List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Can we just hurry up and make this guy a Dev already, maybe we’d see some Warrior improvements within the year.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


These skills really need to be looked at

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

Shield: I can understand combining the 2 traits, but making it so you block attacks while healing isn’t necessary. 90 Toughness on top of what you get from the shield, 20% cool down, and Deflecting Missiles is fine

Mace: Auto-attack causing Vulnerability makes sense, I think Hammer should as well. The third doesn’t make sense. You can’t really block while swinging somethign at someone, it should be like it is but hit a bit harder with how long it takes. Mace Trait is fine and doesn’t need to be combined with Cull the Weak

Hammer: Auto-attack is fine, some vulnerability would be nice though. The 3rd attack should be a 30-50% chance at a Blast Finisher. All the other skills are fine though I’d like to see Hammer Shock become a leap, and the root on Staggering Blow go away but meh. As for Merciless Hammer, I think a 15% damage increase and 20% cool down is fair. Doesn’t need the Unsuspecting Foe trait added to it.

You’ve seen my posts on Physical Skills

Healing Skills: Way over the top. Healing Signet should do 300 HPS passive, 4-5K active. Mending fine as is, gain 600-700 extra health for each condition removed (while this isn’t logical it would make it a competitive heal). Healing Surge is fine

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Engels.8537


Pretty much indeed with Dolan,

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I actually want to see off hand weapons get some love.
I don’t mean all of them are crap but, I want to see them integrated into auto attack chains.
For instance if I run axe/mace I have the standard auto attack chain, but if I run axe/axe I get a different chain the actually includes the second axe in the attacks maybe it speeds up how fast the chain is?
Even adding the mace in the chain with axe/mace set up would be cool each off hand choice gives a different attack chain while providing different effects to that chain.
It would kind of work like a thiefs weapons but instead of changing the skill in the 3rd slot it would give different auto attack animations
It would give a better illusion of interactive combat. Right now I run around with an axe in one hand and a mace in the other and there is no real connection between the 2 I use axe for axe skills and mace for mace ones.
The same could be done for other classes too, but I feel if only 1 class could benifit from this it should be warrior, though warriors have the most combinations of weapons they are supposed to be the weapon masters and when you dual wield 1 weapon just sits there till it’s needed, a real warrior would be flailing both of them lol.