how to balance thief in pvp

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Michael.9517


In all honesty, based on what i’ve been seeing with thief, and playing it in ruby and diamond almost 100%.. if they just increased short bow damage by about 30%, I think thief would be perfectly balanced.

I would prefer 30% base damage for bigger burst, but I wouldn’t be disappointed with 30% attack speed/travel velocity or reduction in initiative amounts or a combination of the above.

I think it’s the only thing were missing to compete with the top tier classes and to give rev a run for their money.

Just a note, i think its totally okay for classes to have “soft” counters, and I think increased shortbow damage would be one way to make the “hard” counter classes more of a soft counter.. although not completely, but its a start.

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, I think a buff to short bow damage would be a good change. Something like this would give thieves a bit more team fight potential so that we have a bit more to contribute outside of +1 and decap.

It would either be that or more buffs to a dodge spec in hopes that we can get another build like the S/D of the old days (back when Jumper played).

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Or could just nerf revs~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Shortbow’s cluster bomb was nerfed by like 20% or more near the beginning of the game. This was done because of the amount of on point AoE damage was deemed too much.

Now look at today lol

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Urejt.5648


buff autoatacks by another 50%

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Lexander.4579


add smoke field and blast or jump finisher to every weapon set :^)

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Amaranthe.3578


Its very simple – remove the thieves and poof insta balance

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Thief will never make it back into the meta until Shiro is nerfed – which is sad. Although it could be worse – Warriors won’t make in back into the meta until Scrapper, Revenant and Druid are nerfed.


how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Thief will never make it back into the meta until Shiro is nerfed – which is sad. Although it could be worse – Warriors won’t make in back into the meta until Scrapper, Revenant and Druid are nerfed.

Actually there was a complete upgrade in mobility to many different classes.

Thief will become meta when a generalized nerf to all HoT specs is done.

how to balance thief in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Nocta.5274


Thief is fine honestly. we either don’t need much, or we have to wait for a real Shiro nerf.
I’d be happy if they would increase our survability in fights just a tad, but otherwise its okay.

Shortbow buffs would be nice tho, won’t lie. Shortbow 4 is very lacking since the change to Poison stacking, shortbow 2 has always been very clunky for damage due to its speed and flip skill, and some of the nerfs to shortbow 3 could be undone.

But you can actually play thief this season, which wasn’t really the case the last one, so heh, improvement !

Characters :
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.

(edited by Nocta.5274)