How do you guys feel about Revenants?

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Before I say anything, I’ll say that my Warrior is #1 in my heart with my Druid being a very close second. Only two classes I enjoy and have played since beta. Now, Since I just got HOT this month, I’ve been playing Revenant in pvp a bit.

I have to say, this is some bullkitten. After about a week of toying with builds, even non metabattle builds, it’s become quite apparent how screwed over we got. Same with thief. This Warrior/Thief hybrid is a slap in the face to me honestly. I know I make a lot of posts, but it’s because I love this game, and would love it to thrive, but too much emphasis has been placed on e-sports.

Just looking over everything a Rev can get access to, here are some highlights:

>Crits cause Torment
>Incoming conditions heal you
>50% chance to remove boon on hit
>50% to chill on critical hit
>3% dmg per condition on you (Something similar would have been great on Warr, gain rage/damage, get more powerful the more damage you take)
>25% chance to apply on condis on you back to your foe
>>25% endurance regen
>Increased boon duration
>Tons of access to protection, fury, swiftness, regen, retal, quickness
>50% chance when struck to get endurance
>Stability on kittening dodge, you can even gain an extra stack from EB
>Chance on hit to apply vuln/weakness
>Tons of damage reduction from ranged/below threshold traits
>Chance when struck to either kittening heal yourself or take 50% less condi damage (GG ANET GG)
>Blind on hit
>Dodging removes a condition
>7% extra dmg under the effects of your perma fury
>Heal yourself on skill use/invoking a legend, basically when doing a basic wep swap (derp)
>Break stuns on wep/legend swap
>25% chance to cause vuln on attacks( such high vuln stacking with facets)
>Another 7% dmg against ppl with vuln
>Siphon life from foes with vuln
>Siphon health from foes when attacking from side/back
>20% damage to targets below threshold (why does Warrior not have this)

Just dumb all around imo. Makes me sad for the future, if this patch doesn’t help us, I’m out for awhile. It’s sad that we get denied simple access to something like more stability/protection, which would help tons, but a class like Rev gets to assume a Warrior role and has constant access to these boons and serious damage modifiers.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

(edited by Furajir.3815)

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I haven’t played a Rev, but I’ve fought a bunch of them and it’s apparent that the number of tools in their toolkit far exceeds the warrior. Their options for defense, offense, and sometimes both are extensive, and its fairly easy for players to crutch on a few key skills.

That said, from what I can tell they don’t handle conditions that well. I watched a decent (not great) rev player who held his own against my power warrior just get melted by a condi scrapper over and over again. In fairness, he was still learning how to deal with condis, but I’ve heard from others that it’s a weakness for rev.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Yeah, I’ve been trying a condi Rev, taking conditions actually is beneficial, so that’s been fun. But power, yeah, has little to no condi mitigation.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

The class as a whole contains many unnecessary tools. To the point where blatant misplays can be covered by the classes abilities.

Too many times I have loss to bad revenants just because the class is stronger.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fade to Black.7042

Fade to Black.7042

I main Warrior and rev, the only two classes i play and rev have it far easier in pvp than warrior =/

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Before I say anything, I’ll say that my Warrior is #1 in my heart with my Druid being a very close second. Only two classes I enjoy and have played since beta. Now, Since I just got HOT this month, I’ve been playing Revenant in pvp a bit.

I have to say, this is some bullkitten. After about a week of toying with builds, even non metabattle builds, it’s become quite apparent how screwed over we got. Same with thief. This Warrior/Thief hybrid is a slap in the face to me honestly. I know I make a lot of posts, but it’s because I love this game, and would love it to thrive, but too much emphasis has been placed on e-sports.

Just looking over everything a Rev can get access to, here are some highlights:

>Crits cause Torment
>Incoming conditions heal you
>50% chance to remove boon on hit
>50% to chill on critical hit
>3% dmg per condition on you (Something similar would have been great on Warr, gain rage/damage, get more powerful the more damage you take)
>25% chance to apply on condis on you back to your foe
>>25% endurance regen
>Increased boon duration
>Tons of access to protection, fury, swiftness, regen, retal, quickness
>50% chance when struck to get endurance
>Stability on kittening dodge, you can even gain an extra stack from EB
>Chance on hit to apply vuln/weakness
>Tons of damage reduction from ranged/below threshold traits
>Chance when struck to either kittening heal yourself or take 50% less condi damage (GG ANET GG)
>Blind on hit
>Dodging removes a condition
>7% extra dmg under the effects of your perma fury
>Heal yourself on skill use/invoking a legend, basically when doing a basic wep swap (derp)
>Break stuns on wep/legend swap
>25% chance to cause vuln on attacks( such high vuln stacking with facets)
>Another 7% dmg against ppl with vuln
>Siphon life from foes with vuln
>Siphon health from foes when attacking from side/back
>20% damage to targets below threshold (why does Warrior not have this)

Just dumb all around imo. Makes me sad for the future, if this patch doesn’t help us, I’m out for awhile. It’s sad that we get denied simple access to something like more stability/protection, which would help tons, but a class like Rev gets to assume a Warrior role and has constant access to these boons and serious damage modifiers.

hey, i would like to personally thank you for what u’ve said.
im contantly getting ban for expressing my self like u have but hopefully u dont run the same fate.
you just exposed how pathetic and irrelevant warriors traits (core) are against rev’s in this case but the truth is that we are kitten vs most of the clases.
we are forced to use shield/mace to survive and i find that verry disrespecfull.

just how weak the longbow… or the off hand mace, or the off hand axe, or the off hand sword… the only positive thing about the torch is that skill 5 removes 2 condis, any other than that is kitten.

thank you for ur time and consideration warriors kitten for life.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I’m guessing we’re talking PvP here, but it’s not just Revenant that makes Berserker irrelevant – it’s Scrapper too. Current meta Scrapper is basically Hambow but with so many more ways to survive and completely negate damage. Anet has to nerf both Herald and Scrapper if Berserker is ever to be relevant.


How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371



  • Overpowered
  • Steals warrior’s roll (Front Line Damage)
  • Steals Necromancer’s roll (Conditions)
  • Steals Thieves roll (Burst Damage)
  • Steals Guardians roll (Front Line Support)
  • Does all of these things almost as good as these other classes (but not quite as well) and int he case of warriors does it better.
  • Because of this the revenant makes the warrior obsolete because the warrior used to be the class that could do anything. (Warriors used to be able to do any roll but not quite as well as other classes could perform their main roll. The only exception was support but we made up for it by being able to do both support and damage at same time.)
  • All of these things were stolen by the Revenant.

(edited by emkelly.2371)

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: XerMeLL.6042


Hi, I would like to share some thoughts. What you have stated is so true. But, until now, i really love my Berserker over Rev. I only played this game last November-January and I quit when i tried to learn pvp with my Berserker. We can hit a lot actually, i tried Power build, damaged is superb, but other chars will just blocked blocked blocked missed missed missed it. I tried Condi, burns, bleed, torments all good, but some chars just have a lot of condi removal. Until I realized i can only kill those golems during practice but i cant kill in real pvp. What made me quit is that people during those times afk when they have a warrior teammate. I didn’t reroll to other class, until i get bored and tried Revenant, im happy with him now but im still waiting they rework Berserker and ill go play him again.

This is the last MMORPG ill play.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


I went back to the game today and tried to PVP. We were winning half way through the match then this guy just team chats “Oh we have a Warrior. GG/AFK” and we lost 500 to 480. He was AFK for half the fight. I was so kittened but I just very calmly exited match, turned off game, turned off computer, pushed away from the desk, stood up, walked outside, smoked a cigarette, and keyed my neighbor’s car. (he has a Revenent Bumper sticker. )

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekt.5360


keyed my neighbor’s car. (he has a Revenent Bumper sticker. )

LOL 1v1 irl???? PWN HIM! Remember to stick close to walls so his UA hopefully bugs out, and make sure you have good air circulation so you can blow the mists away.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gaberen.4325


The trait increases the critical chance given by fury from 20% to 40%. Its a 100% inncrease.
Other than that I agree

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


The trait increases the critical chance given by fury from 20% to 40%. Its a 100% inncrease.
Other than that I agree

Correct, but, no Rev has less than 50% crit.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


To be fair a rev cannot have all of the mentioned traits vat one right?

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

The trait increases the critical chance given by fury from 20% to 40%. Its a 100% inncrease.
Other than that I agree

Correct, but, no Rev has less than 50% crit.

In theory you could though is the point I guess.
War has a similar trait but only for sword in arms.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


CoR hits 2x harder than evicerate and is ranged with a lower cool down.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


To be fair a rev cannot have all of the mentioned traits vat one right?

^ This

Its nice the OP wrote it all down but a rev cant have access to everything listed at the same time

However i will say Warrior sux b$lls in pvp know. Its outclassed by everything else. I can say this since i mained Warrior in PvP before HoT. Since HoT i havent even bothered. It doesnt take a genius to know that every player would do much better on any other class than he would on Warrior.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Henry.5713


Almost as if they took many great ideas they had for other classes and gave them to revenants. Why else would they feel like a combination of a warrior, guardian and thief. Some of their abilities feel like an upgrade to existing stuff other classes have access to.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


That actually makes sense that they have 5 class mechanics that can be swapped. Each one was meant for a different profession.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

So I’m the only one who really has no issue against revs? Honestly Scrappers are the only ones I worry about when I see them in the roster, but even then, not many can use Scrappers to their fullest.

Yes revs have a lot of gimmicks, but learn to tell when they use em, and learn to counter play em.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


I don’t really have an issue with Revs per say, question was more along the lines about how the Warrior community felt about this hybrid. Rev’s are honestly incredibly predictable.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

Ah k, just misread your meaning then:) Yea, while their overall kit does sound op based on numbers/paper, but in practice, I find them very underwhelming and easy to counter for the most part.
I got very bored of rev when I tried it out, really didn’t like the inability to change your whole utility set based on what you want, instead having to focus on picking the legend with the abilities you need.

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Ah k, just misread your meaning then:) Yea, while their overall kit does sound op based on numbers/paper, but in practice, I find them very underwhelming and easy to counter for the most part.
I got very bored of rev when I tried it out, really didn’t like the inability to change your whole utility set based on what you want, instead having to focus on picking the legend with the abilities you need.

Same. No flavor. Like eating boiled chicken for the rest of your life.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

For those who have no trouble against revenants, PM me in game. We need to talk because I need to get better at that matchup.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How do you guys feel about Revenants?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krittz.6013


Agreed with above. Might sustain was something Warriors could bring to a party. With Revs being an aura of Might, Warriors lose a huge roll in PvP and PvE. Being that Revs has access to on-demand unblockable attacks and tons of survival, that should be enough to take down someone without might.

Last night, these Hotjoin Hero Revs were stacking on the same team, but me and a few others keep at it and tried to go vs them. Finally, I gave up and switched to play Rev and I NEVER play Rev. Warrior is my class and will always be.

Anyways, I played S/S Staff and only understand about half of the class mechanics and me switching to Rev made a HUGE difference for my team. That’s mostly button mashing and hoping for the spike landings. Since they all played Shield revs, I just waited for their Shield 5 and went unblockable. GG.

Shiro Sword AA > finishing off people… wut?

With that said, Rev is boring and I hate playing it and it sucks that people can get kitteny for being carried by a class rather than actual skill. Next looking at – most – Necros and Engis using the meta builds.

PS: Revs shouldn’t grant party swiftness either.