Endure Pain [Bug?]

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

Ability Tooltip:

Endure Pain
Stance. Take no damage from attacks

Boon Tooltip:

Endure Pain
You take no damage from incoming attacks

Player still takes damage from conditions that are already applied to the Warrior.
Must be a tooltip error because it doesn’t explain why I still take damage when Endure Pain is popped.

Also, what is up with the difference in tooltips? It doesn’t make sense why they have different descriptions.

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


It is working as intended. Also note conditions can still be applied.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Endure pain needs to be all inclusive, ALL damage, and 30-40s cd kkthx

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

It is working as intended. Also note conditions can still be applied.

It may be, but the tooltip description says otherwise. So if anything, it’s a tooltip bug.

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


It is working as intended. Also note conditions can still be applied.

It may be, but the tooltip description says otherwise. So if anything, it’s a tooltip bug.

Conditions aren’t incoming attacks. Conditions are…conditions..

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

But the ability tooltip doesn’t say that. The only way to find that out is by reading the BOON tooltip. Do you get what I’m saying?

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


But the ability tooltip doesn’t say that. The only way to find that out is by reading the BOON tooltip. Do you get what I’m saying?

Conditions aren’t attacks…Conditions are….conditions…teehee..

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: ganeshori.6309


yep…add to that runes of melandru and lemongrass and poultry soup…and you pretty much have conditions wrapped up. Its helpin me survive alot better now….while in the big zerg ball o fun, heh.

Sgt Rock / Necrotic Charm —- Dcon
2nd Battalion / 5th Marines – Hotel Company – Fort Aspenwood

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Roy Cronacher

Roy Cronacher

Game Designer


Endure Pain does not prevent damage done via conditions. I’ll look into making the description more clear.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Hey there Sexy.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

Endure Pain does not prevent damage done via conditions. I’ll look into making the description more clear.

Appreciate the feedback Roy. Maybe something like this in the tooltip:

Take no damage from direct attacks.

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: fakeblood.2576


Endure pain needs to have a lower cool down and/or needs to be longer

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


It’s hardly enduring pain if you are downed from condition damage while it is active. Endure Pain should mean to block ALL damage, you are ENDURING THE PAIN, and conditions are indeed pain. Conditions should still be applied but no damage should be taken from them until EP has run out, other effects of conditions should still work as they don’t really count as ‘pain’ per say, such as cripple/chill/immobilise/reduced healing from poison/etc. And considering the state of our condition removal and the state of warriors in general, I think we can have this one….

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


It’s hardly enduring pain if you are downed from condition damage while it is active. Endure Pain should mean to block ALL damage, you are ENDURING THE PAIN, and conditions are indeed pain. Conditions should still be applied but no damage should be taken from them until EP has run out, other effects of conditions should still work as they don’t really count as ‘pain’ per say, such as cripple/chill/immobilise/reduced healing from poison/etc. And considering the state of our condition removal and the state of warriors in general, I think we can have this one….

That logic does not work well.
Enduring the Pain does not prevent the damage done to that body.
Here is a video how endure pain would work logical wise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zKhEw7nD9C4#t=62s xD

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Endure Pain does not prevent damage done via conditions. I’ll look into making the description more clear.

It also is only 3 seconds at times compared with the slotted one. This has been since launch and has not been fixed.

Our endure pain is terrible:
Utility endure pain is 4 seconds, 5 if traited into -we sacrifice valuable trait slots in the tree line to get that extra second-. 90 sec cooldown.
Our reactive endure pain(defy pain) is 3 seconds has a 90s cooldown. You also have to trait 30 points in its line to get it and you sacrifice other more useful abilities.

Ranger’s ‘Endure pain’ (protect me):
6 seconds without traiting in anything, 60 s cooldown.
48 second cooldown if traited into. The trait is avaiable by putting only 10 points in beast mastery. Yes it damages pets but who focuses on pets in spvp, especially the tanky ones? They can always GS fly away like a majestic bird and reset the pet’s health or they can switch pets in combat in preparation for the next endure pain.

How is this fair to warriors?

Also, lets compare warrior vs. Ranger quickness:
Warrior slotted is 6 seconds (7s if slotted into but no body slots into it since it is only 1 second for a valuable trait slot), 25% increased incoming damage.
60s cool down.
Reactive one is only 4 seconds! on a 90 sec cool down! terrible for having to waste a valuable 30 point trait slot. Not even the base 6 seconds (I’m pretty sure this was an over sight after buffing up the slotted frenzy duration as it was inferior to the slotted one pre patch, anyway) It also isn’t affected when traiting into it by sure footed.

*6s , 60 second cool down, 48s cooldown if traited into. Draw backs: recieved healing is reduced by 50%+ pet gets damage.
Drawbacks are insignificant because:
A. Nobody of sound mind frenzies when they are in need of a heal or low in health, usually blown early or when target is low on health.
B.Pet can withstand the damage without dying unless its a glass cannon and who runs glass cannons in spvp? Lets assume that pet dies..just switch pets, pet back up!
Or simply fly away majestically with a 1100 range leap! Bigger than any a warrior has and reset pet’s health. Heck..the pet can chase a target for a huge distance with the pet sitting safely elsehwre, anyway.

Here is a funny and sad but true threads talking about warriors vs. ranger pets:


I would direct your attention to the reply saying:

Vuh.1328 suggests a solution to buff up the warriors to keep up with the ranger pets:
-Just allow rangers to tame warriors as pet.
To which Minion of Vey responds:
-But that would be a ranger nerf

The thief one reduces endurance by 50% for a class that doesn’t need to dodge since it has shadow step/stealth and why would you quickness dps when your health is low and you need to dodge anyway?

I apologize for adding the extra info but I thought I should remind you of one of the reasons that are easily adjustable of why the warrior blows. BM rangers can melee/evade me to death now. Cool.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


It’s hardly enduring pain if you are downed from condition damage while it is active. Endure Pain should mean to block ALL damage, you are ENDURING THE PAIN, and conditions are indeed pain. Conditions should still be applied but no damage should be taken from them until EP has run out, other effects of conditions should still work as they don’t really count as ‘pain’ per say, such as cripple/chill/immobilise/reduced healing from poison/etc. And considering the state of our condition removal and the state of warriors in general, I think we can have this one….

That logic does not work well.
Enduring the Pain does not prevent the damage done to that body.
Here is a video how endure pain would work logical wise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zKhEw7nD9C4#t=62s xD

And let me direct you to this:


Guardian elite..90 s cooldown, 3sec of invulnerability to CC AND DPS and recharges all their virtues so they can immediately have 2 blocks after with a small heal. Their heal is endure

All guardians slot it in competitive spvp. Much superior to our elite.

Here is another one:


2sec block with a big kitten heal every 30 seconds..

I just appreciate the feed back of people playing warriors because ‘They look kick kitten cool, bro!’ with no comprehension of what the other classes are capable of..do you also think girls fart rainbows?

The class will never get fixed with bad warriors/trolls from other classes being left like this.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


I’m honestly okay with Warriors dying to condition damage, that’s a team support thing that needs to be worked out. But I would like Endure Pain to make us immune to movement-slowing and CC effects. If I could do that, then maybe at least I could hit the opponent to death and force a downed-fight.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Need to dodge in the START of combat while using quickness with you initiating it whenever you want with basilik venom then I hate to break it to ya..but the thief class is carrying you too much.

I do play a warrior, which is why I’m on this forum lad.

Also, this is what you said " for a class that doesn’t need to dodge since it has shadow step/stealth"

Where in all that were you talking about: At the START of the combat with basilisk venom?
Dodge is very important on a thief. Quickness on every class removes what’s important to them. Ranger needs healing —> quickness weakens their healing. Warrior should be about damage mitigation --> quickness makes them receive more damage. Thief needs dodging —> quickness takes away their endurance.

I’m not discussing when the thief is using quickness, but on your comment how thieves don’t need dodge.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

(edited by Gwalchgwn.1659)

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Need to dodge in the START of combat while using quickness with you initiating it whenever you want with basilik venom then I hate to break it to ya..but the thief class is carrying you too much.

I do play a warrior, which is why I’m on this forum lad.

Also, this is what you said " for a class that doesn’t need to dodge since it has shadow step/stealth"

Where in all that were you talking about: At the START of the combat with basilisk venom?
Dodge is very important on a thief. Quickness on every class removes what’s important to them. Ranger needs healing —> quickness weakens their healing. Warrior should be about damage mitigation --> quickness makes them receive more damage. Thief needs dodging —> quickness takes away their endurance.

I’m not discussing when the thief is using quickness, but on your comment how thieves don’t need dodge.

Dodge is important for a thief, yes..but after bursting with quickness can’t you stealth away or shadowstep away? Yes you can. Can you replenish your stamina right away with certain skills? yes you can -but they suck anyway so they don’t count-.

I was referring to dodge not being as useful when you are opening with bursting quickness.

I would KILL to have frenzy reduce my stamina rather that increase incoming damage by 25%.

Let me rephrase, thieves need dodge much less than other classes due to the fact that they can shadow step/teleport/stealth group stealth away at any time.

Anyway, back to the subject!

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


NOW I entirely agree with you my fair lad. But you earlier post wasn’t descriptive enough, and could be assumed as in: “Thieves don’t ever have to dodge” which is quite wrong.
(And I think only 1 skill rly replenishes endurance and 1 sigil replenishes it’s 50% on switch in combat .. and 1 replenishes it on kill)

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


What XII is trying to get at is that quickness for Warriors has the most collateral damage, while other classes have some way to mitigate the negative effect.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Edenfer.9816


Warriors need to be tweaked (more defensive F skills is my wish) but Endure pain is fine.

ArenaNet is being careful because Warriors can become OP in pvp with one change.
With a shield/axe and the right build you can still deal some good bursts and keep standing. Warriors are not guardians, you’re gonna die eventually, you just need to take as many with you as possible and then use vengeance ^^

I have a problem with defy pain though. I wish that Arenanet would add an indicator (similar to the engineer trait Kit Refinement) just to know if it will activate the next time life is at 25%. Or maybe adding more effects so it becomes more noticable in pvp moments.
Right now in wvw/pvp, in moments of panic (zerg rush comes to mind) I use Shield stance/dodge/heal/Endure Pain/signet of stamina but I have no idea if defy has activated in the middle of my rotation, I still keep the trait for the “just in case it does and I’m too blind to see it” ^^

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


It’s hardly enduring pain if you are downed from condition damage while it is active. Endure Pain should mean to block ALL damage, you are ENDURING THE PAIN, and conditions are indeed pain. Conditions should still be applied but no damage should be taken from them until EP has run out, other effects of conditions should still work as they don’t really count as ‘pain’ per say, such as cripple/chill/immobilise/reduced healing from poison/etc. And considering the state of our condition removal and the state of warriors in general, I think we can have this one….

That logic does not work well.
Enduring the Pain does not prevent the damage done to that body.
Here is a video how endure pain would work logical wise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zKhEw7nD9C4#t=62s xD

Sure, Endure pain does not prevent the conditions done to that body, but it should endure it all during its activation. meaning, conditions take no effect even applied, start taking effect after Endure pain goes off.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


What XII is trying to get at is that quickness for Warriors has the most collateral damage, while other classes have some way to mitigate the negative effect.

Warriors built properly will have a good ton of CC that they’d use to prevent the damage from ever occurring.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Endure pain needs to have a lower cool down and/or needs to be longer

They have talked about that issue in the recent State of the Game. Hopefully they will reduce it to 60 seconds like Elixir S along with the trait last stand and defy pain.


Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Mist form and Elixer S only last 3 seconds and lock all skills in exchange for preventing all damage.

Guardian’s renewed focus only lasts 2 seconds, the 3second length is only if traited, and it’s an elite skill. (Although elites were being compared, but w/e, it’s an invuln).

Ranger: There’s a (small) difference between stopping damage and transferring it to a pet, and using it also prevents the pet from attacking, so it’s sacrificing damage as well. That said, it is on the strong side.

So no, endure pain does not need to block all damage.
A lower cd to put it in line with other invulnerability skills would be enough.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Roy Cronacher


Roy Cronacher

Game Designer

We don’t have any plans to change the functionality of Endure Pain, but we are looking at making some tweaks to it. =)

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: pot.6805


Some tweaks would be awesome. Most melee classes in other pvp mmos have an ability in the spirit of endure pain but it is usually on a 45-60s cooldown. 90s seconds is just insanely too long.

Beast mode

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

Well, you’re not exactly bringing anything constructive to the thread.

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


The only true enduring pain is facing TC in wvw for 11 straight weeks…

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


“Tweaks”, huh? In before we’re nerfed again.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


Note that, the only downside to endure pain would be conditions still frequently being applied.

But, even on invurnerability if the conditions are present before you use any form of invurnerability it would mean the conditions would tick through the invurnerability.

So the only downside on Endure pain. as is, is that it gets conditions applied.

Futhermore the tooltip might indicate something different, but for common sense i’ve had no problem whatsoever understanding how the skill works.

For newer players it might indeed be helpful to change the description.

When i play my warrior, i ussually never go for Endure Pain anymore.
Just for the fact you might aswel burst people down with a solid setup along a guardian and a elementalist.

(Note, that i’m on about PvP.)
It feels pretty rash to call it a bad ability but in most situations i woulnt call it a formidable thing to consider using anymore.

Maybe it’s a great thing for WvW, but i wouln’t throw my 10 cents on it anymore.
It’s still pretty hard to balance a skill like that; VS Guardian invurnerability or Ranger Signet or even mist form from elementalists.

But, for what it’s worth i don’t believe it’s nice ability to run along with anymore with the Cooldown being just a tad too long.

Also, using shield to block off the damage might actually be more helpful.

The swap speed on warriors is fast enough to dish out constant pressure so remaining in defensive mode after you’ve been topped off is absurd.

So at any rate, it might need some tweaking, but it’s not something you’d require by a huge amount.

There’s no reason at all to ‘’Endure Pain’’ the damage when your being focused, might aswel use shield to dish off focus while i get topped back up to full health.

(edited by Nhalx.9735)

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


We don’t have any plans to change the functionality of Endure Pain, but we are looking at making some tweaks to it. =)

And here we have the Necro/Engie condition bomber laughing hysterically at the class that already has a rough time with conditions, cheers.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It is working as intended. Also note conditions can still be applied.

It may be, but the tooltip description says otherwise. So if anything, it’s a tooltip bug.

60 lowest. Balanced stance would then be rendered useless.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

It is working as intended. Also note conditions can still be applied.

It may be, but the tooltip description says otherwise. So if anything, it’s a tooltip bug.

60 lowest. Balanced stance would then be rendered useless.

I’m not sure you understand what I mean by “tooltip bug”.. The tooltip has nothing to with how the ability works at all. The tooltip is just the text that describes what the ability does. I’m not sure but I think you might be quoting the wrong person.

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build