What a class

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Artoan.4395


Wow, this class/profession has been my favorite ever since I started playing this game, and I almost feel sorry for myself for choosing it. Firstly, Thief is an assassin type class and these kinds of classes are meant to be top tier, or at least not bottom, in Pvp. So far in the Pve aspect of this class it is in a very low demand rate when it comes to dungeons, fractals, and raids. Simply because it offers almost nothing in terms of utility except stealth (but you really can’t skip that many mobs in this game tbh) and really doesn’t have enough damage to compensate for the lack of utility. The only type of weapon sets we have that are viable in pve in terms of damage is staff and D/D and both of those have been nerfed (I really don’t know for what reason). Now, this profession has what, 7 types of unique weapon sets? So, if we have 7 types of weapon sets, explain to me why only 2 of them in each both PvP/WvW and pve are decent. For the past few patches Anet has been just hammering the unpopular weapon sets instead of balancing at least some of them overall. Frankly, Anet hasn’t really focused on the real problem that people are complaining about, and that is condi trapper thieves that can permastealth as well as just stacking conditions with little to no effort. So, what good is a class if it can’t pvp or pve, is it just supposed to sit there to be laughed at and forgotten? It seems like it with the recent “balance” updates that Anet have put on this profession. I feel like as soon as 1 person on the forums complains about this class because they can’t figure out how to counter it, Anet will never turn a blind eye and just nerfs several aspects of this wonderful profession and its potential without thinking of the aftermath.

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Joker.9812


Yea, that’s absolute right. I really don’t get why ANet do this. It’s such a stupid thing. Thief was supposed to be PvP class mainly like a 2 years ago, but now – you can only focusing on decap and support – what the – this profession should be good enough to fight, not just like support. I don’t say good D/P thief cannot kill in fair and square duel – of course he can. BUT THIS CLASS ISN’T NOW WHAT IT SHOULD BE. They are giving minor buffs to skills, which pro-thief player never uses. And major nerfs to skills, which pro-thief uses all day all night. Like a year ago – I could kill 1v2 really easily with my beloved S/D. All I can do now is to run around the map and support outnumbered fights or decap free points.

Everything, which has its beginning…
… has also its end.

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Kolly.9872


Thief is even counter productive in many situations. No class should feel so useless in any game type.

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


1. they have like 1 person playing thief and all she does is RPing in main cities, i honestly think devs entire thief experience is based on letting bot spamming attacks on golems

2. they needed to sell HoT, to do so they had to make rev mandatory – thieves would compete for same job so they had to effectively delete the class to promote sales.
(I am still very salty about what happened in season 1: worst class in every single game mode, nobody wanted to play with me, even my “friends”, got harassed and flamed in every match for just playing the class, customer support never done anything despite all the reports).

3. to counter thief mechanics you need to be able to play mind games, time your spells, stealth is generally not always fun thing to deal with when you are new/bad at this game – your average Joe (which is majority of players) can’t/doesn’t want to deal with slippery mechanics so he runs to forums/reddit and QQs until devs add changes to please them without actually given a flying kitten about thief players (recent patch is just another example for it).

It has been like this since launch pretty much and it got worse and worse every year.


All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Joker.9812


1. they have like 1 person playing thief and all she does is RPing in main cities, i honestly think devs entire thief experience is based on letting bot spamming attacks on golems

2. they needed to sell HoT, to do so they had to make rev mandatory – thieves would compete for same job so they had to effectively delete the class to promote sales.
(I am still very salty about what happened in season 1: worst class in every single game mode, nobody wanted to play with me, even my “friends”, got harassed and flamed in every match for just playing the class, customer support never done anything despite all the reports).

3. to counter thief mechanics you need to be able to play mind games, time your spells, stealth is generally not always fun thing to deal with when you are new/bad at this game – your average Joe (which is majority of players) can’t/doesn’t want to deal with slippery mechanics so he runs to forums/reddit and QQs until devs add changes to please them without actually given a flying kitten about thief players (recent patch is just another example for it).

It has been like this since launch pretty much and it got worse and worse every year.

Yea, that’s right. I don’t know what else should I write to it. This comment does completely fit to what are the game keepers doing to this class. It almost seem like they don’t even play this game, just flipping all the sentences to next balance patch, which don’t give a sense at all.

Everything, which has its beginning…
… has also its end.

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Remember when a thief going stealth filled a player with dread especially if you were another thief? I actually look forward to seeing a thief land Backstab now cause I know they are probably going to eat a bigger shot or get completely loaded up with condi.

Class has been gutted and sadly some “fixes” offered by a few players on this forum seem to revolve around D/P nerfs or arguments about a weapon set becoming too powerful if ANet were to roll back some changes.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Remember when a thief going stealth filled a player with dread especially if you were another thief? I actually look forward to seeing a thief land Backstab now cause I know they are probably going to eat a bigger shot or get completely loaded up with condi.

Class has been gutted and sadly some “fixes” offered by a few players on this forum seem to revolve around D/P nerfs or arguments about a weapon set becoming too powerful if ANet were to roll back some changes.

Remember when as thief your role was to go far and win it. We actually were a threat in 1v1

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Silverbolt.2301


My thief has 6 legendaries, over 5.8k hours (a lot is from afking, but you get the idea), 4 FULL sets of ascended armours, 4 sets of ascended trinkets, an extra 10 ascended weapons, 160 slot bag, over 25.5k AP.

Here’s the kicker though: I don’t play my thief anymore. I have barely played my thief since sPvP Season 1. I usually end up playing my Ele, Rev, Necro, War, Ranger, or Mes in that order – MOSTLY Ele and Rev.

Thief is a kitten class and the devs don’t know how to fix it. They have proven time and time again that they don’t know what to do with the class, besides catering to the whining children in these forums.

If you truly want them to pay more attention to this kitten of a class and do something about it, show them in metrics…aka…stop logging into your thief characters; better yet, move all the important items over and delete the character. That will show up in their metrics (which they give a lot more kitten about).

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


My thief has 6 legendaries, over 5.8k hours (a lot is from afking, but you get the idea), 4 FULL sets of ascended armours, 4 sets of ascended trinkets, an extra 10 ascended weapons, 160 slot bag, over 25.5k AP.

Here’s the kicker though: I don’t play my thief anymore. I have barely played my thief since sPvP Season 1. I usually end up playing my Ele, Rev, Necro, War, Ranger, or Mes in that order – MOSTLY Ele and Rev.

Thief is a kitten class and the devs don’t know how to fix it. They have proven time and time again that they don’t know what to do with the class, besides catering to the whining children in these forums.

If you truly want them to pay more attention to this kitten of a class and do something about it, show them in metrics…aka…stop logging into your thief characters; better yet, move all the important items over and delete the character. That will show up in their metrics (which they give a lot more kitten about).

Pretty sure it would just help them to achieve their goal: reduce amount of active thieves in game. I think it was made pretty clear when HoT came out.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


My thief has 6 legendaries, over 5.8k hours (a lot is from afking, but you get the idea), 4 FULL sets of ascended armours, 4 sets of ascended trinkets, an extra 10 ascended weapons, 160 slot bag, over 25.5k AP.

Here’s the kicker though: I don’t play my thief anymore. I have barely played my thief since sPvP Season 1. I usually end up playing my Ele, Rev, Necro, War, Ranger, or Mes in that order – MOSTLY Ele and Rev.

Thief is a kitten class and the devs don’t know how to fix it. They have proven time and time again that they don’t know what to do with the class, besides catering to the whining children in these forums.

If you truly want them to pay more attention to this kitten of a class and do something about it, show them in metrics…aka…stop logging into your thief characters; better yet, move all the important items over and delete the character. That will show up in their metrics (which they give a lot more kitten about).

Pretty sure it would just help them to achieve their goal: reduce amount of active thieves in game. I think it was made pretty clear when HoT came out.

Well, if I can’t play thief I’d just quit tbh. I’m the sort of person that plays what feels right, not what’s strong that month, hence my obsession with S/P. I’m going to go out on a limb that most thief mains left now are the same sort of player.

And for what it’s worth, I’d be happy to lose stealth to gain more blocks, protection or stability. People who ask/revel in nerfs to thief should be careful what they wish for.

Critical Kit, Thief.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Artoan.4395


I just don’t understand why they would pay attention to this class and think it needed adjustments because "wow thief is so op, they oneshot me when i was below 25% health not knowing I had no aegis up hurr durr. Just because an exceptional thief in ESL such as Magic toker seems like a god is because he knows how to use his class effectively, thats why he is called “pro”. The saying goes in any game, You can nerf the class but not the player. And 90% of the time most of us thieves are not professional, some are casual, most do try but that doesn’t mean you need to nerf the class it was fine the way it was tbh.

(edited by Artoan.4395)

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Riko.9214


Thief is the weakest class in all departments (including the chasing since the sword nerf) no doubt, but one positive aspect of it is it actually require efforts to play and gives some thrill of a battle.

I have Reaper, Berserk, Herald and Druid and can not play more then an hour or two in a raw (talking about WvWvW) with them because they are so easy and boring.

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Silverbolt.2301


I just don’t understand why they would pay attention to this class and think it needed adjustments because "wow thief is so op, they oneshot me when i was below 25% health not knowing I had no aegis up hurr durr. Just because an exceptional thief in ESL such as Magic toker seems like a god is because he knows how to use his class effectively, thats why he is called “pro”. The saying goes in any game, You can nerf the class but not the player. And 90% of the time most of us thieves are not professional, some are casual, most do try but that doesn’t mean you need to nerf the class it was fine the way it was tbh.

It’s not THAT difficult to play D/P (which they want you to stick to).

However, why should anyone waste time putting in as much effort as it requires to play well, when you can put in A LOT less effort and achieve more on another class?

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Gamble.4580


You guys have no idea. My thf Uzumi is like goku since hot I own now more than ever before. This cry because we struggle 1v1 but since gw2 come out it has been clear they don’t want thf to be a toe to toe 1v1 class! U cap close and someone cross leave close simple! Play map and jump in 1v2 and jump out be everywhere and never be seen or heard. As soon as you except the role that u are the ninja you back stab and take what’s there’s without them knowing you was there, that’s when you will see how op thf is.

[UNTY] Unity guild -AG server
Asura -Thief

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Gamble.4580


Drop the ego you have e on the and see someone and try to 1v1 him. Do something else till this guy’s backs turned that’s when you attack.

[UNTY] Unity guild -AG server
Asura -Thief

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


As soon as you except the role that u are the ninja you back stab and take what’s there’s without them knowing you was there, that’s when you will see how op thf is.

Unfortunately, the Thief is no ninja.

A well trained ninja could 1v1 just about anyone easily… even toe-to-toe in broad daylight. However, the stealth and subterfuge completely overshadowed (no pun intended) their traditional fighting capabilities… at least as far as their legacy goes.

Believe me, I wish the Thief were as powerful ;-)

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


That’s doubtful. While later ninjas were trained, most were not trained as well as the samurai to fight fair. Almost all of the tactics employed by ninjas historically were deliberately to fight unfair due to the risky nature of subterfuge assassinations where targets were typically well-guarded daimyos.

Most of the legacy is widely-regarded as fantasy, with the origins of the ninja coming from rebels and mercenaries which fought for pay and not for honor either from frustration or desperation; most of said warriors were untainted.

As far as the thief’s capabilities go, it depends heavily on builds. I can stomp almost everyone I know while playing D/D condi and barely have to try. D/D power core thief OTOH requires me to perform at my absolute best to scrape some wins.

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


It’s not the class that got gutted, it’s the whole combat system that got gutted by Anet’s ingnorance to take everythign about it into consideration about Class Balance.

Evwerythign what Naet knows about their Class balancing in GW2 seems to be reduced to only include

  • Skill Changes
  • Trait Changes
  • Weapon Range Changes

Thats about all what ANet constantly did over the nearly 4 years, with some exceptions in between ..but thats by far not everything, what affects the combat system and the class balance.
I can repeat myself about this again and again and again and so more I must repeat this myself, so more does it show, that I’m right about this, as Anet keeps on making with every balance patch the same mistakes

- This Game needs a complete rework around the Base Health System first, because the current Base Health System is for the current Game Balance State absolutely OUTDATED, all Health Values and the whle System behind it were thought out and balanced for the game at its freakign RELEASE STATE of Class Balance, where tons of Class Chances, Trait Chances ect. pp all didn’t exist.
ANet freaking finally needs to adjust the Health System to the current Game Balance State by raising the Health Values more or less and give finalyl all Classes INDIVIDUAL Health Values, instead of Class Type based values, which force in this case Thieves to have same as much Base Health as like Elementalists and Guardians, when their Health Value under the current Game Balance State should be more similar to that of a Ranger, Mesmer or Revenant due to all Classes dishing out by now far more DPS, than what we were able to do at 2012, especiually in regard of Conditions which are totally out of control still since 23rd June of 2015!!

- Conditions and Boons together are absolutely out of control, they need all to be completely reworked, rebalanced and merged as good as possible, to reduce in both, Conditions as well as like in Boons the total amount of them to make them all more overviewable, while on the same go the game itselfs will profit from a performance boost by this change due to havign alot lesser crap to calculate secondly in a battle, what will mean also alot lesser LAG in the game in largescale combats

- The whole underwater gameplay system needs a redesign/rebalance including the introduction of own independent underwater traits to help making underwater combat balanced, while also redesigning weapon skills especially for the thief, because we lose over 50% of our whole combat efficiency and build diversity the moment we enter as thief water combat!! and this is totally UNACCEPTABLE!!
Somethign that can be solved only via completely redesignign all water skills for all classes, and giving for further detailed class balancing all classes also especially for underwater content their own underwater traits that are designed around the underwater combat and its mechanics. Add to this also more underwater build diversity by finalyl addign more useable weapons under water, its really pathetic that we can’t use under water daggers, swords, axes and maces for example.. that are all completely functional weapons one shold be able to wield..when you can wield underwater also somethinng heavy and impractical as like a 2handed SPEAR, giving you basically no room anymore to swim and dive normaly, while you hold it, unless you actually hold it in just one hand to perform that way thrust attacks or swings, what is exactly what our character models are doing..because actually is a spear a 1 hand weapon thats supposed to be THROWN.. underwater that name should be renamed actually to Harpoon and change the Harpoon Gun into a Crossbow and remove Tridents and merge their Skins into those of the Staff, so that Trident skins can be used on land as like underwater, while removing at the same time an complete obsolete weapon type from the game, but that all is a different topic…

  • All Rune Sets and Weapon Upgrades need to be looked over and rebalanced more accordign to the changes that have been done to Skills, Traits and so on, because the upgrades heavily influence the overall class balance in regard of which build is played by the class. Certain rune and weapon upgrade effects do have heavy influence on it in this game, if a class build is absolute superior and due to this the meta, or if the same thing is suddenly absolutely too weak and not competitive/viable any,more when combined with specific class builds.
    For my taste is doing way too less about Runes and Weapon Upgrades, they keep on adding only just more ancd ore of them, but ignore for my taste them too muich, when its about to balance them….a rune/weapon upgrade balance patch once every 2 years or so is bar far not enough to keep this game balanced, when you add constantly in between countless new runes ect. this needs to become more constantly looked on.
    It speaks for itself, that it took Anet soo long to finally nerf the Rune of Perplexity …
  • To brign especially the Thief forward and to make this class become in all game modes more viable again, there needs to happen some fundemental changes within this Class:

1) The Thief needs to become able finally to detect and neutralize safely Enemy Traps and, to make the Thief the naturaly Counter Class to 1) Dragonhunter, 2) Trapper Rangers and lastly 3) itself as Stealth Trapper. Thieves should have a biological inherent sixth sense to feel, when there are traps in their near and how they avoid them and sabotage them so that they hurt their enemies instead of them, or remove them, if for a sabotage is not enough time

2) The Thief is stealing way too less. Boon Stealing needs to become a thieves much strogner costant trademark ability thats all the time a thieves goal, a thief should always steal something whenever they get the chance and Thieves should have the unique ability to weaken foes, buy directly reducing their stats through disarming them, leading to temporal loss of either weapon skill access similar to being stunned, or loss to attributes when equipment got stripped off from a foe temporarely.
For this concent to understand and to realize, that this change needs to happen to make our Thief Class more trustworthy , one needs to have had played only Ragnarok Online and its Thief Class and its follow up Specializations there, the Rogue.
Our Thieves’s Stealing mechanic in GW2 is one of the lousiest Steal Interpretations ive ever seen, because all what we do it gettign a enemy class based skill, which is always the same thing, thus makes our stealign extremely predictable in combat, whilke it absolutely doesn’t weaken our foe, because our enemy actualyl lost absolutely NOTHING, its notbhing but a FAKE STEAL what we thieves do in combat, if our enemy doesn#t really lose somethign and is temporarely weakened by that loss, because thats the whole combat psychlogy of a thief to get stronger by takign something our enemy away to weaken them in combat this way… thats the thief mentality which I miss in this game, instead we get this silly “we fight fire with fire mentality” that absolutely doesn’t fit to a thief..
This fits maybe much better to a Mesmer, who tricks his foes, by fighting fire with fire through arcane thievery copying the skills via illusions of the enemy to use them against themself…but not to a traditional classic thief….that shadowsteps like an assasin over the whole battlefield to kill quickly foes and whose sole purpose is it to become stronger by weakening their foes and to support others through stealth, venoms, sabotages, boon sharing/stealing and especially trap control! to remove all the thigns, that all others can’t see or sense out of their way so that they don’t run into their deadly ends without beign first warned by their thief ally, where they shouldn’t go to, before they were there first

by merking skilsl and traits for the thief, Anet could create the needed space for the thief for new skilsl and trait,s that could be functionally so useful, that they bring back the thief class in all game mode to be more useful, viable and a threat to fear also again in 1v1’s

  • Another neccedssary step for the overall game balance of GW2 is an overwork of the Attribute System, changing it into an Dual Effect System where every Attribute should provide instead of 1 effect only 2 ones, to make each Attribute more important and to have each attribute have a bit more meaningful impact on the class balancing and the overall combat system balance.
    Changing Attributes to Dual Effects would allow Naet also to add more necessary defense mechanic synergies into the attribute System, which currently provides only a snygy effect for the offensive attributes.
  • Damage Types need to get merged, there shouldn’t be Condition Damage… Conditions are meant to influence the combat, they should’t replace the job of direct damage for. We also din’t have Condition Damage back in GW1, so what should this Condition Damage nonsense in GW2???
    In GW1 it was all just damage between weapon types among Slash, Blunt and Piercing Damage and Elemental Damage based upon the games magical elements
    GW2 woudl be alot easier to balance, if we could reduce this all down to just only Damage, this would solve also the problem, that Conditions are totally out of control right now.
    In regard of multiple Condition Build players playing together, they should synergzy in regard of “Condition-Intensity”.
    As Individually all Conditions should be Duration Based, but when multiple Condi players come together, they should synergize in regard of their total intensity simply

Example PvE. 1 Condi Necro fights agaisnt Tequatl, his Skilsl can deal only Conditions over X seconds of Duration, which don’t deal high damage, they have only influence major influences on the combat efficiency of the enemy.

50 condi Necros fight agaisnt Tequatl, now the intensity of the shared conditions is intensified x50 if they can sychronize to keep up condition x within its duration, before it exprises, and over the duration the intensity builds up, so more necros keep on using skills over tiem that produce condition X, before the condition could run out raisign this way together over tiem the stacks of a condition.

Necro 1 casts Bleeding = 1 Stack of Bleeding
Necro 2 casts Bleeding = 2 Stacks of Bleeding as long its duration hasn#t expired.
Necro 3 casts Bleeding = 3 Stackks of Bleeding now
and so on …
This way can every Condi do something in a mass scale combat to do, while still dishing out normal damage, but that much weaker, than a power poil,d thats focused on raw damage, with less to no conditions at all in their build and instead therefore more hard crowd control skills which stun, knowdown, launch ect.

With the change to Dual Effect Attributres could receive GW2 finally defensive Combat System mechanics, that would significantly helpt to reduce this games power creep to bring it basck to normal by adding defensive asttribute effetcs that reduce the chance to receive critical hits, that increase the endurance regeneration speed and reduce effectively for you the duration time of conditions you suffer on.

by Merging damage types it woudl be also possible to let the few remaing conditons that can deal damage over tiem become able to deal critical hits as well, due to Cindi builds having then also finally to put more emphasis into their attributes they use, instead of focusing everything only onto Condition Damage and the rest is only nice bonus for them, while power builds need more attributes than just 1 maxed out one to get viable results to be ready for meta play competition…

I#d wish to have a Thief Class, thats far more unpredictable in combat and dangerous, due to their constant stealing of boons with that they empower themself and their ability to actually really weaken foes by taking them really somethign away in the middle of the battle, instead of doing these stupid fake steals where the enemy loses nothign at all.

Disarming/Stripping needs to become a thieves most vital combat strategy by becoming stronmger by actually taking the foe somethign away that they need to fight effectively agaisnt you, while you are constantly in alert and looking for hidden traps that you can avoid and remove if neccesary to help your allies this way out as a part of group support that could be unique for the thief. The thief needs this counter gameplay mechanic to make them more trustworthy asthieves

How trustworthy is please a thief, which can’t even perform in combat the absolute most simply thief basic skills – detecting traps and actually taking your target victims somethign really away without that they can’t fight agaisnt you as effectively anymore, as long the enemy couldn’t retrieve the stolen item back from you????

How owesomewoudl it be to prform the finishing move agaisnt an enemy with the enemies stolen weapon in hands, killing them with their own weapons, if you wwre able to disarm your enemy shortly before you could down them to prform then the finishing move with the disarmed enemy weapon in your hands? That woudl be cool ,that would unique, that would be really innovative!! and that woudl be fitting for a thief how they would kill their enemies by degrading them by beign killed with their own weapons!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Gamble.4580


Great idea give them ability to disable traps same as rev and eng can detect stealth and brake it

[UNTY] Unity guild -AG server
Asura -Thief

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594



Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437



you stole my screenshot!!!

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594


you stole my screenshot!!!

Might have… I had this laying around for a long time.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Great idea give them ability to disable traps same as rev and eng can detect stealth and brake it

Yes, this should be an every’s thief’s basics. They have a kind of sixth sense for traps, one should believe, they are masters of the shadows and infiltration. If someone like that doesn#t know how to sabotage and detect traps, then I freaking don’t know – who else!!?

If a Thief isn’t constantly trying at any given chance to steal Boons from the foes around him, who the freaking frozen hell else should be able to do such a feat??
Its kind of what a Thief does – stealing, so this means they should be also constantly trying to see somethign ,be it the Boons of the foes, be it the Weapon of the foes to disarm them and disable them that way to fight effectively agaisnt you for a while, what would be effectively the same as like stunning a foe and making them that way unable to use their weapon skills, just with the difference, that you have it instead for the amount of time, until the foe can successfully retrieve it back from you by using a Tackling Attack, or when you used the stolen weapon against your foe you stolen the weapon from.

We currently have also no counter class build at all in this game for Trapper Builds and I think thats an unacceptable situation. Every Class Build shlould also have some kind of counter class build to ensure, that for a Trapper Build (and we have by now 3 of them of different classes) can’t do that premanently without having to fear, that there might not come maybe someone, who can do something specific agaisnt them annd their playstyle, especialyl with Thieves being able to do that permanently invisible.

Would there be now the Thief able to see traps and deactivate them, then would be the stealth trapper at least countered out by using the same class agaisnt themself as a natural balancing, that the most powerful trapper build is automatically also countered by themself.

Trappers, especially since the buff to rune of the trapper have become more and more a pest, because you can#t see them, unless oyu can spot your foe at the moment where he places a trap, but still from this moment on its just some kind of guessign riddles and staying vigilant, that you not run over the spot where you guess that the trap is.
I as thief shoudl be knowing intinitively, where the trap is and how to deactivate or sabotage it, so that it doesnt harm me, or in optimal case, harms instead the foe if he runs into his own trap that got sabotaged by the thief.

Thats also as an alternative one of the reasons, why i wish to have a Saboteur Elite Specialization for the thief for a long time, if somethign like trap detection7saboteurism shouldnt ever become something baselined for the thief as a kind of their trademark features, if not boon steealing/disarmign/stripping off equipment shopuld become this, then would be trap dectection and sabotage of them stil la god theme for an ES, if both improvements would be too much under the thief class out of balancign reasons, then woudl be imo a split up of both improements th best solution to make one part more integral baselined for the thief and mkae out of the other half an improvement for the thief as part of the next ES.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594


you stole my screenshot!!!

I’m guessing nothing has changed in my X (3? 5? longer?) months of hiatus – in terms of where the thief stands, and WvW (in general).

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437



you stole my screenshot!!!

Might have… I had this laying around for a long time.

I have original, w/o text and all..<_<


you stole my screenshot!!!

I’m guessing nothing has changed in my X (3? 5? longer?) months of hiatus – in terms of where the thief stands, and WvW (in general).

lol got worse, we got nerfed again xD. RIP d/d.

Besides it is DH meta right now and thieves could never really deal with guards well. The recent nerf actually made it even harder to deal with them and was pretty much another slap in the face.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


How did D/D get nerfed again? I thought it was already dead? I also am aware of the Stealth attack CD

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What a class

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


How did D/D get nerfed again? I thought it was already dead? I also am aware of the Stealth attack CD

That’s primarily how it got nerfed. Power D/D’s only good skill is backstab, and the ICD starts post-animation and aftercast delay, so without SA, you get one try to get it to land per stealth.

Which with all the blocks an invulns, it’s ridiculously hard to gain stealth, since CnD never lands because opponents negate it so easily or even passively.

And since they made BV single-stack, CnD is no longer unblockable after a mug, thus making the build even more inconsistent on top of buffed defenses on all professions with HoT.

All the while, D/P can stack stealth with no target/OOC, has a plethora of amazing abilities to use if BS misses and goes on CD (and typically BS isn’t optimal against skilled opponents kitten has a better coefficient than frontstab), and gets a better stun/burst damage reward for landing backstab and spamming AA.