A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Many elements went into play on this one, mainly terrain play like usual. Still, some of you wanted to see me vs a mes. Even though he isn’t that great, he got the drop on me major. I still managed to outplay him. HD+full please.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


I wouldn’t call that. 2vs 1 , more of a 1 vs 1 while the other runs around for another 1 vs 1

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I wouldn’t call that. 2vs 1 , more of a 1 vs 1 while the other runs around for another 1 vs 1

If that isn’t a great example of a 2v1, idk what is. I played terrain well. I went in when I know I had an advantage on atleast one, and observed the mistake of the mesmer. The path I took demonstrates I planned something like that out and hoped for it to happen. You couldn’t ask for a cleaner 2v1 fight. I was nearly at half hp by the time I started on the mes btw.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


I liked it

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


Maybe it’s just me, but when someone says 2 vs 1 I would assume 2 people jumping on you at once, but like I mentioned, I saw u go against 1 guy then the other guy afterwards, I’m not trying to get at you about your skill level or anything like that, I guess it’s just my interpretation for a 2 vs 1, hope I didn’t sound offensive in anyway

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in Warrior

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


“You didnt see that coming did ya”
-No , No I did not-

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Maybe it’s just me, but when someone says 2 vs 1 I would assume 2 people jumping on you at once, but like I mentioned, I saw u go against 1 guy then the other guy afterwards, I’m not trying to get at you about your skill level or anything like that, I guess it’s just my interpretation for a 2 vs 1, hope I didn’t sound offensive in anyway

In that situation, a warrior will only win in few circum stances, such as you hit 2 glass thieves with an ES and manage to keep them cc’d till they are both downed. Good luck doing that on anything else that has gear and teeth. It’s slightly offensive in a way unless you show me up with a better clip.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

Many elements went into play on this one, mainly terrain play like usual. Still, some of you wanted to see me vs a mes. Even though he isn’t that great, he got the drop on me major. I still managed to outplay him. HD+full please.

Great job man! Looking forward to running with you again hopefully later.

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Many elements went into play on this one, mainly terrain play like usual. Still, some of you wanted to see me vs a mes. Even though he isn’t that great, he got the drop on me major. I still managed to outplay him. HD+full please.

Great job man! Looking forward to running with you again hopefully later.

After I get out of work, be home in like 10 hours XD. cya then.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


It wasn’t a bad clip, but not what I expected. When I read the title I expected to see something similar to what’s shown in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI7ouz1xt9E

Knights of the WhiteWolf

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


l-l-l-l-l-l-l-LIKE A BAWS!!

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


It was a good duel with a Mesmer. The Warrior ate a full stun lock and died before the Mesmer was even using clones and actually attacking…. not a 2v1.

Not Poxheart video is a true 3v1, and a good one at that. At around 0:35 is where they actually start to attack him.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


It was a good duel with a Mesmer. The Warrior ate a full stun lock and died before the Mesmer was even using clones and actually attacking…. not a 2v1.

Not Poxheart video is a true 3v1, and a good one at that. At around 0:35 is where they actually start to attack him.

it was still well played. If not a true 2v1 it still a 1v1 + 1

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Cool vid, I wouldn’t have expected such a burst from a hammer myself. Much more threatening than gs actually…

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It wasn’t a bad clip, but not what I expected. When I read the title I expected to see something similar to what’s shown in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI7ouz1xt9E

Get outa here wich yo evasive ranger. I’m getting jelly of your evades
Good luck doing something like that with a warrior. You’ll get imobed to death before you start doing damage. Your best bet for a 3v1 is kiting them around walls and LOSing the heck out of them, just spamming ES. Even then you’re so susceptible to damage.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


That melee ranger also takes forever to kill someone. He’s good as a distraction though. Especially if he gets 5-6 nobs to peel off after him, then he just made the enemy zerg that much smaller.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


It wasn’t a bad clip, but not what I expected. When I read the title I expected to see something similar to what’s shown in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI7ouz1xt9E

Get outa here wich yo evasive ranger. I’m getting jelly of your evades
Good luck doing something like that with a warrior. You’ll get imobed to death before you start doing damage. Your best bet for a 3v1 is kiting them around walls and LOSing the heck out of them, just spamming ES. Even then you’re so susceptible to damage.

I main a Warrior, so know full well how difficult 1vXs are. I linked that video because it highlights the difference between Warrior sustain & Ranger sustain.

Also, that isn’t me in the video!

Knights of the WhiteWolf

(edited by Poxheart.2845)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It wasn’t a bad clip, but not what I expected. When I read the title I expected to see something similar to what’s shown in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI7ouz1xt9E

Get outa here wich yo evasive ranger. I’m getting jelly of your evades
Good luck doing something like that with a warrior. You’ll get imobed to death before you start doing damage. Your best bet for a 3v1 is kiting them around walls and LOSing the heck out of them, just spamming ES. Even then you’re so susceptible to damage.

I main a Warrior, so know full well how difficult 1vXs are. I linked that video because it highlights the difference between Warrior sustain & Ranger sustain.

Also, that isn’t me in the video!

The original uploader himself showed me it some time ago. If he gets immobilized he’s done, that’s kind of the weakness with it. He has a lot of regen, but rangers in general lack imobilize removal and stun lock counters. I watch for those 2 main things every time I face a ranger. Evades are nice though, wish I had some of those XD

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


This is what drives me nuts. I love the hammer, but honestly it takes ZERO skill to do the chain cc combo. It’s lame gameplay, and boring to watch.

The only time I enjoy watching hammer fights is when it’s a small scale battle, or the player uses the hammer cc’s at good timings not mindlessly smashing buttons.

Oh and your ego needs to take a rest. That Mesmer was TERRIBLE. He never even swapped weapons from greatsword. he literally sat with the greatsword auto attack on.

No offense mate, but don’t go ego stroking and arguing because these noobs don’t know how to use stability or stun breakers.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: klutch.5921


BlueprintLFE obviously is mad and or jelly. Don’t be such a baby and get that blueprint out on how to not be so bad.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


BlueprintLFE obviously is mad and or jelly. Don’t be such a baby and get that blueprint out on how to not be so bad.


Who are you? You know nothing about me.. I have a LOT of tourny play on my warrior.

Anyways, I’m not one to bash people recording and putting out YouTube vids to help the community or showcase good fights and/or new builds or weapon combos, but when you come in here stating that you are hot kitten wrecking in a “sick 2v1 with a Mesmer” in a 1v1 (not a 2v1) that doesn’t even swap weapons, and then argue with people that disagree, that’s when I call Bull kitten.

I’m trying to provide feedback to the OP saying that chain cc’ing people is not fun to watch, it’s boring.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This is what drives me nuts. I love the hammer, but honestly it takes ZERO skill to do the chain cc combo. It’s lame gameplay, and boring to watch.

The only time I enjoy watching hammer fights is when it’s a small scale battle, or the player uses the hammer cc’s at good timings not mindlessly smashing buttons.

Oh and your ego needs to take a rest. That Mesmer was TERRIBLE. He never even swapped weapons from greatsword. he literally sat with the greatsword auto attack on.

No offense mate, but don’t go ego stroking and arguing because these noobs don’t know how to use stability or stun breakers.

Woah, someone’s sour. Bro stop talking about yourself. If you’re the mes in the video just say so I understand how you feel. If you want me to go easy on you just say so! Cheer up there sport.

I’d like to say that interruptions are what I go for if that’s what you mean by “good timings,” however with skill latency and the server status in wvw, it’s simply not possible. You can predict an interruption, but relying on them isn’t enough. I don’t know how using ES there wasn’t good? As he used his teleport, I leaped at him with an ES, when he didn’t expect it.

So are you telling me that you want me to go run around specifically targeting interrupts and just letting them live, never going in for a spike? Sounds more boring than getting some frags.

Obviously the players weren’t that good. See the humor comes from experience. I’m sure everyone here can account for it. How many times have you tried to run solo, but there’s always those 2, or group of 5 trying to get a pick on some poor solo roamer. Individually they are terrible players, but collectively they are effective. It’s funny because this is a scenario where that experience takes a twist on their end. Moral of the story is that they got destroyed. Why not boast about it? They could have easily killed me, but they didn’t. You can see evidence of this in the player rankings. Go around solo in wvw and try to find a high ranking player with champion, major, or legend and see if they solo you. Chances are they’ll try to kite you into a situation where they have an advantage because they can’t take an even fight.

Someone needs to sit on the think tank for a while. Maybe you won’t be so hostile.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


BlueprintLFE obviously is mad and or jelly. Don’t be such a baby and get that blueprint out on how to not be so bad.


Who are you? You know nothing about me.. I have a LOT of tourny play on my warrior.

Anyways, I’m not one to bash people recording and putting out YouTube vids to help the community or showcase good fights and/or new builds or weapon combos, but when you come in here stating that you are hot kitten wrecking in a “sick 2v1 with a Mesmer” in a 1v1 (not a 2v1) that doesn’t even swap weapons, and then argue with people that disagree, that’s when I call Bull kitten.

I’m trying to provide feedback to the OP saying that chain cc’ing people is not fun to watch, it’s boring.

First off, I never asked for feedback. I asked for people to please watch. It is a sick 2v1 because it should have gone south but I outplayed them. I find spvp very boring and it isn’t my style. I’m not too familiar with the boards but last I read, high end spvp teams never use a warrior because there’s too much redundancy in skill play compared to a guard. They just don’t play exceptionally. Correct me if I’m wrong. Again I don’t keep track of spvp. If you’ve got so many hours, let’s see how “hot kitten” you are. Seems like you sure enjoy kittens lulz.

I said it in my first reply, but in case it hasn’t become apparent, then i’ll state it again. How many times have you been killed in a 1vx and the players have the nerve to taunt on your corpse like they just won a gold medal? Too many to count for me. I found it hilarious that I smashed them both and it just goes to show how zerg mentality affects people. No stun breakers, glass, and they tried to cut me off near their own camp. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I mean this respectfully and enjoy boasting about my battles. I’m making a slightly underdog class triumph and enjoy making it work. Mes, thief, even guard and ranger have no trouble keeping up in a 2v1, but warrior has a hard time for many reasons which have been outlined in probably hundreds of posts by now. But, if that isn’t enough compared to your “LOT of tourny,” then I can totally understand. After all, I’m always looking for guidance from underground professional warriors who have unlocked all the secrets that they don’t even boast themselves about their own battles.
May Prince Rurik’s charismatic speech guide your tongue in your next rebuttal against my underlining statements.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Very nice vid, but i have a question… So my main is a necro, but how did you manage to give yourself all those boons when you activeted the signet?

It may be a noob question, but i havent played my warrior in a long time

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Runes of Lyssa. The 6 piece wipes all conditions and gives you all boons for 5 seconds after activating an elite skill.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Ahh! Thanks I might have to pick up a few these then! Even though i dont really like boons, since i am a necro and i know how corrupt boon can really take down a guardian… But it seems awesome with all those boons ;P

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


It wasnt really 2vs1…more like 1vs1….1vs1 again.Anyway still nicely done,please post this vid in the section of warriors complaining warriors Cannot do 1vs1

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It wasnt really 2vs1…more like 1vs1….1vs1 again.Anyway still nicely done,please post this vid in the section of warriors complaining warriors Cannot do 1vs1

link me the forum post XD

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


While this wasn’t an all-out 1on2 situation, I do think warri has decent 1vX potential when used right.

Basically you just need to focus and burst down one person in quick fashion with stunlocks, stability, endure pain, then outplay the other person even with many of your skills on CD (or kite until you get a heal off).

I’m not the greatest warrior player by any means, but I’ve had many situations where I’ve been chased by the enemy, only to turn the tables by basically one shotting the other person with a quick eviscerate/hammer chain, then grinding down the other person.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


While this wasn’t an all-out 1on2 situation, I do think warri has decent 1vX potential when used right.

Basically you just need to focus and burst down one person in quick fashion with stunlocks, stability, endure pain, then outplay the other person even with many of your skills on CD (or kite until you get a heal off).

I’m not the greatest warrior player by any means, but I’ve had many situations where I’ve been chased by the enemy, only to turn the tables by basically one shotting the other person with a quick eviscerate/hammer chain, then grinding down the other person.

2nd paragraph pretty much explains the tactic we all rely on lol. you got it.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Not impressed at all. Is this the “sick” skill level of wvwvw players?
Your other video was nicer, although the thief was quite bad, I liked the HS interrupt you did in the beginning there.

I think instead of kitten ing people off with ego stroking you should keep your videos in one thread or a link your channel in signature. I haven’t seen any “sick filth” so far and nothing that actually deserves posting/making videos off.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


It wasnt really 2vs1…more like 1vs1….1vs1 again.Anyway still nicely done,please post this vid in the section of warriors complaining warriors Cannot do 1vs1

link me the forum post XD

Here it is mate https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/How-are-Warriors-in-1v1/page/3 As you see,most people say it impossible to 1vs1,warriors are bad,theyre a joke etc etc…yawn yawn.All l2p issues yet people act like they know it all and blame the class for their own lack of skill.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Not impressed at all. Is this the “sick” skill level of wvwvw players?
Your other video was nicer, although the thief was quite bad, I liked the HS interrupt you did in the beginning there.

I think instead of kitten ing people off with ego stroking you should keep your videos in one thread or a link your channel in signature. I haven’t seen any “sick filth” so far and nothing that actually deserves posting/making videos off.

Cheers mate. I’ll keep those suggestions noted. A lot of players are bad. If I uploaded nothing but good 1v1 duels I’d have no footage. I take what I can get and welcome anything that beats me. I enjoy it because that’s how I learn to counter. Always those people in the corner that shun something that actually has relevance. Stop being so picky.

If you enjoyed those so much, stay tuned for my next full on greatsword berserker video. This time I’ll eleminate all redundancy by using bull’s charge AFTER they’re already aware of my presense. After that I’ll do something noone has done before and chain a sick 12k burst combo on their knocked down model. Yeah, I’m sure if you look up gw2 warrior wvw, you’ll never see a million Greatsword videos. /sarcasm.

I’m trying to introduce the sword board and hammer combo. There’s so many annoying GS videos i’m sick of it. So compared to those players I am a demigod. I think you’ll be happy to hear that there’s more boasting to come.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It wasnt really 2vs1…more like 1vs1….1vs1 again.Anyway still nicely done,please post this vid in the section of warriors complaining warriors Cannot do 1vs1

link me the forum post XD

Here it is mate https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/How-are-Warriors-in-1v1/page/3 As you see,most people say it impossible to 1vs1,warriors are bad,theyre a joke etc etc…yawn yawn.All l2p issues yet people act like they know it all and blame the class for their own lack of skill.

lol… Thanks for the post, I just skimmed through it and laughed at the majority of what I read. Not every issue is L2P though. There are many areas where warrior needs drastic improvement. L2p is a big issue for many warriors and it starts by not using Greatsword lol. Only then do you start paying attention to skill chains from other classes and what kills you most.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


I’m trying to introduce the sword board and hammer combo. There’s so many annoying GS videos i’m sick of it. So compared to those players I am a demigod. I think you’ll be happy to hear that there’s more boasting to come.

That weapon combination is nothing new. I’ve been running it since I bought the game, and so have many many others. I don’t claim to have invented anything and neither should you. I believe the first person to run it successfully was Golradaer.

Secondly, I agree that this is not 2v1, it is 1v1.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

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in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


The best footage is actually where an opponent uses a stun break(s), you counter with stability against your opponent, and both of you end up going into a downed state; but then you actually get to use Vengeance and kill your opponent only to fall over right after.

The problem is the time that has happened to me with my Warrior could be counted on just two fingers.

To the OP, your opponents didn’t move while you approached with Shield Block and blew their big cooldown damage abilities for some reason during your use of it. Neither apparently knew what an Elite was and only the mesmer knew what a stun break was but actually didn’t kite back to the friendly guards which were only another 300 range further away at the camp…

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’m trying to introduce the sword board and hammer combo. There’s so many annoying GS videos i’m sick of it. So compared to those players I am a demigod. I think you’ll be happy to hear that there’s more boasting to come.

That weapon combination is nothing new. I’ve been running it since I bought the game, and so have many many others. I don’t claim to have invented anything and neither should you. I believe the first person to run it successfully was Golradaer.

Secondly, I agree that this is not 2v1, it is 1v1.

I never said I invented squat. I’ve implied that for some reason 90% of the population has resulted on the GS. I’m glad you use it. That’s one less garbage warrior I have to worry about. I’m trying to do something different in wvw. Last good pvp video of wvw solo roaming warrior I saw was matale. I greatly enjoyed his playstyle but noticed a lack in others following it. I see too much GS. Hopefully I’ll see more non AXE/GS builds some time soon. Call it what you want but there were 2 opponents on my tail and I dispatched them both. That feels good in any situation.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


To the OP, your opponents didn’t move while you approached with Shield Block and blew their big cooldown damage abilities for some reason during your use of it. Neither apparently knew what an Elite was and only the mesmer knew what a stun break was but actually didn’t kite back to the friendly guards which were only another 300 range further away at the camp…

For that reason I respect him. At the same time I humiliated him. You can’t not boast about a glass riffle warrior who carries his high mighty legendary and tries to kill you with his mesmer buddy, only to find that plan backfire in his face and then is forced to watch as I tear the legs off his friend. It’s been stated and is obvious in observation that they were both bad players. It’s simply cool because for one reason or the other I got out alive when I shouldn’t have.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


Here it is mate https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/How-are-Warriors-in-1v1/page/3 As you see,most people say it impossible to 1vs1,warriors are bad,theyre a joke etc etc…yawn yawn.All l2p issues yet people act like they know it all and blame the class for their own lack of skill.

You’re lying, aren’t you? No one in that thread says that it’s “impossible” for Warriors to fight and win duels against other classes – what most are saying is that they struggle badly. The problems that the majority of Warriors are having are normally more to do with the relatively poor design limitations of the class against the comparatively superior design of other classes. Lack of skill on the part of the player isn’t the definitive factor simply for the reason that your opponent (in any given scenario) can be either far better or far worse than yourself, and all the areas in between. Undoubtedly, in many cases poor playing-skills are the problem, but don’t try and b*llsh*t us that’s the real issue with the class.

These videos posted-up which show Warriors killing other classes with ease – are we to believe that these opponents are all highly skilled, talented players? Or could they be absolutely terrible players? Who knows, and that’s why most of these videos are largely irrelevant. Cherry-picking a video of a Warrior beating a couple of opponents in WvWvW doesn’t prove that the Warrior class is fine as it is. I play amateur football – if you video’d me through the course of the season and edited together a highlights package of my best bits I’d almost look world-class. But I am not.

So are Warriors bad? Generally speaking, no. Warriors excel in PvE and are a capable class in WvWvW. The problem (and where most of the complaints justifiably originate from) is that Warriors are unarguably the worst class in PvP. This is not solely my opinion, but the consensus opinion of the Warrior community, of the game’s community as a whole and most importantly, the opinion of the Developers. They acknowledge that Warriors are in dire need of help in this area and hence this is why, (along with Necromancers,) we are due to further receive a number of changes in the upcoming balance patch.

But still… we’re all wrong, yeah? Well, no we’re not. Thankfully ArenaNet recognise that you cannot base class balance around the abilities of a few big-headed braggarts who may or may not be able play just that bit better than most. If they did think this we wouldn’t be the focus of these upcoming changes now, would we? So no, we all don’t need to just “l2p”, what we need (and what ArenaNet will hopefully, eventually deliver) is a class which is equal in capability in PvP to the other classes.

Now, tell us more about how talented and awesome you are… yawn, yawn.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


And we reach the inevitable point where no Warrior vid shall be taken seriously because to lose to one must mean they are a complete noob. The painful thing is, it’s true. A Warrior winning in a situation other than greatly outnumbering their opponent is a result of a rubbish opponent or lag, a skilled Warrior vs a skilled anything else will end in our defeat.
I once thought of uploading videos of my success in PvP/WvW, but I may as well have been fighting children that’s how little of a challenge it was. Yet as the OP stated if we went to upload videos against skilled opponents we wouldn’t have any videos to upload.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Here it is mate https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/How-are-Warriors-in-1v1/page/3 As you see,most people say it impossible to 1vs1,warriors are bad,theyre a joke etc etc…yawn yawn.All l2p issues yet people act like they know it all and blame the class for their own lack of skill.

You’re lying, aren’t you? No one in that thread says that it’s “impossible” for Warriors to fight and win duels against other classes – what most are saying is that they struggle badly. The problems that the majority of Warriors are having are normally more to do with the relatively poor design limitations of the class against the comparatively superior design of other classes. Lack of skill on the part of the player isn’t the definitive factor simply for the reason that your opponent (in any given scenario) can be either far better or far worse than yourself, and all the areas in between. Undoubtedly, in many cases poor playing-skills are the problem, but don’t try and b*llsh*t us that’s the real issue with the class.

These videos posted-up which show Warriors killing other classes with ease – are we to believe that these opponents are all highly skilled, talented players? Or could they be absolutely terrible players? Who knows, and that’s why most of these videos are largely irrelevant. Cherry-picking a video of a Warrior beating a couple of opponents in WvWvW doesn’t prove that the Warrior class is fine as it is. I play amateur football – if you video’d me through the course of the season and edited together a highlights package of my best bits I’d almost look world-class. But I am not.

So are Warriors bad? Generally speaking, no. Warriors excel in PvE and are a capable class in WvWvW. The problem (and where most of the complaints justifiably originate from) is that Warriors are unarguably the worst class in PvP. This is not solely my opinion, but the consensus opinion of the Warrior community, of the game’s community as a whole and most importantly, the opinion of the Developers. They acknowledge that Warriors are in dire need of help in this area and hence this is why, (along with Necromancers,) we are due to further receive a number of changes in the upcoming balance patch.

But still… we’re all wrong, yeah? Well, no we’re not. Thankfully ArenaNet recognise that you cannot base class balance around the abilities of a few big-headed braggarts who may or may not be able play just that bit better than most. If they did think this we wouldn’t be the focus of these upcoming changes now, would we? So no, we all don’t need to just “l2p”, what we need (and what ArenaNet will hopefully, eventually deliver) is a class which is equal in capability in PvP to the other classes.

Now, tell us more about how talented and awesome you are… yawn, yawn.

You make a great argument and I understand many of your valuable points. I will not deny the facts as you are completely right. I wouldn’t hold your breath on class balance lol. It is a very slow process and I feel like they’d rather put out garbage dungeons that last a week than focus on something that’s actually valuable. Atleast that’s how the last few patches have been.. sigh.

I cannot argue with you in spvp, but from my experience in WvW, I have encountered a lot of success in solo roaming. I wish my computer was good enough to handle streaming, or else I totally would. There are many steps you can take to put yourself in a better situation than most of the opponents you face. I just happen to know a lot of them. I’ll be making an example video next with annotations to help others. A lot of playing warrior is also how good you are with game knowledge and builds that other people use. Once you’ve played around with some of the skills a mesmer, thief, or guardian has, you’ll know how to counter some of them. Of course there is the occasional skilled player on a certain strong class such as a mesmer, and those fights I won’t win, but I can try. I’ll show some of those videos as well.

I disagree that “most of these videos are largely irrelevant,” because it highlights some of the steps I take to put myself in a better situation than some of the opponents I face. Once and whenever warrior finally gets a fix, gameplay knowledge and positioning will still play a great role in how well you do in solo WvW. Just because it’s an under powered class doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can use to win. I exploit the hell out of terrain just to live. I take pride in that because we’re one of the few classes that can.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


And we reach the inevitable point where no Warrior vid shall be taken seriously because to lose to one must mean they are a complete noob. The painful thing is, it’s true. A Warrior winning in a situation other than greatly outnumbering their opponent is a result of a rubbish opponent or lag, a skilled Warrior vs a skilled anything else will end in our defeat.
I once thought of uploading videos of my success in PvP/WvW, but I may as well have been fighting children that’s how little of a challenge it was. Yet as the OP stated if we went to upload videos against skilled opponents we wouldn’t have any videos to upload.

I agree partially, but disagree when you state a skilled anything will end in our defeat. It depends where you are on the battle field. I never fight in open, flat land because that is surely a demise on its own. A warrior must always fight near some kind of walls, mazes, cliffs, or some other environment where they can LOS (line of sight) their enemy. You find me doing that in a lot of my videos because that’s a step you can take to put yourself in a better advantage. So on flat duels, I might loose a few, yes. But that is ultimately a boring, non dynamic way to fight anyone. That’s why we play in a 3d game world after all

My statement about having nothing to upload against skilled players is partially true. Again I will emphasize it is where they are on the battle field that is key. We are kings of jump puzzles. It’s the truth. We are really great at LOSing rangers and engies, sometimes mesmers. I will say that any mesmer who’s played warrior generally beats me because of my lack of sustain in drawn out fights. Necros usually beat a warrior now if they stack condi’s. Those chills are just brutal, so brutal. Guards I usually beat unless they go boon stacking builds and have a million protection.

But I will say that my point of this video was to spread some lols. It always feels good to kill people who try to gank you in an unfair way. Whether they’re good or not, it feels “sick.”

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zayle.7253


I like where you claimed we can 1v1 when your first target was ANOTHER WARRIOR and then you post this video where people are probably talking about SPvP and TPvP. Your little hammer combo on that first guy wouldn’t work in SPvP You can’t build such high crit damage and have guaranteed crits like that.. Jumping a guy with 3/4 health, chaining CC when he obviously had no stunbreaks being another Warrior and all, and then beating the next foe who blew all his cooldowns before you used your chain CC again with its PvE-only damage has no relevance in SPvP or TPvP. Yes, you did well. You killed two people and won a lopsided fight. That was good. That doesn’t mean you can go running into other forum posts and using this video as leverage for your arguments.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


First off, I never asked for feedback. I asked for people to please watch. It is a sick 2v1 because it should have gone south but I outplayed them. I find spvp very boring and it isn’t my style. I’m not too familiar with the boards but last I read, high end spvp teams never use a warrior because there’s too much redundancy in skill play compared to a guard. They just don’t play exceptionally. Correct me if I’m wrong. Again I don’t keep track of spvp. If you’ve got so many hours, let’s see how “hot kitten” you are. Seems like you sure enjoy kittens lulz.

I said it in my first reply, but in case it hasn’t become apparent, then i’ll state it again. How many times have you been killed in a 1vx and the players have the nerve to taunt on your corpse like they just won a gold medal? Too many to count for me. I found it hilarious that I smashed them both and it just goes to show how zerg mentality affects people. No stun breakers, glass, and they tried to cut me off near their own camp. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I mean this respectfully and enjoy boasting about my battles. I’m making a slightly underdog class triumph and enjoy making it work. Mes, thief, even guard and ranger have no trouble keeping up in a 2v1, but warrior has a hard time for many reasons which have been outlined in probably hundreds of posts by now. But, if that isn’t enough compared to your “LOT of tourny,” then I can totally understand. After all, I’m always looking for guidance from underground professional warriors who have unlocked all the secrets that they don’t even boast themselves about their own battles.
May Prince Rurik’s charismatic speech guide your tongue in your next rebuttal against my underlining statements.

Then be the bigger man and accept that there are all sorts of people with different level of maturity. Also, this is clip isn’t sick you won a 1v1 then another 1v1. I won’t lie your title leads me to believe your 12, doing some serious chest thumping and trying real hard to brag. No one likes braggers.
Also your food buffs = outplayed according to you, this is why I never take WvW warriors videos seriously.

(edited by Forestgreen.7981)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Here it is mate https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/How-are-Warriors-in-1v1/page/3 As you see,most people say it impossible to 1vs1,warriors are bad,theyre a joke etc etc…yawn yawn.All l2p issues yet people act like they know it all and blame the class for their own lack of skill.

You’re lying, aren’t you? No one in that thread says that it’s “impossible” for Warriors to fight and win duels against other classes – what most are saying is that they struggle badly. The problems that the majority of Warriors are having are normally more to do with the relatively poor design limitations of the class against the comparatively superior design of other classes. Lack of skill on the part of the player isn’t the definitive factor simply for the reason that your opponent (in any given scenario) can be either far better or far worse than yourself, and all the areas in between. Undoubtedly, in many cases poor playing-skills are the problem, but don’t try and b*llsh*t us that’s the real issue with the class.

These videos posted-up which show Warriors killing other classes with ease – are we to believe that these opponents are all highly skilled, talented players? Or could they be absolutely terrible players? Who knows, and that’s why most of these videos are largely irrelevant. Cherry-picking a video of a Warrior beating a couple of opponents in WvWvW doesn’t prove that the Warrior class is fine as it is. I play amateur football – if you video’d me through the course of the season and edited together a highlights package of my best bits I’d almost look world-class. But I am not.

So are Warriors bad? Generally speaking, no. Warriors excel in PvE and are a capable class in WvWvW. The problem (and where most of the complaints justifiably originate from) is that Warriors are unarguably the worst class in PvP. This is not solely my opinion, but the consensus opinion of the Warrior community, of the game’s community as a whole and most importantly, the opinion of the Developers. They acknowledge that Warriors are in dire need of help in this area and hence this is why, (along with Necromancers,) we are due to further receive a number of changes in the upcoming balance patch.

But still… we’re all wrong, yeah? Well, no we’re not. Thankfully ArenaNet recognise that you cannot base class balance around the abilities of a few big-headed braggarts who may or may not be able play just that bit better than most. If they did think this we wouldn’t be the focus of these upcoming changes now, would we? So no, we all don’t need to just “l2p”, what we need (and what ArenaNet will hopefully, eventually deliver) is a class which is equal in capability in PvP to the other classes.

Now, tell us more about how talented and awesome you are… yawn, yawn.

I never said there isn’t anything wrong with warrior,the class can use lots of fixes.I’m just saying,that i myself have no problem soloing most classes,except mesmers as our skill system currently is..that alot of people “struggle” to do 1vs1,is simply a matter of learning your class .Warriors are also Far from being the worst class as you say.It’s all a matter of Learning Your class and knowing wich weapons to pick vs what classes and build,despite being the underdog of pvp.That you are better with one class then playing the warrior class,doesn’t mean that everyone is facing that same problem.But whats up with these laughable responses like “Being talented and so awesome” for saying someone is able to do 1vs1 ? As in the other thread,saying you can do 1vs1 makes you apparantly a “uber elist warrior”….So be it i guess.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: vapor.5390


Those players werent duelists, neither were the ones who the ranger fought against.
For example not many days ago i also fought against guardian/thief/ranger same time for about 10min then chose to go away since couldnt stomp anyone. Even on 3man they had slighly lower pressure than one real duelist roamer offers.

There are novices, ok ones and beasts. Killing 2novice isnt accomplisment, its just entertaining.
PVP is so horribly limited, becouse of the terrain certain builds gets huge advantage and thats why many builds and professions doesnt “work” in there. WWW open ground has way more intresting fights since you can face many different builds without either one having quaranteed advantage becouse of a terrain. Minus side is you have to search for fight longer.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


You make a great argument and I understand many of your valuable points. I will not deny the facts as you are completely right. I wouldn’t hold your breath on class balance lol. It is a very slow process and I feel like they’d rather put out garbage dungeons that last a week than focus on something that’s actually valuable. Atleast that’s how the last few patches have been.. sigh.

I cannot argue with you in spvp, but from my experience in WvW, I have encountered a lot of success in solo roaming. I wish my computer was good enough to handle streaming, or else I totally would. There are many steps you can take to put yourself in a better situation than most of the opponents you face. I just happen to know a lot of them. I’ll be making an example video next with annotations to help others. A lot of playing warrior is also how good you are with game knowledge and builds that other people use. Once you’ve played around with some of the skills a mesmer, thief, or guardian has, you’ll know how to counter some of them. Of course there is the occasional skilled player on a certain strong class such as a mesmer, and those fights I won’t win, but I can try. I’ll show some of those videos as well.

I disagree that “most of these videos are largely irrelevant,” because it highlights some of the steps I take to put myself in a better situation than some of the opponents I face. Once and whenever warrior finally gets a fix, gameplay knowledge and positioning will still play a great role in how well you do in solo WvW. Just because it’s an under powered class doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can use to win. I exploit the hell out of terrain just to live. I take pride in that because we’re one of the few classes that can.

That’s a reasonable reply and I’ve taken on board a lot of the points you’ve made.

When all’s said and done, I guess one of my main issues with the Warrior forum comes from the attitude of the “elite” players, whereby they mock and deride other players for, essentially, not being as good at the game as they (apparently) are. It’s a strange and arrogant mentality.

No one’s saying that you cannot do well with the Warrior class but it’s almost universally acknowledged that to do so requires a lot of individual skill on the part of the player. Fine, but when you have this one class in the game that demands such dedication, practice, ability and concentration to succeed when other classes do not require such “hardcore” skills, then that is neither fair nor balanced. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Why should Warriors have to be far superior players than their opponents to do well?

Should we just accept that to play and enjoy the Warrior class as readily and as easily as playing any other class we have to possess a much higher level of skill? Of course not. I have no problem with highly-skilled players achieving good results with the Warrior – I do have a problem with these players abusing those who aren’t doing so well and I also have a problem with them holding the class up against their own level of skill and claiming that the problem lies with the players, not the class. As I’ve said, you can’t use skill to measure balance. You can only achieve balance through solid, well designed class mechanics. Right now, this is something the Warrior lacks.

(edited by Enmity.3428)

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


I never said there isn’t anything wrong with warrior,the class can use lots of fixes.I’m just saying,that i myself have no problem soloing most classes,except mesmers as our skill system currently is..that alot of people “struggle” to do 1vs1,is simply a matter of learning your class .Warriors are also Far from being the worst class as you say.It’s all a matter of Learning Your class and knowing wich weapons to pick vs what classes and build,despite being the underdog of pvp.That you are better with one class then playing the warrior class,doesn’t mean that everyone is facing that same problem.But whats up with these laughable responses like “Being talented and so awesome” for saying someone is able to do 1vs1 ? As in the other thread,saying you can do 1vs1 makes you apparantly a “uber elist warrior”….So be it i guess.

It’s not just a matter of learning your class – this is not solely a “l2p” issue. You acknowledge yourself that there are things wrong with the Warrior. You say it “can use lots of fixes.” Then you call the class the “underdog” of PvP. So what’s it to be? Poor players or an underdog class? From where I’m sitting the latter offers the most accurate explanation. The fact that you have no problems soloing most classes says nothing about the design of the class. All that says is that you’re a good player. (Well done.)

It’s not just me who says that Warriors are the worst PvP class, it’s nearly everyone, and we’re not all wrong and we all don’t need to just “l2p.” If you doubt what I say is true, you need to take a step back, try to see beyond your own experience and ask yourself some questions like; Why is the Warrior forum is full of players who are having problems with the class? Why do all other classes consistently rate Warriors as the bottom-tier class? Why are there are so few Warriors in tournament play? Why do most teams prefer to take another class over a Warrior? Why are there virtually no Warriors in high-end tournaments? Why have ArenaNet said the pretty much the same thing and why are they giving Warriors so much attention in the next balance patch?

The answers to all these questions lead to the unavoidable conclusion that this isn’t simply a matter of players learning their class, but that the Warrior class itself is the main problem.

P.S. There’s nothing wrong with being an Über-Elite-Warrior, the problem is the derisory attitude that so often goes with it.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


^^ I now realise that I’ve just said the exact same thing in two vastly different ways.

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586



I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.