, go ahead, but I doubt you’d also agree that zerg deserve to get a badge off me when I’m solo.
If they down/finish you they deserve a badge – simple as that.
They exploit the power of the zerg.
You exploit the fact that the thief profession has a very powerful advantage in 1v1 battles.
Alt-F4 is not playing in the spirit of the game.
How is it possible that all the players in that video look like complete and incompetent players?
How is it possible that all the players in that video look like complete and incompetent players?
Iunno, but they weren’t AFK, or lagging a lot, or anything like that. Some ppl just get confused/panic/etc when they’re losing, who knows.
I also do about 3-5 (unique) inputs a second during combat (not counting the cam turning), so unfortunately the entire picture will never be conveyed.
Especially when I get (anonymous) review bombed in half my vids by ppl who are mad at me (and not the actual video).
I see there’s quite a few Aion folks running around in GW2.
vaizel represent! i was wondering if this was the same slic, glad to see it is and he’s still killing. fun vid to watch
If you want to condemn me, go ahead, but I doubt you’d also agree that zerg deserve to get a badge off me when I’m solo.
If they down/finish you they deserve a badge – simple as that.
They exploit the power of the zerg.
You exploit the fact that the thief profession has a very powerful advantage in 1v1 battles.Alt-F4 is not playing in the spirit of the game.
^ This ^
It just made my morning, lol.
Also, it’s sad when you chase down another thief and he does that after losing a 1v1. Double whammy.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
I see there’s quite a few Aion folks running around in GW2.
Lumiel Elyos here. Great game until 2.0!
…IMHO, since other players use alt F4 ALL the time, I’m justified in using it every time I’m out numbered, especially if I get chased by 10+ for 5mins (that almost always happens, if I survive and have to run). Nothing like saying eff you to badge-hungry skill-less zerg than leading them on a 10-20min chase and then restarting client once they get lucky on immobilize/cc. If you want to condemn me, go ahead, but I doubt you’d also agree that zerg deserve to get a badge off me when I’m solo.
Slic, you’ve inspired countless thieves and have skills, but you’ve become kind of angry and jaded since your first vid’s, what’s up?
I actually agree with your ALT-F4 diatribe. Solo’ing successfully requires substantially more confidence, skill and focus than following a mob. I do the same thing, especially if a zerg appears out of no where thanks to GW 2’s awesome network throttling designed for 1995 28.8kbps modems. And I don’t feel bad. Maybe I should, but sorry, you didn’t earn anything.
I’ll sometimes ALT-F4 if I’m in control of a 1v2+ and Last Refuge dicks me over. I feel a little bad then, since the enemies didn’t do anything wrong, but my rage at losing because of a poorly designed minor trait that is guaranteed to randomly kill me regardless of what I or my enemy does is overwhelming.
…IMHO, since other players use alt F4 ALL the time, I’m justified in using it every time I’m out numbered, especially if I get chased by 10+ for 5mins (that almost always happens, if I survive and have to run). Nothing like saying eff you to badge-hungry skill-less zerg than leading them on a 10-20min chase and then restarting client once they get lucky on immobilize/cc. If you want to condemn me, go ahead, but I doubt you’d also agree that zerg deserve to get a badge off me when I’m solo.
Slic, you’ve inspired countless thieves and have skills, but you’ve become kind of angry and jaded since your first vid’s, what’s up?
I actually agree with your ALT-F4 diatribe. Solo’ing successfully requires substantially more confidence, skill and focus than following a mob. I do the same thing, especially if a zerg appears out of no where thanks to GW 2’s awesome network throttling designed for 1995 28.8kbps modems. And I don’t feel bad. Maybe I should, but sorry, you didn’t earn anything.
I’ll sometimes ALT-F4 if I’m in control of a 1v2+ and Last Refuge dicks me over. I feel a little bad then, since the enemies didn’t do anything wrong, but my rage at losing because of a poorly designed minor trait that is guaranteed to randomly kill me regardless of what I or my enemy does is overwhelming.
Hey, don’t get me wrong, if it wasn’t instant queues, I definitely wouldn’t be restarting the client. Like I said, it’s not just because of my intrusive sense of justice. When there are no WvW queues, it’s actually faster and less hassle for me to restart the client than to wait for death and a respawn prompt. Plus, it adds to the ever-growing list of complaints, so that maybe anet will actually do something about it.
Also, I don’t really make money anymore, so this saves a ton on the repair costs (3 deaths = same cost as buying 30mins worth of consumables). If I still had all the gold I spent on the legendary, then I wouldn’t even care. But, after I crafted Quip, I started to mind, since soloing doesn’t really reward you with a lot of gold. Badges, sure. Gold? No.
So really, it’s a combination of things aligning, including anet’s silence/neglect of this issue.
P.S. Due to anet’s decisions, everyone that has played gw2 since launch is probably angry/jaded over at least 1 thing.
(edited by Slic.2406)
Eagerly awaiting to see you heading out solo on your ranger next, now that would be impressive!
Your vids are always fun to watch and you are more skilled than I’ll ever be.
I’m curious as to what you think is a fair 1v1 matchup with you though. Outside of other thieves and d/d eles, is there a class/spec that has both the ability to put enough damage on you in the short amounts of time you are visible AND that can catch you if you choose to disengage?
I know this guy, like to go solo, but also like to use Alf+F4 when he went downed.
You beat me to it Nels. Every single frickin time. We needs to put together a fraps compilation “Yippe Kye Yay’s Greatest Alt-F4 moments”.
And by the way, I’m not saying that you’re not a great player. I’ve enjoyed many of those fights between vale and briar/bay. But posting videos of your awesomeness while alt-f4ing at every opportunity is pretty lame.
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
I know this guy, like to go solo, but also like to use Alf+F4 when he went downed.
You beat me to it Nels.
Every single frickin time. We needs to put together a fraps compilation “Yippe Kye Yay’s Greatest Alt-F4 moments”.
And by the way, I’m not saying that you’re not a great player. I’ve enjoyed many of those fights between vale and briar/bay. But posting videos of your awesomeness while alt-f4ing at every opportunity is pretty lame.
lol…that would be too long to watch!
the ridiculous justifications he’s coming up with just make me laugh too:
“Look at how uber I am! Running around in a setting where teamwork is the driving motivational factor in builds, I’ll bring in my 1v1 optimised build and then show everyone how much better I am than them by claiming there is some kind of fairness involved. Knowing full well that I’m only going to fight 1v1 to 1v4 or 5, when the other guy(s) are optimised around 5+vs5+ in general.
Then, I will laugh at how easy it is (despite the aforementioned build advantage I have) to kill them and take badges!
But wait! To top it all off, what I’ll do, is I’ll cry about how unfair it is that a whole heap of them (who are playing in WvW together in a large group – perhaps intent on taking a keep/objective) turn up and roll over me – again, despite the fact that I’m choosing to play solo in a multiplayer environment!"
There are not excuses for Alt-F4ing. Well, thats not true. There’s only one valid excuse I can think of (or maybe 2):
1) The opposition if obviously exploiting
2) You QQ when things don’t go your way.
Given point 1 is rather uncommon, I’m assuming point 2.
(edited by Guild Wars Fan.3249)
Keep doing your stuff Slic. I am enjoying your vids very much. And for zerg people whining about getting no medals for killing a single player – lol.
“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”
Keep doing your stuff Slic. I am enjoying your vids very much. And for zerg people whining about getting no medals for killing a single player – lol.
Yeah, they obviously have not watched the very end of vid 8.
Sorry, just because someone has friends to play with doesn’t mean they deserve a badge. What is this, facebook? Or an actual game with combat, violence and conflict that hinges on ability, talent and quick thinking/reaction? Iunno, I’d like to think ideals can actually survive in a fantasy game, compared to reality.
That, and the more I alt F4 against only things like 10+ man zerg that chase me for 10+mins just to have a chance at a badge, the more complaints will be sent to anet, and hopefully they will add an internal logout timer. Until then, I shall keep denying badges to players that are obviously bad and don’t deserve any. If you think you deserve a badges against me while I am solo, come alone and try to take it from me!
Obviously, all the review bombing of my vids is because ppl hate ME and not the vid itself, I can see that now. That’s too bad, I was hoping that it was maybe something concrete/technical I could improve on in future vids. Instead, it’s more like “we don’t like you, so that automatically means whatever art/etc you create must be bad, herpderpderp”. I know this, because these are the only 2 recently linked vids on this forum, and the rest show an entirely different watched/likes/dislikes pattern.
So keep on hating haters, but make sure to watch the very end of vid 8 – that’s what it comes down to, when you become irrational.
“…Look at how uber I am! Running around in a setting where teamwork is the driving motivational factor in builds, I’ll bring in my 1v1 optimised build and then show everyone how much better I am than them by claiming there is some kind of fairness involved. Knowing full well that I’m only going to fight 1v1 to 1v4 or 5, when the other guy(s) are optimised around 5+vs5+ in general.
Then, I will laugh at how easy it is (despite the aforementioned build advantage I have) to kill them and take badges!
Slic wins because he optimizes for 1v3+ while everyone else optimizes for 5+v5+?
So what would happen if 5 Slic’s fought your “team optimized” 5? Are you saying all of a sudden he’d lose his magic solo power?
I don’t think that adds up.
Maybe you’re spec’d for “seiging” or jumping puzzles or something.
I have to say though, even as a Wild Bill fan, I would love a video of guy’s fighting (and beating) him. I never found him in T1. I don’t think I’ve ever fought a decent P/D thief (maybe there’s been some in giant zergs so I didn’t notice) and I’d love to know what we look like from the enemies point of view.
“…Look at how uber I am! Running around in a setting where teamwork is the driving motivational factor in builds, I’ll bring in my 1v1 optimised build and then show everyone how much better I am than them by claiming there is some kind of fairness involved. Knowing full well that I’m only going to fight 1v1 to 1v4 or 5, when the other guy(s) are optimised around 5+vs5+ in general.
Then, I will laugh at how easy it is (despite the aforementioned build advantage I have) to kill them and take badges!
…Slic wins because he optimizes for 1v3+ while everyone else optimizes for 5+v5+?
So what would happen if 5 Slic’s fought your “team optimized” 5? Are you saying all of a sudden he’d lose his magic solo power?
I don’t think that adds up.
I have to say though, even as a Wild Bill fan, I would love a video of guy’s fighting (and beating) him. I never found him in T1. I don’t think I’ve ever fought a decent P/D thief (maybe there’s been some in giant zergs so I didn’t notice) and I’d love to know what we look like from the enemies point of view.
If you wanna see a decent p/d fighting me, look at vid 10’s 1st clip. After that, there’s a not-so-decent p/d fighting me, but that also will give you a good idea.
Against other stealth, I fight like Zatoichi would – I use my mind more than my eyes. This isn’t any harder to do than using eyes, it’s just using a different part of your fighting spirit.
And yes, 5 of ‘me’ would beat 5 of ‘them’ every time, if I already can hold my own solo against ‘them’. But people are bad at math, logic and science and would rather harangue me for using something ‘immoral’, such as alt F4-ing after being zerged. Cause it’s not like 3 repair costs = 30mins of consumables for me or anything. Or that t1 WvW is now almost always instant queue…
(edited by Slic.2406)
Actually its just plain old disappointment dude, not hate. I thought it was just some random well-played thief we were fighting, I didn’t realise it was Wild Bill (although that does explain all my deaths). 5 people guarding a yak doesn’t constitute a zerg I’m sorry, alt-f4ing in those instances was pretty uncool. It annoys me that I saluted you.
“…Look at how uber I am! Running around in a setting where teamwork is the driving motivational factor in builds, I’ll bring in my 1v1 optimised build and then show everyone how much better I am than them by claiming there is some kind of fairness involved. Knowing full well that I’m only going to fight 1v1 to 1v4 or 5, when the other guy(s) are optimised around 5+vs5+ in general.
Then, I will laugh at how easy it is (despite the aforementioned build advantage I have) to kill them and take badges!
…Slic wins because he optimizes for 1v3+ while everyone else optimizes for 5+v5+?
So what would happen if 5 Slic’s fought your “team optimized” 5? Are you saying all of a sudden he’d lose his magic solo power?
I don’t think that adds up.
Maybe you’re spec’d for “seiging” or jumping puzzles or something.
I have to say though, even as a Wild Bill fan, I would love a video of guy’s fighting (and beating) him. I never found him in T1. I don’t think I’ve ever fought a decent P/D thief (maybe there’s been some in giant zergs so I didn’t notice) and I’d love to know what we look like from the enemies point of view.
lol…man, I have fought him…he wiped the floor with me bigtime! I’m not saying I’m not a fan and that he’s not skilled. He is.
However, his justifications for Alt-F4ing are just crap. If you don’t want to get a repair bill, don’t play WvW. You know categorically what you are doing when you do that, there is no excuse – you logged in and entered WvW – or are you trying to tell me that he didn’t know he was in WvW and that what he was doing was denying other people loot/badges.
Trying to justify it by saying other people do it and that it will help to get ANet to fix the problem is just more crap. I don’t see you or wild bill running around killing people or stealing from people IRL because that will force the government to put more money into law enforcement. That excuse is just a completely self-serving exercise in explaining away why you should be able to exploit. Do you run bots too so that ANet will be more proactive in stopping botting? Surely you don’t mind putting your money where your mouth is and shelling out thousands of dollars for 50+ accounts that you can run bots on and therefore encourage ANet to stop botters! Where is your community spirit now?
And yes, 5 of ‘me’ would beat 5 of ‘them’ every time, if I already can hold my own solo against ‘them’. But people are bad at math, logic and science and would rather harangue me for using something ‘immoral’, such as alt F4-ing after being zerged. Cause it’s not like 3 repair costs = 30mins of consumables for me or anything. Or that t1 WvW is now almost always instant queue…
yes, 5 of you would beat 5 randoms…not questioning that….individually they would all be 5 skilled players beating on 5 possibly less-skilled players. But as those numbers rose, you would ‘win’ less and less.
WvW is not about individual strength. What would 10 of you do vs a well-executed attack while you were trying to take a keep? Your build is built around individual combat, not around team play, not around taking and holding objectives where AOE’s often make it nigh on impossible to get through a choke-point. Your running P/D and D/D. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you’re gonna sit there pinging away at the oil above the keep door while defenders are dropping AOE’s all over you and that this is going to win you the keep?
The strength of your build and your skill is obvious. In WvW its usefulness is in yak slapping, camp flipping and distraction (by tying up 1+ players with only 1 player). Its not so good as part of a team where you want to wipe a zerg on the front door – you have no AOE’s to insta cripple a large number of people etc. I’m not saying that you should be focussing on that. There are players on all servers whos toons fit the same role and you no doubt run across them and there are some in your video(s).
Knowing that is your role, you have no justification for Alt-F4ing. You’re role is the solo nightmare kitten that has us all looking over our shoulders when we’re running around on our own. As such, you get to have fun killing people without the zerg and getting the loot you get. But the down-side of your playstyle/role, is that you will sometimes be ganked by the zerg. YOU choose to play that way, but dont choose to accept the consequences of YOUR actions. Thats what is so disappointing in all of this – you want to have your cake and eat it too and then fall back on strutting around and trying to appear cool by claiming you do it for a good reason, to distract from the fact that you know its cowardly and weak.
Wow Wild Bill’s really shaken the tree with his 2 video threads.
You know GW fan, you’ve convinced me.
ALT-F4’ing is a very unclassy thing to do and isn’t justified it by saying the enemy didn’t “earn it” or you need the money or a cat jumped on your face.
If you WvW you should accept the consequences.
But I agree with Slic that the whole issue just shouldn’t exist (e.g. if they had a 30 second DC timer). As long as it’s an option, people are going to do it. In some sense, it’s crazy that right now the only reason not to do it is because it’s “cheap.”
haha that video was great, thanks for sharing
Wow Wild Bill’s really shaken the tree with his 2 video threads.
You know GW fan, you’ve convinced me.
ALT-F4’ing is a very unclassy thing to do and isn’t justified it by saying the enemy didn’t “earn it” or you need the money or a cat jumped on your face.
If you WvW you should accept the consequences.
But I agree with Slic that the whole issue just shouldn’t exist (e.g. if they had a 30 second DC timer). As long as it’s an option, people are going to do it. In some sense, it’s crazy that right now the only reason not to do it is because it’s “cheap.”
I’d have to agree with that…the sooner they fix it the better….I’d prefer they spent some time fixing those sorts of issues and had less frequent content updates
Wow Wild Bill’s really shaken the tree with his 2 video threads.
You know GW fan, you’ve convinced me.
ALT-F4’ing is a very unclassy thing to do and isn’t justified it by saying the enemy didn’t “earn it” or you need the money or a cat jumped on your face.
If you WvW you should accept the consequences.
But I agree with Slic that the whole issue just shouldn’t exist (e.g. if they had a 30 second DC timer). As long as it’s an option, people are going to do it. In some sense, it’s crazy that right now the only reason not to do it is because it’s “cheap.”
I’d have to agree with that…the sooner they fix it the better….I’d prefer they spent some time fixing those sorts of issues and had less frequent content updates
Accepting the consequences would be great, but since a tool exists that allows me to choose to avoid them, based on my own personal judgment, I will of course defer to MY personal judgment, instead of letting the game decide.
You talked about stealing from others IRL, yes, that is a good analogy. If that’s the case, just call me Robin Hood, and all of a sudden stealing is the best way to go, even if it breaks the letter of the law. I’m not concerned with ‘breaking the law’ in this case, because the badges I would’ve given to others would not have been ‘hard earned’, etc.
And if you want to talk about RL, how about you realize the biggest thieves out there aren’t the ones breaking the law, it’s the ones USING the law and ABUSING the system. For instance, have you seen salaries of CEOs of major corporations? Have you seen the insane benefits/free meals/etc politicians in DC get? Have you seen how ridiculous the pay is for certain (rather bad) hollywood staff/actors? If you want to talk about RL, please don’t leave out anything from the analogy.
Gratz on the legendary Wild Bill!
Too bad it sounds like a bubble-gun
Also: Good vid, you showcase the abilities of the pistol dagger / venom build very well and you certainly make use of your arsenal very well.
10/10 imo.
Hi Slic,
As always, nice vids. I’m looking forward to our rematches.
You talked about stealing from others IRL, yes, that is a good analogy. If that’s the case, just call me Robin Hood, and all of a sudden stealing is the best way to go, even if it breaks the letter of the law. I’m not concerned with ‘breaking the law’ in this case, because the badges I would’ve given to others would not have been ‘hard earned’, etc.
dude…really? You’re seriously trying to tell me that because someone chooses to play differently to you and plays the meta-game or the bigger-picture-game, that their time is somehow less important than yours? The people you are ‘cheating’/‘stealing’ from are putting in time to earn the badges they earn, just the same as you.
The difference is in how each of us decide to play the game. You choose the solo game – I’m not complaining about that, as its your choice. Other people play a team/squad/zerg/strategic game – again, not complaining, that is their choice.
You’ve decided that other peoples time is somehow less important than yours, because they run in groups/zergs etc, and that they don’t deserve to be rewarded for their play style. Its not an issue of them being better or worse than you. The issue is that you are deliberately cheating the system and trying to make it sound like a reasonable thing to do. You are deliberately wasting other players time and effort in the misguided belief that it is right / fair that you do so. Its not. You’ve made your bed, try sleeping in it. If you don’t like it, find something that you do like, but don’t blame/cheat everyone else out of their enjoyment because you don’t like something.
And if you want to talk about RL, how about you realize the biggest thieves out there aren’t the ones breaking the law, it’s the ones USING the law and ABUSING the system. For instance, have you seen salaries of CEOs of major corporations? Have you seen the insane benefits/free meals/etc politicians in DC get? Have you seen how ridiculous the pay is for certain (rather bad) hollywood staff/actors? If you want to talk about RL, please don’t leave out anything from the analogy.
I agree with you, that there are some injustices in the world. No system is perfect (as evidenced by just about any game), no one is trying to deny that. However, that doesn’t then make it ok for you to go out and do the same thing – does it? That’s why highlighted the extreme examples I did. It is ridiculous for example, for me to justify going out and killing someone because other people have done it.
Some CEO’s of major corporations get paid insane salaries etc. If I owned a major corporation and there was a CEO that could increase my profit margin by 1%, and that 1% translates to $20mil, I’d happily pay him a $10mil salary. Not all CEO’s do this and I would imagine that it would be up to the Directors etc of said CEO to determine a CEO’s worth. I can see that in some cases, those salaries would be completely justified from the company’s/market’s point of view. I’m not saying it is a nice thing that someone can be earning that sort of money, while entire families starve.
Have you seen the insane benefits/free meals/etc politicians in DC get? Luckiily – no I don’t live in the US, but I get your point. What do you do when the people who are supposed to work for us are the very ones taking advantage of the system? Plainly its not a good thing. Again, tho, I can see some justification for SOME of that. They don’t work a 9-5. They work a 24×7 a lot of the time. As a result, they do deserve some of that…some of the business they conduct requires some of that crap too. Does that justify me doing the same thing? Nope.
Have you seen how ridiculous the pay is for certain (rather bad) hollywood staff/actors? Yep….but then, they work for an industry that we all support (by watching said crap movies etc). There is a lot of money in the entertainment industry. Again, similarly to the CEO argument above, if there is an actor who will increase the sales of a movie to a point where you more than recoup the losses from paying them, then you’d be stupid (from a business point of view) not to use them.
Gratz on the legendary Wild Bill!
Too bad it sounds like a bubble-gunAlso: Good vid, you showcase the abilities of the pistol dagger / venom build very well and you certainly make use of your arsenal very well.
10/10 imo.
lol…that gun sound would drive me mental too….I found it hard enough listening to it for the few minutes of watching the videos…good vids tho
maybe ANet will release transmuters for sound effects too??? that would be nice.
“Look at how uber I am! Running around in a setting where teamwork is the driving motivational factor in builds, I’ll bring in my 1v1 optimised build and then show everyone how much better I am than them by claiming there is some kind of fairness involved. Knowing full well that I’m only going to fight 1v1 to 1v4 or 5, when the other guy(s) are optimised around 5+vs5+ in general. […]
But wait! To top it all off, what I’ll do, is I’ll cry about how unfair it is that a whole heap of them (who are playing in WvW together in a large group – perhaps intent on taking a keep/objective) turn up and roll over me – again, despite the fact that I’m choosing to play solo in a multiplayer environment!” […]
You are making it sound like people are completely selfless in bunching up to zerg in this game. Most people I meet in WvW arent geared towards team support. Whether i am roaming or running with a zerg, currently the most used gear and builds are berserker and high dmg. Not selfless team support builds. Lots of people run in a zerg to hide their own incompetence. A zerg is an easy way to get badges without having to face the risks of getting toe-to-toe with an enemy without help and being forced to rely on your own skill. “The more we are the smaller the chances we get killed and the more likely we roll over everything in our way”. WvW rewards zerging way too much instead of forcing people to split forces.
For people making builds for 5+ vs. 5+: Whats the difference ? Aoe dmg and heals only hit 5 people. Support classes will still be useful when fighting 2,3,4,5 vs 1.
[…]or are you trying to tell me that he didn’t know he was in WvW and that what he was doing was denying other people loot/badges. […] I don’t see you or wild bill running around killing people or stealing from people IRL because that will force the government to put more money into law enforcement. […]
Hm in RL people dont get rewarded for say ganging up in school and bullying other pupils. You dont give a school gang a medal for community effort when they do that. So why should they get rewarded here ? – I know this is a very provocative question but if you bring in RL then you should also think about your own behaviour or the behaviour of a zerg. You talk about teamplay. From my experience this always includes some kind of fairness even towards yor enemies. If thats the case for you, think about it: Why should 10 people ganking a single one get a badge/loot for that ?
“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”
You’ve decided that other peoples time is somehow less important than yours, because they run in groups/zergs etc, and that they don’t deserve to be rewarded for their play style. Its not an issue of them being better or worse than you.
Yes, you hit the nail on the head for once! Their time is LESS IMPORTANT than mine, when I can solo a supply camp in < 1min, something that usually takes 5+ of them that exact amount of time.
I can play for objectives too, while solo. In fact, I can CHOOSE not to engage 1v5+ at all, and have them uselessly chase me for hours on end, while I STILL kill yaks and STILL ninja supply camps ON MY OWN, right before ticks.
Do you want me to go on? I alone, without ever using alt+F4, have seen entire guilds try to catch me as I single-handedly kept all yaks from reaching Stonemist AND flipped supply camps right before ticks.
Yes, I’m going to have to repeat, my time can easily be more important/impactful than all those ppl that I kill in 1v2+. And like IOKI said, it’s a gang mentality, it’s a crappy, frowned-upon attitude to think you deserve a medal for 5v1-ing a guy. That isn’t something brag-worthy, let alone ‘virtuous’, ‘praise-worthy’ or ‘sportman-like’.
What IS praise-worthy compared to zerg getting rewarded is players who have the courage and know-how to stand up to the zerg, on their own, and to actually achieve results. I have seen plenty of other players like this, and I have even gone as far as not to interfere with them when they were enemies.
(edited by Slic.2406)
" can play for objectives too, while solo. In fact, I can CHOOSE not to engage 1v5+ at all, and have them uselessly chase me for hours on end, while I STILL kill yaks and STILL ninja supply camps ON MY OWN, right before ticks.
Do you want me to go on? I alone, without ever using alt+F4, have seen entire guilds try to catch me as I single-handedly kept all yaks from reaching Stonemist AND flipped supply camps right before ticks."
noob-induced god-mode!
no offense, but nothing special or player skill in the vid. Autoattack+stealth and start again… boring and monolitic as all thiefs.
Show us yours. If I am enjoying these boring and monolitic thief videos then yours must be truly amazing.
no offense, but nothing special or player skill in the vid. Autoattack+stealth and start again… boring and monolitic as all thiefs.
Seriously? This is a GAME! Who are we to diminish anyones play or play-style? If someone wants to post what is fun for them and it is not exploitive or mean spirited, why the kitten not?
If you feel that your negative comments somehow effect his self-esteem or if it makes you feel better as a person, then maybe gaming isnt for you.
I play on the same server as Wild Bil, and I have had the honor of seeing him in action, in and out of a Zerg. I have been on early Sun mornings in BPBL and Wild is just hanging out by himself defending supply points and calling in enemy movements! My punk kitten was with the zerg, cause thats how I roll. I have since branched out and started roaming solo and have had success in surviving. I like his vids because it shows me how a thief can be viable, not all this tripe on the forums how we are broken.
So kudos to Wild, keep it up!
Extremely brittle thief, but fun to play
Great videos as always. I just wish that whole alt f4 would stop happening on 1 vs 1 fights i keep running into but 1 vs 30+ feel free to alt f4 to save yourself that pointless repair.
So, a class that already has the best solo survivability and escapability in the game ALTF4s and then ridicules players who don’t have anywhere near his survivability and escapability for running with a team.
And, people defend it. Amazing.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Great videos as always. I just wish that whole alt f4 would stop happening on 1 vs 1 fights i keep running into but 1 vs 30+ feel free to alt f4 to save yourself that pointless repair.
No, if you ALTF4 out of the game because you die for whatever reason, you are a punk IRL.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
So, a class that already has the best solo survivability and escapability in the game ALTF4s and then ridicules players who don’t have anywhere near his survivability and escapability for running with a team.
And, people defend it. Amazing.
Oh…is that so…and here I always thought my ele had the best survivability & escape routes. =\
So, a class that already has the best solo survivability and escapability in the game ALTF4s and then ridicules players who don’t have anywhere near his survivability and escapability for running with a team.
And, people defend it. Amazing.
Oh…is that so…and here I always thought my ele had the best survivability & escape routes. =\
Would you be happier if I said one of the best? There is probably a reason he solos with his thief rather than his necromancer.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Would you be happier if I said one of the best? There is probably a reason he solos with his thief rather than his necromancer.
Perhaps because the play style fits him better? Idk…considering he did play assassin from Aion, just like me…it would make sense.
Though that would mean he’s not playing the class because it’s “OP” or anything, but simply because he enjoys the play style. Owait…the reason for him playing a thief can’t be that simple…can it?
No, that’s not right…everyone’s playing thief because it’s so “OP”. All thief players should be banned for abusing such a ridiculous class.
Some people play thieves because they don’t like dying. This guy falls in that category since he admits to ALT-F4ing.
I played rogues in vanilla beta and infiltrator in DAoC. I know how big an advantage stealth provides when soloing in the open field.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies