11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


FOR THE LAST TIME PEOPLE, this was not intended to be a freaking QQ thread, and it’s starting to kitten me off that it’s impossible to post anything on these forums without getting flamed. I know very well that I’m far from pro, and I don’t need you nimrods to remind of that fact. To those of you who actually answered/added onto this discussion in a non-condescending kittenish way I thank and salute you.

As someone who has had a great time reading this thread and laughing at the false claims by those QQing, a salute to you for simply asking questions and not QQing.

In future, I suggest that you post this in the Thief forum itself. You will be surprised at the amount of supportive posts you will get explaining and giving you advice if you post to ask a question and not to QQ. Posting it in any other class forum is a mistake because most of the answers are “because Thief is OP”, as seen here.

Alright thanks, and advice taken

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490



QQ thread from the most OP class in every way to play this game has.

He was a GC Thief, use your OP skill to be invulnerable and spit him on the face . . . dead.

Serious this people with L2P issues raging in the forum is sooooooooooooo boring.

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I certainly won’t say THF is balanced and man it’s annoying getting bit that hard and then having the little kitten jump right back into stealth. Overall however THFs are in a bad place for pvp. They are pigeon holed into roaming morons because the don’t really bring much to the table in a group. Not a huge issue in wvw just follow the Zerg but in tPvP they kind of blow atm because they are to squishy.

My point here is they are not OP that build only works with the absolute best gear and omfg all the buffs in the world. And the rest of the time they are pretty weak. They need fixed not nerfed, as for your war if you get lucky and hit them out of stealth it’s a guarantee win for you (they cry about that on the thf forum)

It’s all about perspective guys

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Quakeman.9378



QQ thread from the most OP class in every way to play this game has.

He was a GC Thief, use your OP skill to be invulnerable and spit him on the face . . . dead.

Serious this people with L2P issues raging in the forum is sooooooooooooo boring.

The amount of grammatical errors is too kitten high.
Oh and on a side note, you either need to learn to troll, or you need to learn to read because you’ve missed my whole point. Probably both though.

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: fakjuol.5349


the thief has best items in game, pure burst dmg. Thiefs were nerfed already enough. Not every thief can do so high burst. stacking might, food, stacking power on kill, critical hit on swap. How often can thief do this? I have thief and i die all the time.. and its because i do it wrong…. maybe this guy was not noob as I am. Maybe you are not that good as you think. This is not trolling. Even in real life man fail if his arogance is big enough. There is always somebody better. You can cry or you can try to be better and to do it..you must find what you do wrong. Be humble and find your weakness, check some vids on web how streamers play roamings builds (thiefs) and when you finally notice the thief mechanics, maybe then you will find the way.

not one, not two

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

i know plenty of warriors and other classes who laugh at anything on the forums, but when they get asked for a duel they refuse and you never hear of them again. some difference between having a big mouth on the forum because they killed a few noobs in wvw and actually having a clue about whats possible, only lots of experience teaches what kind of broken builds are possible in wvw, you need to fight them first to see it. i dont know man.. you call 17k+ instant damage out of stealth on a 3.2k armor guy balanced? seriously.. if you read through this thread you can see that this kind of damage is still far from the maximum you can do as a thief and 3.2-3.3k armor is about what you get with every piece of exotic gear having toughness stat on it.

btw there is an edit button, you dont have to make a new post everytime you come up with a new thought.

Want to talk about Kill Shot and Eviscerate?
WvWvW has never and will ever be balanced by design. Deal with that.

lol, this brings back a good memory..

So i run an axe/axe + Rifle build in WvW with a sigil of intelligence on one of the axes and the rifle..

While trying to meet back up with my zerg, ran into both enemy zergs and barely escaped(had less than a quarter health.) When I thought I was safe I turned around to find out a thief from the second zerg I ran into was still chasing me, so still having full adrenaline and a guaranteed Crit from swapping weapons a while back I used Eviscerate. That took the majority of his health away, so in a panic he tried to run, so I switch to rifle(note with burst mastery I still have enough adrenaline to use another burst, and I had the trait that gave extra adrenaline when I crit with an axe) now thanks to sigil of intelligence I have another gauranteed crit, so I used Killshot. Needless to say this Thief died.

Not saying either Thief nor Warrior is OP, I have had my share of deaths due to a thief popping out of stealth and killing me. However in WvW at least I do not fret it as much. There are plenty of situations where I can get payback, like if a thief tries this on an ally and I promptly kill said thief and rez ally.

Not to mention this thief mechanic works amazing well on single roamers, however a lot of WvW consists of small groups, all the way to big zergs, in which case said thief is usually one of the first to get melted, due to the fact that they are a GLASS cannon.

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I do love rifle for taking out those kitten y thieves. Anytime some thief tries to stealth around and harass my group I slip out of combat, swap to full zerker, and pull out my rifle. Channeled skills track stealth targets :P

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Yeah with the same gear as the THF had, and food/buffs Kill shot + eviscerate would easily hit that hard. Heck i have one shot class cannon thfs plenty of times with lucky/buffed killshots

Not saying they were good but still i bet that kitten ed em off. The issue with THF isnt burst its stealth and the lack of “reliable” counters to it. And Anet is in the process of fixing that… albeit slowly

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Frye.4608


A qq thread about burst in the warrior forum

Heavy armor + high hp = the best profession at taking damage.

Did any one you complainers even consider how much light armor / low hp classes would get hit for?

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


A qq thread about burst in the warrior forum

Heavy armor + high hp = the best profession at taking damage.

Did any one you complainers even consider how much light armor / low hp classes would get hit for?

You’re forgetting that health and vitality are not the only defensive utilities in the game. Protection is essentially a +50% hp boon for non-condition damage. Aegis would block a good part of that burst. Other than that, pretty much all classes have some access to invulnerability, blocks or blind.

All of those would make the burst next to useless.

And of course, even if you have to take the burst, there are classes which have access to much better means of healing than a Warrior.