Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Btw also see people use hammer mace shield which is just as cheesy so you can’t say its gs that makes it OP.

Wait a minute…

I played Mace/hammer since April (not only that and not only warrior, but you get the idea).

Nobody complained about it. At most they said it sucked.

From my experience, gameplay with that build hasn’t changed much.

NOW it has become cheesy?

Or is it just the Signet and Berserker Stance?

I would wager it’s the combination of Healing Signet’s passive and the high uptime on Daze/Stun. Both of which were recently beefed.

Its good 1v1, not so good anywhere else.

Most people are complaining about 1v1.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Granted yes there is stability, teleports, evade, ect;

And kiting, and dodging (several classes with perma-vigor for example), and… and…

There are several counters, learn to use them.

1: I have zero problems fighting Mace warriors, or any warrior in general

Yet you make a qq thread to nerf.
Not sure if serious…..

Ps : i play spvp since barely 2 weeks and only lost to 1 war so far.Actually when i see one lost from zerg it’s like hitting the jacpot.I played all builds and even lol one s/s bow, mace /shield sword/axe, favourite troll one sword/ shield mace/sword.Latest rifle /mace/ x.ns with either one at random gs/ mace wars are laughable at best.101% predictable.Telegrapged movements.etc

My advice l2 use your eyes on monitor instead of keyboard(or mouse in some cases*giggle*).Check boons.Don’t dodge at random, kite, mace stun had 130 range easy to counter.Yep your eyes have other functions too besides qq

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Our mace burst skill is pretty much an insta cast ppl have to guess when to dodge.

So does ele burst, invisible backstab, invis mes turning ya into moa and so on..

U do realize that mace in real world are fast weapons right?
I keep wondering why everyone wants to nerg mace/signet yet no1 complains about hb..

So if we nerf mace back to 2sec (and killing it as hammer will be better automatically) ppl won’t be able to land hb making that build friendly to enemies and their mistakes decreasing the dps and leaving us with a crap called hb that has no real uses outside of rez pressure as in current state mace is just a band-fix like omno pies was to sustain just to make a single ability work like it should working without any cc.

Nerf healing signet? Ok.. So whats the point of using signet if automatically both surge and mending become better?

Touch a kitten and its gonna smell.

I will admit that mace/shield+gs has low skill cap and some changed are needed but not in mace or signet but a gs.

“Warriors are fast they keep running away if they want to” – what stuff does that? A mace or gs?

“Warriors dealing load of dmg while still being tanky” – I dindt know that mace hits like a truck with one skill standing like a noob for 3,5sec.

“Warriors have load of blocks” – counterblow is useless against ranged classes as 1 hit and done, but i actually see the shield as a mini invul and bc noobs tend to smash keyboard all they see is block block.

“Warriors healing like an eles pre nerf” – i think anyone saying that is new to the game. IF u can’t do at least 500dmg/sec they don’t complain that u went bunker way and can’t kill a kitten

And for the end:

“Warriors using mace/shield has load of stuns” And all of them has 130 range olny, so what do u doing next to warrior shooting arrows in himor gods know what else, standing afk?

If someone looking to nerf that build he has to look in hb on 6cd that allows us to deal damage as outside of that combo war has no damage and for few seconds vulnerable to attacks once skull crack was used. I noticed that once i stun someone and they stunbreak they don’t fight back but starts to run away while my cd getting up to repeat the combo.

lol mace needs nerf its so forgiving greatsword has counter able skills mace does not. Btw when ele switch’s to air thats when you need to start dodging or blocking. Mesmer moa is strong but if they don’t have clones up to shatter right away there is no point you can just run with 5. Invis back stab well right now there is not to much of counter to stealth but fast reaction time can save your self from it. And it really there is no counter if they jump you. But, playing the game more maybe even rolling a thief for a little will teach you how to counter them. In a 1v1 situation if they are using a perma stealth build get in there bp and wait or if there using caeds build they usually only hs once so count to 3 and dodge or block (depending on distance deduct seconds or millseconds). Btw also see people use hammer mace shield which is just as cheesy so you can’t say its gs that makes it OP. Buffs to zerk stance and healing signet are main reason to that since it gives such a huge amount of time to land your stuns. Its so kitten forgiving. Greatsword has not changed what so ever, but mace has and that’s why the main culprits are the 3 sec stun zerk stance and healing signet.

I like long posts too.

On topic;
I don’t have a l2p issues nor a problem with thieves, but seems that actually u been beated pretty hard by that build u want to nerf so bad. But ill give ya a tip: run s/s+lb condi build and keep spams condi on them, once they come close and switch to mace, savage leap away and continue the dance circle facerolling keyboard until they die to torment or bleeds/burning from lb 5. Zerk stance? Thats just 8sec on 60cd a problem..

Hope i helped ya

Lol bud I play the same build so I know its strengths and don’t die to that XD. I feel immune to everything with that build its so easy. Love how much you guys trying to defend it when in truth most warrs know it needs nerf (or are under the delusion they are good at the game). and no build on warrior was cheesy btw until we got unnecessary buffs watch how OP warriors become in power meta. Its going to be funny :P

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Lol bud I play the same build so I know its strengths and don’t die to that XD. I feel immune to everything with that build its so easy. Love how much you guys trying to defend it when in truth most warrs know it needs nerf (or are under the delusion they are good at the game). and no build on warrior was cheesy btw until we got unnecessary buffs watch how OP warriors become in power meta. Its going to be funny :P

I need to find a decent tanky build which is not easy mode.

When I stopped playing (didn’t left, just wasn’t on a computer good enough to run GW2) at least Mace/Shield + GS wasn’t so popular, so I could say: “Yeah, it’s kinda boring, but I’m experimenting with my build, so AT LEAST I’m not total cheese man.”xD

Now things are different. And I never liked Glass cannon warrs. Should I stop playing warrior or is there something power based I can go with?

What about might stacking?

(Yeah, I will stalk the whole forum with that idea.XD)

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol bud I play the same build so I know its strengths and don’t die to that XD. I feel immune to everything with that build its so easy. Love how much you guys trying to defend it when in truth most warrs know it needs nerf (or are under the delusion they are good at the game). and no build on warrior was cheesy btw until we got unnecessary buffs watch how OP warriors become in power meta. Its going to be funny :P

I need to find a decent tanky build which is not easy mode.

When I stopped playing (didn’t left, just wasn’t on a computer good enough to run GW2) at least Mace/Shield + GS wasn’t so popular, so I could say: “Yeah, it’s kinda boring, but I’m experimenting with my build, so AT LEAST I’m not total cheese man.”xD

Now things are different. And I never liked Glass cannon warrs. Should I stop playing warrior or is there something power based I can go with?

What about might stacking?

(Yeah, I will stalk the whole forum with that idea.XD)

Yea you could try lb/gs 0/30/20/0/20 with zerk ammy its not cheese build but is semi tanky. Run zerk stance,balanced or dolyak signet (run dolyak if you want to have good toughness, and frenzy is what I like but bulls charge is cool too(3rd slot is your choice) you could use might duration runes I think it is 2x hoelbrak 2x fire and 2x Balthazar.and try staking might like that. I think you could get up to 16 stacks after hb and whirl not sure.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Lol bud I play the same build so I know its strengths and don’t die to that XD. I feel immune to everything with that build its so easy. Love how much you guys trying to defend it when in truth most warrs know it needs nerf (or are under the delusion they are good at the game). and no build on warrior was cheesy btw until we got unnecessary buffs watch how OP warriors become in power meta. Its going to be funny :P

I need to find a decent tanky build which is not easy mode.

When I stopped playing (didn’t left, just wasn’t on a computer good enough to run GW2) at least Mace/Shield + GS wasn’t so popular, so I could say: “Yeah, it’s kinda boring, but I’m experimenting with my build, so AT LEAST I’m not total cheese man.”xD

Now things are different. And I never liked Glass cannon warrs. Should I stop playing warrior or is there something power based I can go with?

What about might stacking?

(Yeah, I will stalk the whole forum with that idea.XD)

Yea you could try lb/gs 0/30/20/0/20 with zerk ammy its not cheese build but is semi tanky. Run zerk stance,balanced or dolyak signet (run dolyak if you want to have good toughness, and frenzy is what I like but bulls charge is cool too(3rd slot is your choice) you could use might duration runes I think it is 2x hoelbrak 2x fire and 2x Balthazar.and try staking might like that. I think you could get up to 16 stacks after hb and whirl not sure.

Other things: sigil of battle, for great Justice. You can go all the way up to 25 stacks.XD

Yeah, I was thinking about doing it, and I’ll do it.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


I really fail to understand all the qq.Lets take a look.

Mace f1 existed since launch- CHECK
1hblades existed since launch- CHECK
Sword f1 (easy replace for mace f1 and can’t even stunbreak or stability counter it*hodor *) -CHECK

Cheesy pet only no utility equiped full faceroll op condi spam zero skill builds existed since launch? -NOPE

Sorry but i lied.I actually do understand the qq.1st of all no one was smart enough to come up with this combo for 1 year even if it was already there since beta.When someone finally got boted and decided to post it all the flock of copy paste noops rushed the internet and did what they know best;).

Bottomline.There are counters.There always were.But since the flock has no ideea to come up with anything by themselves they need to wait until someone actually gets some pity on them and make a thread about it (with possibly big pictures so it’s easy) and we could all finally move along and qq about other things that no one is yet holding our hands for.

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


I really fail to understand all the qq.Lets take a look.

Mace f1 existed since launch- CHECK
1hblades existed since launch- CHECK
Sword f1 (easy replace for mace f1 and can’t even stunbreak or stability counter it*hodor *) -CHECK

Cheesy pet only no utility equiped full faceroll op condi spam zero skill builds existed since launch? -NOPE

Sorry but i lied.I actually do understand the qq.1st of all no one was smart enough to come up with this combo for 1 year even if it was already there since beta.When someone finally got boted and decided to post it all the flock of copy paste noops rushed the internet and did what they know best;).

Bottomline.There are counters.There always were.But since the flock has no ideea to come up with anything by themselves they need to wait until someone actually gets some pity on them and make a thread about it (with possibly big pictures so it’s easy) and we could all finally move along and qq about other things that no one is yet holding our hands for.

I played mace shield/gs for kittening 7 months back for first time so yea people did know about this combo, but it was only few warriors and it was never as effective (OP) as now. The fact is there is too much time to land your ccs through the immunity its like you can land one skull crack and 100-0 the person.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


mini, you have no clue.. sword F1 immobilizes, it doesnt stun. that can be removed by condi cleanse and doesnt work with unsuspecting foe. mace stun got buffed to the current duration, burst mastery has been introduced and cleansing ire. let me repeat for you and all other people running their mouth without a clue why this build is OP:

you get 50% free crit chance for the whole 100b duration so you can sit at a very low base crit. you can do this combo every 8 seconds. because you dont have to build for precision you can stack toughness and be strong against power damage. with zerker stance, dogged march, melandru and -condi food you are immune to most conditions except from full condition bulds with lots of +duration aswell. because you have spare stats to put into crit damage the damage of the combo is actually annihilating squishys and even a tank can only take 2-3 of those, and thats in a window of 25 seconds – just enough to heal up 1 time. the counters are stability and stun breaks, but those run out very fast compared to the 8 seconds cooldown of the combo, unless you stack every slot with them. so the build is very strong against everything AND has great damage swell, read: lots of survivability against condi and power damage aswell and has GREAT damage and mobility = OP. it has basically no downside whatsoever and most people die if they get a combo one time. also it requires just 3 buttons to be pressed to kill someone.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ath.2531


Game isn’t balanced around 1v1’s.

If you’ve got an issue, heres a tissue.



.eussit a aereh ,eussi na tog ev’uoy fI

.s’1v1 dnuora becnalab t’nsi emaG

Fixed your 2 typos

Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

Game isn’t balanced around 1v1’s.

If you’ve got an issue, heres a tissue.


Then it’s no wonder, that the thief is the worst class in this game.

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


mini, you have no clue.. sword F1 immobilizes, it doesnt stun. that can be removed by condi cleanse and doesnt work with unsuspecting foe. mace stun got buffed to the current duration, burst mastery has been introduced and cleansing ire. let me repeat for you and all other people running their mouth without a clue why this build is OP:

you get 50% free crit chance for the whole 100b duration so you can sit at a very low base crit. you can do this combo every 8 seconds. because you dont have to build for precision you can stack toughness and be strong against power damage. with zerker stance, dogged march, melandru and -condi food you are immune to most conditions except from full condition bulds with lots of +duration aswell. because you have spare stats to put into crit damage the damage of the combo is actually annihilating squishys and even a tank can only take 2-3 of those, and thats in a window of 25 seconds – just enough to heal up 1 time. the counters are stability and stun breaks, but those run out very fast compared to the 8 seconds cooldown of the combo, unless you stack every slot with them. so the build is very strong against everything AND has great damage swell, read: lots of survivability against condi and power damage aswell and has GREAT damage and mobility = OP. it has basically no downside whatsoever and most people die if they get a combo one time. also it requires just 3 buttons to be pressed to kill someone.

So wait.because one broken trait we need to nerf two weapon sets? Facepalm.Tought this thread was about gs and mace not “unsuspecting foe”.Maybe next time try to qq in the correct thread?.why do all wars need to suffer .its not like aother builds need that trait so making mace useless for all builds is really stupid.

Also sword f1 is really harder to counter than stun because 1 stunbrrak removes especilly on the stun while a condition removal because of its priorities and sword also applying bleed on target , it tends not to remove the immobilize unless u use a full condi cleanse with longer cd, in wich case sword still wins cuz of a leap and immob after 8-10seconds.

A smart dps war can easil y use this.

Just remove “unsuspecting foe” lower the crit% on it or make it granfmaster trait, or noth lol.Just dont mindlesly qq about mace in itself since it has nothing op.Doing dps should be punished by being squishy and full bunk by doing has nothing and actually need fixes/buff if the trait did not exist.

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


mini, you have no clue.. sword F1 immobilizes, it doesnt stun. that can be removed by condi cleanse and doesnt work with unsuspecting foe. mace stun got buffed to the current duration, burst mastery has been introduced and cleansing ire. let me repeat for you and all other people running their mouth without a clue why this build is OP:

you get 50% free crit chance for the whole 100b duration so you can sit at a very low base crit. you can do this combo every 8 seconds. because you dont have to build for precision you can stack toughness and be strong against power damage. with zerker stance, dogged march, melandru and -condi food you are immune to most conditions except from full condition bulds with lots of +duration aswell. because you have spare stats to put into crit damage the damage of the combo is actually annihilating squishys and even a tank can only take 2-3 of those, and thats in a window of 25 seconds – just enough to heal up 1 time. the counters are stability and stun breaks, but those run out very fast compared to the 8 seconds cooldown of the combo, unless you stack every slot with them. so the build is very strong against everything AND has great damage swell, read: lots of survivability against condi and power damage aswell and has GREAT damage and mobility = OP. it has basically no downside whatsoever and most people die if they get a combo one time. also it requires just 3 buttons to be pressed to kill someone.

So wait.because one broken trait we need to nerf two weapon sets? Facepalm.Tought this thread was about gs and mace not “unsuspecting foe”.Maybe next time try to qq in the correct thread?.why do all wars need to suffer .its not like aother builds need that trait so making mace useless for all builds is really stupid.

Also sword f1 is really harder to counter than stun because 1 stunbrrak removes especilly on the stun while a condition removal because of its priorities and sword also applying bleed on target , it tends not to remove the immobilize unless u use a full condi cleanse with longer cd, in wich case sword still wins cuz of a leap and immob after 8-10seconds.

A smart dps war can easil y use this.

Just remove “unsuspecting foe” lower the crit% on it or make it granfmaster trait, or noth lol.Just dont mindlesly qq about mace in itself since it has nothing op.Doing dps should be punished by being squishy and full bunk by doing has nothing and actually need fixes/buff if the trait did not exist.

The thing is, Unsuspecting Foe supports many builds because it’s so low on the totem pole.

Hammer? Well, you’re going to want 30 into Defense for Dogged March, Cleansing Ire and Merciless Hammer. Oh and 30 into Discipline for Burst Mastery. Leaves you with exactly 10 points. And hammer isn’t exactly known for its stellar damage.

Currently, pretty much everyone is going 20 into Defense for Cleansing Ire. Burst Mastery has excellent synergy with that, so a lot of people pick that up. Leaves you with 20 points to play around.

So really, if you wanna go nerfy, you have three choices. First up is making Unsuspecting Foe a 20 point trait. This will result in a significant nerf to Hammers, which aren’t a source of complaint, so that doesn’t make much sense. Second up is making it Unsuspecting Foe a Grandmaster trait, which will effectively be the same as the third option of just up and removing it from the game.

My point is that the key things that make the setup work are all very sensitive to nerfs. Nerf Mace F1 and you’ll see no one using Mace. Nerf Unsuspecting Foe and you kill off hammers. Nerf GS and people will find other sources of decent damage, such as Eviscerate or Final Thrust.

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


mini, you have no clue.. sword F1 immobilizes, it doesnt stun. that can be removed by condi cleanse and doesnt work with unsuspecting foe. mace stun got buffed to the current duration, burst mastery has been introduced and cleansing ire. let me repeat for you and all other people running their mouth without a clue why this build is OP:

you get 50% free crit chance for the whole 100b duration so you can sit at a very low base crit. you can do this combo every 8 seconds. because you dont have to build for precision you can stack toughness and be strong against power damage. with zerker stance, dogged march, melandru and -condi food you are immune to most conditions except from full condition bulds with lots of +duration aswell. because you have spare stats to put into crit damage the damage of the combo is actually annihilating squishys and even a tank can only take 2-3 of those, and thats in a window of 25 seconds – just enough to heal up 1 time. the counters are stability and stun breaks, but those run out very fast compared to the 8 seconds cooldown of the combo, unless you stack every slot with them. so the build is very strong against everything AND has great damage swell, read: lots of survivability against condi and power damage aswell and has GREAT damage and mobility = OP. it has basically no downside whatsoever and most people die if they get a combo one time. also it requires just 3 buttons to be pressed to kill someone.

So wait.because one broken trait we need to nerf two weapon sets? Facepalm.Tought this thread was about gs and mace not “unsuspecting foe”.Maybe next time try to qq in the correct thread?.why do all wars need to suffer .its not like aother builds need that trait so making mace useless for all builds is really stupid.

Also sword f1 is really harder to counter than stun because 1 stunbrrak removes especilly on the stun while a condition removal because of its priorities and sword also applying bleed on target , it tends not to remove the immobilize unless u use a full condi cleanse with longer cd, in wich case sword still wins cuz of a leap and immob after 8-10seconds.

A smart dps war can easil y use this.

Just remove “unsuspecting foe” lower the crit% on it or make it granfmaster trait, or noth lol.Just dont mindlesly qq about mace in itself since it has nothing op.Doing dps should be punished by being squishy and full bunk by doing has nothing and actually need fixes/buff if the trait did not exist.

The thing is, Unsuspecting Foe supports many builds because it’s so low on the totem pole.

Hammer? Well, you’re going to want 30 into Defense for Dogged March, Cleansing Ire and Merciless Hammer. Oh and 30 into Discipline for Burst Mastery. Leaves you with exactly 10 points. And hammer isn’t exactly known for its stellar damage.

Currently, pretty much everyone is going 20 into Defense for Cleansing Ire. Burst Mastery has excellent synergy with that, so a lot of people pick that up. Leaves you with 20 points to play around.

So really, if you wanna go nerfy, you have three choices. First up is making Unsuspecting Foe a 20 point trait. This will result in a significant nerf to Hammers, which aren’t a source of complaint, so that doesn’t make much sense. Second up is making it Unsuspecting Foe a Grandmaster trait, which will effectively be the same as the third option of just up and removing it from the game.

My point is that the key things that make the setup work are all very sensitive to nerfs. Nerf Mace F1 and you’ll see no one using Mace. Nerf Unsuspecting Foe and you kill off hammers. Nerf GS and people will find other sources of decent damage, such as Eviscerate or Final Thrust.

i would say just nerf the percentage of critical chance you get from unsuspecting foe, even at 30%, add the 4% base critical chance and fury, half of your hits will still crit on an opponent. People will still use it because it is so low in the arms tree.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


mini, you have no clue.. sword F1 immobilizes, it doesnt stun. that can be removed by condi cleanse and doesnt work with unsuspecting foe. mace stun got buffed to the current duration, burst mastery has been introduced and cleansing ire. let me repeat for you and all other people running their mouth without a clue why this build is OP:

you get 50% free crit chance for the whole 100b duration so you can sit at a very low base crit. you can do this combo every 8 seconds. because you dont have to build for precision you can stack toughness and be strong against power damage. with zerker stance, dogged march, melandru and -condi food you are immune to most conditions except from full condition bulds with lots of +duration aswell. because you have spare stats to put into crit damage the damage of the combo is actually annihilating squishys and even a tank can only take 2-3 of those, and thats in a window of 25 seconds – just enough to heal up 1 time. the counters are stability and stun breaks, but those run out very fast compared to the 8 seconds cooldown of the combo, unless you stack every slot with them. so the build is very strong against everything AND has great damage swell, read: lots of survivability against condi and power damage aswell and has GREAT damage and mobility = OP. it has basically no downside whatsoever and most people die if they get a combo one time. also it requires just 3 buttons to be pressed to kill someone.

So wait.because one broken trait we need to nerf two weapon sets? Facepalm.Tought this thread was about gs and mace not “unsuspecting foe”.Maybe next time try to qq in the correct thread?.why do all wars need to suffer .its not like aother builds need that trait so making mace useless for all builds is really stupid.

Also sword f1 is really harder to counter than stun because 1 stunbrrak removes especilly on the stun while a condition removal because of its priorities and sword also applying bleed on target , it tends not to remove the immobilize unless u use a full condi cleanse with longer cd, in wich case sword still wins cuz of a leap and immob after 8-10seconds.

A smart dps war can easil y use this.

Just remove “unsuspecting foe” lower the crit% on it or make it granfmaster trait, or noth lol.Just dont mindlesly qq about mace in itself since it has nothing op.Doing dps should be punished by being squishy and full bunk by doing has nothing and actually need fixes/buff if the trait did not exist.

The thing is, Unsuspecting Foe supports many builds because it’s so low on the totem pole.

Hammer? Well, you’re going to want 30 into Defense for Dogged March, Cleansing Ire and Merciless Hammer. Oh and 30 into Discipline for Burst Mastery. Leaves you with exactly 10 points. And hammer isn’t exactly known for its stellar damage.

Currently, pretty much everyone is going 20 into Defense for Cleansing Ire. Burst Mastery has excellent synergy with that, so a lot of people pick that up. Leaves you with 20 points to play around.

So really, if you wanna go nerfy, you have three choices. First up is making Unsuspecting Foe a 20 point trait. This will result in a significant nerf to Hammers, which aren’t a source of complaint, so that doesn’t make much sense. Second up is making it Unsuspecting Foe a Grandmaster trait, which will effectively be the same as the third option of just up and removing it from the game.

My point is that the key things that make the setup work are all very sensitive to nerfs. Nerf Mace F1 and you’ll see no one using Mace. Nerf Unsuspecting Foe and you kill off hammers. Nerf GS and people will find other sources of decent damage, such as Eviscerate or Final Thrust.

This is really the crux of it. One thing you’re forgetting however is that eviscerate is a burst skill, and this would have a significant impact on rotations provided zerker stance isn’t up. And final thrust is more circumstantial than HB, with a longer CD.

If the GS was altered the setup could be fixed without making other mace and hammer builds obsolete.

If you do feel this build is too strong that is

Phaatonn, London UK

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561
