One hand sword animations!

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Greetings all.
First of all exuse my terrible english.

Second i would like to suggest some ways to improve the One handed sword animations, that many find terrible and strange.
Exspecially when :

-dual wielding them
-using skills like Flurrly, Blurred Frenzy

I was wondering why do they look so strange, but i alredy made a topic on that.
To be short : The way of holding weapons and that is clearly hurting the eye.
-the characters hold them out way to faar, and high.

Anet you laim, that combat is dinamic and reactive, trough i think its stil way to situational. Dodge is a really brilliant mechanic, but parry and attacks are still way to old fashioned, and exacly because of the big difference they look even worse.

Weapon attacks, (exspecially sword) should be more fluid, and “parry” skills and mechanics should be remade to :

-That wont really effect the characters look, or force them to a hunkering defensive bubble.
-Instead after activation your character simply automatically makes 1-2 or 3( max) parry animations in a limited time if getting hit. This could grandly improve the animation on fight, and would look more dinamic.

Seriously, if you want an example how it would look really dinamic and cool, check out some episodes of Spartacus, or any film in the theme. ( the third season, vengance got really good parts that show clearly how sword animations should be)

I also think the skill 1 (auto attack) should change when equipping an ofhand weapon (that can make attacks) to contain atleast 1 offhand weapon attack. Atleast only for the look. Because it looks terrible, to simply hold an ofhand weapon, untill the skills it has get used….takes the point of having them, if you just hold them.

I understand that you want more interaction in combat (as moch as possible) but the time for it is still to soon. The technology and design it lets, wont leave to many choices yet. The only solution is to make some automatic moves in combat, that happen from them self. (like passive parry-or a passive short time parry status you can active, as above).

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


I agree.
Even though the animations of riposte and its responsiveness would get fixed, there would be still problem with just swinging your main hand weapon and never using your offhand weapon (doesn’t apply for shield and warhorn).

Idea is to sort of adjust your 2nd “1” skill based on your offhand weapon.
for example:
Offhand sword would replace the 2nd chain attack with slash that would apply bleeding, using offhand sword.
Offhand axe would replace 2nd chain attack with double chop attack using offhand axe.
Offhand mace would replace 2nd chain attack with crushing strike that would apply 1 or 2 stacks of vulnerability, using offhand mace.

This would be much closer to dual-wielding, as well it could add some more options to choosing our weapon combinations. Think of it as different version of thief’s dual wield skills. Instead of getting one different trick, you would get a feeling of implementing your off hand weapon into your standart attacks.

What do you think?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: IceBlink.4317


I wished that all skill 1 attacks with a main hand weapon would alter in animation (but not in effect) depending on what you have in the offhand. Like if you were using two swords, then the second swing would be done with the offhand sword. It would look a tad more realistic rather than constantly attacking with one sword despite holding a second sword (or indeed, any offhand melee weapon such as an axe or mace).

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Well yeah, but its kinda strange having a offhand mace strike apply bleed.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Whell i dont mind effects we currently have, but more likely the mechanic, or more likely the owerall concept of the fight.

Dual wielding weapons differs with nothing from wielding a shield.
Many think shields give oyu passive benefit by only beeing there in your offhand…WRONG !!!
You also have to move it to block in the time it is needed, and you also have to use it to attack, or you wont EVER land a killing blow (unless your opponent is a lot less skilled). Because your opponent will simply block it with his offhand weapon, or main hand one.

Dual wield’s sole purpuse is to have an additional item you can use in a fight, wont matter if it is another sword or shield. Both can block attacks and make attacks.
You can strike from different angles with them, and block from different angles.

Shield are onyl better at defence because they can block arrows more easy, and have a wider block range.

BUT to use up this benefit the wielder must use them almost the same time, CONSTANTLY. And not only 1 at a time. Thats the whole point.
How could you benefit 2 things if you only use 1.

I dont mind the effects, but the animation.
I also think many swords are to long, or look to long, or the effects make them look way to long. And it looks stupid….

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Sef.6918


I know what you mean, the block ability with the sword is pretty terrible and unrealistic and it would be better if you blocked the next attacks for a few seconds (not missiles)
I have a thread similar to this one about traits and warrior ones in general.

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Rafnvartr.5146


@Madtavish: I was thinking the same think when I was duel wielding axes a while back and when I was autoattacking, all I was doing was hitting with my main hand weapon over and over again while I limply held my offhand to the side. It started to infuriate be and got me thinking: with the weapon dependent skills, you could easily make the the second skill in the chain based on the offhand, all though i was just thinking of using the second parts of the chain as is, but you could even do it with a shield as a little shield jab that could or could not daze, and the warhorn could give a short ranged and short duration buff.

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Agreen on that. Ill look your thread soon.