Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791|1.1g.h1l|2.1c.h17|1n.7r.1n.7r.1n.7r.1n.7r.1n.7r.1n.7r|21j.0.2v.0.2s.0.3v.0.2v.0.2s.0|k59.a4.k2a.0.k6a|0.0|5y.6d.6g.6i.6m|e

this is my tanky DPS build. Built it after I got sick of rolling pvt and being a useless sack of garbage in small fights. Does me well but I really want It to be as perfect as I can make it so that one day paxa will get to a zerg late just to find it was already destroyed by me jokes but tell me what you think on how to improve

If you could do me a favor and re-do that link at I’d be more than happy to review it. Don’t forget your food on it.
got the food in too. hope i didnt miss anything. The Signet is purely preference and I find can be switched out with any of them (cept yak sig) without seeing to much of a change. (for instance I use stamina against guards with GS and hammer while reserving might and fury for other scenarios)

Looks very solid, all I would suggest is changing Sigil of Fire to Sigil of Impact on Hammer. Also take the 10 in arms and put it into Discipline for Destruction of the Empowered. Try to tweak with your first utility a bit to find what your comfortable with and if you decide to go without a signet there lose Signet Mastery.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


this is my tanky DPS build. Built it after I got sick of rolling pvt and being a useless sack of garbage in small fights. Does me well but I really want It to be as perfect as I can make it so that one day paxa will get to a zerg late just to find it was already destroyed by me jokes but tell me what you think on how to improve

If you could do me a favor and re-do that link at I’d be more than happy to review it. Don’t forget your food on it.
got the food in too. hope i didnt miss anything. The Signet is purely preference and I find can be switched out with any of them (cept yak sig) without seeing to much of a change. (for instance I use stamina against guards with GS and hammer while reserving might and fury for other scenarios)

Looks very solid, all I would suggest is changing Sigil of Fire to Sigil of Impact on Hammer. Also take the 10 in arms and put it into Discipline for Destruction of the Empowered. Try to tweak with your first utility a bit to find what your comfortable with and if you decide to go without a signet there lose Signet Mastery.

ah yes the never ending discussion of sigil of fire over impact. I have tried both, fire is simply the one im using at this very moment still cant decide if I notice any major differences between the two

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Makes sense. Ty for the answer. Looking at the leaked patch notes. With the new weakness i will probably stick to warhorn but Whirling Axe is also recieving a pretty nice damage buff so that might be really deadly if you run a few of those in the guild.

And hammer getting more buffs. Muhaha! Loyal to the hammer!

Regarding sigils. I have been using bloodlust and switching to Restoration at 25 stacks. I’m also using compote food so i get 1500+ health back per kill. Now, if you do it right as a guild, you will get plenty of kills in a fight. It’s a really nice food/sigil combo, as long as you keep killing peeps. Thoughts?

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

(edited by IDarko.4709)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


New warrior, hit 80 during Flame & Frost, have been running this Hammer build in WvW zerg frontlining, your thoughts?


1. Primarily intended for zerg battles where each side is in the 15-30 range. When it’s 40v40+ zergs, I swap the armor from Knights to Soldier/Sentinel mix, same Runes.

2. Build up Adrenaline quickly with GS + Embrace the Pain, Earthshaker, use additional Hammer attacks if possible (esp Staggering Blow), run out, repeat. I’m usually looking to cc and disrupt more than dps, or both if I can hit their squishies.

3. Melandru Runes + Dogged March + Lemongrass Poultry Soup for handling conditions, and Mobile Strikes + GS for avoiding kill zones. I prefer this over Soldiers Runes so I’m not locked into Shouts*. If the leaked patch notes are true, this will get even better:

- Cleansing Ire for condition removal on Adrenaline use (3x conditions removed every 8s with traited Earthsaker), with Embrace the Pain baked in.
- Dolyak Signet gets a stun break
- Endure Pain and Defy Pain cd’s reduced to 60s
- The new Stomp also looks like an interesting alternative to Dolyak – turn the tables on a pileup trying to gang burst you down.

4. Heightened Focus going away, but if Warrior’s Sprint gets +25% movement speed, that will be the new Discipline Adept trait.

5. I swap Burst Mastery for Destruction of the Empowered when I want more damage, but usually stick with Burst Mastery for more rapid Earthshakers (and immobilize escapes).

6. Death From Above – Too much fun. I just can’t quit you.

\* on Shouts – coming from a full Clerics, dodge-healing, 3x Shout Guardian I haven’t been overly impressed with Warrior shouts so far for zerging. They seem more oriented toward PvE dps – two of them are about damage, and only one of the four breaks stuns. Whereas with Guardians, all four are about AoE group support, one also about damage (SY!), and two break stuns.

Reading this thread and seeing Vigorous Shouts + Soldiers Runes builds makes it clear you can make shouts work for defense/support on a warrior, but you have to jump through a lot of gear/trait hoops to do it, and even then there’s still strong incentive to only use 2 shouts + a stance or something, which wastes a bit of that gearing effort.

Just my initial impression so far, and why I wanted to avoid gearing that locks me into Shouts. But I haven’t jumped into sPvP on my war in full Clerics + Soldier Rune + Vigorous Shouts build to actually test it yet.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Frank.8092


I’m looking for an axe/shield-longbow build or rifle as secondary if you recommend it. I’d like to be able to do dungeons as well as WvW. Do you think you could help me out? Thanks!

Sadly I would not suggest running a axe/shield-ranged build due to its lack of mobility. If you insist on running one reply back and I’ll give you a link.

Too bad. Than what would you recommend for a greatsword build and which secundary would i use?

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: docMed.7692


Would be interested to hear your thoughts on my hybrid build:

Build numbers/armorments is around 3:00 to 6:30.

(shameless unintentional plug)

Hands down wonderful pressure/ condi removal build. See a lot of potential here. The only problems I see are after your cools are down your an easy target. Not much I would change except for maybe Divinity Runes.
It seems to perfectly fit its niche and can even sneak in a high burst Evis.

Would possibly suggest trying out something a little more balanced. Knights/Zerkers.

Good deal, thanks for the feedback. Regarding your comments, you mean swap knights for zerker? if I did that I could see taking less points in the defensive tree. And yea, looking over the "leaked" patch notes, I think this build should only see some improvement especially with the alleged stance cooldown reductions (i.e. endure pain), but I’m curious to see what actually makes it in on the 25th.

** Edit ** Also - not really sold on divinity. Extra survability is nice, but it’s definitely a reduction in damage and I feel also a bit wasted to bother with spending total attributes in +healing/+condi. I do agree though, could use something better than ruby; maybe ogre or something heavy in precision.

(edited by docMed.7692)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Pocket.2740


Is there a specific reason to go Knight/Cavalier instead of Knight/Knight?

The trade off is crit dmg Vs. precision right? Is crit dmg preferred over precision once you attain a certain amount?


Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


is there any end all reason to use Destruction of the Empowered over Burst Mastery?

I just came off of a GS/LB build with burst mastery, and when running any build with heightened focus, defense 15+, Berserker’s Power or Healing Surge it is always a benefit. having a bar of adren at all times pretty much gives you (depending on build) slight regen, more damage, more crit, higher healing just for having the trait.

Whereas I can see DotE being beneficial in group fights, it seems far more situational. I may just be overthinking things, but the scales seem to tip in favor of Burst Mastery for me. Plus having a lower recharge immob break, and stun is always nice too.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhaegar.5120


What do you think, oh mighty Titan, about this build?

I tried to stay balanced and keep hp to at least 20k whilst having 50+ crit chance. Runes and food to deal with conditions.

Weapon wise my idea is to face large groups with Sword/Axe (jump in and whirl) and Axe/Shield (eviscerate/defensive stuff). Option B is to keep a rifle with me to use with whilst roaming (hence skill VII in arms.) . I’m not sure why but I never fund myself at ease with 2handers…feeling kinda clunky

A small doubt with the runes………. I was tempted to go for the boon duration combo (posted by someone before) to keep the boons from Sig of Rage up permanently

Many thanks!!!!

(edited by Rhaegar.5120)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: TanMan.1374


(edited by TanMan.1374)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Voliadi.2670


Hey Titan, I’d be grateful if u could share your thoughts (and maybe a build) for sw/axe + longbow warrior. In my opinion these weapons are useful when it comes to destory grps by melee or by range, and gives combo possibilities such as fire ring+whirlwind = fire + bleed aoe dmg.
Waiting for your reply.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


Could use some feedback.


1. Permanent Signet of Rage. PERMANENT. Never goes down. That means 5 stacks of might, swiftness, and Fury.
2. Really good mobility. I use the greatsword these days more for the mobility than anything else. It is truly unmatched. The way a solo or skirmisher warrior survives is by resetting the fight by kiting; we have no other mechanism.
3. Conditions fall off you. Not as extreme as wearing runes that help but it is still significant enough that you don’t have to micromanage conditions on top of trying to get on the target.
4. Quick weapon swap and 1 trait swap and you are a longbow wielding fiend when up against a keep in a zerg setting.
5. Gap closers and root specialist to keep the target close to the big sword and big hammer; essential when running no range weaponry as main build.
6. Damage pressure WITH stuns. I am a firm believer of the Hammer now after using it over the last week. I’ve managed to win and live on a few 3 on 1s with the hammer. Yes, it was really poor players but really nice to see those kinds of results. The key is decent burst damage WITH the CC so that you not only shut people down but damage comes with it.

Runes to help with Permanent Signet of Rage:
The build involves using 3 sets of boon duration runes and 20 in tactics to ensure you can run signet of rage for 48 seconds. Then pick up signet mastery to reduce the reset timer of signet of rage to 48 seconds.

Signet of fury is critical for this build to offset the lower critical chance AND more importantly it gives you options to open. If I am about to enter a skirmish (not 1 v 1) I typically pop this to gain full adrenaline and open up with earthshatter. If I am in a keep battle and there are some annoying folks up top, with signet of mastery, you can continuously pop this signet to drop F1 bombs all day long from your longbow. It is actually quite effective whether you’re attacking the keep or up top defending it.

Hey Tyrion,
Great read and thank you for posting. First I’ll start with what I like about your build.
- GS/Hammer Combo.
- Mobile Strikes, Dogged March, Merciless Hammer, and Leg Specialist pick ups.
- Bull’s Strike(If and only if solo/2 man roaming).
- Opinion on Frenzy, its great for some situations and horrid for others. I’m glad you switch it up and use other utilities to your advantage when needed.
- 15 points in Discipline is a must for a GS/Hammer build due to how much synergy the weapons have together.
- Zerker/Knights balance: This balance is absolutely great for roaming and zerging. But if you ever get into organized 5-10 man you’ll find yourself dropping rather quickly when focused.

- Signet of Fury: Don’t see the necessary pick up with this. Better options out there over getting more Earthshakers.
- Bull’s Charge( Unless your doing solo/duo roaming, I feel that it loses its need when you run in a 5 man).
- Spiked Armor and Empowered. I would rather see you either go 20 points in strength or 10 points in strength and pick up Last Stand.
- Boon Duration runes, I feel that these are actually gimping your potential compared to Divinity, Ogre, Scholar, Melandru.

Thanks for the feedback. Some comments you made are unclear and I request a bit more elaboration.

I primarily solo, did not clarify that earlier. This is why I prefer the full uptime of signet of rage. I can’t rely on any other movement speed other than swapping in warhorn which gets annoying.

I don’t have mobile strikes. You said I did.

Signet of Fury you don’t like? Without it my crit chance goes down to 64%. Is that sufficient enough in your eyes?

I do have Last Stand, so not sure why you suggested to pick it up.

You mentioned Spiked Armor. Did that mean you want me to pick it up? I don’t have it in my build.

If I was to pick up Berserker’s Power what would you give up?

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


I dont do alot of wvw with my warrior, mainly tpvp, but i would like to understand how to get a lot of crit dmg (something like 90%), and still have good toughness, power and precision.

So you want to create a God?

Yeah, I’m working on it.

But 90% crit damage is a wild dream even for a Full zerker Glass Cannon warr.

I think this is the maximum you can get

But I think is ill-advised. Seriously.

When i run glass cannon i have 108% crit damage unbuffed, more with food.

I only use that in sniper mode with rifle, gotta 21.5k crit on a debuffed mesmer lol.

You die in 3 seconds to a rogue however, its not something viable in 95% of the cases.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Makes sense. Ty for the answer. Looking at the leaked patch notes. With the new weakness i will probably stick to warhorn but Whirling Axe is also recieving a pretty nice damage buff so that might be really deadly if you run a few of those in the guild.

And hammer getting more buffs. Muhaha! Loyal to the hammer!

Regarding sigils. I have been using bloodlust and switching to Restoration at 25 stacks. I’m also using compote food so i get 1500+ health back per kill. Now, if you do it right as a guild, you will get plenty of kills in a fight. It’s a really nice food/sigil combo, as long as you keep killing peeps. Thoughts?

Resto +compote is wonderful! Take a look into Sigil of Stamina as well if you haven’t already ^.~

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

New warrior, hit 80 during Flame & Frost, have been running this Hammer build in WvW zerg frontlining, your thoughts?


1. Primarily intended for zerg battles where each side is in the 15-30 range. When it’s 40v40+ zergs, I swap the armor from Knights to Soldier/Sentinel mix, same Runes.

2. Build up Adrenaline quickly with GS + Embrace the Pain, Earthshaker, use additional Hammer attacks if possible (esp Staggering Blow), run out, repeat. I’m usually looking to cc and disrupt more than dps, or both if I can hit their squishies.

3. Melandru Runes + Dogged March + Lemongrass Poultry Soup for handling conditions, and Mobile Strikes + GS for avoiding kill zones. I prefer this over Soldiers Runes so I’m not locked into Shouts*. If the leaked patch notes are true, this will get even better:

- Cleansing Ire for condition removal on Adrenaline use (3x conditions removed every 8s with traited Earthsaker), with Embrace the Pain baked in.
- Dolyak Signet gets a stun break
- Endure Pain and Defy Pain cd’s reduced to 60s
- The new Stomp also looks like an interesting alternative to Dolyak – turn the tables on a pileup trying to gang burst you down.

4. Heightened Focus going away, but if Warrior’s Sprint gets +25% movement speed, that will be the new Discipline Adept trait.

5. I swap Burst Mastery for Destruction of the Empowered when I want more damage, but usually stick with Burst Mastery for more rapid Earthshakers (and immobilize escapes).

6. Death From Above – Too much fun. I just can’t quit you.

\* on Shouts – coming from a full Clerics, dodge-healing, 3x Shout Guardian I haven’t been overly impressed with Warrior shouts so far for zerging. They seem more oriented toward PvE dps – two of them are about damage, and only one of the four breaks stuns. Whereas with Guardians, all four are about AoE group support, one also about damage (SY!), and two break stuns.

Reading this thread and seeing Vigorous Shouts + Soldiers Runes builds makes it clear you can make shouts work for defense/support on a warrior, but you have to jump through a lot of gear/trait hoops to do it, and even then there’s still strong incentive to only use 2 shouts + a stance or something, which wastes a bit of that gearing effort.

Just my initial impression so far, and why I wanted to avoid gearing that locks me into Shouts. But I haven’t jumped into sPvP on my war in full Clerics + Soldier Rune + Vigorous Shouts build to actually test it yet.

Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

I’m looking for an axe/shield-longbow build or rifle as secondary if you recommend it. I’d like to be able to do dungeons as well as WvW. Do you think you could help me out? Thanks!

Sadly I would not suggest running a axe/shield-ranged build due to its lack of mobility. If you insist on running one reply back and I’ll give you a link.

Too bad. Than what would you recommend for a greatsword build and which secundary would i use?

Greatsword can work with a number of secondaries, be it Hammer, Rifle, Longbow, Axe/Shield, Sword/Shield, or Mace/Shield. A lot of it comes down to preference and specifically what you want to do with the build. Zerging, small man, roaming, ect.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Is there a specific reason to go Knight/Cavalier instead of Knight/Knight?

The trade off is crit dmg Vs. precision right? Is crit dmg preferred over precision once you attain a certain amount?


Once you hit a 40-50% crit chance thresh hold you generally want to focus power/crit dmg for increased damage, hence why Cavaliers is a better bet than Knights.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

is there any end all reason to use Destruction of the Empowered over Burst Mastery?

I just came off of a GS/LB build with burst mastery, and when running any build with heightened focus, defense 15+, Berserker’s Power or Healing Surge it is always a benefit. having a bar of adren at all times pretty much gives you (depending on build) slight regen, more damage, more crit, higher healing just for having the trait.

Whereas I can see DotE being beneficial in group fights, it seems far more situational. I may just be overthinking things, but the scales seem to tip in favor of Burst Mastery for me. Plus having a lower recharge immob break, and stun is always nice too.

In the case of a Longbow build Burst Mastery is a must. But in other cases, ex. hammer: Earthshaker/stuns in general are shut down by heavy stability teams. Picking up DotE allows you to still threaten those high boon teams regardless of whether you CC them or not.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Generally I run a sentinel/apothecary condition tank that I developed when I’m commanding and I find that running sword/shield + longbow is great when you’ve got 25k health and over 3k toughness, as well as 1200 condition damage and healing (I’ve mixed in shout heals as well). It’s amazing when you throw down your fire field and watch your entire enemy zerg melt when you’ve got your guys running through it with whirl finishers. The DPS that your own guys do doesn’t compare to the amount of widespread condition damage you as a commander are providing.

As for when I’m running solo or with a havoc team, I always run my DPS/Condi build to provide heavy damage when focus targeting as well as being able to melt more tanky professions, like D/D else’s that like to roam because they rarely die.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

What do you think, oh mighty Titan, about this build?

I tried to stay balanced and keep hp to at least 20k whilst having 50+ crit chance. Runes and food to deal with conditions.

Weapon wise my idea is to face large groups with Sword/Axe (jump in and whirl) and Axe/Shield (eviscerate/defensive stuff). Option B is to keep a rifle with me to use with whilst roaming (hence skill VII in arms.) . I’m not sure why but I never fund myself at ease with 2handers…feeling kinda clunky

A small doubt with the runes………. I was tempted to go for the boon duration combo (posted by someone before) to keep the boons from Sig of Rage up permanently

Many thanks!!!!

Axe/Shield-Sword/Axe is perfectly viable in large zerg fights given that you know when to initiate with Sword/Axe and don’t wait too long to disengage. One thing about your build is that you lack critical damage, severely hampering your dps. I’d suggest either Cavalier/Valkyrie/ or Zerker trinkets to make up for this. Also 10 points in strength over the 30 in defense would benefit you(granted this next patch may change that). Utility-wise I’d suggest Endure Pain over Signet of Fury as well. Hope this helped, and if you have any other questions or if I missed anything feel free to reply.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

If you could put this into a link at it’d help me better see what your using.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Hey Titan, I’d be grateful if u could share your thoughts (and maybe a build) for sw/axe + longbow warrior. In my opinion these weapons are useful when it comes to destory grps by melee or by range, and gives combo possibilities such as fire ring+whirlwind = fire + bleed aoe dmg.
Waiting for your reply.

Hi Voliadi,
if you could specify what you plan on using the build for I can better help.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Frank.8092


I’m looking for a build that allows me to do dungeons and zerg fights in WvW. Do you have a good build for that? I’d rather not use a 1 handed sword because they look weird on charr. Could you link me a build that you think is best? Thanks in advance!

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Could use some feedback.


1. Permanent Signet of Rage. PERMANENT. Never goes down. That means 5 stacks of might, swiftness, and Fury.
2. Really good mobility. I use the greatsword these days more for the mobility than anything else. It is truly unmatched. The way a solo or skirmisher warrior survives is by resetting the fight by kiting; we have no other mechanism.
3. Conditions fall off you. Not as extreme as wearing runes that help but it is still significant enough that you don’t have to micromanage conditions on top of trying to get on the target.
4. Quick weapon swap and 1 trait swap and you are a longbow wielding fiend when up against a keep in a zerg setting.
5. Gap closers and root specialist to keep the target close to the big sword and big hammer; essential when running no range weaponry as main build.
6. Damage pressure WITH stuns. I am a firm believer of the Hammer now after using it over the last week. I’ve managed to win and live on a few 3 on 1s with the hammer. Yes, it was really poor players but really nice to see those kinds of results. The key is decent burst damage WITH the CC so that you not only shut people down but damage comes with it.

Runes to help with Permanent Signet of Rage:
The build involves using 3 sets of boon duration runes and 20 in tactics to ensure you can run signet of rage for 48 seconds. Then pick up signet mastery to reduce the reset timer of signet of rage to 48 seconds.

Signet of fury is critical for this build to offset the lower critical chance AND more importantly it gives you options to open. If I am about to enter a skirmish (not 1 v 1) I typically pop this to gain full adrenaline and open up with earthshatter. If I am in a keep battle and there are some annoying folks up top, with signet of mastery, you can continuously pop this signet to drop F1 bombs all day long from your longbow. It is actually quite effective whether you’re attacking the keep or up top defending it.

Hey Tyrion,
Great read and thank you for posting. First I’ll start with what I like about your build.
- GS/Hammer Combo.
- Mobile Strikes, Dogged March, Merciless Hammer, and Leg Specialist pick ups.
- Bull’s Strike(If and only if solo/2 man roaming).
- Opinion on Frenzy, its great for some situations and horrid for others. I’m glad you switch it up and use other utilities to your advantage when needed.
- 15 points in Discipline is a must for a GS/Hammer build due to how much synergy the weapons have together.
- Zerker/Knights balance: This balance is absolutely great for roaming and zerging. But if you ever get into organized 5-10 man you’ll find yourself dropping rather quickly when focused.

- Signet of Fury: Don’t see the necessary pick up with this. Better options out there over getting more Earthshakers.
- Bull’s Charge( Unless your doing solo/duo roaming, I feel that it loses its need when you run in a 5 man).
- Spiked Armor and Empowered. I would rather see you either go 20 points in strength or 10 points in strength and pick up Last Stand.
- Boon Duration runes, I feel that these are actually gimping your potential compared to Divinity, Ogre, Scholar, Melandru.

Thanks for the feedback. Some comments you made are unclear and I request a bit more elaboration.

I primarily solo, did not clarify that earlier. This is why I prefer the full uptime of signet of rage. I can’t rely on any other movement speed other than swapping in warhorn which gets annoying.

I don’t have mobile strikes. You said I did.

Signet of Fury you don’t like? Without it my crit chance goes down to 64%. Is that sufficient enough in your eyes?

I do have Last Stand, so not sure why you suggested to pick it up.

You mentioned Spiked Armor. Did that mean you want me to pick it up? I don’t have it in my build.

If I was to pick up Berserker’s Power what would you give up?

Completely sorry my friend, must have replied just before bed.
Traitwise I think everything is fine except for Signet mastery, I’d rather see Mobile Strikes picked up. As for crit chance, 64% is plenty unless you aiming for insta-burst. Annoying would be an understatement of the warhorn swapping, although it is necessary if you want to keep full up-time of swiftness while traveling across the map unless you want to sacrifice useful runes for boon duration, which I don’t suggest.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Generally I run a sentinel/apothecary condition tank that I developed when I’m commanding and I find that running sword/shield + longbow is great when you’ve got 25k health and over 3k toughness, as well as 1200 condition damage and healing (I’ve mixed in shout heals as well). It’s amazing when you throw down your fire field and watch your entire enemy zerg melt when you’ve got your guys running through it with whirl finishers. The DPS that your own guys do doesn’t compare to the amount of widespread condition damage you as a commander are providing.

As for when I’m running solo or with a havoc team, I always run my DPS/Condi build to provide heavy damage when focus targeting as well as being able to melt more tanky professions, like D/D else’s that like to roam because they rarely die.

Would love to see a build so I could give my take on it.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

I’m looking for a build that allows me to do dungeons and zerg fights in WvW. Do you have a good build for that? I’d rather not use a 1 handed sword because they look weird on charr. Could you link me a build that you think is best? Thanks in advance!

There are various builds that can work for both zerg fights/dungeons that don’t require 1-handed sword. Although if you have a specific archetype that you’d like to fill or certain weapons I’d rather here that first before I give you a build that may lock you into certain roles due to gear.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


Sure, I’m always open for an opinion -

I mostly prefer ranged combat.

Armor/trinkets is a mix between Knight/Cavalier to get a decent-ish balance between Toughness and Crit rate/damage. Zerker weapons just for the extra damage

Runes are for boon duration, allowing for perma-fury and swiftness with SoR, as well as perma-vigor from Warhorn when needed.
With Fury from SoR I feel less reliant on FGJ, so instead using Frenzy for quick burst.
Condition removal through “Shake it Off” and Warhorn/Quick Breathing
Balanced stance for stability as well as all 3 utilities being stun breakers.
Piercing from Arms VII somewhat negates the lack of AoE and with Arms XI it allows for fast Adrenaline building.


(Sorry for the copy/paste from original thread)

Is this for solo roaming, small group play, or zerging?

Mostly small group, but occasional zerg and/or roaming

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Zivsof.3746


Wow 1,000 hours on warrior is a lot so let me ask you about PVE and PVP-
About PVE, which build you run on fractals?
on WvWvW pvp, when burst/condition thief “catch you” what is the best thing to do for killing him before he will kill you?

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.

Thanks, I’m starting to think about Ascended trinkets, have enough laurels for most of them – is 5x Cavalier the way to go for these?

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.

Thanks, I’m starting to think about Ascended trinkets, have enough laurels for most of them – is 5x Cavalier the way to go for these?

I would not consider anything but power/pre/crit damage on ascended

Its easier to maintain multiple sets of armour to get various degrees of tankiness and still be able to go full out damage when you want.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.

Thanks, I’m starting to think about Ascended trinkets, have enough laurels for most of them – is 5x Cavalier the way to go for these?

I would not consider anything but power/pre/crit damage on ascended

Its easier to maintain multiple sets of armour to get various degrees of tankiness and still be able to go full out damage when you want.

if you mix both zerker and cavalier trinkets, not armor , great damage output and defence, cant remember the name of the chap who posted on here but traits 0/10/20/20/20, real cool build he posted youtube vids of his build to lazy to find it.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhaegar.5120


Once you hit a 40-50% crit chance thresh hold you generally want to focus power/crit dmg for increased damage, hence why Cavaliers is a better bet than Knights.

I really like this thread. I was wondering if you could make a couple of bullet points with some main suggestions (like the one above) with regards to warriors in WvW. that’d be great

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Frank.8092


I’m looking for a build that allows me to do dungeons and zerg fights in WvW. Do you have a good build for that? I’d rather not use a 1 handed sword because they look weird on charr. Could you link me a build that you think is best? Thanks in advance!

There are various builds that can work for both zerg fights/dungeons that don’t require 1-handed sword. Although if you have a specific archetype that you’d like to fill or certain weapons I’d rather here that first before I give you a build that may lock you into certain roles due to gear.

(might be a stupid question) but what do you mean by archtype?

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.

Thanks, I’m starting to think about Ascended trinkets, have enough laurels for most of them – is 5x Cavalier the way to go for these?

I would not consider anything but power/pre/crit damage on ascended

Its easier to maintain multiple sets of armour to get various degrees of tankiness and still be able to go full out damage when you want.

if you mix both zerker and cavalier trinkets, not armor , great damage output and defence, cant remember the name of the chap who posted on here but traits 0/10/20/20/20, real cool build he posted youtube vids of his build to lazy to find it.

You can get same stats by getting zerk ascended, but retain the option for going full dps on swap. Gotta love 4.5k atk power with 120% crit for those 21k kill shots.

No reason to give up options.

(edited by dooger.2640)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

If you’re going to run around in a zerg ball I honestly don’t see why it would matter what you run. I guess a Warrior would be a decent choice because of some easy-access group buffs but you could just as well roll a Guard and spam light fields. As far as your setup goes, what difference does it make really.

If you’re simply learning to tag as many enemies as possible, I’d suggest running longbow for combustible shot, which pulses 5 times and inflicts burning on each pulse, having the capability of tagging up to 25 players on a single combustible shot with full adrenaline.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Sure, I’m always open for an opinion -

I mostly prefer ranged combat.

Armor/trinkets is a mix between Knight/Cavalier to get a decent-ish balance between Toughness and Crit rate/damage. Zerker weapons just for the extra damage

Runes are for boon duration, allowing for perma-fury and swiftness with SoR, as well as perma-vigor from Warhorn when needed.
With Fury from SoR I feel less reliant on FGJ, so instead using Frenzy for quick burst.
Condition removal through “Shake it Off” and Warhorn/Quick Breathing
Balanced stance for stability as well as all 3 utilities being stun breakers.
Piercing from Arms VII somewhat negates the lack of AoE and with Arms XI it allows for fast Adrenaline building.


(Sorry for the copy/paste from original thread)

Is this for solo roaming, small group play, or zerging?

Mostly small group, but occasional zerg and/or roaming

I like the idea of the build, sadly I feel that with the damage decrease due to balanced gear and 20 points in tactics it doesn’t seem to grasp that high "sniper"ish dmg.

I’ll go ahead and throw up two links for builds. One will be the basic high burst Rifle build and the other my suggestion for a balanced Rifle build.

Pure DPS Rifle Build:

This build would be primarily for large zerg fights where you kite the outsides of the battle and position yourself to best pierce groups with Kill Shot. The traits should be change if you plan on doing smaller group fights.

Balanced Rifle Build:

Same concept as above except this will allow you to survive a lot longer, as well as kite easier. But do not expect to get kill shots anywhere near as high as the other build.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Wow 1,000 hours on warrior is a lot so let me ask you about PVE and PVP-
About PVE, which build you run on fractals?
on WvWvW pvp, when burst/condition thief “catch you” what is the best thing to do for killing him before he will kill you?

1) PvE wise I run a standard balanced GS/Longbow build, don’t do much PvE(60% of play time is in WvW and 39% is spent theory crafting).

2) Burst dps thieves don’t cause much of a problem. For the most part read their movements and dodge their initiation. You can usually tell when they are going to shadowstep/steal. Well played hammer warriors can easily shut down thieves if you know how to bait your attacks with the sheathing technique.

3) Pistol condition thieves are another story. I’ve found thakittens best to hard press them and be very aggressive. The longer the fight the less chance you have a winning due to our lack of sustain.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.

Thanks, I’m starting to think about Ascended trinkets, have enough laurels for most of them – is 5x Cavalier the way to go for these?

Both Cavalier and Berzerker Ascended trinkets are the way to go. It’ll be up to you to find the right mix of those to fit your playstyle.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

If you’re going to run around in a zerg ball I honestly don’t see why it would matter what you run. I guess a Warrior would be a decent choice because of some easy-access group buffs but you could just as well roll a Guard and spam light fields. As far as your setup goes, what difference does it make really.

I’d love the go into deep conversation about why different builds make a difference but I feel a 2-3 page wall of builds is not required. Simply but a 1k Earthshaker compared to a 8k Earthshaker makes a huge difference. Just the same as surviving for 2 seconds and surviving for 30 seconds does. Different builds provide many different things, as well as provide different experiences. Min-maxing the build of 1 person within a 25 man group doesn’t make a difference to the group as a whole in most cases, like you said. But when 20 out of those 25 players are running min-maxed builds based on synergy you will see a massive difference.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Once you hit a 40-50% crit chance thresh hold you generally want to focus power/crit dmg for increased damage, hence why Cavaliers is a better bet than Knights.

I really like this thread. I was wondering if you could make a couple of bullet points with some main suggestions (like the one above) with regards to warriors in WvW. that’d be great

I wish it were that easy Rhaegar, but the majority of those points are build specific.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Alright, I’ll share my two most used builds, both developed by yours truely.

1st: a DPS/Condi hybrid that I use primarily for small group focus targeting and solo roaming. I use offhand axe for the 100% fury uptime and whirling axe to proc traited bleeds and vulnerability, which on average I can stack up to 10 bleeds before swapping to longbow to stack 6 more stacks on heavier targets with pin down. It’s a versatile build that can challenge and defeat a wide variety of builds in the 1v1 scenario, and does fantastically in havoc groups which require high DPS to quickly burn down single targets.

2nd: a condition bunker build I designed for trolling groups larger than 5 while still maintaining high condition damage to slowly melt away the opposition utilizing runes of Lyssa for 20% uptime of every boon and 100% uptime of fury, swiftness and 10 stacks of might. Generally it does extremely well against every class archetype I’ve encountered. It has no lack of condition removal and the shout heals make it a very tanky and versatile role.

Let me know what you think. Both builds are developed primarily for WvW use, and the latter I’ve adapted for use in tournament PvP.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

I’m looking for a build that allows me to do dungeons and zerg fights in WvW. Do you have a good build for that? I’d rather not use a 1 handed sword because they look weird on charr. Could you link me a build that you think is best? Thanks in advance!

There are various builds that can work for both zerg fights/dungeons that don’t require 1-handed sword. Although if you have a specific archetype that you’d like to fill or certain weapons I’d rather here that first before I give you a build that may lock you into certain roles due to gear.

(might be a stupid question) but what do you mean by archtype?

Archetype means the same thing as role. Ex. support/healer, Dps, CC, AoE pressure, single target pressure, single target burst, ect.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Alright, I’ll share my two most used builds, both developed by yours truely.

1st: a DPS/Condi hybrid that I use primarily for small group focus targeting and solo roaming. I use offhand axe for the 100% fury uptime and whirling axe to proc traited bleeds and vulnerability, which on average I can stack up to 10 bleeds before swapping to longbow to stack 6 more stacks on heavier targets with pin down. It’s a versatile build that can challenge and defeat a wide variety of builds in the 1v1 scenario, and does fantastically in havoc groups which require high DPS to quickly burn down single targets.

2nd: a condition bunker build I designed for trolling groups larger than 5 while still maintaining high condition damage to slowly melt away the opposition utilizing runes of Lyssa for 20% uptime of every boon and 100% uptime of fury, swiftness and 10 stacks of might. Generally it does extremely well against every class archetype I’ve encountered. It has no lack of condition removal and the shout heals make it a very tanky and versatile role.

Let me know what you think. Both builds are developed primarily for WvW use, and the latter I’ve adapted for use in tournament PvP.

Very interesting indeed. There isn’t much I can say about either of these since I myself haven’t explored builds similar to this. What I can say is all you can expect from this next patch is for those two to get stronger. Though I feel condition damage on warriors alone is minimal. Your first build provides a balanced dps build with the addition of minor condition pressure, which from the looks of it seems like it could be rather successful. What I don’t like about it is the lack of mobility. If you were to get into a bad situation there is no getting out of it, you simply die unless you’re relying on strong team support. Also with the lack of CC/blocks there isn’t much stopping multiple enemies from training you.

The second build I can see being good if you had the proper team mates providing steady dps as you tank/pressure the enemy group.

Titan/Mr Brains

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Aiden.6209


What do you think of this build –

I’ve been using it for a while i enjoy roaming and small group fights, i don’t really like zerging, just wondering if there are any changes you would make, or if there is a better build that uses these weapons all together. I enjoy axe/shield and greatsword i’m open to using different weapons if it’s more effective!. Also what is your favourite build for solo roaming or in a small group?


Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Frank.8092


I’m looking for a build that allows me to do dungeons and zerg fights in WvW. Do you have a good build for that? I’d rather not use a 1 handed sword because they look weird on charr. Could you link me a build that you think is best? Thanks in advance!

There are various builds that can work for both zerg fights/dungeons that don’t require 1-handed sword. Although if you have a specific archetype that you’d like to fill or certain weapons I’d rather here that first before I give you a build that may lock you into certain roles due to gear.

(might be a stupid question) but what do you mean by archtype?

Archetype means the same thing as role. Ex. support/healer, Dps, CC, AoE pressure, single target pressure, single target burst, ect.

I’m just looking for a warrior build that can hold his own and go with big zergs. i’m not really looking for a support class. just a warrior that can do some damage and doesn’t go down when touched by a feather. do you have a build?

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Artukk.1583


Hey there titan I’ve been running a Hammer/Sword-Horn build in WvW for a while now and it works pretty well for me. I usually either roam or jump into one of the zergs on the map with it and wanted to know what you thought about the build.

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Both Cavalier and Berzerker Ascended trinkets are the way to go. It’ll be up to you to find the right mix of those to fit your playstyle.

Thanks, any thoughts on what stat distribution to aim for? Sounds like minimum 40% crit chance, but what about overall Attack, Armor, Health, and Crit Dmg?

Normally I run with max P/V/T armor, Sentinel jewels, and Knights weapons, focusing on survivability primarily so that I don’t go down and mass-revive any enemies.

In pure Exotic gear, that’s about 3000 Power, 3500 Toughness, 27k Health, 4% crit, 0% crit damage (31% with my 10/0/30/0/30 build + Rare Cavalier back).

But this new patch, if the leaked notes are true, is going to buff survivability nicely – Cleansing Ire + 25% run speed Warrior’s Sprint, so I’ll be better able to avoid damage and get out of kill zones.

And one thing I’ve learned from this thread is, against pro guild groups that have a lot of AoE Stability spam, Hammer warriors need to focus on more on damage.

So I should figure out the stats to aim for, pick up a mix of Cavalier and Zerker Ascended trinkets, then use Armor & Weapons to fill in the rest of the stats.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Roszondas.5398


Hi Titan, great post!!!!

I have a question, what build would you use as a wvw commander?

Thanks in advance.

Raizo, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood,
Order of Shadows / Orden de Sombras [OdS]

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


Hi Titan, great post!!!!

I have a question, what build would you use as a wvw commander?

Thanks in advance.

AHAHAHA oh wait im sorry you were serious. Titan doesnt roll with zergs he rolls zergs. Probably the squishiest and least damaging build you can muster would work well. hell just go naked!

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

I run a sword/axe+longbow condi warrior in wvw, now I know it probably doesn’t do as much damage as zerker, but I have found I can get more survivability without as much a loss in damage. I run Mostly Condi damage, then precision, and power, after that toughness, and enough vitality to keep my health at 21-23k roughly. Also I always have my banner of strength and for great justice to help support me and the zerg, plus I can use longbows burst plus longbow 3 to give aoe might if needed.(not much but something)

I have a few specific questions and one broad question

First question, When in a zerg that is spamming aoe might I can get up to 2,500-2,700 condi damage, with just my skills food and buffs I get up to 1800-2,100 condi damage roughly, and with just food I run roughly 1500 condi damage. Is this except-able, or am I hitting damage caps galore(at best I have seen my bleeds hit in the 160’s a tick, and burns mid 900’s against players)?

Second question do banners and shouts effect siege?

Third how well if at all does condi damage scale when you are on a seige?

Lastly if you were to run a condi warrior in wvw how would you build it?

(edited by Deus Fatorum.2473)