Not a lot of options?
Im always stuck with defense and dicipline for pvp build.
Arms condi
strength direct damage
tactics support
are warriors the least buffed class of all the classes? I don’t sense much optimism from this camp…
will warriors get thrown into the lesser weights on the pvp scene? Rank your warriors here now!
I’m not too worried about it, tbh. I see more fun build possibilities for my warrior in the proposed changes than I have now, and I appreciate that.
True, other classes got more love, but I don’t much care as long as Anet keeps on top of completely out of whack balance issues, and we’ll just have to see how things play out for them to do that. I don’t much care about ranking either as long as each class has valuable contributions to make and aren’t doomed every time they walk into a fight, otherwise, they aren’t fun to play.
My only real disappointment with the warrior changes is the lost opportunity to easily address some core issues (e.g. diversity, dead weapons) and the bizarre decision to strengthen Shoutbow-esque builds.
I’d also hoped making Mending a physical skill would reduce the pressure to take CI (and therefore Defense), but that appears to be off the table at the moment. Brawler’s Recovery, Cleansing Sigil, shouts and/or whatever makes it onto the new trait line and skills may be enough, but it remains to be seen. I’d have to play test in the new system to see about adren building without CI though.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
(edited by Choppy.4183)
They buffed ShoutBow (which nobody wanted) and not much else. They gave a try for making mace better, but it’s still an underdog. The buff to Shield Master is a nice touch. And they finally reworked Berserker’s Power so it encourages instead of penalizes Burst use. I like the buff to Signet Mastery, too, but few non-condi builds will take Arms. But as far as build diversity goes, it’s still a Fast Hands (Discipline), CI (Defense), Healing Signet, Bow-wielding Warrior world : /
(edited by perko.8309)
are warriors the least buffed class of all the classes? I don’t sense much optimism from this camp…
will warriors get thrown into the lesser weights on the pvp scene? Rank your warriors here now!
The Warrior is a buffing class. It will still be a buffing class. Zerker Warrior has been terrible for years.
The reality is your pidgeoned into 2 options:
1.) longbow for pvp
2.) GS for pve
Nothing else matters. I just feel sorry for the devs that put so much hard work into the other weapon sets, animations, skins, and etc. just to see them never see action.
Shoutbow with Defense – Tactics – Discipline will still be meta, but there will be a good amount of other options:
Skullcracker/Hambow/Greatbow/Double Melee in general: Strength – Defense – Tactics
Dual Sword + LB Condi/Hybrid: Arms – Defense – Tactis (Powerful Synergy will hopefully make up for longer weapon swaps)
Sword/Horn + LB Hybrid: Arms – Tactics – Defense
That’s 4 different loadouts right there that should be at least somewhat useable. Let’s not forget that offensive War isn’t too bad in Stronghold compared to Conquest. The game mode we have right now isn’t bad, it’s just that without more modes of course certain team setups are going to dominate. Any game that focuses on one game type like LoL/Dota/Smite have similar setups compared to GW2. War is good at support in a game mode that is based on holding points so of course it’ll be popular.
My biggest disappointment is that Rifle will still be basically pointless. I can actually do OK with it but the terrible 1 and 2 skills hold it back.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Or you could take any of these builds and take discipline instead of either tactics or defense. Not every build needs Shoutbow level of condi removal, and going for shouts in a non-celestial build seems pointless.
Or you could take any of these builds and take discipline instead of either tactics or defense. Not every build needs Shoutbow level of condi removal, and going for shouts in a non-celestial build seems pointless.
The Defense is more for Adren Gain on CI. I’m gonna try Arms – Tactics – Discipline with Carrion S/S + LB. I still feel like Warriors without a lot of condi cleanse are super easy to beat if you know what you’re doing. Sure, Engi is weak to condis but they have other mechanics that keep them viable dispite those weaknesses (the ability to blast multiple healing fields and long duration/short CD blocks.
If you can’t keep poison and movement impairing condis off you as a Warrior though, you may just be outa luck.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
The reality is your pidgeoned into 2 options:
1.) longbow for pvp
2.) GS for pve
Nothing else matters. I just feel sorry for the devs that put so much hard work into the other weapon sets, animations, skins, and etc. just to see them never see action.
These comments are in relation to pve:
axe/mace is part of the meta. sword off hand is pretty standard for lupi/any time you need blocks. Shield is useful for dungeon skips. Warnhorn is used for the blast + swiftness. Axe off hand can be useful when you have more than 3 enemies, cof p2, coe p1. Hammer is for mountain goating in pve (yeah not great).
Overall, warrior is incredibly adaptable in pve. Yes, gs is your main dps weapon, but with fast hands you have another set that you can almost devote purely to utility. Name any weapon on warrior and I can tell you a place where it is worth using it.
Chop chop chop>gs, dps wise