Glass cannon Warrriors with 5x signets in Dungeons...
Lol yeah, the only signets that are worth it are the Signet of rage (combined with full set of Superior runes of Lyssa) and Signet of stamina for condition removal.
Tbh, “full zerkerz” with Sigil of blood in weapon does way more for survivability than all the toughness you could get from gear. It’s just not worth it.
I run dungeons with my custom “zerkerz” GS-axe/warhorn build and if the boss hits too hard in melee and it’s not entirely avoidable, I just switch out 2 traits, condition dmg based gear and rifle-sword/warhorn.
Warhorn is pretty kitten amazing offhand in dungeons. Just invest 20 points in vitality tree for “Quick breathing” and your group is gonna love you.
Glass cannon is fine its just the fact that most players are bad and think “signets” is a viable build.
if my group is heavily support/control oriented I’ll use this build, no reason not to, although my go to set is full clerics/shouts/hammer
I have nothing against glass cannons, its just that glass cannons coupled with signet fetish gets me all pissy.
Deep Strike is like the drug dealer in Warriortown. It’s 200 lousy precision in exchange for 5 slot abilities you’ll try like hell to never use. What a waste. Just say ‘no’.
Kastigir 80 Guardian
Ascalon’s Requiem [END] – Blackgate
Deep strike is only useful at low levels, once you’ve leveled up you move to proper utilities like physical, banners and shouts. I do use signet of might sometimes tho, during times where I don’t need endure pain or balanced stance, just for the extra power against veterans.
Seriously, just stop it.
Been running into these guys quite alot in PUG dungeon runs. When i see them with 5 signets and I will ask them about their gear and i’ll almost always get a proud “full zerkerz”
Please, its ok if your build does jack for your team. You cant DPS if you are spending time on the ground 90% of the time and yelling for rezzes.
Am I missing something here? Or do you enjoy paying repair bills?
Go run DEs and farm hearts, you have no business in dungeons.
I have this wonderful suggestion. Don’t pug and it won’t be a problem for you.
I am not going full glass cannon build (but since this a mmoRPG I am rolling a norn barbarian). With gear I go for power and vitality mostly. So what skills are advised upon to take in dungeons? Because doing map completion I am mostly using signets.
I especially find the healing signet usefull since it regenerates health.
tips and tricks would be helpfull…
I’m just starting a new warrior and this thread just confuses the hell out of me. I’m trying to read the best way to build one for different situations.
What is PUG?
What is rezzes?
And what do you mean by “full zerkers”?
I’d like to know because I hate being on the ground all the time. I’ve already been there with an elementalist and just gave up on that squishy class. My level 80 ele is a mule now
I’m just starting a new warrior and this thread just confuses the hell out of me. I’m trying to read the best way to build one for different situations.
What is PUG?
What is rezzes?
And what do you mean by “full zerkers”?I’d like to know because I hate being on the ground all the time. I’ve already been there with an elementalist and just gave up on that squishy class. My level 80 ele is a mule now
- A PUG is a pick-up-group, a group of players who were randomly picked up for a dungeon without any prior relationship.
- Rezzes = Resurrections / Revives.
- Full zerkers = Armor with Power / Precision / Critical Damage increase. It’s the best armor to use for dungeons when you are playing a warrior but commonly misunderstood by bad players and used as a scapegoat when dungeons aren’t going very well due to other reasons.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Thank you for helping me out with this.
I’ve been trying to have more of a defensive aspect on the chest and leggings and more power or condition damage for the other bits.
if your gonna dungeon you need one defense stat at least either vitality or toughness. I love me some dps but you cant deal damage if your dead.
You should learn how to dodge then. I’m “full ’zerkers” and rarely go down all the while melting faces. But then I rarely do dungeons with full pug groups.
If you’re gonna complain about what random strangers use (which they are entitled to use whatever they want) then as I said earlier. There is already solution for that problem, and it’s not to create a thread on the forums complaining about one particular build.
Because at the end of the day, there is always going to be a build people think is inferior to one they have in mind as being “the best”. After 5 signets it will be duel axes, and then greatswords and so on.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
This thread is not leveled at glass cannons.
It is glass cannons COUPLED WITH 5 signets.
I am not a “my build is better than yours” guy. But a warrior have many better options than 5 signets for dungeons.
Are you really gonna tell me 5 signets are the best build to use in dungeons? You want to elaborate what 5 signets does better than what warriors have in their arsenal?
Signet of Rage yes, can be worth it(although i muchly prefer rez banner). Signet of Endurance yes, great for dodging/ con removal, but thats about it.
@Gab and no.There is no misunderstanding by bad players here. 5 Signet warriors is a leveling build. Throw glass cannon into the mix and it makes it much worse.
Yes i wont be PUG-ging anytime soon. But please do not teach new warrior players to think glass cannons+5 signets are the best for dungeons.
This thread is not leveled at glass cannons.
It is glass cannons COUPLED WITH 5 signets.
I am not a “my build is better than yours” guy. But a warrior have many better options than 5 signets for dungeons.
Are you really gonna tell me 5 signets are the best build to use in dungeons? You want to elaborate what 5 signets does better than what warriors have in their arsenal?
Signet of Rage yes, can be worth it(although i muchly prefer rez banner). Signet of Endurance yes, great for dodging/ con removal, but thats about it.
@Gab and no.There is no misunderstanding by bad players here. 5 Signet warriors is a leveling build. Throw glass cannon into the mix and it makes it much worse.
Yes i wont be PUG-ging anytime soon. But please do not teach new warrior players to think glass cannons+5 signets are the best for dungeons.
I’m not going to argue that signets is the best build for dungeons. I will however argue that thousands of warriors could perform better with a signet build than thousands of warriors could perform with other builds. You make it sound like it totally sucks and should never see the light of day. It obviously doesn’t suck.
And Berserkers armor IS the best armor for dungeons. If you are not going glass cannon what’s the point of using your warrior in the first place? The only reason you would bring a warrior is for the absurd damage they can put out, anything else other classes can do much, much better.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
It does suck because compared to Balanced Stance and Endure Pain, you can make the dungeon fail-safe as hell because you won’t get interrupted or punished for ressing. Not to mention the Battle Standard is a real life saver. And mind you, ressing is IMPORTANT in dungeons simply because the more time you spend alive the faster you clear dungeons.
I’m not going to argue that signets is the best build for dungeons. I will however argue that thousands of warriors could perform better with a signet build than thousands of warriors could perform with other builds. You make it sound like it totally sucks and should never see the light of day. It obviously doesn’t suck.
It really depends on the build you have. But it’s true that signets help the warrior, but that doesn’t mean that 5 signets is better compared to other very useful skills among them. But we’re talking about dungeon runs here, and signets does not help anyone but the warrior which is the problem. Take the signet of fury. I like this signet a lot myself, but in a dungeon run, why use this signet of fury when the banner that gives precision adds the same amount of crit as the signet? A somewhat decent warrior should know this, and the banner is useful for everyone in your party, not just yourself. Signet of rage is what i always have, except in dungeon run. I like the elite banner more since it benefits everyone. You’re not the only person in your squad, and we may be massive damage dealers, but giving buffs to everyone benefits the entire party.
My impression of a signet build is that it’s used by those warriors who are too lazy to figure out the merits from other skills or are too insecure about how well they would do without signets. Sure i acknowledge that signets are useful, but so are other skills. You make it sound like a signet build would be the best way to go to perform best, but that’s bullcrap. There are a lot of useful skills that help me kill much quicker. I love frenzy and FGJ is a must, either solo or in a party. And signet of rage i use when i solo. But not for the passive gain, but the active one.
And Berserkers armor IS the best armor for dungeons. If you are not going glass cannon what’s the point of using your warrior in the first place? The only reason you would bring a warrior is for the absurd damage they can put out, anything else other classes can do much, much better.
Berserker may be nice damage, and i’m quite sure that you’re a GS wielder too. But other builds can be just as good as berserker. Myself use berserker accessories all over, but my armor is knight armor. My traits is 20/25/25/0/0. Meaning, i got low hp, but high toughness, combine that with decent to high power and crit, and you get a build that decently survives while doing massive damage. Sure you can focus on damage alone, but a guildy of mine with a full berserker build complained that he was too squishy. And how much damage can you do when you’re ded?
I’m not going to argue that signets is the best build for dungeons. I will however argue that thousands of warriors could perform better with a signet build than thousands of warriors could perform with other builds. You make it sound like it totally sucks and should never see the light of day. It obviously doesn’t suck.
It really depends on the build you have. But it’s true that signets help the warrior, but that doesn’t mean that 5 signets is better compared to other very useful skills among them. But we’re talking about dungeon runs here, and signets does not help anyone but the warrior which is the problem. Take the signet of fury. I like this signet a lot myself, but in a dungeon run, why use this signet of fury when the banner that gives precision adds the same amount of crit as the signet? A somewhat decent warrior should know this, and the banner is useful for everyone in your party, not just yourself. Signet of rage is what i always have, except in dungeon run. I like the elite banner more since it benefits everyone. You’re not the only person in your squad, and we may be massive damage dealers, but giving buffs to everyone benefits the entire party.
My impression of a signet build is that it’s used by those warriors who are too lazy to figure out the merits from other skills or are too insecure about how well they would do without signets. Sure i acknowledge that signets are useful, but so are other skills. You make it sound like a signet build would be the best way to go to perform best, but that’s bullcrap. There are a lot of useful skills that help me kill much quicker. I love frenzy and FGJ is a must, either solo or in a party. And signet of rage i use when i solo. But not for the passive gain, but the active one.
And Berserkers armor IS the best armor for dungeons. If you are not going glass cannon what’s the point of using your warrior in the first place? The only reason you would bring a warrior is for the absurd damage they can put out, anything else other classes can do much, much better.
Berserker may be nice damage, and i’m quite sure that you’re a GS wielder too. But other builds can be just as good as berserker. Myself use berserker accessories all over, but my armor is knight armor. My traits is 20/25/25/0/0. Meaning, i got low hp, but high toughness, combine that with decent to high power and crit, and you get a build that decently survives while doing massive damage. Sure you can focus on damage alone, but a guildy of mine with a full berserker build complained that he was too squishy. And how much damage can you do when you’re ded?
I personally don’t have any trouble surviving in dungeons, maybe it’s because I run with a good team composition. Toughness and vitality is also useless when dungeon mobs kill you in 4-5 hits anyway, I wish more people would understand that an active game play will expand your health bar 10 times more than throwing some toughness and vitality on your gear, believe me, I have a full exotic set of both and I have tested them extensively in dungeons.
I also don’t know how I make it sound like signet build is the best way to perform well. I directly state the opposite in the first sentence of my post >.<. Utility skills should be determined by what encounter / dungeon you are doing, and whatever you feel comfortable with. For example you mention signet of fury like it’s a signet that doesn’t even have an active effect. If you don’t use the signets, maybe it’s not the right build for you (just an example here).
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I run a mixture of gear to balance vitality toughness and power/crit crit chance 20/0/30 something defense build, run an axe and shield. My warriors very durable and does decent damage, thats whats best for the regulars I run dungeons with since they are all squishy.
If you can run full zerkers and stay up then thats fine. if you need multiple rezzes all the time, maybe switch in some defensive stats to your find that sweet spot that allows your play style to stay up
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
First, PUGs are PUGs. You will meet people there that never did a dungeon and just want to have the monthly done. They have managed to level to 80 easily with a 5-signet build 100-blading everything to death. Prepare for these type of players. Or don’t PUG.
Second, your target audience are players that do not know how to play well and do not really want to learn. They don’t read the forums.
Third, the 5-signet build is the best build for people that do not know how to time their skills. You are clearly a player that understands the game well, you see the benefit of skills that you have to activate. Good for you!
But quite alot of casual players are not that way. They just want a build that is easy to play.They’ll probably never even activate the signets (except maybe the heal) so they just got to think of 6 skills.
I am convinced that if you would make metrics of 80-players, a surprisingly big group rarely uses the 5 traits and just sticks to the attacks.
Bottomline… maybe this is the best build for these players. Be glad it exists.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
(edited by Tallis.5607)
Glass cannon warrior is fine. But fact is most people in dungeons are terrible with it. Last time I did HOTW the glass cannon warrior spent most of the dungeon on the floor complaining about not getting support. Mean while on Ele I tanked adds 2 bosses and healed and my dps is decent too. I actually rather carry a dps warrior than other builds.
Lets be honest here. Being pure dps is fine. Bringing no utility when your not built for it is also fine. The only thing your other parties members want is to not have to pick you up every other second. Use your dodge carry a shield off hand for he hard times and dps to your hearts content,
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
This thread is not leveled at glass cannons.
It is glass cannons COUPLED WITH 5 signets.
I am not a “my build is better than yours” guy. But a warrior have many better options than 5 signets for dungeons.
Are you really gonna tell me 5 signets are the best build to use in dungeons? You want to elaborate what 5 signets does better than what warriors have in their arsenal?
Signet of Rage yes, can be worth it(although i muchly prefer rez banner). Signet of Endurance yes, great for dodging/ con removal, but thats about it.
@Gab and no.There is no misunderstanding by bad players here. 5 Signet warriors is a leveling build. Throw glass cannon into the mix and it makes it much worse.
Yes i wont be PUG-ging anytime soon. But please do not teach new warrior players to think glass cannons+5 signets are the best for dungeons.
I’m not going to argue that signets is the best build for dungeons. I will however argue that thousands of warriors could perform better with a signet build than thousands of warriors could perform with other builds. You make it sound like it totally sucks and should never see the light of day. It obviously doesn’t suck.
And Berserkers armor IS the best armor for dungeons. If you are not going glass cannon what’s the point of using your warrior in the first place? The only reason you would bring a warrior is for the absurd damage they can put out, anything else other classes can do much, much better.
You make it sound as if a warrior doesnt go glass cannon, he isnt doing any damage at all.
A warrior running Knight’s gear with Zerker jewelry does superior damage as well, along with having so much more survivability due to the added toughness.
But if you only run dungeons exclusively with a couple of good guardian/ eles who can provide great support, and you are great at dodging big attacks, then by all means run full Zerkers.
5 Signets in a dungeon can never be justified imo. Great for leveling/ exploring/ farming hearts. But in a dungeon yes it totally sucks and it should never see the light of day.
Lets agree to disagree.
4 signet FGJ is best for damage, not 5 sig.
Also, i run ultra tank spec, with healing shouts. Burst healing 5K, 30K HP. I can sit in AoE’s tanking damage while rezzing my weaker bro’s, i can rip defiance off the enemies and interrupt their big attacks, i get to watch giant enemies fall to the floor like pathetic sludge under the weight on my awesome hammer, i can do mob control like no one else, and i can handle a boss hitting me for longer then anyone else, meaning that if they are focusing me, i can keep damage off allies, while healing myself, allies and giving AoE condition cleanse.
Warrior are mint at burst damage, but thats not all they can do.
Guardians may be better sustained tanks, but Warriors are better controllers and ‘burst’ tanks, they can take more punishment in a short amount of time, and they have immense ‘burst’ healing and support.
Essentially, Warriors are amazing at doing things in short bursts.
Also, i occasionally use the rampage elite, kicking kittens around the room like nobodies business. I usually use banner for the rez though. But fights like AC lovers, its all about the rampage. All my stun moves + rampage together, i have like 10 stuns, 13 if i was not healing shout and went for physical moves instead.
Feels so dynamic, swinging my earthshaker into a water field for a quick AoE heal, shield charging through fire to contribute more DPS, constant weapon switching to get my stuns up as often as possible, smashing the target down for 2 seconds on stun, which is like 2 seconds of invincibility for the entire team basically.
it just take an elem support heal to keep a signet (with dolyak) warrior alive thru nearly everything. :p
But in pugs… yeah. Unless the warrior know what he’s doing can he make it viable.
I was grouped with a warrior who had obviously spent a crap ton of time playing to get his massive ‘tanking’ set all set up. The final boss of one of the paths of SE was bugged and people were dying as a result but at the time we didn’t know that so after two attempts he stated that we were all ‘dying too fast’.
I pointed out that in the previous attempt I had lived almost long enough for him to run back to the fight.
He immediately flew in to what a horrible player I was because I had some signets and did not yet have a full set of absolutely perfect (in his view) gear.
Dungeons can go awry for a lot of reasons and it’s merely a matter of perception. You, like the guy who got a stick up his rear, see what you want to see and find a scape goat for it.
There are bad players, there are not really any bad builds.
There are bad players, there are not really any bad builds.
There are bad builds actually. Such is the 5 signet in dungeons.It’s just not good enough, simple as that.I’ve made a topic about this some time ago and laid my arguments, but I’ll mention a few here.
What does 5 sig provide? 40 prec per unused signet means 160 precision(assuming you use your elite skill…). Now, this 160 precision isn’t party-wide, it’s only for you.
What does precision banner give? At 80, 90 precision and 10% crit damage party wide. Meaning, your party bonus ends up at 450 precision and 50% crit dmg from just 1 utility skill.
So, do you now see how just 1 utility skill is better than your whole build? Put 10 points in tactics for inspiring banners, and you’ll hardly have to move the banner during fights.
Edit : every player with half a brain and semi-decent team can complete all dungeons in explorable mode.
I can make it without any utility skills at all.Does that prove anything?No.It only shows that you can be carried, or that the dungeons are not so unforgiving as to require everyone to be at 120% effectiveness.
(edited by Ivanov.8914)
You are wrong Ivanov. Banner provides nothing. Look at your stats and then equip the skill. The stats won’t change at all I swear!
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
greatswords auto attack do more dmg than axe and if we put in 100b and whirlwind ur axe is invalid
And if you put X weapon in off-hand you get :
Mace – vuln stacks and an uber aoe knockdown.
Shield – 1 sec stun and 3 sec invulnerability.
Warhorn – snares removal with swiftness, and vigor for extra dodges.
Damage isn’t everything.Even more so when you’re dead.
Yes 5 signets is a bad build. 4 signet FGJ is where it is at!
That is the best damage spec you can use as a warrior, in terms of output damage.
Also, if you dropped that banner for me, my crit chance would go from 4% to what, 14% max? And my measly 1K crits would go to 1.1K crits.
Im really not that kittened by that banner, which while it is an improvement in stats for the user compered to signets, it doesnt have the same uptime and hampers mobility, while also wanting 10 points specced out of the glass cannon spec and into tactics. So for that we might lose 100 might, or 100 precision, to gain extra viability for a banner that gives +90 precision. Losing those points might make our rifle a lot worse if they come from arms.
You honestly have 4% crit dmg as glass cannon?…..
There is quite a lot of bias toward Beserker and Gs in this thread. Sadly, its the ones using it. I have cleared all dungeons, gone from Gs, to dual sword, to dual axe, sheild sword, sheild axe etc etc etc.
I have even tried signet built, just to see what the fuss was about. Then I ran a dungeon with a warrior is decent gear, he had axe/sheild, a lovely combo, all signets, he didnt go down every 5 seconds, nor did he offer the group anything but his damage.
I then tried shouts healing and banner builds, they werent worth the kittening either in damage or damage prevention. Beserker best gear for warriors? Delusional. I do more damage than any beserker gear warrior, due simply to one fact, I never go down with all my vitality/toughness. I dont need to rely on crit, axe does constant damage with fast auto attacks, couple it with 33% to apply vuln and sigil of fraility. Not to mention of course cyclone axe.
Then add in to the mix my Rune of the soldier set. 6 Set bonus, shouts remove conditions. Now pop shake it off, or FGJ, you are helping a group, tanking, interrupting, snaring, hitting high dps which is constant (as you dont need to back off or get downed) whilding adding vulns all around.
Beserker warriors, simply cant keep up, constantly have to avoid everything instead of soaking up some hits, popping frenzy, doing a few nice bursts, just untill the boss catches them with an aoe and they go down. I have no issue at all with a warrior going this route, I run dungeons with a serker all the time, but dont come here claiming “best gear for warrior” “bad warriors dont understand” when the issue is you dont understand other builds or better roles in dungeons than “LOL CHARGE IN HIT HIGH NUMBERS FOR A FEW SECONDS BEFORE I HAVE TO DODGE AND SIT BACK LOSSING DPS TIME” it will give new warriors a bad impression, when they should find their own path, decide what they think is their best input to a group, and then groups can drop them when they go glass canon.
I do more damage than any beserker gear warrior, due simply to one fact, I never go down with all my vitality/toughness. I dont need to rely on crit, axe does constant damage with fast auto attacks, couple it with 33% to apply vuln and sigil of fraility.
I don’t go down either with full Berserkers armor with Ruby Orbs, Ruby Jewelry with Exquisite Ruby Jewels and a Berserkers Greatsword with a Sigil of Fire. It’s this neat little thing called dodging.
I can keep up Fury permanently, giving me a 95% Critical chance. This goes over 100% when at Tier 2 or 3 of Adrenaline. Crits do 2,5x the damage of normal attacks. Crits have a 33% chance to apply Bleed and a 33% chance to apply Vuln. Crits apply might. Furthermore Crits have a 30% chance to apply an AoE fire blast every 5 seconds.
Please tell me again how you do more damage with a non-crit axe and vitality/toughness…. Honestly I would do more damage than you even if I equipped a bow and only used the 1st skill.
That said, using 5 signets is dumb. “For Great Justice” is better than Signet of Might and Signet of Fury is useless if you already have 100% crit chance, so might wanna swap that out for “On my Mark” against bosses and Stomp vs normal foes. Or Endure Pain if you’re a coward.
First of all, I don’t know why people would run 5 signet builds in any circumstance when FGJ gives more damage. And it buffs your party too.
I admit I run around with 4 signets when I solo, but in team scenarios I start grabbing banners.
First of all, I don’t know why people would run 5 signet builds in any circumstance when FGJ gives more damage. And it buffs your party too.
Probably because they’ve been running with 5 signets since level 30, when the +40 precision major trait is overpowered.
Dudes, you guys are hatin’ on the wrong thing here. It’s the player’s fault that he keeps dying. If anything, the signet build increases your survivability due to dolyak (reduced incoming damage) and stamina (more dodges and condition purging).
Although I agree that it is a more solo-oriented build and that there are other great utilities like FGJ and On My Mark to use in dungeons, the signet build is perfectly good and viable.
Your complaint about ppl using this build is like complaining about other classes using other utilities that you may think is useless. It’s ignorant and elitist.
Signet builds are unfortunatly quite subpar when you reach 80.
You can still do your job, but you’d be better off with more options.
“Please tell me again how you do more damage with a non-crit axe and vitality/toughness….”
Ok first off, I do have crit, with traits, up to 50%. More with SoR or FGJ, all this with 1700 toughness, 26k health. I will conceed on mobs with lower health pools, I will lose out to GS serker burst, but more sustained levels of health? I refer you to the weapon guide in the sticky section.
On axes:
“Axe: The role of the axe is damage/area of effect and has the highest sustained damage available to the warrior.”
On greatsword:
" Greatsword has surprisingly low sustained damage with its chain attack but makes up for it with might stacks and vulnerabilities to set up the real reason for this weapon the deadly hundred blades."
Made up for with vulnerabilities, which I stack easily with cyclone axe, 33% to add, and sigil of fraility. Burst is burst, you put down high damage over short time, then in between, not much, I hit for 2k constantly, then at full adrenaline, hit evicserate.
Another part of this is my gear containing a lot of power, and axe feeds off power very well. Although I do crit a lot, I dont rely on it, and I constantly put in a high amount of damage even when not criting. All this, and not to mention a high survive rate. Earlier I cleared all 3 paths of coe with a group, some of which, even a guardian were talking about repairs at the end, of which I had none.
I do also feel that people can spec as they wish, I have no issues with greatsword warriors, maybe signet ones could hold a few more group friendly utilities, but otherwise, I am a firm beleiver in play as you wish. I run dungeons with a serker gs warrior all the time, he isnt down as much as I thought he would be, but often none the less.
Fact is, a lot of groups will be looking to a warrior in their last group slot a tank type character, when they see those 5 signets, you better be surviving or they will get kicking. If you offer a group for great justice, shake it off, a banner, on my mark or anything! While doing your damage, no one will complain.
As a warrior myself,i run my first dungeons with a signet build…
In some runs i was fine in some others i was not.
Yet i decide to change my skill setup a little and only left 2 signets (signet of rage and stamina ) and i replace the other signets with “For Great Justice” and “Shake It Off”.
I found out that it was better for me to add more dmg output to me and my team and more survivability while removing conditions.
Guild Wars 2 is a game based on team play.
The signet build is more of a selfish build imo and not so valid as other builds.
I dont say that you always suck with this build.Some players will still be good while using a signet build.
But why not to add more survival/damage/utility elements to your team AND you,instead of only you?I think everybody like when you have numerous boons on you and many other tricks from other classes.
So why “you” as a warrior not helping your team with boons and utilities and just twink yourself with passive self-only buffs?
@ Ivanov Im a control/heal shouts guy. My comment was that the damage buff from the banner was basically wasted on me, because my damage output is low, as a trade off for immense survivability and support. So in my case, buffing your own damage > buffing me.
My crit chance is actually higher, because of fury from FGJ and if im feeling cheeky, signet of rage, which gives me a healthy uptime of fury. But if im running banner for the rez or rampage for the mob control, my fury uptime is not as glamorous.
I dunno why people use that many signets…
I Use Mending (does more healinga nd cures conditions)
For greater justice… great on demand burst buffer for EVERYONE
Shake it off… honestly I dunno how a Warrior can play without it.. Notonly removes it conditons for everyone you can cancel knockdowns, stuns etc and dodge hits you might havent if you have still laid there.
Endure pain/ Dolyak Signet / On my mark base off which damage to expect. Mild damage I use signet, no damage on my mark. In most cases I use Endure pain to activate while CCed or in bad situations OR ithin Vengeance.
Signet of Rage simply for the adrenalin reggen. my built is based on adrenalin reggen.
whats funny is…
I run 5 sig build and I’m
1. consistently the highest damage and
2. the last to die (if at all) and
3. almost always the person who contributes the most in all dungeons and fights within said dungeons
It is a very viable build if you’re not dumb as a brick…
and with the way this game works if you’re dumb as a brick…
why are u here?
The thing is, you could have run different utilities, done a little less damage yourself, but increased group damage and/or survivability to a greater degree. Just from utilities.
It’s great that you mention last to die, because that indicates that you know at least how to dodge, but what about keeping the others alive (which according to you have died)? The tiny increase 1 signet gives will not outweigh the damage a not dead party member will bring because you stomped and saved his kitten or you cleared that nasty burn with shake it off…
The signets are viable, just not optimal (for group play).
(edited by Nergrom.7592)
“Please tell me again how you do more damage with a non-crit axe and vitality/toughness….”
Ok first off, I do have crit, with traits, up to 50%. More with SoR or FGJ, all this with 1700 toughness, 26k health. I will conceed on mobs with lower health pools, I will lose out to GS serker burst, but more sustained levels of health? I refer you to the weapon guide in the sticky section.
On axes:
“Axe: The role of the axe is damage/area of effect and has the highest sustained damage available to the warrior.”On greatsword:
" Greatsword has surprisingly low sustained damage with its chain attack but makes up for it with might stacks and vulnerabilities to set up the real reason for this weapon the deadly hundred blades."Made up for with vulnerabilities, which I stack easily with cyclone axe, 33% to add, and sigil of fraility. Burst is burst, you put down high damage over short time, then in between, not much, I hit for 2k constantly, then at full adrenaline, hit evicserate.
Another part of this is my gear containing a lot of power, and axe feeds off power very well. Although I do crit a lot, I dont rely on it, and I constantly put in a high amount of damage even when not criting. All this, and not to mention a high survive rate. Earlier I cleared all 3 paths of coe with a group, some of which, even a guardian were talking about repairs at the end, of which I had none.
I do also feel that people can spec as they wish, I have no issues with greatsword warriors, maybe signet ones could hold a few more group friendly utilities, but otherwise, I am a firm beleiver in play as you wish. I run dungeons with a serker gs warrior all the time, he isnt down as much as I thought he would be, but often none the less.
Fact is, a lot of groups will be looking to a warrior in their last group slot a tank type character, when they see those 5 signets, you better be surviving or they will get kicking. If you offer a group for great justice, shake it off, a banner, on my mark or anything! While doing your damage, no one will complain.
You admit that you only do 2k damage with an 8k eviscerate crit every 10 seconds, and then you have the audacity to claim you are dealing more damage than someone specced for damage?
Wake up man…
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
There are bad players, there are not really any bad builds.
There are bad builds actually. Such is the 5 signet in dungeons.It’s just not good enough, simple as that.I’ve made a topic about this some time ago and laid my arguments, but I’ll mention a few here.
What does 5 sig provide? 40 prec per unused signet means 160 precision(assuming you use your elite skill…). Now, this 160 precision isn’t party-wide, it’s only for you.
What does precision banner give? At 80, 90 precision and 10% crit damage party wide. Meaning, your party bonus ends up at 450 precision and 50% crit dmg from just 1 utility skill.
So, do you now see how just 1 utility skill is better than your whole build? Put 10 points in tactics for inspiring banners, and you’ll hardly have to move the banner during fights.
Edit : every player with half a brain and semi-decent team can complete all dungeons in explorable mode.
I can make it without any utility skills at all.Does that prove anything?No.It only shows that you can be carried, or that the dungeons are not so unforgiving as to require everyone to be at 120% effectiveness.
Missing the point entirely. The OP is complaining about random people using “bad” builds in pug groups.
The solution to that problem isn’t to complain about people using builds they deem ineffective in pug groups on the forums. The solution is to not pug.
The thing is, you could have run different utilities, done a little less damage yourself, but increased group damage and/or survivability to a greater degree. Just from utilities.
It’s great that you mention last to die, because that indicates that you know at least how to dodge, but what about keeping the others alive (which according to you have died)? The tiny increase 1 signet gives will not outweigh the damage a not dead party member will bring because you stomped and saved his kitten or you cleared that nasty burn with shake it off…
The signets are viable, just not optimal (for group play).
you’re right, but the thing is I do enough damage that typically i find myself being the priority target so I’m a distraction, on top of that, I cripple them, knockdown on weapon swap and generally cause the mobs to be so low that if they are downed they can usually be revived within a few seconds either by killing something themselves or having something killed by me, unless we’re in a boss fight, but in that case knockdowns don’t work and burning removal isn’t gonna help much more than me just running over there and healing him (if downed) or creating enough space for someone else to obviously the situation is going to dictate my actions.
(edited by RaGe.9834)
For Grape Justice!/Remember to Shake it Off! > 5 Sigs
Nuff said. lol
[Because +90 pres sig is better than 8 sec fury and 25 sec +105 power/cnd for you and those around you… haha]
Can I just point out what a lot of people seem to be missing here, dungeons are TEAM content, so whatever build you have is useless unless it fits in with the team and the dungeon, I prefer the healing shouts/soldier runes/hammer build because i love the control and protection and support it gives the team, which is great in certain dungeons and especially (common one this) when people struggle to remove enough conditions. Damage isn’t great but thats not the point.
If you have a crit build that provides enough survivability then fair enough but please remember the rest of your team, frankly the people defending signet build have used the word ‘I’ way too much, fantastic if you can keep up constant fury etc but I value being able to help my team more, If your team already has enough utility to cover you then go for it. Either way its about what the Team needs, not you.
They are simply Different builds with Diffferent purposes, not better ones.
(also to those who say haha my signet build lasted longer than the other warrior, you are missing the point, my cond. removal/control build means we both stay alive)