[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Revilo G.4352

Revilo G.4352

Defensive Stance Burst (temporary name): An F2 adrenaline burst skill (on all weapons) that provides defensive utility in form of non-boon buffs/debuff and melee range team support (if traited). It functions as a dual type skill (stance/action) where the stance portion grants a temporary buff which ends on duration or on activation part of the skill. The action part provides a utility depending on it’s weapon type.

Defensive Stance (Up to 2 allies and 60 feet range if traited) (Cooldown 12-15 secs?)
=Counts as a stance
=Damage reduction (10%-15%-20%) with short duration (4s-Xs-Xs).
=Stun reduction (15%-25%-35%).
=Stun Break on adrenaline level 3(Yes, a stun break which can be applied to allies).
Note: The Damage reduction does not stack with itself or protection but will add 5% on top. Same occurs for stun reduction with similar effects.

The purpose of this idea is not only to alleviate some of the warrior’s issues but to add more utility in warrior’s own style. This allows warriors to have a more flexible selection of utility skills as their reliance on defense won’t be as strict. When comparing to guardian support, Defensive Stance will be more strict on positioning and timing but provides non-removable buffs. New utility skills/weapons from future expansions can function more creatively without being sidelined as well as the fact that Anet will not need to release skills that band-aids warrior’s flaws.

Activated Skill
These are the activated skills that have situational usage as the player must decide to lose all adrenaline to activate their Defensive Stance and must activate it (which will end stance) before the stances duration ends. These skills should provide additional utility normally not available to the weapon but nonetheless fits it’s theme. Less common or lacking weapons like mace and sword would have more flexible utility for player to improvise on the spot. Only listing one example though..

Savior Shot “Get down”
Action: Fires an unblockable zero damage shot that causes daze of ¼ sec. If target is interrupted, the two closest allies within 130 feet of target are granted Defensive Stance buff with duration according to adrenaline level .Only allies near target is affected. Revives the allies for 5% if they are downed at level 3 adrenaline.

Note: Few assumption I will list out while designing this.
*Believes ANet wants to keep warriors a boon lite classes
*Boon hate will play some part in helping but may still be situational
*Warrior getting a few more methods of condition removal as suggested by ANet
*Warrior needs more unique team utility and to be a “sturdy body” without having to spec deep into defense/tactics.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Rump Buffalo.2594

Rump Buffalo.2594

great idea.

unfortunately it wont happen.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I’d love if all weapons had different adrenaline burst options. I’ve always felt that greatsword should have a form of parry and other weapons should have various defensive or utility abilities costing adrenaline.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


I think this is an intelligent way to address an issue. It wouldn’t be like you were cluttering up our bars or granting us “too many options,” rangers have a basic set of skills for all the different types of pets they have and that doesn’t get overwhelming.

Even if this idea were simplified and the potential for group support were removed, I think having a defensive adrenal ability as an alternative would be outstanding.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Mavis.1572


The idea of being able to use adrenaline for either Attack or Defensive sounds good, but consider the speed of rate that ArenaNet is doing stuff, we might see this somewhere in 2022 or GW3.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: CrazyAce.3842


great idea.

unfortunately it wont happen.


Dev’s don’t care. They really don’t.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Rym.1469


https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/Major-rework/first#post1717773 Another idea. You sir, have very similar thread to mine. Still working on traits, tho

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Revilo G.4352

Revilo G.4352

Rump Buffalo, Mavis, CrazyAce: I agree somewhat considering their stance on balancing issues after all this time. I am borderline optimistic that they may accept an idea if it happens to fit into whatever strict limitations they have set..

Sil, Samulus: Yeah, I believe all warrior players probably felt that one way or another when we first played it. This is a missed opportunity here ANET.

Rym: Wow, we do have very similar ideas and goals. We both want warriors to have a better set of mechanics, and to desire for warrior to not lose it’s potential as a more interesting class. After I re-read our ideas, I do feel that both our suggestions maybe too powerful, but the main idea/issue is there. Warriors are missing something that will require additional content to truly improve, whereas simply balancing what we have at the moment won’t work. Look at boon-hate suggestions that ANET plans to implement. Adding something “new” to deal with a difficult issue. If there was anything for ANET to take from both our ideas:

Defensive Burst
Idea: A defensive burst (different per weapon) that offers defensive/team utility. Utilities provided are non-boon based, so unremovable. The action however is interruptible.
Justification: A guardian provides team wide utility through divine means, where as a warrior should be able to use their weapons to protect that guardian should he/she be boon ripped and focused.

Expanded Stances
Idea:Stances will have an activatable skill that grants utility with a possible drawback. Such utility can possibly even be an action.
Justification:Stances should offer more flexibility. Adding activatable skills in our current stances would fit us in theme and mechanics. This brings that risk vs reward game play, some of us want expanded in the warrior. We can also go non-boon route to keep things within class restraints.

Just thought up of an idea that meshes well with the topic discussed, Shield stance should provide block to at least 1-2 allies within 40 range. It’s effects isn’t wide reaching, but would provide support on a smaller level.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: UnrealUK.9506


Defensive Burst…so you decide whether or not to spend your adrenaline on F1 Offense or F2 Defense…shared cooldowns, naturally…




…holy nuts, you may be on to something.

Tarian Thalberg ~ Warrior ~ Lux Arcana [LUX]

(edited by UnrealUK.9506)

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Wow, I actually really life this idea!

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


Good idea. Probably won’t ever happen though.

[Idea] A Defensive Burst skill for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: TheLazyOne.8509


Just pitching in to say I support your idea too. Extra burst options would be nice, even if not all-important.