What are Thief supposed to be good at?
what thief is good at now, running away xD
no but seriously, the only things you can kill are zerk necro ele and ranger
that’s about it, i won’t go into the why’s because ppl will just start flaming, thief is so op, like always…
what i can tell you, try to keep playing it and improve on your skill, don’t let a nerf (strong nerf) take away your fun with the thief.
and keeps me playing thief is, if i kill someone now (I play DD, meaning everything counters me xD) i enjoy it even more because i know i had more skill
and if you are able to manage or even be good with an underpowered broken thief, you’ll have a blast IIIIIIFFFFF he’ll ever get buffed again ^^
good luck bud
I had that mindset when I discovered p/p and celestial eles countered me. They countered me because they had the mobility catch up and still deal a lot of damage. Now every proffesion has that and I’m not sure if I can deal with it because I used to put out a lot of damage in bleeds as well but now that’s gone I just don’t know how to break the circle of nerfs. I guess I should try harder once more. It’s a shame it had to come to this where my skill needs to be double of theirs in order for me to beat them. It does make the game a challange.
:D I guess your mindset is the only one that works right now