Will we be able to use Sword offhand ?
Well, i can see many weapons that a thief could use… offhand sword option is one of those.
I think bout maces as stun option weapons etcetc…
But Anet thief is not a classic rogue/Sin type so.. who knows, hopefully they’ll implement weapons and traits and skills for al classes in the future.
Physically saying, swords are heavier than daggers, and since most people have a dominant side, generally the right one, going D/S would be an idiot decision, you wouldn’t be able to hold and use it well
But talking about other weapons, I’d like to see more weapons for thieves
Physically saying, swords are heavier than daggers, and since most people have a dominant side, generally the right one, going D/S would be an idiot decision, you wouldn’t be able to hold and use it well
But talking about other weapons, I’d like to see more weapons for thieves
Are we applying real-life physics to a fantasy video game? Come now………
Physically saying, swords are heavier than daggers, and since most people have a dominant side, generally the right one, going D/S would be an idiot decision, you wouldn’t be able to hold and use it well
But talking about other weapons, I’d like to see more weapons for thieves
I understand your opinion, though I don’t agree.
Just look at Mesmers, they can use swords mainhand and offhand at the same time, and as far as I know Mesmers aren’t known for they physical performance in battle.
They can even go Scepter/Sword and even use Greatswords…
So I think you can’t apply the argument "they’re too heavy so you can’t use them " in Guild Wars 2. At least that’s the way I see it.
Physically saying, swords are heavier than daggers, and since most people have a dominant side, generally the right one, going D/S would be an idiot decision, you wouldn’t be able to hold and use it well
But talking about other weapons, I’d like to see more weapons for thieves
A sword in off-hand in reality would be for defensive or counter reasons~ doesn’t really matter how heavy it is compared to the dagger. Plenty of games allow dagger/shield as well, and the shield is far heavier. Maybe it’d give us counter/block type skills (preferably ones you can channel while moving). Then there’s dual sword~ a luxury warrior gets instead of thief. Would of been nice for a cool multistrike dual skill that doesn’t do crap dmg.
Physically saying, swords are heavier than daggers, and since most people have a dominant side, generally the right one, going D/S would be an idiot decision, you wouldn’t be able to hold and use it well
But talking about other weapons, I’d like to see more weapons for thieves
A sword in off-hand in reality would be for defensive or counter reasons~ doesn’t really matter how heavy it is compared to the dagger. Plenty of games allow dagger/shield as well, and the shield is far heavier. Maybe it’d give us counter/block type skills (preferably ones you can channel while moving). Then there’s dual sword~ a luxury warrior gets instead of thief.
Would of been nice for a cool multistrike dual skill that doesn’t do crap dmg.
haha I bet you were thinking of Flanking Strike… almost the same damage as auto-attack but you get a tiny evade.
I’m not totally closed minded to the idea an OH Sword, but there are other things I’d like to see more:
In particular- new weapons altogether (claws, whips, etc.) as well as the option to wield nothing in your offhand. I actually can’t stand how the game forces you to dual wield.
While I’d love to get Bolt in my off-hand as well. I’d be more than happy if they introduce off-hand whip.
Idea around whip: No access to stealth. More standing power/duellist approach at combat.
skill #3 Dual-wield sword + whip: “Thunder lash”
5 Initiative cost
Cast time: 1s (has to be a short reactive skill)
Effect: Blocks incoming attack. Inflicts 5 stack Confusion (4sec duration) if attacker within 400unit range.
skill# 4 “Not so fast”
Initiative cost: 4
Cast time: 1/2s
Effect: Pulls target to you, inflicts 1s daze
Range: 500units
skill# 5 “Bravado”
Initiative cost: 6
Cast time: 1sec
Effect: Nearby allies gain: Vigor (7s), Swiftness (7s), Quickness (2s). Enemies are inflicted with Weaken (4s), Blind (4s), Cripple (2s).
Radius 900 (5 allies max cap/ 5enemy max cap)
I would personally like to see a war horn offhand where the #5 calls in a thief who back stabs the enemy and knocks them down. Now this may seem op but it should probs cost like 6-7 ini. Not really sure
You’ve gotta be joking. Not one of those skills aren’t OP. With initiative regen and 15 in trickery, I could put more confusion on someone than in a Mesmer’s wet dream with skill #3.
#4. A pull AND daze with 4 ini cost? Anybody without stability is doomed.
And the 5th skill? Time to take on 3 people at once with constant quickness. Yeeee.
Besides not being OP, whips are the best you guys could come up with? I believe that the Thief has plenty of weapons to choose from. The only thing that needs to be done is the fixing of less used sets (such as pistol offhand and mainhand). I’d rather keep radical sexual fetishes out of my Guild Wars. Just think of all the duelist-wearing human females using whips.
Actually, now that I think about it, you should put a resume into ArenaNet’s balancing team. Haw haw.
Yes, it’s a bit too much lol, plus we already have a gap closer with mainhand sword.
4th skill: Block next attack. On non-block: Recover 3 initiative (just as the spear block), on block, throw a shadow wave that does good/decent damage and applies Weakness (the reason it’s ranged is because we have main hand ranged weapons and it has to synergize with all of them like Mesmer’s parry, and a shadow wave fits with the style while Weakness makes it a very defensive option in adition to the block).
5th skill: Whirl/Slashing animation with no damage. You swing your off-hand sword so fast that you create a field (Dark Field like Shadow Refuge so we have a precedent on our moveset) of razor winds that does good damage and applies bleeds each pulse to opponents standing on it. This way there is an option to synergize with condition builds, and being a dark field combo you can leech some HP with ranged attacks, and blind with leap attacks increasing the defensive orientation of the weapon.
Dual attacks:
Pistol/Sword: Low circle slash with your sword (applying Cripple to opponents), then as the circle animation finishes shoot your target at point blank range pushing (push, not knock-back) him away. This makes this set able to hold a distance with your opponent, block some of his attacks and countering them at range and the bleeding field synergizes with bleeds from pistol if they try to get over you and allows you to leech some HP.
Sword/Sword: Teleport 3 times to your foe (only if first attack is on range, you can’t do 3 teleports if the first one was out of range), with a sword slash each teleport, and the final one is a falling attack with a 0.5 seconds knockdown (gameplay wise a KD is the same than a Stun with a falling animation, with Pistol Whips as a precedent and being after a whole chain of attacks I think even a 1 second KD would be viable but for now let’s say 0.5). This skill allows you to keep hitting moving targets, and the last attack knock-down becomes very previsible after 3 animations so they can wait to evade it. As it’s after 3 animations it doesn’t synergize with #2 inmobilization so you can’t force 100% efficency knock-downs with it. That KD is there basically to keep them honest with the 2 first (less damaging) attacks to try to evade the last one that hits harder and briefly disables them. The set is like glue, you have the ability to block attacks and constantly stick to your opponent so he can’t get rid of you without fighting.
Dagger/Sword: Impale your target with your off-hand sword (1 second inmob) and deliver a flurry of attacks (with some sort of condition or side effect related, not sure what would be the best here). This is an “annoying” set, able to hold your opponent on a damaging field with a combination of #5 and #3, keep fighting and blocking until he has low HP and then start with the heartseeking.
I don’t think this one would be OP, it serves a defensive/utility purpose and gives some new roles to our main hands weapons while being able to combine all skills in the bar unlike some of our weapon sets.
I want a dual-wield sword for my thief. Unlike warriors, sword can be deemed as a weapon that does not bring down one’s agility while moving. that is why ninjas uses them. How I wish there is dual wield sword
Heheh, i would love this combo. But i would prefer an empty offhand, to fix the stats issue, simply make a offhand item called Glove or something. And give this S/G combo GS’ two-handed animations but faster.
I’m not totally closed minded to the idea an OH Sword, but there are other things I’d like to see more:
In particular- new weapons altogether (claws, whips, etc.) as well as the option to wield nothing in your offhand. I actually can’t stand how the game forces you to dual wield.
/sigh. Me too, dude.
Actually wish we could use shields too, cuz it looked cool in final fantasy when their Thieves did it. XD Thief is a pretty closed minded class for it’s name in GW2. Annoys me when MMOs throw in an Assassin type class and generally just make them Dagger only or Sword too. It’s just so dull and unimaginative. At least we get Pistols this time but really a THIEF should be picking up any type of weapon he wants to and use it.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
im thinking of Claw-like / Katar weapons , looks kitten, more assassin-like
im thinking of Claw-like / Katar weapons , looks kitten, more assassin-like
Is why I loved Assassins so much in Diablo 2. Claws are cool in Path of Exile too, and their “Assassin” class can make a very viable Claw/Shield build. Just looks cool. Games, especially MMOs often neglect Hand2Hand weapons all the time though. GW1 did have a Brass Knuckle dagger skin at least.
The main problem i see clearly is the idea of dual-wielding in gw2, while you reholding weapon on each hand but still attacking with only 1 hand ~__~ D/D still a bit tolerable , but when it comes to S/S , like when you have 2 relatively big weapons in each hand, but you re attaking with only your main hand, your off hand is dead except you trigger your offhand skills, but still it looks lacking of something, youre still auto-attacking with only your main hand. Dual Claws/Katars too, its a bit ridiculous that youre attacking with only 1 hand whilst the weapon has assassin-dual-speed-slashing theme.
At least, ANet should make #1 wep skill a dual wield attack animation too, which is weaponset-unique-wise , like if you’re on D/D your #1 D/D will be dual dagger attacking,if you’re S/D your #1 will be a combo chainof Sword slashing and Dagger stabing or else…
It could be much cooler.. thoughts?
(edited by Noktern.1395)
The problem is that the Thief isn’t an assassin by default, more of a duelist actually, I’d prefer having more creative ways to fight and adapt rather than a set of weapons that give you the opportunity to clone whatever assassin or ninja you’re drooling at.
The problem is that the Thief isn’t an assassin by default, more of a duelist actually, I’d prefer having more creative ways to fight and adapt rather than a set of weapons that give you the opportunity to clone whatever assassin or ninja you’re drooling at.
The only difference between GW1 Assassin and Thief is Steal ( even though it’s a glorified shadowstep ) and pure stealth invisibility. ;/ Guns are new in general, Assassin would use it too if it existed.
That and the lack of Scythe, Longbow and Hammer weapons that Assassins could use well~ and Sword actually being viable to Thief.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
The problem is that the Thief isn’t an assassin by default, more of a duelist actually, I’d prefer having more creative ways to fight and adapt rather than a set of weapons that give you the opportunity to clone whatever assassin or ninja you’re drooling at.
Lies the thief is an assassin rebranded.
Look at the “executioner” trait for instance.
“Hidden Killer”
Shadows and acrobatic?
They said they decided not to name it the sin because of Cantha or some nonsense like that.
Came up with these – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Thief-Off-hand-Sword-Ideas/first#post1741931
Although honestly I want one-hand only options and more types of weapon, more than OH sword.
Resident Thief
Came up with these – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Thief-Off-hand-Sword-Ideas/first#post1741931
Although honestly I want one-hand only options and more types of weapon, more than OH sword.
It wouldn’t work because of lack of stats/sigil. Unless they add special “2handed” daggers or gave us Focus offhand since it’s barely a weapon. Would be pretty cool though to fight like Alibaba. http://bickazer.tumblr.com/post/34048026515/magi-episode-3-alibaba-vs-jamil 1 dagger, other hand behind back or for 2handed dagger attacks.
He’d make a good Thief.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
At least, ANet should make #1 wep skill a dual wield attack animation too, which is weaponset-unique-wise , like if you’re on D/D your #1 D/D will be dual dagger attacking,if you’re S/D your #1 will be a combo chainof Sword slashing and Dagger stabing or else…
It could be much cooler.. thoughts?
Agreed. This has always bothered me as well. I can understand they wanted to keep the development cost down, but it really does look bad. I hate it on my warrior too, as he swings the one axe while the other just hangs there uselessly.
The problem is that the Thief isn’t an assassin by default, more of a duelist actually, I’d prefer having more creative ways to fight and adapt rather than a set of weapons that give you the opportunity to clone whatever assassin or ninja you’re drooling at.
No its not, but when you re a thief, you can be a duelist, trapper, assassin, ninja , archer, rogue, or everything any medium-armor class on what all mmo games could have. I believe why ANet pick a word “Thief” instead of “Assassin”, is to widen the play style of any gamer could want , if you re a ninja, your playstyle would be narrowed, its abit ridiculous if a ninja uses a pistol and pew pew pew in revealed manner when , imo, ninja should be 80% cloaked in shadow , unrevealed by enemy’s eyes.