Berserker tweaks please resond

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


Hi guys, i main warrior class since beta/head-start, I have lots of warriors because I love the front line aspect of it and going ham on enemies. Who doesn’t right?

As most of you know, this is a condi-tank and ranged meta. Most classes have access to lots of swiftness and blinks/mobility. Most of the time I will find my self out of combat when im engaged in a fight against very high mobile/stealth classes for just 1-2 seconds.

All I am asking for is, can we warriors have a reason to go into Berserker mode? I can kill the enemy fine when im at normal 3 adrenaline bars, why should i bother going into Berserker mode? Just took look cool with a fiery aura and to prolong the fight, to give the enemy time to recover?

What if we remove the 1 second cooldown when switching to berserker mode

What if we add a pulsating swiftness(is this too much to ask for or you guys are going to complain that warriors already have a 25% passive speed boost? if mobility is not a problem then why would swiftness be a problem? just saying.)

Okay next here will be, might be way too much to ask for of you and anet:

What if we add a pulsating condi clear? Clear 1 condition every 3 seconds while in berserker mode.

If anet cannot bother changing the mesmer condition meta, how about you help us with more condi clears instead of a 25 second cooldown on off hand torch to clear 2 conditions. Mesmers have an 100% uptime of conditions. This might encourage mesmers to go more hybrid(more skilled) or just keep playing condi/pu/dire mesmers and stealth for 15 seconds to wait for berserker to go on cooldown.

Remove the, “remove 1 condi going into berserker” and replace it with a pulsating condi clear of 1 conditions per 3 seconds while in berserker, maximum 5 condi clears of the duration of berserker.

Again, might be way too much to ask for.


Please add pulsating swiftness in berserker mode
Please remove the 1 second wait time for using primal burst skills when entering berserker

and in final…way too much to ask and to hope for : Have a 1 condition removal every 3 seconds being pulsated in duration of berserker(15 seconds) in total of 5 condis removed while in berserker mode.

Thank you,

- Awaiting Hope

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: honeybeeem.5469


As an ex-non warrior who, at one time, found the class to be a difficult matchup to fight against, I think the changes are simply prolonging a warrior’s inevitable death. I am not sure where they’re taking warrior, but the level of threat that I feel from one is relatively low, even more so when they are berserkers.

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

eternal champion should remove one condition per second instead of 1 stack of 3 seconds stability per 3 seconds.

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Eternal Champion
“Cure a condition every second while in berserk mode.”
Conditions Removed: 1
Interval: 1s

much better than pulsing stability imo.

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


Also going into berserk mode should not give us a 10% speed boost, how about a -10% incoming damage instead of the 10% speed boost

The 10% speed boost lessens the range of axe/hammer burst skills and its not even noticeable.

Keep Eternal champion or buff it to pulsate stab and clear condis

Remove 1 condi every 3 seconds, Grants 1 stack of stability every 3 seconds.

So how about :

entering berserk : Grants pulsating swiftness, -10% incoming damage as a base, incoming conditions(chill, immobilize, cripple) duration decreased by -33%.

Eternal champion : Remove 1 condi every 3 seconds, Grants 1 stack of stability every 3 seconds. Breaking a stun grants stability.

How to counter:

Reaper has stab and spammable chill and nice kiting ability, so you can kite away berserker till it goes on cooldown.

Revenant : lol spam the defiant stance skill and the endure pain thingy(not sure what they are called)

Thief: stealth away d/p or kite with shortbow, charge in with steal

Mesmer, boon strip burst(has a 3 second window) or stealth up till berserker is on cooldown

Engi: stealth up, drop AoE on feet, leap, kite till berserker on cooldown

Ranger: easy, perma protection on dodge, leap gs, block gs, stealth, immob(entangle), kite with sword, spam 2 on LB


Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


guys the real problem here is not that we r weak or need anymore condi cleasing… its simply other clases are much more stronger than us in every single aspect of the word, we can only embrace the pain and play pve forget about wvw and pvp. Trust me dont expect anything from anet they r blindfolded atm is useless to make this topic… trust me, again i’ve tryed and nothing has ever happened…

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: Brawl.5178


i feel like warrior needs skills that can be spammed to keep up. other classes go all over the place and we need something to keep on them and maintain pressure. I have never played an rpg where ranged nuke specs have as many evades and escapes and safety buttons as the melee classes trying to engage them.

Trait synergy as well, its just not there. While a mesmer can trait to literally remove seconds off stealth skills every few seconds they are IN stealth, Warriors dont have anything like that.

We are supposed to be bloodthirsty frontline monsters that rip you apart like a blender if you come in our range. Berserker spec didnt even come close to anything like that despite that sweet artwork we got for it.

I are a warrioh

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: Thaelias.7432


Honestly it’s bad enough with the stealth and ports that they could entirely remove the CD on abilities like rush and it would not be OP in the least. It would still mean most of the worst offenders had more mobility since warriors cannot port vertically and cannot evade spam or stealth.

Gap closers just aren’t useful if the target can evade/disengage nearly constantly.

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


I think when we go Berserk, we should get a 50% movement speed increase in combat. The idea of going Berserk is we are basically pumped with full adrenaline and should run very fast.

Also there should not be any delays in primal burst skills. Warriors are the easiest class to read their fight animations why even delay their attacks too?

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


Honestly, i have cut down my roaming time on warrior from 4-10 hours a day to 30 minutes to 1 hour. Not because the enemy counters me so much but just for the fact that the enemy can ooc on DEMAND!. Literally 1-2 seconds of us in within 100 units of each other, the mesmers can be on the other side of the map.

I hate being forced to play other classes to keep up with this movement/speed meta/ranged. My warrior with rush and whirlwind cant keep up with blinks and teleports.

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


1. First of all, we now know why Warriors were nerfed back in September 2014 on Adrenaline loss immediately out of combat. Thanks to Always Angry and yet another trait that effectively becomes Warrior baseline for WvW/PvP in my mind. So frustrating …

2. I’ll skip PvE because that’s where Berserker was actually more fun than frustrating to use. But how is that better than GS camp with Phalanx Strength (Might share plus Vulnerability)? It’s not. It lacks team support or noticable decrease in raw DPS from F1s to make it truly viable.

3. I thought that I’d found a very specific niche for it. It involves Longbow trait plus King of Fires for ranged AoE tagging but found it to be way underperforming in PvE/WvW mainly because damage output for such a very specific build felt way under Elementalist spamming Fire Staff 1. If a Warrior invests that many trait points from 2 lines, it should perform better. My suggestion is the burn duration needs to be severely pumped up or some such and make it truly a ‘King’ of Fire trait or if the trait procs, make it hurt the targets. A really crazy thought is to make ‘King of Fires’ trait proc off of all autoattack skills whether or not Fire condition is on.

4. Ironically, the best use of Berserk mechanic was not for the expanded F1s. I used it for the supplemental attack speed increase/Quickness boon by default and synergy with Blood Reaction in a high Precision build. I built a Sword/Sword Condition build with Arms/Berserker (tried all Strength/Defense/Tactics/Discipline variants) and was routinely stacking upwards of 40-50+ bleed stacks on Elite targets because of Bloody Roar and Wild Blow. You also mix in a little Burn, Torment and cripple by default. The clunky of Wild Blow (stuck in animation position, not sure why this couldn’t be insta-cast with long after cast) though makes it kind of rough to play.

5. Torch was meh. I foresee this only being used in PvE pre-combat for boss fights and then immediately swapped out before combat actually kicks in. It’s cooldowns/cast times are way too high or damage is way to low (this should be built for Adrenaline gain). It would be nice if there was a trait that added Adrenaline per Burn damage tick or some such while under Berserk to help support it.

(edited by Artaz.3819)

Berserker tweaks please resond

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


basically play condi and stop making threads QQing

Lol I have no problem beating people in duels as a warrior with or without berserker

The fact berserker didnt solve our current problems : condi clears against such a condition meta unless you full go to a condi clear route then what is dps?

and mobility. Enemy just needs swiftness to kite warriors.

yet they gave us a pulsating stab, really bRO? reallly. Im in bloody bloody tier 3 in mega blobs, 3 way fights just like in tier 1(was on it for 8 months). As a full zerker frontline warrior using gs/hammer and switch to gs/rifle for my guild depending on situations.

I USE 0 STAB. I use frenzy, EP, zerker stance and I never have stab problem in coordinated guild fights.

Thanks anet but should’ve kept the stab addition to reapers who really needed it.