[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Hi there,

My name is Matale, some of you might remember me from Beta and the first few months when the game came out when I played a warrior for a while. After playing a few other professions I’m now back on my warrior, with a new build and 2 new videos.

First I have a WvWvW montage of 1vX fights, mostly just longer clips: (my favorite is the last fight, still gets me pumping)

The second video is just all the extra 1v1 clips so it’s a WvWvW dueling montage with A LOT of fights:

Hope you guys enjoy them!

P.S. – Sorry about some of the mistakes I make, hopefully you’ll also learn from them. By the end of the week I will upload these same 2 videos but without the music for the people from those countries where the video will be blocked so just subscribe to the channel if you’d like to be notified.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


The following assumes that you’ve watched the 2 “Matale 8” videos or portions of them and that you’ve seen the gear and build at the end of either of the 2 videos.

The Build:
- The 20 points in Arms to get traits “IV” and “X” are absolutely mandatory for this build. Trait “IV” is what allows you to be bursty during stuns and score kills and trait “X” is what makes you mobile and helps a lot with both your defense and offense. Without trait “X” in many of the fights I wouldn’t have been able to get away and then jump back into the fight on my own terms.

- The 20 points in Discipline for traits “III” and “X” are also very important as they allow you to stick to your target and get away when needed. Trait “X” in particular is a great tool when fighting Mesmers as it allows you to get away from their immobilize when they’re trying to burst you with their Sword.

- You can do whatever you’d like with your remaining 30 points. I decided to invest them in Defense as it fits my play style better and I figured it would help me the most in 1vX situations. Trait “V” (Missile Deflection) has always been a favorite of mine as often you’re able to reflect either a bunch of damage or clutch abilities. With this build you can reflect pretty often with both your shield and mace. Cleansing Ire, even though is not a reliable condition removal, in this build it works more as a passive one and with the amount of conditions going around right now, condition removal is always a good thing. The adrenaline gain is also a huge help. Defy Pain helped me barely survive fights on several occasions and it helps you not get bursted down when you’re out of CDs.

The Gear:
- I used a mix of Valkyrie and Berserker for my gear. I used Berserker gear until I reached around ~20% crit chance and then all Valkyrie. Most of your kills will happen during stuns when your crit chance gets boosted automatically to 50% however without some passive crit chance outside stuns, you really won’t feel like you’re doing much damage. For me, ~21% felt like a pretty good choice however I didn’t do any particular math in order to come up with it.
- Superior Sigil of Paralyzation is a must for this build. It transforms your 3 seconds Mace stun into 3.45 seconds allowing you to get a full 100B during it. It also makes your 2 seconds Bull’s Charge 2.3 seconds. (I’m not sure if stuns get rounded or not). If you’ve watched most of the 1v1s video you’ll notice how occasionally, vs some of the more durable and long lasting professions such as Guardians or Elementalists, I was able to catch them off guard around ~50% HP and lock them down with a series of stuns to their death.
- For your second Sigil you can put whatever you’d like, I started out with Superior Sigil of Leeching and really liked it so I just kept it. After recording several fights I’ve noticed a few situations where I barely survived with 3-4k HP so I imagine that without those heals I might have died. I also don’t have a lot of healing sources so anything extra helps.
- Runes of the Ogre are there for extra damage and they’re doing a pretty good job.

Being Sustainable
- This is something that I’ve noticed warriors are complaining about left and right on the forums and with this build you’re able to achieve “Sustainability” to some extent. Being sustainable as a warrior however doesn’t mean you just sit there and tank through the damage, it means that you have the tools to avoid the damage if you play it right. With this build you’re able to do your burst and then get away for a few seconds and then jump back in again. You also have 3 different weapon abilities to block / evade attacks. The stuns also help a bunch as your target won’t be doing much during that time. It’s not something easy and definitely much more difficult than it is for other professions but it works. If they would have went through with the -5 seconds on the Healing Abilities CDs it would have helped a ton. I think I had over 10-15 clips of 1v2 fights where I was so close to winning but I had 2-3 seconds left on my heal or I died while trying to use it. While it’s not perfect, it’s not too bad either.

Overall, I’ve never felt more comfortable, confident and capable on a warrior than I do with this build. I am able to have a strong fighting chance vs anything I meet and if things get rough I am always able to get away and try again shortly. You will have problems vs professions that are very bursty (both power and condition builds) however learning when exactly to use your defensive abilities and not wasting them will make a huge difference. You really have to know your opponents and have played other professions to be successful.

This build also works in sPvP with Soldier’s or Valkyrie’s Amulet.

Hopefully this will be useful to all the warriors that are having a rough time in PvP right now. Good luck and hope you enjoyed my 2 videos!

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I like it. Mace needs more props than it gets.

Interesting playstyle

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Cozener.9804


Would you say your hammer build is still viable? I’m running it currently and thouroughly enjoying it.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


he has awoken. the one who got me into warrior to begin with.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Great videos. I ran something similar except without GS so I may try the GS out. I was hammer + mace/shield or axe/shield.

Put the QQ’rs in their place, Matale.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Would you say your hammer build is still viable? I’m running it currently and thouroughly enjoying it.

Hammer was great before because people didn’t really know the animations. Now, since everyone knows what to expect from a hammer warrior people have a much easier time to counter them. I also found that in 1vX it’s about scoring quick kills, being bursty and you don’t really have that with a Hammer. I think Hammer is much more viable in group play with some support.

I do remember seeing some recent footage (last 2 months or so) of someone playing Hammer / Greatsword and doing pretty well in 1v1s and 1v2s so you could try that.

But then again, this is all in theory, I just came back to playing warrior again and my first pick was this build, haven’t really tried anything else. I came up with it when I saw the “leaked patch notes” and stuck with it since, experimenting and finding the perfect combination for my play style of traits, runes, sigils and skills.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Watched both of your videos and loved them! Keep making more

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Talk about shaming the other scrub warriors on this forum.

Even though this is a waste of my time and clearly you don’t have a constructive attitude, I’ll humor your comments:
- mace stun lasts 3.5 seconds with the sigil I’m using so I get a full 100B each time while my opponent is fully stunned. There’s no point in discussing 1v2 since you’ll never have 1 player beat 2 opponents of the same skill level. For 1v2 to happen you need a bit of luck and for the one player to clearly be better than the other 2 or at least have a much better strategy.
- I have pretty decent condition removal with my heal and Cleansing Ire and I do show several duels vs condition thieves particularly P/D thieves which are a pain to kill and necromancers. Please watch both videos before making dumb comments.
- I don’t play too often so I just don’t have the gold to waste on consumables. I seem to be doing just fine without them.
- Having the same sigil doesn’t defeat the purpose, it just helps me proc it on CD. If you take a look at the dueling video most duels last around 40-60 seconds so if it was to proc on CD you’d be looking at around 4-6k HP which isn’t bad at all.
- Your last comment is ignorant, you clearly didn’t watch everything. Maybe you’re just better and always playing with better people but in EU, in Tier 1 WvWvW this is as good as it gets.

Again, this is probably just a waste of my time but I’d suggest having a more constructive attitude and making well thought comments if you insist on being a negative nancy.

Thank you for humoring me since I stated valid points and you had to respond. I’m surprised you think responding to replies on the thread you started is a waste of time, too. Hmm.

-Yes..I know 100b lasts through the mace stun with the sigil..I meant that you use GS3 before 100b finishes to avoid being focused by another target. Apparently judging from your reply you never thought of utilizing GS3 evade in that fashion.
Thanks for copying and pasting the mace stuntimes from wiki on the mace. We actually know all about sigil of paralyz. Look up a couple of my threads/replies.

-Consumables are cheap. Look up the lvl 65 ones. Stop using money as an excuse for ignorance. Also, you have the full Orr Set? I’d assume you farmed a bit and got some cash.

-Cleansing Ire is a joke because you need to land the burst. Have fun doing that with a blind on you and someone kiting you with chill -yea..mobile strikes doesn’t remove chill-.

-What you said: There’s no point in discussing 1v2 since you’ll never have 1 player beat 2 opponents of the same skill level.
So basically you are saying you are running a dueling build in WvW and you won against more than one person because they were bad and you were lucky? You should run it in spvp dueling arenas. You will find skilled players there. Try not to edit the losses.

Your 2nd video doesn’t play on some regions due to the music:

‘This video contains content from SACEM, EMI, UMPI, UMG and Ultra Music, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.’

I might bother bypassing the restriction but judging from your 1st vid and your ‘informed’ replies I won’t bother.

Welcome back to the warrior class and hope you update your Beta dated knowledge!

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Tagged for future review. I can’t decide on a build for WvW roaming but some of the potential builds had mace in it.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: doc phil.8015

doc phil.8015

Really great videos and really good skill. I prefer GS + Sword/Shield but your build is something I definatly have to try out. One of the best changes to the warrior in my opinion is the 25% running speed btw since I could swap my warhorn for a shield and still be able to keep up with people running away. I was never a fan of the mace but yeah after seeing this I should definatly give it a go. So cheers for the videos

Dzagonur Warrior
Dochil [GDA]

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: winshmo.7896


This is actually the new and better bullrush+frenzy+100b set-up. You get mace stun+gs combo on 8s cds which could be done repeatedly before most stunbreakers get refreshed. You free up your frenzy slot for whatever you want and get a little sustain from shield and mace block. Possible problems I would see come from lack of condi removal vs classes that spam chill/cripple though missile reflection gives you the means to stop those ranged conditions from coming in but if they manage to unload a lot of conditions early on is a different story. Another thing would be chasing enemies, in your video enemies were mostly chasing you, if it would be the other way around the only ranged slow you have is bladetrail. But all in all this is actually an awesome solid build for 1vs1. Now if ANET would make that mace burst cleave…….

(edited by winshmo.7896)

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Chuckles.8153


Waiting for XII’s next (sorry), first pvp video showcasing his skill and knowledge of the game outside of raging on the forums.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: elster.7495


How about linking your build in here? Would help a lot i guess.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


How about linking your build in here? Would help a lot i guess.

50% crit during stuns and GS CDs
missile reflect, cleansing ire, defy pain
25% movement speed and breaking immobilize

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Talk about shaming the other scrub warriors on this forum.

Even though this is a waste of my time and clearly you don’t have a constructive attitude, I’ll humor your comments:
- mace stun lasts 3.5 seconds with the sigil I’m using so I get a full 100B each time while my opponent is fully stunned. There’s no point in discussing 1v2 since you’ll never have 1 player beat 2 opponents of the same skill level. For 1v2 to happen you need a bit of luck and for the one player to clearly be better than the other 2 or at least have a much better strategy.
- I have pretty decent condition removal with my heal and Cleansing Ire and I do show several duels vs condition thieves particularly P/D thieves which are a pain to kill and necromancers. Please watch both videos before making dumb comments.
- I don’t play too often so I just don’t have the gold to waste on consumables. I seem to be doing just fine without them.
- Having the same sigil doesn’t defeat the purpose, it just helps me proc it on CD. If you take a look at the dueling video most duels last around 40-60 seconds so if it was to proc on CD you’d be looking at around 4-6k HP which isn’t bad at all.
- Your last comment is ignorant, you clearly didn’t watch everything. Maybe you’re just better and always playing with better people but in EU, in Tier 1 WvWvW this is as good as it gets.

Again, this is probably just a waste of my time but I’d suggest having a more constructive attitude and making well thought comments if you insist on being a negative nancy.

Thank you for humoring me since I stated valid points and you had to respond. I’m surprised you think responding to replies on the thread you started is a waste of time, too. Hmm.

-Yes..I know 100b lasts through the mace stun with the sigil..I meant that you use GS3 before 100b finishes to avoid being focused by another target. Apparently judging from your reply you never thought of utilizing GS3 evade in that fashion.
Thanks for copying and pasting the mace stuntimes from wiki on the mace. We actually know all about sigil of paralyz. Look up a couple of my threads/replies.

-Consumables are cheap. Look up the lvl 65 ones. Stop using money as an excuse for ignorance. Also, you have the full Orr Set? I’d assume you farmed a bit and got some cash.

-Cleansing Ire is a joke because you need to land the burst. Have fun doing that with a blind on you and someone kiting you with chill -yea..mobile strikes doesn’t remove chill-.

-What you said: There’s no point in discussing 1v2 since you’ll never have 1 player beat 2 opponents of the same skill level.
So basically you are saying you are running a dueling build in WvW and you won against more than one person because they were bad and you were lucky? You should run it in spvp dueling arenas. You will find skilled players there. Try not to edit the losses.

Your 2nd video doesn’t play on some regions due to the music:

‘This video contains content from SACEM, EMI, UMPI, UMG and Ultra Music, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.’

I might bother bypassing the restriction but judging from your 1st vid and your ‘informed’ replies I won’t bother.

Welcome back to the warrior class and hope you update your Beta dated knowledge!

- I don’t have a set rotation that I use and that may be what’s giving you problems in PvP. I use different skills based on the situation which helps me catch my opponents off guard. I sometimes use GS3 at the end of 100B and I often also try to use another stun if I notice my target has low HP. In the dueling video there are several fights where I just lock someone down from 50%-0 through the use of 2-3 different interrupts. One thing that I’ve also noticed is that many people like to dodge right as they get out of the mace stun so using GS3 often turned out to be a bad idea.

- I’ve had my full Orr Set from the first month when the game came out. If I told you I don’t have that much gold to waste then I don’t.

- I score my kills by landing the mace stuns which I am able to do successfully pretty often so Cleansing Ire works pretty good for me, thanks.

- It’s pretty logic that in order to win a 1v2 you need to have some sort of an advantage such as skill, gear, CDs or strategy. 1 opponent of equal skill and gear will never be able to take on 2 others, it just doesn’t make sense. So in other words yes, I guess I was a bit better than them, I had a better strategy and build.

- When you publish anything that will give you credentials as far as your PvP skills go then you can go calling people good or bad. This is what tier 1 EU WvWvW has to offer and that’s what I’m showing so as far as the viability of this build goes, I could even say this works great in top WvWvW PvP.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Bottom line is that I mostly play WvWvW solo roaming on my warrior. The build I came up with works great for me and I’ve published ~40 minutes of gameplay to show it vs what Tier 1 WvWvW has to offer. Whatever shortcomings you might have on your warrior, I’m sure you can figure it out on your own.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


There are a lot of warriors on here that like to not see other warriors succeed so I wouldn’t ever take anything of what they say wholeheartedly. There are some of us that enjoy and have success stories with the warrior then there are some on here that refuse to adapt or improve and think they are entitled to get buffs to the class. The warrior has some shortcomings in almost every department, but I wouldn’t say they are a broken class at all.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


Interesting, I have been running pretty much those exact same traits since right after patch except I use dogged instead of deflection (for reasons stated below)

They open up alot of chances to swap weapons around too, since the traits are more universal

I tend to run Hammer / GS though, since the mace is just way too slow, and the stuns are the only thing that mace main-hand has to let you stick to a target properly.

I simply just change 1 defense trait from defy pain/spiked armor to Merciless Hammer, and the build runs nearly every weapon without any major downsides (even Longbow with the range buff)

Axe/Shield + GS for solo roaming (swap in deflection or shield master)
Hammer + GS for small team comp
LB + GS for tower assault/defense

and that is pretty much all I need.

I find the extra leap and stuns from Hammer to be invaluable when roaming over the mace, but in the end that is personal preference, since they both provide defense in their own way (mace+ shield is direct defense / blocks, Hammer is stuns and displacement)

A note for you though: Sigil of Hydromancy for the mace/shield set or GS is uhhhh….interesting to test out btw, especially since you need to be insanely close range with your build.

Forgot to mention: check out the new Stomp. Bulls/Stomp/Endure are my prime choices now, even though stability has so many applications as well

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

(edited by Zietlogik.6208)

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I played a bit with your spec now, and it is amazing 0.o havent been able to solo 3players before with little problems and lots of hp left to go around (ofc they werent that good : P)

But yeah… you came up with a very good spec

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Glad to see other people are enjoying the warrior profession! As ArtemisEntreri.4138 said, even though other professions are in a much better spot than the warrior is, this profession can still be pretty fun to play!

@ Zietlogik.6208
I’ve been playing around with Hammer/GS and really liked it too but I just really like the idea of using a shield, it feels very warrior like so that’s why I decided to go with it. Not to mention that the dragon bash shield looks pretty amazing. Both the Hammer and the Mace/Shield have a lot of great tools for sure and are also very different in play style so if you ever get bored of one, you can just play the other.

The reason I like stability is because it often allows you to down people fast and it’s very useful in 1vX situations. I didn’t get a chance to experiment yet with other traits as all the footage was recorded over 4 days so thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try!

When I was playing around with Hammer / GS I really liked Signet of Fury over Bull’s Charge, used in combination with the Hammer Burst Stun. I would cripple my target and immobilize it with Hammer 3 and then jump to it with the Hammer stun.

@ Gathslan.1870
The best part is that the more you play, the better you get at it, as long as you always analyze your fights. When I was looking over the recordings from day 1, even though I knew I had some really good fights there, I just didn’t like them anymore because I noticed a lot of mistakes.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


kittenin awesome videos man, I’ll be toying around with this later for sure!

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


People are trying to adapt this into spvp. I think it has the great advantage of allowing us into Soldier’s Amulet. And God knows how much I’d like to play a viable warrior with soldier’s amulet outside from hammer.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Bottom line is that I mostly play WvWvW solo roaming on my warrior. The build I came up with works great for me and I’ve published ~40 minutes of gameplay to show it vs what Tier 1 WvWvW has to offer. Whatever shortcomings you might have on your warrior, I’m sure you can figure it out on your own.

-You can’t land cleansing ire using your mace burst if you are being kited with chill and /or blinded.. I fail to see your point since you have no way to fight off chill.

-If you have time to farm Orr for a full set, I’m sure you have time to farm 3silver for condi reduc food

-You stunned a wvw player who does not have stability/stun breakers from 50% to 0 health in wvw? Quite an achievement.

-I doubt that your edited video reflects the best fights to be found in EU WvW. Last I checked they had good players. Go to spvp, fight some good players using your build and post it back here.

Since when is posting a vid fighting bad pvpers, still using ground targetting assist and ignoring consumables in WvW make you a good player. Yes..you have pvp experience just not a good one. Last I checked you were the one who claimed posters here don’t know anything about warrior sustainability.

Please resort to insults more. Most people do when they are proven wrong.

Didn’t you also say somewhere that major sigil of paralyzation affects knock down in the gw2 guru forums? That info was not correct even in the beta days, I think.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Yza.2437


Talk about shaming the other scrub warriors on this forum.

Even though this is a waste of my time and clearly you don’t have a constructive attitude, I’ll humor your comments:
- mace stun lasts 3.5 seconds with the sigil I’m using so I get a full 100B each time while my opponent is fully stunned. There’s no point in discussing 1v2 since you’ll never have 1 player beat 2 opponents of the same skill level. For 1v2 to happen you need a bit of luck and for the one player to clearly be better than the other 2 or at least have a much better strategy.
- I have pretty decent condition removal with my heal and Cleansing Ire and I do show several duels vs condition thieves particularly P/D thieves which are a pain to kill and necromancers. Please watch both videos before making dumb comments.
- I don’t play too often so I just don’t have the gold to waste on consumables. I seem to be doing just fine without them.
- Having the same sigil doesn’t defeat the purpose, it just helps me proc it on CD. If you take a look at the dueling video most duels last around 40-60 seconds so if it was to proc on CD you’d be looking at around 4-6k HP which isn’t bad at all.
- Your last comment is ignorant, you clearly didn’t watch everything. Maybe you’re just better and always playing with better people but in EU, in Tier 1 WvWvW this is as good as it gets.

Again, this is probably just a waste of my time but I’d suggest having a more constructive attitude and making well thought comments if you insist on being a negative nancy.

Thank you for humoring me since I stated valid points and you had to respond. I’m surprised you think responding to replies on the thread you started is a waste of time, too. Hmm.

-Yes..I know 100b lasts through the mace stun with the sigil..I meant that you use GS3 before 100b finishes to avoid being focused by another target. Apparently judging from your reply you never thought of utilizing GS3 evade in that fashion.
Thanks for copying and pasting the mace stuntimes from wiki on the mace. We actually know all about sigil of paralyz. Look up a couple of my threads/replies.

-Consumables are cheap. Look up the lvl 65 ones. Stop using money as an excuse for ignorance. Also, you have the full Orr Set? I’d assume you farmed a bit and got some cash.

-Cleansing Ire is a joke because you need to land the burst. Have fun doing that with a blind on you and someone kiting you with chill -yea..mobile strikes doesn’t remove chill-.

-What you said: There’s no point in discussing 1v2 since you’ll never have 1 player beat 2 opponents of the same skill level.
So basically you are saying you are running a dueling build in WvW and you won against more than one person because they were bad and you were lucky? You should run it in spvp dueling arenas. You will find skilled players there. Try not to edit the losses.

Your 2nd video doesn’t play on some regions due to the music:

‘This video contains content from SACEM, EMI, UMPI, UMG and Ultra Music, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.’

I might bother bypassing the restriction but judging from your 1st vid and your ‘informed’ replies I won’t bother.

Welcome back to the warrior class and hope you update your Beta dated knowledge!

Agreed. I’m not sure where the OP gets off on hinting at ignorance of the warrior community and posting a bad vid since his/her Beta days.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


The amount of negativity just blows my mind away lol.
- When I stopped playing my warrior roughly 3 months after the game came out, I didn’t stop playing the game, I played a Thief and did the same thing on him, published a video montage of 1vX, played a Mesmer, Elementalist and Engineer so my PvP knowledge stayed up to date and improved by playing other characters.
- These 2 videos simply show a build that works very well in WvWvW. It is a sustainable build if you play it right, you have the opportunity to do well vs anything you meet (even multiple opponents) and the means to escape danger if needed. It’s a build that offers you tools for most situations, a build where you can control the fight and you’re not just a DPS machine. I’ve showed all of this in the 2 videos so at least I can back up my claims and I don’t have to build imaginary scenarios for the sake of the argument.

If you don’t like it and it doesn’t fit your style then too bad, move on. As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to keep doing great with it in WvWvW and I invited others that are open to change to try it out.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: gwfanboy.2496


These are public forums not private ones. People are allowed to comment on a thread if you post it.

Judging from what you are doing in the video, you may need the thief/mesmer class to help carry you again.

Hinting that the warrior community is exaggerating about the warrior state does not help your case. We were just voted the worst class again..apparently you know something that everyone else does not.

Necromancer, Devonas Rest Are My Harlots [PIMP]

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Hinting that the warrior community is exaggerating about the warrior state does not help your case. We were just voted the worst class again..apparently you know something that everyone else does not.

And the state of warrior among PvP classes is off topic. Posting off topic is against forum policy and can get your posts deleted.

No one is making any sort of case for whether your opinions on the class mean anything or not. You and many posters, however, feel that every thread is always a place to parade ‘cases’ that no one’s trying to discuss.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Hinting that the warrior community is exaggerating about the warrior state does not help your case. We were just voted the worst class again..apparently you know something that everyone else does not.

I didn’t say the warrior community is exaggerating, I said that the warrior community is complaining about “sustainability” left and right and that this build addresses that issue to some extent. The build doesn’t make you a tank that can just soak up damage, it helps by giving you the tools to be both defensive and offensive when needed. It gives you a solid fighting chance vs most people that you’ll face so that at least you can do something and not die without having much to say. This is clearly shown in the videos.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.

These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.

So in a nutshell, nice video. You showed superior game knowledge over your opponents. And welcome back to the warrior class. There are many builds fun to play with in WvW. I experimented a lot already and still love my warrior more than any other class. I love the aggressiveness, tankyness and escapabilities of the warrior class. No other class gives me these.

Comparing WvW with PvP is plain stupid, a build in WvW wont work in PvP. Simply because many builds need food to work. My build would lack damage in PvP and wouldn’t be able to kill anything. While in WvW I just deal enough damage to wear my opponent down before he can kill me. That is why asking for a build to work in PvP is wrong.

I am not going to make any statements about the warrior in PvP. I played PvP on my engi and it was nothing for me. To many terrible players and cursing. So I can’t say anything about the state of the warrior in this game mode.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


I was really hoping this would be great news for many as it was for me. After taking a break from my warrior I tried to come back to it every 1-2 months but I just wasn’t able to find a build that gave me a fighting chance vs most professions and that at the same time wasn’t just a “spam damage build”. The reason I went to other professions was because they weren’t so 1-dimensional and I felt like I could do much more with the tools they had. I’ve always wanted to come back and play a warrior because I liked the whole idea behind the profession but I just couldn’t get it to work.

This latest patch, even though it didn’t make the warrior anywhere close to perfect, it opened up a great build that not only does it offer quite a bit of damage and defense, it also offers you the tools which allow you to control a fight and a have lot of mobility.

Obviously some people are really frustrated with the profession and are not fans of the build I’m using but me, personally, I’m really happy to finally play my warrior again with a build that I find both fun and strong, a build that makes me confident in my warrior on the battlefield. Best of luck to those less fortunate!

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.

These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.

Would add AlBundy (I think his name is). Daecollo does sometimes spark some discussion and debate that I admit I learn from (usually from posters posting videos or facts about other classes) but much of the contrary discussion does get me out there playing PvP and WvW where normally I’d stick with dungeons and open world PvE.

I will say, the OP’s build looks effective but it’s not easy to learn to use. Need to be able to read the enemy well and I’m not doing so well at that.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


I will say, the OP’s build looks effective but it’s not easy to learn to use. Need to be able to read the enemy well and I’m not doing so well at that.

Learning when to use your defensive abilities and to always look out for the stability buff will help you out a lot. I used to just pop my mace block or shield block without actually blocking anything important. Also, most of your damage happens during the stun > 100B so playing defensive for a few seconds after it will help you improve too.

As an example, when you fight a D/D ele, just run away or kite a little bit when your mace stun is on CD. He needs to be really close to you to do damage so as soon as you’re able to stun him again, just go back in. If you try to keep doing damage to him while waiting for the stun CD, he’ll be able to do more than you and gain the advantage.

Like I said before, when I looked at my initial footage 4 days later I realized how much I was able to improve by practicing and thinking things through after each fight, victory or loss.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.

These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.

Would add AlBundy (I think his name is). Daecollo does sometimes spark some discussion and debate that I admit I learn from (usually from posters posting videos or facts about other classes) but much of the contrary discussion does get me out there playing PvP and WvW where normally I’d stick with dungeons and open world PvE.

I will say, the OP’s build looks effective but it’s not easy to learn to use. Need to be able to read the enemy well and I’m not doing so well at that.

I agree, Daecollo is still the best of the three. And I do agree on some points with him. He just needs some more positivism in his life.

And yea, if you are expecting to win a fight without understanding the mechanics of your enemy and being able to respond to them, than you are looking for an OP class. And the warrior ain’t OP. He is real strong tho and as you can see yields great results with the right knowledge.

ps.: I did not want to get personal, but I am really getting fed up with all the negativism in the warriors thread. Stop complaining about PvP in WvW topics.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Zeki.7829


Nice vids mate! this thread was just what i needed to encourage me to look deeper into using different trait/weapon combo’s! thanks for posting them up. I really wanna try your GS – Mace/Shield setup as it seems to work well, but at the moment am trying to make GS/Hammer work again..atm i’m using a modified version of your build and swapping out defy pain & missile deflect for dogged march & merciless hammer, also using healing surge rather then mending. Have tried it out in WvW and seems to work okay but further testing required


[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Yza.2437


I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.

These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.

Would add AlBundy (I think his name is). Daecollo does sometimes spark some discussion and debate that I admit I learn from (usually from posters posting videos or facts about other classes) but much of the contrary discussion does get me out there playing PvP and WvW where normally I’d stick with dungeons and open world PvE.

I will say, the OP’s build looks effective but it’s not easy to learn to use. Need to be able to read the enemy well and I’m not doing so well at that.

I thought Xll and Al bundy were pretty well informed judging from their replies.

Most of your posts , milk, are zerg wvw and – correct me if I’m wrong- you are playing a thief now and in favor of the downed system?

As for LeoG, I can’t see his posts because they keep getting moderated and removed for some reason.

What Xll said about Stefanplc’s video were valid points. I Just see he was aggressive about it and Stefan does not take well to criticism.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: doc phil.8015

doc phil.8015

After trying out some things I prefer to use sword/sword since the patch because the cd with a shield is too long and I don’t have to trait the shield and can use the points somewhere else. I still think it is nice that some people come up with nice new ideas and show how to actually make them work instead of just pointing out the things they don’t like about a warrior. probably the best thing about the class is that you can make a lot of builds work if you adjust it to your play style.
And yeah I’m a WvW player so I don’t know about PvP sorry. I’ve heard it is really tough for us but after reading some of the threads I think there are still at least 1 or 2 viable builds for a warrior and I got a lot of respect for those that remain and do the best with this so called broken class.

Dzagonur Warrior
Dochil [GDA]

(edited by doc phil.8015)

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Every warrior video its wvw… no one dares to make a pvp video at all, that says a lot of the class itself.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


What Xll said about Stefanplc’s video were valid points. I Just see he was aggressive about it and Stefan does not take well to criticism.

It’s not that I don’t take well criticism it’s just that he was really exaggerating through imaginary scenarios for the sake of the argument. If his comments were more down to earth and constructive it would have been a different story.

Ex: “Cleansing Ire is a joke because you need to land the burst. Have fun doing that with a blind on you and someone kiting you with chill -yea..mobile strikes doesn’t remove chill” or Ex: “-You can’t land cleansing ire using your mace burst if you are being kited with chill and /or blinded.. I fail to see your point since you have no way to fight off chill.”

- As if Chill lasts forever and that’s it, once it’s on me I’ll never be able to remove it since it’s such a spammable slow… I do have a heal that removes conditions and Shield Bash / Bull Rush as gap closers. Chill usually lasts around 2-3 seconds anyways (Ex: Freeze Grenade, Frozen Burst etc…) When I’m being kited I also have 2 blocks which reflect that I can use, I’m not just a sitting duck. Many professions that can slow you down also need to get in melee range to be productive such as Thieves, D/D Eles and so forth. As far as Blind goes it’s just like Aegis, make sure it’s not there when you use an important ability and if it’s there, waste it with an auto attack.

I do agree that mobility is an issue as mace/shield and blind very much like stability or aegis is something you need to check for constantly but it’s not a hard counter that just shuts you down. You have to work a little bit and play well in order to be successful but it’s not impossible. Easy mode is not a characteristic of the warrior profession but when you manage to overcome all the difficulties and win, it’s much more rewarding.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


what sigil on GS? i hope you use Sigil of impact on your GS.

+10% damage vs stunned or knockdown foes

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Cempa.5619


It takes for ever to kill anything without the mitigation of a bunker :/

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


what sigil on GS? i hope you use Sigil of impact on your GS.

+10% damage vs stunned or knockdown foes

I’m not sure how I missed that, excellent idea, many thanks for the suggestion! This will allow me to switch my runes to the ones where I drop all conditions and gain all buffs when I use an elite without loosing any damage.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Thanks for posting the videos. I might give a variation of this a try.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Every warrior video its wvw… no one dares to make a pvp video at all, that says a lot of the class itself.

K-pop made a streaming about a similar build in pvp.

I tried something similar. Seems pretty solid, just don’t use it against mesmers.XD

You should use Soldier’s Amulet and a LOT of patience, slowly baiting away all enemy counters.

Obviously that doesn’t work against a 8s cooldown teleport. Or, at least, it works badly.

You have to pick one target and wear it down.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Been using the build in PVP with Soldier amulet w/ Zerker jewel and Bull’s Charge swapped out for Sig of Stamina due to Necro spam and its absolutely awesome. I run 5% crit sigil on the GS right now to get my base to 22% when on GS. Been dueling some guildies and a few of them are pretty determined to try to beat me now. They aren’t used to Warrior’s winning the duels, my Engi is one thing but not a Warrior lol

Highest 100b so far was on a Necro just out of DS, Skull Cracked into 15k 100b. Think a Ranger must have Hunter’s Shot or something for some big vuln stacks, was hilarious.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Been using the build in PVP with Soldier amulet w/ Zerker jewel and Bull’s Charge swapped out for Sig of Stamina due to Necro spam and its absolutely awesome. I run 5% crit sigil on the GS right now to get my base to 22% when on GS. Been dueling some guildies and a few of them are pretty determined to try to beat me now. They aren’t used to Warrior’s winning the duels, my Engi is one thing but not a Warrior lol

Highest 100b so far was on a Necro just out of DS, Skull Cracked into 15k 100b. Think a Ranger must have Hunter’s Shot or something for some big vuln stacks, was hilarious.

Try Superior Runes of Lyssa (drop all conditions gain all boons), they’re great vs professions that are big on conditions such as Engineers and Necromancers and the damage loss isn’t that big. If you’re playing in WvWvW make sure to use Superior Sigil of Impact on your GS! I’ve been practicing myself on dueling servers in sPvP and it does pretty well. I haven’t been able to win every fight but I think it’s mostly because I’ve made some mistakes. Overall though, it feels pretty strong.

This build also works much better in WvWvW than sPvP because you can get more damage there since you can change your stats however you want them but it’s still pretty strong in sPvP. I really like it too!

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Just wanted to post another update on this: For the past 2-3 days I’ve been playing 5-10 duels each day on those dueling servers in sPvP and it’s been going pretty well, winning over 60-70% of them and the ones I do lose, I know where I could have improved. So while it’s not a walk in the park and you do have to be able to predict your opponent and know the profession you’re playing against, it does look pretty promising.

I kind of like how the warrior profession is generally known, or was known as the low skill cap profession and now you have to know way more than you do on other professions in order to be on par with them.

It’s still easier to do more with less effort playing other professions but at least now, for those players like myself that really like the warrior there’s some hope.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Been using the build in PVP with Soldier amulet w/ Zerker jewel and Bull’s Charge swapped out for Sig of Stamina due to Necro spam and its absolutely awesome. I run 5% crit sigil on the GS right now to get my base to 22% when on GS. Been dueling some guildies and a few of them are pretty determined to try to beat me now. They aren’t used to Warrior’s winning the duels, my Engi is one thing but not a Warrior lol

Highest 100b so far was on a Necro just out of DS, Skull Cracked into 15k 100b. Think a Ranger must have Hunter’s Shot or something for some big vuln stacks, was hilarious.

Try Superior Runes of Lyssa (drop all conditions gain all boons), they’re great vs professions that are big on conditions such as Engineers and Necromancers and the damage loss isn’t that big. If you’re playing in WvWvW make sure to use Superior Sigil of Impact on your GS! I’ve been practicing myself on dueling servers in sPvP and it does pretty well. I haven’t been able to win every fight but I think it’s mostly because I’ve made some mistakes. Overall though, it feels pretty strong.

This build also works much better in WvWvW than sPvP because you can get more damage there since you can change your stats however you want them but it’s still pretty strong in sPvP. I really like it too!

Interesting idea…I will give Lyssa runes and swapping the sigil for 5% damage instead a try tonight.

My WvW warrior would need a lot of gear before I could try it out, he’s basically just full PVT Hammer Sword/Horn CC/frontline pusher.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Ran it tonight, did Lyssa and the 5% Sigil for GS instead. Worked very well, hardly noticed the damage drop and the extra full cleanse is awesome.

I did around 10 tournaments tonight with just 2 friends + randoms. We only lost one match the whole night and I had a few people tell me they hate me after I would show up and wreck everything then whirlwind away. A few Necros complimented how well we shut them down.

The build feels really strong to me, in fact I didn’t die in any of the tournament matches…I could get all the way down to 1000hp and then just do a full cleanse then whirlwind + rush away, heal then come right back and wreck stuff once an ally was engaged. Due to not dying in a single match, I’m going to swap the Sigil of Leeching off my Mace for Bloodlust.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Ran it tonight, did Lyssa and the 5% Sigil for GS instead. Worked very well, hardly noticed the damage drop and the extra full cleanse is awesome.

Just wait until you try it in WvW, it’s so much stronger since you can get a lot of crit damage.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP