A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

i speak the truth to everything i say.

My truthful track records speak for itself; and no, i don’t

I am a player of Action and the Truth; and that is why I’ve been encouraging many of you to see this as well.

Most Importantly to Arena.net because they are the makers of this game and they have the Absolute Power to take into action of any threats that is overpowering and breaking their beautiful world of guild wars 2.

And no, i will not be silent to see this class take this away from them, from their hard tireless work, great effort and their passion to their beautiful creation.

My purpose is to reveal the truth and so is the truth i’’m revealing to you and most importantly to Arena.net; to remove hammer from warrior class until it’s fully balanced.

As the saying goes, ‘the truth will set you free’

The truth will set warriors free from their OP status and their op hammer.

For, ‘I take my stand, I will not be shaken’

I cant help but laugh every time you use the word truth in your post.

This truth you speak of is nothing more than your opinion!

Your opinion is that hammer is overpowered. That is NOT a fact, or truth in any way, shape, or form! That is how you personally feel! It does not necessarily reflect the actual state of things, or the opinions of others.

Dont get me wrong, it’s perfectly fine to have your own opinion. It’s even fine to come to the forum and post your opinion, along with your reasons for feeling that way, and what you think might improve a potential issue.

BUT as long as you try to sell your opinion as fact or truth, you will be (rightfully) laughed at and ridiculed.

It’s like his homework assignment today was to use a new word – truth.

If you get to use our forum as homework I get to grade you. D-. Look the word up and try again. This time try not to say it 20 times in one post – you sound like a drunk parrot.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaosbroker.3860


I think it might be the case that he thinks if he says it enough someone might even believe it. Though odds are good that someone will only be himself.

Callo Merlose – Revenant
Envy – Fort Aspenwood
“Believe in yourself … because the rest of us think you’re an idiot”

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryan.8367


We have to endure:
-stealth bullkitten
-protection bullkitten on random professions (ranger wtf.)
-3000 minion necro / rangers
-teleporting thieves and mesmers
-434843 clones per second mesmers

and other so many kitten thing in this game.
Why hate on us. WHY!
Cuz we can knockback somebody ? Look at that guardian knockback. I fly for 2kms.
Cuz we can stun somebody lulz?
Look at BASILISK VENOM, ENGI TURRETS, STATIC FIELD and other bullkitten.

We have to deal with like 4x more bullkitten by other professions in pvp/wvw.
And look at all we can do and compare it with other professions.

Nothing wrong with Warrior. Finally got sustain. Nobody’s life got ruined.

From the things you listed, your post can’t really be taken that seriously. Keep in mind you also have the option to build condi bunker which bypasses protection.

The warriors I know and the seasoned warriors that reside in duel clubs don’t have an issue with stealthy thieves, do you? I think that’s a learn to play issue honestly. I’m talking players like Vassangel and Xadus who outplay thieves regularly. They know the thief class and duel alot of thieves , they anticipate what the thief is going to do. Sorry, this is a veryyyy big learn to play issue.

Minion necros aren’t that great, you kill their blood fiend and it’s kind of GG. Yet again, another learn to play issue.

Spirit rangers? Kill sun spirit , gg. Keep in mind spirits can also be cc’d now, use that as an advantage, when you see them cast, cc them – hammer is great for this. Again, another learn to play issue.

Mesmers are broken in ways, good luck with that

Truth comes down it, you are one of the few classes that actually, with good knowledge of the other class can very easily dismantle them with options of builds and utility. I think you just need to play the other classes and learn them really.

I mean, I think warrior is fine too , just other classes need to buffed as well. But, your post is just filled with so much non-knowledge of classes I had to respond.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

(edited by Ryan.8367)

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


How are people taking this thread seriously still. A bombastic idea to completely remove a weapon from a class, with no actual discussion around what would make the Hammer balanced or if the Hammer is the issue or a symptom of the issue.

You’d think Blinds disappeared from the game or something.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: phaeris.7604


How do you expect anyone to listen what you say when you barely know how the game works?


Which part exactly did i get wrong? I’ve probably played more warrior pvp/WvW than you have, and run solo 99 percent of the time, so am fairly well versed on how they work.

So which bit? Oh I see, when you get blocked/evaded the hammer adrenal doesn’t get used up, it’s worse than what i typed. So until you actually connect with it, your adrenal bar stays full. Seems fair….

look at that guys build: http://tinyurl.com/ScarletWarrBuild

20k hps, with that power, and 100 percent crit chance. and having 42 percent damage reduction and he only has 10 points in an offensive mastery line with 30 in a defensive one.

To get close to that with a thief, you’d end up with 12k hps, 15 percent damage reduction, and you’d have no defensive capabilities and you’d have to throw all your points into the power+pres lines.

I’m not even mentioning the near condition immunity thanks to melandru and lemongrass.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swampy.1359


So which bit? Oh I see, when you get blocked/evaded the hammer adrenal doesn’t get used up, it’s worse than what i typed. So until you actually connect with it, your adrenal bar stays full. Seems fair….

20k hps, with that power, and 100 percent crit chance. and having 42 percent damage reduction and he only has 10 points in an offensive mastery line with 30 in a defensive one.

It actually is fair..
You see Earthshaker is a warriors only blast finisher so to be able to blast we need adrenaline and should we really use it all to blast?
Do you have any idea how inconvenient that would be for blasting water fields mid fight?
Ofc you do, you play a warrior, right?
If Adrenaline regenerated at a consistent rate instead of relying on hitting/being hit then sure let it but it doesn’t.

Oh and just so you know, that 100% crit chance is to stunned targets ok?
But ofc you know this because you play a warrior…

So if you choose to run around with no stability then that’s up to you. Just don’t come to the forums and complain when a stun class beats you.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: phaeris.7604


It actually is fair..
You see Earthshaker is a warriors only blast finisher so to be able to blast we need adrenaline and should we really use it all to blast?
Do you have any idea how inconvenient that would be for blasting water fields mid fight?
Ofc you do, you play a warrior, right?
If Adrenaline regenerated at a consistent rate instead of relying on hitting/being hit then sure let it but it doesn’t.

Oh and just so you know, that 100% crit chance is to stunned targets ok?
But ofc you know this because you play a warrior…

So if you choose to run around with no stability then that’s up to you. Just don’t come to the forums and complain when a stun class beats you.

Oh really…so arcing arrow? Not a blast finisher? No adrenaline requirement.

Do you play a warrior?

So it’s ok to use earthshaker infinitely because blast finishers should be free…..

Why is it called a finisher then?

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

As a side note, some of us warriors would rather adrenaline be used up on a missed (or blinded) burst attack. It would make cleansing ire useful on more weapons.

Also bringing food & runes into the equation make the argument moot, as any class has access to the same food & rune items.

Edit: Also, technically banners are blast finishers too, if I recall (both on summon and with #5). And so is stomp.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


How do you expect anyone to listen what you say when you barely know how the game works?


Which part exactly did i get wrong? I’ve probably played more warrior pvp/WvW than you have, and run solo 99 percent of the time, so am fairly well versed on how they work.

So which bit? Oh I see, when you get blocked/evaded the hammer adrenal doesn’t get used up, it’s worse than what i typed. So until you actually connect with it, your adrenal bar stays full. Seems fair….

Bit curious. Why do you think your experience in pvp/WvW makes you superior with Warrior mechanics?

Base cooldown for burst skills is 10 seconds. With 30 Discipline that gets reduced 7.75 seconds. There’s no way to get 5 seconds cooldown on a burst skill.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561



If u were at least half experienced as Wethospu.6437 i don’t think u would type bullkitten like that. Sorry but u dont know a kitten about warrior..

5sec cd on missed/evaded burst skill.. I lolled there. Maybe its time to learn a few things before posting Q.Q?

I just found a nice tutorial for ya > http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


And again Burnfall successfully trolled warrior forum section. Well played sir.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: phaeris.7604



Judging from his posts he’s never stepped foot out of PvE. Which is fine, but having no experience in pvp/WvW mean you can’t really comment on how it is to face off against a Hammer warrior.

So it was 7.5 and not 5. I also don’t know the exact dimensions of the great sword, and how far you can travel in a sing;e rush +sword leap and what’s the optimal colour scheme for a Sylvari. Guess I don’;t know anything about warriors then.

I don’t see you attacking the guy who thought warriors only had 1 blast finisher eh?

I also don’t see you addressing my comments regarding the lack of adrenaline loss on earth shaker misses, or you can run a 20k hps build, with high toughness, 100 percent crit chance, high crit damage, 65 condition reduction, and high power with a constantly ticking uninterruptible healing passive and on whom cc lasts for 1/2 a second if that. (not to mention massive mobility).

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashes.9586


Changes which would balance the current Hammer warrior opness.

1) Adrenaline should take longer to accumulate. With current abilities it’s basically always up within the cooldown of an adrenal ability. That’s like giving mesmers shatter every 5 seconds, or thieves the steal ability every 5 seconds.

2) Hammer aoe stun should spend adrenaline if it misses. Currently you just get a 5 second cooldown. If you miss that’s your fault.

3) Healing signet health +adrenal health – completely ridiculous health regen.

What do I do to get this oh so holy 5 second-non existent cool down time? Sounds lovely. Oh and please, non traited constant adrenaline would be lovely as well. My hammer currently doesn’t hit fast enough to get it without it traited.

EDIT: On a side note, an easy way to beat a hammer warrior is to have a blind and then a couple stuns of your own. I carry 2 stun blockers, 1 condi removal, and my rez banner. If you can do damage and evade you wont have a problem.

The Legion Calls

(edited by Ashes.9586)

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mackodlak.7961


Guys you do realize warrior isn’t even close to being a TOP pvp class? hammer or no hammer? And hammer warrior’s weakness is that stupid thing called stability? which every1 has kinda…
And no… warrior can’t clear conditions all that fast as you make it sound, bombard us with conditions that slow, blind or confuse us and we’re basically easy targets. I’m not saying we’re powerless, but still, you guys just cry 2 much.
And your arguments that we can clear conditions, be invincible, have tons of toughness and vitality, 100% crit, perma stun ability, high dps etc. all at the same time is bullkitten as well.There are balanced kinda builds, but most of them are always lacking on sth. Either dps or def or mobility.
Hammer/longbow is a nice combo, but it’s not godlike… doesn’t offer THAT much mobility etc… if you chose any other with 2 melee sets then you’re kittened by any class that can go range and kite well.
Why does no1 mention like thief as OP class? confusions, blinds etc, even if you manage to get them low, they stealth, run, heal up to full in 5 sec and come back with almost full initiative while you’re still strugling to get ooc or heal up? How is that not OP. Or mesmer with gazillion illus and mobility that can make your head spin. Or spirit ranger? or some bunker classes, like engie comes to mind… easily holding any cap point against 2-3 targets forever basically…
I could go on and on, but no, take hammer away from warrior so he can than play with…. HB? Skill every1 said was soooo OP untill they figured they could easily step away from it.

(edited by Mackodlak.7961)

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheJewpacabro.2907


I hate to be a Kitten, but OP sounds like he got beat by a hammer warrior, and this thread reeks of bad.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


Hammer :

has no mobility
does a lot less dps than gs
skill casting takes forever, making it almost useless in 1 vs 1 situations

yea, truly broken beyond belief.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Hammer :

has no mobility
does a lot less dps than gs
skill casting takes forever, making it almost useless in 1 vs 1 situations

yea, truly broken beyond belief.

Actually hammer is pretty kitten good in 1on1, not op, but it’s prettttty kitten good when used right. Hammer/longbow is a kitten sick combo to 1on1 with.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wethospu.6437



Judging from his posts he’s never stepped foot out of PvE. Which is fine, but having no experience in pvp/WvW mean you can’t really comment on how it is to face off against a Hammer warrior.

So it was 7.5 and not 5. I also don’t know the exact dimensions of the great sword, and how far you can travel in a sing;e rush +sword leap and what’s the optimal colour scheme for a Sylvari. Guess I don’;t know anything about warriors then.

I don’t see you attacking the guy who thought warriors only had 1 blast finisher eh?

I also don’t see you addressing my comments regarding the lack of adrenaline loss on earth shaker misses, or you can run a 20k hps build, with high toughness, 100 percent crit chance, high crit damage, 65 condition reduction, and high power with a constantly ticking uninterruptible healing passive and on whom cc lasts for 1/2 a second if that. (not to mention massive mobility).

That’s why I only talk about game mechanics. So far they are mostly same in all game modes.

I wouldn’t boast about your experience when you only had to either hover over a burst skill and see the cooldown or look at the cooldown number after missing a burst skill. And my point still stands, why would anyone take you seriously if you don’t even bother to check your facts?

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: phaeris.7604


As I guessed, you’ve never set foot in a pvp/WvW situation.

If the fact I was 2.5 second off on the burst cooldown is the crux of your argument, then this really isn’t an argument anymore.

Unless npcs and mobs begin having the ability to post in the forums no one really cares about the effect of class abilities in PvE.

It doesn’t really matter anyway, I kitted my warrior out with that template last night (only one piece of ascended so far though), and it is truly, truly ridiculous. Nothing is off limits in WvW. My opponent has to make just one mistake and the earthshaker combo does the rest. I’ll ride this Hammer/healing signet train for as long as I can, so you won’t see me posting anymore.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Could you explain how my experience with pvp/WvW is connected to your understanding of game mechanics?

2.5/7.75 is about 33%. Should I expect that your every number is 33% off?

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


Hammer :

has no mobility
does a lot less dps than gs
skill casting takes forever, making it almost useless in 1 vs 1 situations

yea, truly broken beyond belief.

Actually hammer is pretty kitten good in 1on1, not op, but it’s prettttty kitten good when used right. Hammer/longbow is a kitten sick combo to 1on1 with.

If your opponent has vigor or any other way to regain endurance you’re screwed, no matter how good you are. The only viable tactic I see is to not miss your immobilize and pray, that your opponent doesn’t have condi removal and even then you don’t really have that much damage to put anyone aside from zerkers down. I personally find rifle being more viable in 1 vs 1, with 10k+ triple shot. Situation changes, when you start adding more people into the fight, but as 1 vs 1 warrior with hammer is not scary at all, when compared to thiefs and eles f.e.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Void.4239


Now you might want to sit down for this as it can be a bit of a shock,

Stun Breaker/Stability/Dodge

Don’t forget blind, block/aegis, evade, and invulnerable skills. And also ranged kiting.

i’m kinda wondering what class has it all ?

War has : stun breakers / stability / dodge / block / invulnerable skills ( sort off ) /….

Now give me a class that has good access to all of the things war has without sacrificing damage or survivability ? Cause war doesn’t sacrifice anything really

Think you might want to sit down yourself to find the answer ….

(edited by Void.4239)

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Hammer :

has no mobility
does a lot less dps than gs
skill casting takes forever, making it almost useless in 1 vs 1 situations

yea, truly broken beyond belief.

Actually hammer is pretty kitten good in 1on1, not op, but it’s prettttty kitten good when used right. Hammer/longbow is a kitten sick combo to 1on1 with.

If your opponent has vigor or any other way to regain endurance you’re screwed, no matter how good you are. The only viable tactic I see is to not miss your immobilize and pray, that your opponent doesn’t have condi removal and even then you don’t really have that much damage to put anyone aside from zerkers down. I personally find rifle being more viable in 1 vs 1, with 10k+ triple shot. Situation changes, when you start adding more people into the fight, but as 1 vs 1 warrior with hammer is not scary at all, when compared to thiefs and eles f.e.

If you find rifle more viable in 1on1s then I’m sorry, you’re simply not fighting good players in 1on1 situations. Hammer is much more viable when bunkered correctly.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

Now you might want to sit down for this as it can be a bit of a shock,

Stun Breaker/Stability/Dodge

Don’t forget blind, block/aegis, evade, and invulnerable skills. And also ranged kiting.

i’m kinda wondering what class has it all ?

War has : stun breakers / stability / dodge / block / invulnerable skills ( sort off ) /….

Now give me a class that has good access to all of the things war has without sacrificing damage or survivability ? Cause war doesn’t sacrifice anything really

Think you might want to sit down yourself to find the answer ….

Well….just going by a quick wiki serach:

Utility skills that break stun
Guards: 4
Wars: 5
Engi: 3
Ranger: 4
Thief: 5
Ele: 5
Mes: 6
Necro: 5

Skills with special conditions that break stun
Engi: 3

Traits that break stun
Guard: 1 aoe stun breaker

Also, every class can dodge.

War: with certain weapon
Ele: with certain weapon
Guard/Ranger/Necro: with utility
Eng: 3 tool belt skills

And every class besides necro has a trait that can apply vigor under some condition (usually when being crit. hit or removing some condition)

Stability: via utility
Guard: 2
Warrior: 3
Ranger: 1 (with grandmaster trait)
Ele: 1
Mes: 1
Necro: 1 (very conditional)

Stability: via elite
Wari: 1
Rang: 1
Eng: 2
Thief: 1
Ele: 1
Necro: 2
Human: 1

War: 1 (from elite banner)
Eng: 1 from tool belt

Guard: 2
War: 2
Ele: 2
Necro: 1

Block: from weapons
Guard 2/2: (all/projectile)
War: 3
Egni: 1
Ranger: 1/1
Mes: 2

Guard: 1

from Utility:
Guard 0/1
Thief: 1
Ele: 1
Mes: 1 (after getting with with a projectile)

Special conditions:
Guard: 1 from virtue
Engi: 2 tool belt

Ele: 2
Engi: 1
Guard: 1
Mes: 1
Thief: 1
—-only direct damage—
War: 1
Ranger: 1 (for pet)

Stun from weapon
War: 1
Engi: 1
Ranger: 2 (if flanking)
Thief: 1
Ele: 2
Mes: 1

engi: 1
Thief: 1

Engi: 1
Mes: 1

War: 2
Rang: 1
Thief: 1

Mes: 2 (50% to cause stun when daze, 5% dam)
Ranger: 1 (longer stuns)
Ele: 2 (
20% dam to stunned, stun breaker at 50% hp)
Engi: 1 (less damage while stuned)
War: 2 (+50% crit chance vs stun, break stun when >1 condi)

So there, pretty much every class has access to everything. (not saying you can have all of those things at once, but it’s available to all classes)

So, yeah, I’d argue that every class has access to dodge, stun breakers, and stability very easily. Others can also get vigor/block/invulnerable skills fairly easily too.

And don’t forget other professions have good access to stealth, regen, and protection. And others have access to higher burst damage or high condi burst. So….what is your point?

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Void.4239


Now you might want to sit down for this as it can be a bit of a shock,

Stun Breaker/Stability/Dodge

Don’t forget blind, block/aegis, evade, and invulnerable skills. And also ranged kiting.

i’m kinda wondering what class has it all ?

War has : stun breakers / stability / dodge / block / invulnerable skills ( sort off ) /….

Now give me a class that has good access to all of the things war has without sacrificing damage or survivability ? Cause war doesn’t sacrifice anything really

Think you might want to sit down yourself to find the answer ….

Well….just going by a quick wiki serach:

Utility skills that break stun
Guards: 4
Wars: 5
Engi: 3
Ranger: 4
Thief: 5
Ele: 5
Mes: 6
Necro: 5

Skills with special conditions that break stun
Engi: 3

Traits that break stun
Guard: 1 aoe stun breaker

Also, every class can dodge.

War: with certain weapon
Ele: with certain weapon
Guard/Ranger/Necro: with utility
Eng: 3 tool belt skills

And every class besides necro has a trait that can apply vigor under some condition (usually when being crit. hit or removing some condition)

Stability: via utility
Guard: 2
Warrior: 3
Ranger: 1 (with grandmaster trait)
Ele: 1
Mes: 1
Necro: 1 (very conditional)

Stability: via elite
Wari: 1
Rang: 1
Eng: 2
Thief: 1
Ele: 1
Necro: 2
Human: 1

War: 1 (from elite banner)
Eng: 1 from tool belt

Guard: 2
War: 2
Ele: 2
Necro: 1

Block: from weapons
Guard 2/2: (all/projectile)
War: 3
Egni: 1
Ranger: 1/1
Mes: 2

Guard: 1

from Utility:
Guard 0/1
Thief: 1
Ele: 1
Mes: 1 (after getting with with a projectile)

Special conditions:
Guard: 1 from virtue
Engi: 2 tool belt

Ele: 2
Engi: 1
Guard: 1
Mes: 1
Thief: 1
—-only direct damage—
War: 1
Ranger: 1 (for pet)

Stun from weapon
War: 1
Engi: 1
Ranger: 2 (if flanking)
Thief: 1
Ele: 2
Mes: 1

engi: 1
Thief: 1

Engi: 1
Mes: 1

War: 2
Rang: 1
Thief: 1

Mes: 2 (50% to cause stun when daze, 5% dam)
Ranger: 1 (longer stuns)
Ele: 2 (
20% dam to stunned, stun breaker at 50% hp)
Engi: 1 (less damage while stuned)
War: 2 (+50% crit chance vs stun, break stun when >1 condi)

So there, pretty much every class has access to everything. (not saying you can have all of those things at once, but it’s available to all classes)

So, yeah, I’d argue that every class has access to dodge, stun breakers, and stability very easily. Others can also get vigor/block/invulnerable skills fairly easily too.

And don’t forget other professions have good access to stealth, regen, and protection. And others have access to higher burst damage or high condi burst. So….what is your point?

It was in my question …. put it in bold , maybe you’ll see it now.

Short : warrior has to high damage for the survivability it has. Compared to what other classes can get.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adhominem.8301


It has come to many attention that warriors hammer is breaking the game in devasting ways.

I have stood up long enough for this class; especially in the damage area but the time has ended, out of others frustration and despair.

I will always believe that a warrior should be the stongest damage dealers; in terms of melee’- not thief (ever) in mmo’ but the irony and pain in this game is that they are over powered beyond any mmo’s to date.

In addition to this irony and despair, the one and only weapon that make them overpower is the hammer.

Well the nightmare doesn’t end there,,

Their hammer is fully equipped with excessive Permas beyond any class weapons in the game, and to me that is bad design.

As other has continiously pointed out out of frustrations as well, warrior hammer need to be seriously dealt with a.s.a.ap

Well my call is to take it up to the next level; to completely removed it from them until it can be fully balanced.

Once again,

There are thousands of outrcries against the OP thief class but recently the tide has calemed down a bit; which is carefuly being montiored, yet this notourious tide (warrior), has gone totally gone out of control and must be stopped.

Arena.net, i sincerly encourage you to take this into full consideration to end this outrageous vision of an Overpowerd Perma hammer warrior in your game


cotninue to bear witness of your beautiful world fall apart due to also warrior Overpowered Perma hammer.

(and frankely i wouldn’t want to see this ever from happenning, but the crucial moment is upon us and the truth must be exposed, warrior’s hammer must be removed untill fully balanced)

Arena.net, i know you will make the right desicion in putting fun and balance back into your beautiful world which you suffered and sacrificed alot for.

LOL What a dramaqueen hahah xD

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

It has nothing to do with hammer uses, but its inbalances stats and Op functions..

(Please! focus on the seriorusness concerning the critcal matter and not divert it into silliness).

The truth must be exposed in order to fix this serious matter.

Yes i can confirm that since start of season 1 my hammer became very overpowered! Latley im beeing sucessful with chaining cc on poor clueless folks while hammering them to death. Imagine my suprise when i killed a guy with a single bar rotation, for a moment i tought he was afk! This is something new to me, usually ppl were dodging my hammer with ease, but after season 1 hammer buff im landing my stuns much more often…

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Heta.8629


How do you expect anyone to listen what you say when you barely know how the game works?


Which part exactly did i get wrong? I’ve probably played more warrior pvp/WvW than you have, and run solo 99 percent of the time, so am fairly well versed on how they work.

So which bit? Oh I see, when you get blocked/evaded the hammer adrenal doesn’t get used up, it’s worse than what i typed. So until you actually connect with it, your adrenal bar stays full. Seems fair….

look at that guys build: http://tinyurl.com/ScarletWarrBuild

20k hps, with that power, and 100 percent crit chance. and having 42 percent damage reduction and he only has 10 points in an offensive mastery line with 30 in a defensive one.

To get close to that with a thief, you’d end up with 12k hps, 15 percent damage reduction, and you’d have no defensive capabilities and you’d have to throw all your points into the power+pres lines.

I’m not even mentioning the near condition immunity thanks to melandru and lemongrass.

Fully buffed war with food and full stacks with a 1v1 focused build is killing people in wvw who usually build for zergs. Working as intended. Also people only posts videos where they win. You could find these kinds of videos for any class.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


Hammer :

has no mobility
does a lot less dps than gs
skill casting takes forever, making it almost useless in 1 vs 1 situations

yea, truly broken beyond belief.

Actually hammer is pretty kitten good in 1on1, not op, but it’s prettttty kitten good when used right. Hammer/longbow is a kitten sick combo to 1on1 with.

If your opponent has vigor or any other way to regain endurance you’re screwed, no matter how good you are. The only viable tactic I see is to not miss your immobilize and pray, that your opponent doesn’t have condi removal and even then you don’t really have that much damage to put anyone aside from zerkers down. I personally find rifle being more viable in 1 vs 1, with 10k+ triple shot. Situation changes, when you start adding more people into the fight, but as 1 vs 1 warrior with hammer is not scary at all, when compared to thiefs and eles f.e.

If you find rifle more viable in 1on1s then I’m sorry, you’re simply not fighting good players in 1on1 situations. Hammer is much more viable when bunkered correctly.

I meant rifle over longbow, not over hammer

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saulius.8430


I meant rifle over longbow, not over hammer

longbow got immobilize. CC > dps

kill all ze thingz

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mesket.5728


GW1: “oh noes! the enemy built a clever strategy! lets counter it with something else!”

GW2: “oh noes! the enemy built a clever strategy! lets drown them in rivers of tears!”

I’m sorry zerging is all you know, but if there is a strategy anti zerg, think something else. Don’t expect ANet to solve your own problems.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: GuildWarWanderer.1238


A call to remove a bit Stealth from Thief cuz I can’t find where they hide! lol

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Why does some guy in this thread keep going on about a 20k health per second warrior?…

Edit: and claiming 100% crit chance when it’s clearly 50.95%…

(edited by Player Character.9467)

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swiftling.8961


Hammer… Hammer… OH! You mean that weapon that warriors use that they always die while trying to kill me with it. Yeah sure, that’s totally OP right guys? I think I’ve died to it about 14 times now. Totally needs a nerf.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Hammer, the weapon with very slow dodgeable animations and not much mobility

You must not WvW. What percentage of warriors in a zerg use hammer? Enough said.

What percentage of guardians, eles and necros in zerg use staff? Anet, plz nerf staff, so much ppl use it, crazy OP.

How many rangers in wvw use pets? pets op pls nerf anet.

Don’t even joke about that. Knowing how Anet feels about rangers, they might actually do it.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leamas.5803


What percentage of guardians, eles and necros in zerg use staff? Anet, plz nerf staff, so much ppl use it, crazy OP.

I don’t know about guardians or eles, but necros use staff, because it’s their only real long range weapon and it’s good for zerg zupport. If I’m looking to do more damage, I’ll use scepter/dagger combo. If I’m standing on battlement and protecting a fort I’ll use staff. You have to realize several people dropping AOE does not make the AOE overpowered. It’s easy to see, it’s easy to go around, and by no means a one hit kill. Get yourself some condition removal stuff. The problem with nerfing staff is that on it’s own in a 1:1 situation it’s incredibly underpowered compared to any melee class, nerfing it will make it even more useless.

I’m sick of of people complaining about the staff and they’ve been complaining since launch and it’s never been a problem with the staff, it’s usually zerker-type players who have no idea how to fight magic users. You can’t just run through marks and not expect to take damage. You can’t expect to run up to a fort protected by a bunch of magic users and expect to take it easily, if at all…sorry. You’re just a sitting duck while you try to break the door down. If your zerg has less staff users than another, is that really a problem with the staff?

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaosbroker.3860


What percentage of guardians, eles and necros in zerg use staff? Anet, plz nerf staff, so much ppl use it, crazy OP.

I don’t know about guardians or eles, but necros use staff, because it’s their only real long range weapon and it’s good for zerg zupport. If I’m looking to do more damage, I’ll use scepter/dagger combo. If I’m standing on battlement and protecting a fort I’ll use staff. You have to realize several people dropping AOE does not make the AOE overpowered. It’s easy to see, it’s easy to go around, and by no means a one hit kill. Get yourself some condition removal stuff. The problem with nerfing staff is that on it’s own in a 1:1 situation it’s incredibly underpowered compared to any melee class, nerfing it will make it even more useless.

I’m sick of of people complaining about the staff and they’ve been complaining since launch and it’s never been a problem with the staff, it’s usually zerker-type players who have no idea how to fight magic users. You can’t just run through marks and not expect to take damage. You can’t expect to run up to a fort protected by a bunch of magic users and expect to take it easily, if at all…sorry. You’re just a sitting duck while you try to break the door down. If your zerg has less staff users than another, is that really a problem with the staff?

You realise of course he was being sarcastic to mirror how stupid the concept of removing a weapon from pretty much any class is right?

Callo Merlose – Revenant
Envy – Fort Aspenwood
“Believe in yourself … because the rest of us think you’re an idiot”

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: AtomicSponge.6537


Well seeing the preview of the next balance patch…

RIP Earthshaker, you will be missed.

[KöMÉ] Ztxle | Talking Sponge
Crystal Dessert tastiest dessert.