Idea for warrior: 3 weapon sets?
idk… personally i’d rather see balancing done in other ways
too much spam… :/
We’ve discussed this over and over again.
We will more likely get colors updated on banners.
After the massive color balancing, they will watch meta settle for 3 months before trying any other warrior adjustments.
Apparently warriors lack mobility now.
You would be able to do way too much with 3 weapons sets and 5 second weapon swapping…
even suggesting this to help our mobility, anet is secretly plotting their next move for balancing. They will say they adjusted the internal counters for single hand sword abilities, but in a fix to correct ranger longbow range, they will reduce our charge abilities to 600m, and will increase the range of greatsword number 4 to 1500.
3 Weapon sets = spam master X.
3 weapon sets would incredibly break the class, we’d be too strong in forms of mobility & CC.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
I would love this but it would make my warrior too much.
Well in a sense this would bring us to the whole “masters of martial skills” as they said warriors are supposed to be. However like some of the previous posters said: it would become too powerful. And if this is implemented, and how Anet tends to nerf things, it may end up just destroying our weapon damage to compensate for the extra weapon set we are allowed to swap between. Good idea in theory, but in order to be allowed, something has to be taken. (this could be some of our base hp, or worse they tone down our weapon damage to compensate)
If they were to give warriors the whole F2-F4 bar, i wouldn’t mind the secondary “defensive burst” bar someone suggested in the warrior forum. Or even the whole “you can pick up your banner and put it on your back” so it can be controlled through F2-F4 (mainly for less static fights and more mobile tactics involving banners) that someone in forum suggested.
3 weapon sets would incredibly break the class, we’d be too strong in forms of mobility & CC.
Not really. I don’t think it would be overpowered at all, but I don’t feel like managing a third weapon set. If I wanted to manage a million weapons sets I would play ele or engie.
I do not see how it would make the warrior overpowered? More CC? With Mace/shield hammer combo you have every CC ability at hand unless you throw on something with offhand mace or a rifle for the 5 knock back. Spam? are you joking? how is that different from a button mashing ele/engi/thief, all of your points don’t make a lot of sense to me.
I do agree with the first post I would like to see other changes but like I said this is just an idea, and I take back the mobility statement Yes, warriors have a lot of mobility available to them however if we wanted to play stuns or conditions or anything not involving a sword or great sword we have 0 mobility where as other professions can play all kinds of builds without affecting there mobility. I am currently playing Mace/Sword Longbow condition/power build that it is relatively hard to run away from (unless your a thief of course) however the second you get out of my range no amount of swiftness will help me catch you plus those perma evade builds for theif run circles around me regardless.
If they added this it would need to be at the cost of a higher weapon swap CD, I’d be okay with that but I doubt most people would be.
Here’s what would happen:
- Sir Edward Gibbon