I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


no, I think it’s actually 5 seconds with rune of the mesmer..

Nope, they don’t stack

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


no, I think it’s actually 5 seconds with rune of the mesmer..

Nope, they don’t stack

Oh ok, good to know!


I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Actually, i think they do but stun duration gets rounded up to the next second and (an example, don’t know actual values now) 3.5s or 3.75s makes no difference in this case.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


Ok, i’ve tested in in sPvP, Mesmer runes doesn’t affect stuns at all.


I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


try out the noob skull cracker build and you get 4sec (5sec if you get rune)

Made my day. Also please take a note who crying about this gimmick “op” build

Ya hear that another sigil of para makes it last 6sec, also theres a special etin soup that gives another 4sec stun? 10sec stun on 7.5 cd!

man that’s false:
base stun duration = 3sec + 30% = 4 sec stun… math isn’t an opinion

ps: warriors need only that… a 10sec stun duration every 7.5sec then they can run around like kitten and perma block a char simply pressing a button… you are mad man…

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bailey.6892


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

I think you have the wrong forum this is the warrior forum not the thief forum. Said as a lvl 80 thief.

Don’t lie.

No, honestly this is the warrior forum.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Krikr.2094


It is true that the thief should win 1v1 vs every other class though, cuz we’re the dueling/roaming profession. And we’re pretty bad in everything else so it’s fair, don’t you think?

No. No I do not think.

Thief is the STEALTH and STEALING class. A lot of people have come up with ways to turn those mechanics to their favor when it comes to roaming. These tactics have worked out well so far.

You are not, nor ever will you be, ENTITLED to just WIN 1v1.

This idea you have that thieves should just be the best 1v1 class because you deserve it, is disgusting.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Amir.1570


Lets be real. Warrior is still not as cheesy as other classes, borderline not as easy. They are strong if you understand the “advanced techs” but they are still way too balanced compared to 5 other classes with broken mechanics.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’ve never heard someone describe the Warrior as having a “high” skill cap. One of the bigger complaints I’ve found is just how low the skill cap is, because it means you can’t use many clever tricks and strategies available to many classes to overcome enemies. The simplicity of the class limits its potential.
Also, Warrior damage is nuts; both burst and sustained. The problem is in actually landing it.
Hence a large part of the performance discrepancy between PvE and PvP; NPCs will just clump into nice balls and stand inside your Hundred Blades/Whirling Axe/Whatever. Players won’t.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Setun.4368


I’ve never heard someone describe the Warrior as having a “high” skill cap. One of the bigger complaints I’ve found is just how low the skill cap is, because it means you can’t use many clever tricks and strategies available to many classes to overcome enemies. The simplicity of the class limits its potential.
Also, Warrior damage is nuts; both burst and sustained. The problem is in actually landing it.
Hence a large part of the performance discrepancy between PvE and PvP; NPCs will just clump into nice balls and stand inside your Hundred Blades/Whirling Axe/Whatever. Players won’t.

I’ve always seen warriors as a low skill cap start, high end cap class. So low enough that anyone can get what the class does and do well in it, but high enough that with enough playtime you can use what would normally be weaknesses of the class into strengths (i.e. juking an opponent by winding up a long cast time move then canceling it for a move you actually want to land.)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Almost no thief uses that trap anyways…at least not in WvW.

I agree with most of what you said, but shadow trap in WvW is just Great :o

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


At this moment, an Apothecary/Settler warrior with S/S and LB is much scarier than the ones chaining stun. The Healing Signet required a chance, but a full healing power build makes the passive regeneration insane, not to mention boosting other sources of healing (e.g. shout and/or regeneration boon). That, combined with a high toughness, condition damage and plenty of condition cleansing, makes for a very unpleasant enemy that has way too much healing over time with a good amount of bleed, burning, torment and way too much immobilization.

Engineers are far scarier with their knock downs decent damage conditions and those kitten turrets. they out heal any regen warrior easily and got enough cc and condition cleansing to bunker a point for as long as they please.

Necros got far more insane conditions and very high sustain via their truck loads of additional life bars, hell even minions have become a good choice it seems.

Healing signet dual dagger thief with condition bunker build is scarier than a dual sword warrior so the warrior just stands along a lot of other builds that technically do the same.

As for mace build goes I still don’t see the big deal about it, fought some better geared warriors with this build using my regular axe shield Lb build and simply by kiting and stun breaking my way around I got pretty easy victories over em.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


If anyone here plays guilty gears, Warriors are the Sol Badguy of GW2 now.

anyway, Warriors have gotten better and better every patch, but other classes have gotten nerfed hard. Rangers and Guardians have no reason to complain, they are also on the side of smiles. Mesmers are becoming COMPLETELY worthless in both WVW and PVP. I see this Daec fellow (Sorry forgot your entire name) bashing thieves and such and saying we/they need to learn how to play. Let me explain something to you.

Thief class has been nerfed extremely bad. We have exactly two ways to play. Dagger/Pistol with constant stealth and back stabs, or sword/dagger with evades and much less damage. Warriors regen so much now that we cant use our pistol or shortbow against you, its literally a waste of time if we go the sword/dagger build. So now we go back to dagger/pistol which is effective against most every class, but now we all have to run it and a lot of us dont want too. Stealth isnt as amazing as you think it is. We get maybe 3 seconds of stealth unless we use shadow refuge, and using a Dagger/Pistol build we have low hp and low armor. Using Shadow Refuge we’re trapped for about 3 seconds in a circle and we almost always get hit, and a lot of the times die in their and you dont even know it. Any Hammer or Stunlock warrior with patience can completely own us. How do we beat a warrior? With sword/pistol and constant blinds. Thats our real way out, but it sucks against almost every other class so walking around with it is a kitten . You can say whatever you want it doesnt really matter because you seem to know better than everyone else, but before coming at thieves go play one vs a decent warrior now and see how horrible it is. Better yet, pick up Mesmer and fight a warrior. Its a good laugh

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


If anyone here plays guilty gears, Warriors are the Sol Badguy of GW2 now.

anyway, Warriors have gotten better and better every patch, but other classes have gotten nerfed hard. Rangers and Guardians have no reason to complain, they are also on the side of smiles. Mesmers are becoming COMPLETELY worthless in both WVW and PVP. I see this Daec fellow (Sorry forgot your entire name) bashing thieves and such and saying we/they need to learn how to play. Let me explain something to you.

Thief class has been nerfed extremely bad. We have exactly two ways to play. Dagger/Pistol with constant stealth and back stabs, or sword/dagger with evades and much less damage. Warriors regen so much now that we cant use our pistol or shortbow against you, its literally a waste of time if we go the sword/dagger build. So now we go back to dagger/pistol which is effective against most every class, but now we all have to run it and a lot of us dont want too. Stealth isnt as amazing as you think it is. We get maybe 3 seconds of stealth unless we use shadow refuge, and using a Dagger/Pistol build we have low hp and low armor. Using Shadow Refuge we’re trapped for about 3 seconds in a circle and we almost always get hit, and a lot of the times die in their and you dont even know it. Any Hammer or Stunlock warrior with patience can completely own us. How do we beat a warrior? With sword/pistol and constant blinds. Thats our real way out, but it sucks against almost every other class so walking around with it is a kitten . You can say whatever you want it doesnt really matter because you seem to know better than everyone else, but before coming at thieves go play one vs a decent warrior now and see how horrible it is. Better yet, pick up Mesmer and fight a warrior. Its a good laugh

what makes you think that warrior have not getting nerf. if you ask me, healings are not buff, but fix, because you should totally use your low damage shortbow and kill them easily right? and our damage have being directly and indrectily nerfed by alot.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


If anyone here plays guilty gears, Warriors are the Sol Badguy of GW2 now.

anyway, Warriors have gotten better and better every patch, but other classes have gotten nerfed hard. Rangers and Guardians have no reason to complain, they are also on the side of smiles. Mesmers are becoming COMPLETELY worthless in both WVW and PVP. I see this Daec fellow (Sorry forgot your entire name) bashing thieves and such and saying we/they need to learn how to play. Let me explain something to you.

Thief class has been nerfed extremely bad. We have exactly two ways to play. Dagger/Pistol with constant stealth and back stabs, or sword/dagger with evades and much less damage. Warriors regen so much now that we cant use our pistol or shortbow against you, its literally a waste of time if we go the sword/dagger build. So now we go back to dagger/pistol which is effective against most every class, but now we all have to run it and a lot of us dont want too. Stealth isnt as amazing as you think it is. We get maybe 3 seconds of stealth unless we use shadow refuge, and using a Dagger/Pistol build we have low hp and low armor. Using Shadow Refuge we’re trapped for about 3 seconds in a circle and we almost always get hit, and a lot of the times die in their and you dont even know it. Any Hammer or Stunlock warrior with patience can completely own us. How do we beat a warrior? With sword/pistol and constant blinds. Thats our real way out, but it sucks against almost every other class so walking around with it is a kitten . You can say whatever you want it doesnt really matter because you seem to know better than everyone else, but before coming at thieves go play one vs a decent warrior now and see how horrible it is. Better yet, pick up Mesmer and fight a warrior. Its a good laugh

You REALLY need to L2P… you sound like you got too used to Back stabbing your way to the top…

Thiefs got nerfed constantly cause they were unstoppable killing machines, none of their weapons compared to d/d and short bow for mobility. In fact nothing in the game compared to that kitten. Oh well Pistol whip did for a while but it got quickly nerfed, in case you weren’t around when that happened, thiefs could shadow step behind you/ quicken > spam pistol whip and stack like 4 into the same animation then stomp you before you could even press a key. That was Op. Then came the back stabs for 17+k that was op. Mesmers being technically immortal and destroying every class via confusion + other conditions was op.

Warriors are both hard and simple all at once, we don’t have any advanced tricks, this is the very reason why playing a warrior is so hard, even landing a shield bash is a feat of might. Sure warriors can hit hard, sure we can sustain decently but is nothing any other class can’t do. Rangers long bow got buff along their pets now they are fun as hell to play and fight against, necros became abominations and every other class was somewhere around these levels so the only thing preventing you from winning fights is yourself.

So L2P before you force Anet into kitten nerfing mode to please the bad players who want to pvp only when a face roll class is available.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


If anyone here plays guilty gears, Warriors are the Sol Badguy of GW2 now.

anyway, Warriors have gotten better and better every patch, but other classes have gotten nerfed hard. Rangers and Guardians have no reason to complain, they are also on the side of smiles. Mesmers are becoming COMPLETELY worthless in both WVW and PVP. I see this Daec fellow (Sorry forgot your entire name) bashing thieves and such and saying we/they need to learn how to play. Let me explain something to you.

Thief class has been nerfed extremely bad. We have exactly two ways to play. Dagger/Pistol with constant stealth and back stabs, or sword/dagger with evades and much less damage. Warriors regen so much now that we cant use our pistol or shortbow against you, its literally a waste of time if we go the sword/dagger build. So now we go back to dagger/pistol which is effective against most every class, but now we all have to run it and a lot of us dont want too. Stealth isnt as amazing as you think it is. We get maybe 3 seconds of stealth unless we use shadow refuge, and using a Dagger/Pistol build we have low hp and low armor. Using Shadow Refuge we’re trapped for about 3 seconds in a circle and we almost always get hit, and a lot of the times die in their and you dont even know it. Any Hammer or Stunlock warrior with patience can completely own us. How do we beat a warrior? With sword/pistol and constant blinds. Thats our real way out, but it sucks against almost every other class so walking around with it is a kitten . You can say whatever you want it doesnt really matter because you seem to know better than everyone else, but before coming at thieves go play one vs a decent warrior now and see how horrible it is. Better yet, pick up Mesmer and fight a warrior. Its a good laugh

You REALLY need to L2P… you sound like you got too used to Back stabbing your way to the top…

Thiefs got nerfed constantly cause they were unstoppable killing machines, none of their weapons compared to d/d and short bow for mobility. In fact nothing in the game compared to that kitten. Oh well Pistol whip did for a while but it got quickly nerfed, in case you weren’t around when that happened, thiefs could shadow step behind you/ quicken > spam pistol whip and stack like 4 into the same animation then stomp you before you could even press a key. That was Op. Then came the back stabs for 17+k that was op. Mesmers being technically immortal and destroying every class via confusion + other conditions was op.

Warriors are both hard and simple all at once, we don’t have any advanced tricks, this is the very reason why playing a warrior is so hard, even landing a shield bash is a feat of might. Sure warriors can hit hard, sure we can sustain decently but is nothing any other class can’t do. Rangers long bow got buff along their pets now they are fun as hell to play and fight against, necros became abominations and every other class was somewhere around these levels so the only thing preventing you from winning fights is yourself.

So L2P before you force Anet into kitten nerfing mode to please the bad players who want to pvp only when a face roll class is available.

They still can do the OP backstabs.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


If anyone here plays guilty gears, Warriors are the Sol Badguy of GW2 now.

anyway, Warriors have gotten better and better every patch, but other classes have gotten nerfed hard. Rangers and Guardians have no reason to complain, they are also on the side of smiles. Mesmers are becoming COMPLETELY worthless in both WVW and PVP. I see this Daec fellow (Sorry forgot your entire name) bashing thieves and such and saying we/they need to learn how to play. Let me explain something to you.

Thief class has been nerfed extremely bad. We have exactly two ways to play. Dagger/Pistol with constant stealth and back stabs, or sword/dagger with evades and much less damage. Warriors regen so much now that we cant use our pistol or shortbow against you, its literally a waste of time if we go the sword/dagger build. So now we go back to dagger/pistol which is effective against most every class, but now we all have to run it and a lot of us dont want too. Stealth isnt as amazing as you think it is. We get maybe 3 seconds of stealth unless we use shadow refuge, and using a Dagger/Pistol build we have low hp and low armor. Using Shadow Refuge we’re trapped for about 3 seconds in a circle and we almost always get hit, and a lot of the times die in their and you dont even know it. Any Hammer or Stunlock warrior with patience can completely own us. How do we beat a warrior? With sword/pistol and constant blinds. Thats our real way out, but it sucks against almost every other class so walking around with it is a kitten . You can say whatever you want it doesnt really matter because you seem to know better than everyone else, but before coming at thieves go play one vs a decent warrior now and see how horrible it is. Better yet, pick up Mesmer and fight a warrior. Its a good laugh

You REALLY need to L2P… you sound like you got too used to Back stabbing your way to the top…

Thiefs got nerfed constantly cause they were unstoppable killing machines, none of their weapons compared to d/d and short bow for mobility. In fact nothing in the game compared to that kitten. Oh well Pistol whip did for a while but it got quickly nerfed, in case you weren’t around when that happened, thiefs could shadow step behind you/ quicken > spam pistol whip and stack like 4 into the same animation then stomp you before you could even press a key. That was Op. Then came the back stabs for 17+k that was op. Mesmers being technically immortal and destroying every class via confusion + other conditions was op.

Warriors are both hard and simple all at once, we don’t have any advanced tricks, this is the very reason why playing a warrior is so hard, even landing a shield bash is a feat of might. Sure warriors can hit hard, sure we can sustain decently but is nothing any other class can’t do. Rangers long bow got buff along their pets now they are fun as hell to play and fight against, necros became abominations and every other class was somewhere around these levels so the only thing preventing you from winning fights is yourself.

So L2P before you force Anet into kitten nerfing mode to please the bad players who want to pvp only when a face roll class is available.

ive been playing since launch, and no. just no. Pistol whip did need that nerf, but we’ve lost pistol whip and dancing dagger. our 3 and 4 on weapon sets are completely worthless. and as for our mobility, what the truck are you talking about? Eles have always had more mobility than Thieves until, well, now. Btw the Ranger longbow buff isnt a buff at all it absolutely sucks. It doesnt fit what the longbow does at all so I have no idea what youre talking about. Further, Ive never liked d/d and used p/d and s/anything. Almost nothing is viable now besides d/p.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


For the record, I am all for nerfs. I didnt mind the thief nerfs, because we are still a great class. However, the WAY we were nerfed has simply removed weapon sets from us all together

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jace.5913


I am writing here just because I read what you though about warrior. Here is my opinion and not much but i have more than 1100hours with warrior. In WvW totally good and fun character. Good for roaming with zergs. Has really high fast output dmg. But, here comes the other side which makes the warrior sux.
They have the higher HP pool exchange lack of defensive buffs like regen + protection. These are very important in fights and a higher dps warrior wont use to stack these up for himself. This is the problem while the guardian has the defensive skill + armor + meditation heal in pvp with really good dps and they can survive the focus if they can play in battles. Thats the fact, otherside they are really good support for the team and for the players. The thieves?—> have also good fatss output dmg + they cannot be seen, meaning of this you have the opening, with warrior? well the battle will decide.
This is the problem The warrior is good and fun really But! But Every other class can do that what the warriors can Just more effective than warriors. About CC? About roaming dps? About survive? About support? Yea all of the better than the warrior. And I cant understand that from the Arenanet why they can’t do th warriors like a really hard heavy armor fighters which ar really frighten the enemies with their combat capability.
My suggestion everything is okey with them but the cd-s. Bull’s charge nearly the only one opening. The thieves have 100000 better opening. And other rangeds too. OH you wanna me to play ranged warrior good good but i want chop chop and hit them hard like a real fighter. For exmple bull1s charge around 25-30s would be ideal. They should give something ability or utility which provides regen or protection even in the zerker and more dps warriors to survive the combats. Really funny when a warrior runs like a kitten from the battle. EVERYBODY CAN ESCAPE Nearly everybody. Cmon. Ok Warrior can but why do we have to move into the battle with charge 100B after run out? We have no defensive which provides to stay in the battle and a little surive the focus without running far away from the battle and let my friends to die. Why is it possible that every other class has the Ability to output high dmg and better survive than the warrior? Thats the nonsense. Good and god for PvE but PvP?
Hopefully Arenanet reads the threads because I hope they planning something with the warriors. okey there are meta games and classes but do the warriors viable for teamplay to give them something to being useful being both dmg + survive + support. Than Why put Guardian + Warrior in the game? ARTH Cmon. Ok there are no balance but just look at the meta games, no warriors. I have a thief, really funny good character but not as fun as warrior for me. Sneaking around and 3-4 shot one zerker warrior! From the shadows thats funny, really. And warriors? Cant do anything. In Duels Every single proffesion beat the warriors if both players has the smae level about pvp. Thats the fact. Than Arenet DO something.
—> Decrease bull’s charge CD from 40s to 25-30 sec→ get out the trait -20% utility cd USELESS and not even funny!.
—>Endure pain 60sec okey- 3 sec TERRIBLE lots of times not enough and useless! with 5 sec CD it could improve the survive of the warriors. Make a utility with 30-40 sec CD to optain protection or regen as a shout or something for a 10 sec around. Also for the survive THats what could make the warriors really really useful and viable for pvp

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Niko.8901


All you have to do to learn to play is learn to roll a warrior use healing signet and then greatsword and shield and mace. Wow everyone knows this. People are newbs. Get on my level.

Learn to power level warrior with cooking newbs.

greatsword 5’s into the sunset

Otto Maggic ~Toasty
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


All you have to do to learn to play is learn to roll a warrior use healing signet and then greatsword and shield and mace. Wow everyone knows this. People are newbs. Get on my level.

Learn to power level warrior with cooking newbs.

greatsword 5’s into the sunset

Posted by: Niko.8901
Healing signet then greatsword shield and mace.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Kill a warrior by rolling a warrior and then using greatsword and then shield and mace and healing signet. If the other warrior downs you first just vengeance and kill him.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Healing Signet greatsword shield and mace do it and it will solve all your problems.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Healing signet then greatsword and shield and mace. all skill. do it.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Mace+Shield/ Greatsword. Healing Signet. You will be a god.

Please go back to playing your guardian.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Niko.8901


All you have to do to learn to play is learn to roll a warrior use healing signet and then greatsword and shield and mace. Wow everyone knows this. People are newbs. Get on my level.

Learn to power level warrior with cooking newbs.

greatsword 5’s into the sunset

Posted by: Niko.8901
Healing signet then greatsword shield and mace.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Kill a warrior by rolling a warrior and then using greatsword and then shield and mace and healing signet. If the other warrior downs you first just vengeance and kill him.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Healing Signet greatsword shield and mace do it and it will solve all your problems.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Healing signet then greatsword and shield and mace. all skill. do it.

Posted by: Niko.8901
Mace+Shield/ Greatsword. Healing Signet. You will be a god.

Please go back to playing your guardian.

Otto Maggic ~Toasty
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Well at least you bumped my thread.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Niko.8901


Just trying to let scrubs know what’s up. Warrior for LIFE! High Five!

Otto Maggic ~Toasty
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Just trying to let scrubs know what’s up. Warrior for LIFE! High Five!


Go back to the necromancer forums, you don’t have a warrior and you have no idea what your talking about. Quit crying because your ridiculous condition spam was nerfed (and will possibly be balanced and come back) the 6th.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: kokiman.2364


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

Did you know the world record for running cof p1 was set by a party consisting of 1 mesmer, 1 ranger 1 warrior and 2, I say again, TWO thieves?

T-there are people keeping track of CoF times? This made my morning, thanks

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: kokiman.2364


People that have been handheld with their babby classes are complaining because Warriors can now regularly defeat them in WvWvW with kitten food buffs.

Who cares about WvWvW?

I will shed a single tear if tPvP Warriors are again nerfed into the dirt because certain babby players can’t handle that their hero characters are getting defeated by Warriors in a stupid irrelevant game-mode called WvWvW.

Could it be that you don’t like WvWvW?

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: HatSimulator.9362


I hate the stuns, however counter-play is nessessary, in LoL a new hero with a new skill always comes in to destroy the current meta until a new hero (or build.) is made, and this is no exception. We were given stuns to combat the current condition meta.

We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play. (High Skill cap, can’t make mistakes.)

Now that (almost) every warrior is using this build, and the fact that warriors are the most played class, I and many other people on the forums in different professions have had to make builds just to find how to counter all these stuns.
I’m not saying stunlock, unlimited healing warriors are OP but when every single class has to change traits and runes just to counter one class, it becomes OP.
(not replying to anything replying to this post, warriors are impossible to argue with)

Gates of Madness [DUI]
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


T-there are people keeping track of CoF times? This made my morning, thanks

It eludes me entirely as to why one would play PvE in this game. But yes, recording this is done. Apparently, many other runs are recorded for speed also.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


People that have been handheld with their babby classes are complaining because Warriors can now regularly defeat them in WvWvW with kitten food buffs.

Who cares about WvWvW?

I will shed a single tear if tPvP Warriors are again nerfed into the dirt because certain babby players can’t handle that their hero characters are getting defeated by Warriors in a stupid irrelevant game-mode called WvWvW.

Could it be that you don’t like WvWvW?

I phrased it wrongly,

I’m saying that Anet shouldn’t hurt tPvP Warriors (Or any other class) because of outside influences, like FOOD BUFFS, and WvW “lol i chase u 5 minutes 1v1 i kiling u lulz /dance” meta game.

The number of times classes have bee nerfed due to Spvp is ridiculous. Furthermore in terms of Pop WvW has many more players. It may be irrelevant in your eyes but is is the most popular pvp in the game. Yet Spvp holds the most weight in balancing. While I agree I would rather see Spvp left alone I would like to see PvE and WvW left out of Spvp balancing. Yet it never is. PvE has been affected so much due to Spvp with its low pop and the player base the spends that least in terms of gems/gold. It’s actually kind of kittening ridiculous from a logical perspective and an economic one. Lowest population that contributes the least to the game’s economy has the most say in it’s balancing.

So your complaint is noted but I can’t seem to play this tiny kitten violin for you.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Using terms such as lulzy usually point out the thief players.

For you to be playing the most broken stealth class in mmorpg history and come here complaining about the worst class in the game just means this most broken class just can’t carry you. I dunno what to say..check the title?

The thief player base just gets worse and worse.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

0/0/30/0/0 Shadow Arts is an amazing tree, stealth means you can still be hurt but if you know your class and others you can avoid damage easilly.

Hundred Blades is the easiest attack to avoid in the entire game to any class.

If your dieing to it, AS A THIEF.. then I suggest getting a new pair of hands. The counter to hundred blades is moving out of the way, with a class that has multiple teleports and ways to escape this is easy. I’ve never died to 100b on my thief, even with the prenerf bullsrush+quickness+100b combo, it is SO easy to see it coming.

A guardian has Whirling Wrath, which is a hard to avoid attack unlike hundred blades because you can move and combo with it to pull foes to you, you can also use it to cleanse conditions as well (things that would prevent it from hurting your target.) Whirling Wrath is better in every way because it has MOBILITY.

Stop looking at big numbers, in PVP its mobility that matters.

Not all thieves have 30 in shadow arts though. I know I don’t. And you’re still forgetting that while in stealth thieves don’t do damage. Those that stay in stealth and never come out are just trolling. When they come out to actually do some damage, they got no more sustain!

Now let’s see, skull crack can be used every 7.5 seconds and most thieves only carry 1 stunbreak, 2 at max. Eventually you’ll be stunned then killed. How to dodge when stunned?

Besides it is well know that warrior has the highest mobility nowadays especially with sword/warhorn and greatsword. Literally 3000 range on a fairly short cooldown.

Joking? my thief craps on warrior mobility. Shadow trap. done deal. Withdraw. Done deal. Infiltrator’s/Steal. done. Plus sustain is heavy in SA. refuge when you are low and you basically have a 2nd heal. plus the passive heal benefit from stealthing. not to mention the condi removal gain from stealth is pretty much a must have. if you are losing to warriors as a thief, no way around it bro, you kinda suck.

It’s pretty obvious we use completely different builds bro.

I only have 5 points in shadow arts and don’t use daggers. It’s great that you counter 1 cheese build with another cheese build, but I prefer to win fair and square.

So in other word, you don’t want to have to change skills, traits, weapons, foods, runes, or sigils based on what you are fighting or what type of fighting you are doing. A thief should automatically win any 1 on 1 fight because they are thieves. If that doesn’t happen, the other class is clearly OP and needs to be nerfed. You do realize the definition of balance is you win 50% and lose 50% of the time.

Well I started eating food yesterday JUST to counter warriors. And why should I change my spec that works well just to counter 1 class/build?

the same reason everyone else has to spec to survive a random glass thief 2 shotting them

lol guess thieves now have to be treated like everyone else in certain aspect. Learn to adapt..look up warrior and thief skills in wiki or something.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


ppl complaining about warriors? lawl kitten this game has gotten bad over the months i havent played.