LB Ranger killed rifle

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


Before ranger longbow was buffed, you could kind of make an argument to use rifle as a warrior; whether you did greatsword/rifle with phalanx strength or some destroyer build or you did hammer/rifle as a front line and back line build.

Now, there is never a reason to ever use rifle warrior instead of a longbow ranger – rifle does nothing better. Rifle doesn’t stealth, it can’t AOE, the knockback is worse but not terrible because it affects more than 1 target and rifle can’t even BURST. Killshot is technically comparable to rapid fire because rapid fire does a lot of damage over time whereas killshot does it all at once. But then we have the rifle auto attack… the damage is laughable compared to ranger longbow auto attack – laughable. Rifle isn’t even 1500 range!

How can we save the rifle?
I suggested to my friend that you could save rifle by making killshot instant cast that knocks every opponent back that it touches over 9000 range back that also puts a hole through all of their chests which, if left unchecked (no possible way to ‘check it’) explodes, instantly killing every ally near them within a radius of at least 10,000 units. I also suggested to add a hadouken! attack to the rifle which basically launches the opponent in the air (this mechanic already exists as we sometimes see it happen with pull skills) but when the opponent lands they die from falling dmg – this would give a use for fall dmg traits and make falling dmg builds viable.

He agreed that this would make rifle viable.

What are your ideas?
PS. Yes this is actually serious – rifle is totally outclassed garbage now.

(edited by Zefrost.3425)

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


Give up dude, anet will never give warrior any more complex play style or skill plays.

They will just buff passives again and nerf more damage when warrior become completely dead.

i already moved on to better classes with more fun stuff, after 2 years of trying and hope that warrior can have better gameplay some day.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Rifle can still burst decently with volley, but I agree that it is totally outclassed by the LB of the ranger. The damage outside of volley is pretty lackluster and it lacks anything else besides just dealing raw damage from far.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Widebody.5071


Unless I’m mistaken I pretty sure an engineer throwing grenades can out distance a warriors’ rifle.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


dude, LB ranger killed 100b.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Rifle on warrior has always been complete trash, feature patch changed nothing other than that people basically aren’t allowed to have adrenaline in open world, damage is terrible while in dungeons, you aren’t allowed to use greatsword rush and hit damage against a target unless you stand directly beneath it, and if you use savage leap, you will occasionally teleport back and forth or turn around mid-air and leap back to your original location. This is clearly for immersion and not because the bulk of the employees working there are clueless interns that don’t know what they’re doing.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


Pretty much what Miku said. Rifle always sucked balls. I mean sure we have all rolled killshot zerker and went kitten ing but it was only for trolling as you could easily die and only thing you had was 1 killshot and if it missed you were pretty much useless till it was back up at 3 bars.

I suggest makin rifle 1500. I mean its a rifle lol a bow has more range? lel. Rifle butt needs a wider cone so its not kitten y. volly dps is 75% of rapid fire and both are at 10s but one does less dmg and shoots slower lol.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Unless I’m mistaken I pretty sure an engineer throwing grenades can out distance a warriors’ rifle.

engi nades never hit at 1 k above range, hell even at 600 range most ppl just sidestep

just my ytb channel


LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: LCV.7245


Give up dude, anet will never give warrior any more complex play style or skill plays.

They will just buff passives again and nerf more damage when warrior become completely dead.

i already moved on to better classes with more fun stuff, after 2 years of trying and hope that warrior can have better gameplay some day.

This guys has a point. Anet compensates for Warr’s boring mechanics with strict numbers. Until this past update, Warr was grossly overpowered. Now that they’re closer to balanced, it seems like the Warrior forums have blown up with proposed mechanics changed to make them op again.
Look dude, Anet doesn’t listen to anything short of relentless criticism. In fact, it seems that they make decisions directly in contradiction with the opinions of their players. Just look at how terrible Mesmer became over the past 18 months.
Don’t waste our time crying on the forums unless you have actually good idea about mechanics changes. Promoting making skills strictly stronger leads to literally no intelligent conversation.

The Pleb Army | 80 Sylvari Mesmer | 80 Norn Warrior | 80 Asura Ranger | 80 Asura Necromancer |
80 Sylvari Thief | 80 Human Elementalist | 80 Asura Guardian | 80 Asura Engineer |
80 Sylvari Revenant

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: LCV.7245


Unless I’m mistaken I pretty sure an engineer throwing grenades can out distance a warriors’ rifle.

You’re correct in that engis can throw the nades quite far, but no one is ever going to get hit by a nade at that range. Your argument is null.

The Pleb Army | 80 Sylvari Mesmer | 80 Norn Warrior | 80 Asura Ranger | 80 Asura Necromancer |
80 Sylvari Thief | 80 Human Elementalist | 80 Asura Guardian | 80 Asura Engineer |
80 Sylvari Revenant

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Sylent.3165


Sorry if I misread something but shouldn’t long bow on a ranger by default be better then any warriors ranged weapon? Just kinda makes sense……then again an arrow doing more damage then a rifle bullet barrage should actually do more damage.

But anyways I think the rifle is fine as is for a single target ranged attack for warriors. Only issue I see is that condition damage in wvw and pvp is nice on warrior so removing the bleed in a lot of builds was actually a nerf.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


dude, LB ranger killed 100b.

Agreed. Where we used to warrior’s and thieve’s..we only see rangers now.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Bran.7425


Rifle on warrior has always been complete trash, feature patch changed nothing other than that people basically aren’t allowed to have adrenaline in open world, damage is terrible while in dungeons, you aren’t allowed to use greatsword rush and hit damage against a target unless you stand directly beneath it, and if you use savage leap, you will occasionally teleport back and forth or turn around mid-air and leap back to your original location. This is clearly for immersion and not because the bulk of the employees working there are clueless interns that don’t know what they’re doing.

Not to belittle the plight of the warrior community, but almost all leap (and many disengage moves) are doing the teleport for me, including, but not limited to savage leap. That is a game wide problem that probably needs a thread in general profession balance as well as the bug forums.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


I don’t like how the rangers arrows travel faster then the rifles bullets.

Or how the rangers arrows seem to be heat seeking
More then once I’ve seen the arrow fly next to my character and still hit me.