Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: IceBringer.6071


As I play warrior 99% of my gameplay its starting to really bother me that out of all the nerfs warrior constantly gets, adrenaline has been literally “kaput” in terms of viability. For all other classes, the pre-battle is the most important aspect of PvP, WvW, and PvE. That includes boons such as might and swiftness, stealths, protection, etc. Its what makes the difference between winning and failing any major battle. Now logically, warriors can’t cast spells to gain those buffs, and we almost always rely on other classes to get them. But the one thing we did have was building adrenaline while charging into battle and being able to frontline smash things. Now that’s no more, and what that leaves us with is no advantages in the game, period. I’ve heard the arguments of having highest health pool and heavy armor, and thats bs to be frank. I think we can all agree to have ganked/pwned a warrior easily with condis, buffs, and spikes from other classes. I just press 5-6 buttons and my mesmer has the upperhand. I say this to express that adrenaline didn’t affect just a hammer burst or combustive shot. Those traits such as Cleansing Ire for condi removal, our combos such as Combustive Shot+Shield Bash, our heals such Healing Surge, etc was nerfed as well.
Here’s my logic and feel free to provide feedback to HELP warriors:
Defensively we don’t have stealths or utilities for protection for damage mitigation
Offensively, we are good, but it takes so long for adrenaline to build in battle now that condi removal and burst combos are difficult to pull off, that’s if we hit too
What are we to do now?
Can we petition ANET to reverse adrenaline while not in combat nerf and we can keep the lose adrenaline if you miss/block nerf? I can live with that. We will see I suppose. Also flamers, WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP….free speech so either provide positivity or w/e is my response.

(edited by IceBringer.6071)

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


needs done regardless > rework the traits that are either sub par or blantantly in the case of some (thrill of the kill) borderline useless.

one or more of the lower

increase the effectiveness of all burst skills or make adrenaline much easier to aquire.

give a 5- 10 second breather before ad decays.

OR improve our weapon skills in general to compensate for the burst nerf.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


I don’t get affected by the nerf at all, I run condi S/S-LB 0-3-6-2-3 build with Orr rune and Rabbit amulet and is working wonderful. Savage leap-leg specialist-flurry job done.

(edited by xbutcherx.3861)

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: FalconBeta.9185


As a person that plays both PvE and PvP, I think this was a good change for PvP.
Regardless of what build I am using I hardly notice a difference. It’s very easy to build up Adrenaline while in combat, especially if you’re using Cleansing ire (remember, you get adrenaline when hit while using it). Being able to carry Adrenaline from battle to battle was too big of an advantage for Warrior. Even a mesmer can’t carry illusions from one battle to another.

That being said though, I would love to see a 5-10 second delay added to PvE Only. The average mob doesn’t last long enough for you to build up adrenaline, and by the time you get to another mob, all of your built up adrenaline has already depleted. Adding a delay to the depletion in PvE would greatly improve the warrior leveling experience.

Just don’t undo the nerf completely.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Weather your build was affected or not it doesn’t change the fact that quite a few traits and several skills received indirect nerfs from the “update”.

Saying your build is unaffected helps no one.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They should increase the damage of the final strike on hundred blades by 10%, add a 5 second timer before adrenaline starts decaying, and put the decay rate at exactly what it was before.

I’d be fine with that. They should also keep the adrenaline loss on burst usage regardless of hit/miss, I think that’s a reasonable change.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Yeah, being okay with some traits that are outright broken because of shortsighted changes is disappointing.

Oh well, over the last week I made an elementalist and I’m enjoying it a lot. Warrior gets shelved for the next 6-8 months while anet pulls their collective heads out of the sand and fixes this mess.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Nobody need a dmg boost on the last hit from 100b..
In pvp you almost never hit that last finalstrike.

They should remake 100b to be more viable in pvp also.. Reduce its dmg but make it faster and little bit mobile so you can turn.

Ow and sharp just told us warriors to suck it up.. Nothing gets changed (see “communication with you” topic)

Yeah, what about other game modes? You have to consider PvE as well with changes. Part of the reason why all of these balance changes suck so much is because it ruins gameplay for PvE players for no reason.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


They should increase the damage of the final strike on hundred blades by 10%, add a 5 second timer before adrenaline starts decaying, and put the decay rate at exactly what it was before.

I’d be fine with that. They should also keep the adrenaline loss on burst usage regardless of hit/miss, I think that’s a reasonable change.

Sounds good actually.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Skoigoth.9238


They should increase the damage of the final strike on hundred blades by 10%, add a 5 second timer before adrenaline starts decaying, and put the decay rate at exactly what it was before.

I’d be fine with that. They should also keep the adrenaline loss on burst usage regardless of hit/miss, I think that’s a reasonable change.

Sounds good actually.

I`d second that, the adrenaline loss on missed burst skills was indeed a good change, but the rest…

Also, if they want to nerf Hambow, instead of nerfing everything they could maybe, juuust maybe, take a look at… hmmm…. HAMMER and LONGBOW?

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


They should increase the damage of the final strike on hundred blades by 10%, add a 5 second timer before adrenaline starts decaying, and put the decay rate at exactly what it was before.

I’d be fine with that. They should also keep the adrenaline loss on burst usage regardless of hit/miss, I think that’s a reasonable change.

Sounds good actually.

I`d second that, the adrenaline loss on missed burst skills was indeed a good change, but the rest…

Also, if they want to nerf Hambow, instead of nerfing everything they could maybe, juuust maybe, take a look at… hmmm…. HAMMER and LONGBOW?

Hammer and LB were nerfed already, they needed to focus on something else to stop the forum bang-whine.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Bartosz.2013


Nobody need a dmg boost on the last hit from 100b..
In pvp you almost never hit that last finalstrike.

They should remake 100b to be more viable in pvp also.. Reduce its dmg but make it faster and little bit mobile so you can turn.

Ow and sharp just told us warriors to suck it up.. Nothing gets changed (see “communication with you” topic)

Yeah, what about other game modes? You have to consider PvE as well with changes. Part of the reason why all of these balance changes suck so much is because it ruins gameplay for PvE players for no reason.

Ye, its the most annoying thing for me, they never think about pve etc, im tired of nerfs, cant load my adrenaline, in gw1 pve and pvp skills were separated if i remember good.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Nobody need a dmg boost on the last hit from 100b..
In pvp you almost never hit that last finalstrike.

They should remake 100b to be more viable in pvp also.. Reduce its dmg but make it faster and little bit mobile so you can turn.

Ow and sharp just told us warriors to suck it up.. Nothing gets changed (see “communication with you” topic)

Yeah, what about other game modes? You have to consider PvE as well with changes. Part of the reason why all of these balance changes suck so much is because it ruins gameplay for PvE players for no reason.

Ye, its the most annoying thing for me, they never think about pve etc, im tired of nerfs, cant load my adrenaline, in gw1 pve and pvp skills were separated if i remember good.

but….but…. that makes it confusing for new players.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Perhaps someone could persuade the developers that adrenaline decay is similar to revealed for thieves. The class mechanic needs to be less strict in PvE.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: Hyperion.4638


There is no doubt that something has to be done to counter this HUGE nerf (yes it is huge because of the reasons mentioned above) they should either, give us back the old adrenaline build up rate and the no adrenaline decay, or buff some defensive skills or traits, either way something has to be done.

Call it QQ or w/e, Adrenaline Nerf is Serious

in Warrior

Posted by: kayo.3817


Perhaps someone could persuade the developers that adrenaline decay is similar to revealed for thieves. The class mechanic needs to be less strict in PvE.

Apparently ANET and the developers only look at metrics and forum whiners.

Unfortunately for us, metrics somehow get analyzed so badly that I’m really starting to wonder if the analysis department is even staffed; and as for forum whining, the warrior witch-hunting appears to still be going strong even now.

Lets do what we can: play the current OP class till the witch-hunt shifts, and pray the analysis department get at least someone…even a monkey cause its better than nothing.