Last Stand's BUG/TYPO requires explanation
Yes please. Necromancers have the exact same mechanic with the Master trait spectral mastery that extends the duration and reduces the cooldown by 20% yet the passive spectral armour that procs automatically when your health falls below 50% hp in the soul reaping benefits from the duration increase but the cooldown reduction. Another point with warrior traits not working as intended is that after the change to endure pain when the cooldown and duration both were reduced to 30 seconds and 2 seconds of activation, the passive endure pain in the defense tree has the lower activation duration of 2 seconds but maintains the 60 seconds cooldown of the old skill. This is also labeled as a stance so it should also benefit from the phantom reduced cooldown of stances that has yet to be clarified.
ArenaNet heeyyyyyyy what’s up dudes can we get an answer?
Always Roaming
They don’t read it :P
ArenaNet heeyyyyyyy what’s up dudes can we get an answer?
Arenanet mostly abandoned the official forums.
Hell, they are more active on reddit than here.
I doubt any feedback was really considered.
You can create as many threads as you want, they won’t hear/read/reply/care the slightest.