PvP Build - Skull Cracker

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Do you like bashing your foe over the head over and over again? Yes? Good.


May I present the most annoying build a warrior can run. The basic premise is very simple, lock a single target down – and destroy them. This build forces out stun breakers and stability skills better than any other build I know of. Run with a boon stealing thief and watch the enemy cry. Try to bait out stuns with Shield Bash first, if they don’t break chain it with Skull Crack for an absurdly long stun that in a coordinated spike spells instant death. This is one of the few builds where it’s OK to frequently use Hundred Blades, with Unsuspecting Foe almost all your strikes will be critical hits. This means that you’ll also gain might as you hit them with Hundred Blades further increasing the damage done AND the might will last longer due to the Runes of Hoelbrak. Burst Mastery and Cleansing Ire go together wonderfully and Hundred Blades will almost instantly refill your adrenaline. You can take your pick of the 10 point Defense trait because Dogged March, Shield Master, and Reflect Projectiles are all strong picks.

Why Mace you ask? Why not Hammer? Well for one thing having a shield offers you much more utility than hammer – another thing is that Skull crack is much harder to see coming, making it much less susceptible to blinds. Pommel Bash is also fantastic to stop heals or to be used right after a stun to keep them from using any pseudo- stun breakers. Hammer also necessitates the investment of 30 into Defense if you want to keep Cleansing Ire but you can afford to skip out on the mace trait considering you are mostly using it for its burst.

Now obviously this builds greatest weakness is excessive stability, but if you learn your opponents build you’ll be able to land it when you need it between cooldowns because you’ll almost always have access to Skull Crack on cooldown. Blinds can still be a problem but are much less so here than with hammer. Aim to land Skull Crack right after a dodge for best success.

Have fun being the biggest pain in the butt on the battlefield!

P.S: Here’s a potential variant if you’re more of a stances guy. Berserker Stance is still iffy for many people but when activated with Endure Pain and Balanced Stance that’s 4 seconds of being almost indestructible. I could also see Runes of Mel being viable in order to further mitigate conditions, but note this will come with much less damage as a result.


EDIT: After further messing with the build I’ve decided that you get more sustain with Runes of Melandru, You could also also decided to focus more on single target damage and use Sigil of Air.


EDIT 2: Another Variant using soldiers runes and Hoelbrak:


Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Rez.2578



PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Yah I’ve seen those, but considering those were WvW I figured I’d post the S/TPvP variant.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


Burr, a friend of mine uses the build, but with Valkyrie Amulet + Shout heals instead. It’s a total bomb in PvP and an excellent homepoint-defender variant.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Burr, a friend of mine uses the build, but with Valkyrie Amulet + Shout heals instead. It’s a total bomb in PvP and an excellent homepoint-defender variant.

I can’t bring myself to use shouts still, Fear me when traited is nice now but I feel I need to go all shouts if I’m putting 20 points in tactics which means no Balanced Stance/Dolyak which means 20 in Defense for Last Stand which leaves me feeling like a baby Guardian. If he can get it to work that’s great but my vision of warrior is the in-between of Thief and Guardian and whenever I make myself tough I still fell inferior to guardian. Mace and GS gives us both mobility and CC with a good “burst” (not using Frenzy so idk if stunning them for 3.5 seconds and using 100b+Whirlwind counts as a burst). I felt this build does something not many other classes can do, provide CC like a guardian but with enough mobility to roam.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: naphack.9346


I ran something similar to this like 2 patches ago in wvw…
I don’t really like your setup, tbh.

While I admit, my build was more of a #YOLO type of build, utilizing the likes of bull rush and later even experimenting with kick, there is one thing, you need to keep in mind:
You WILL get kited.
An opponent can easily pin you down with ranged attacks and while you may power through with dogged march and hoelbrak runes, you more often than not will simply bleed out without ever being able to as much as touch that guy.

The Greatsword can only bring you that far against ranged opponents, so what I’d suggest is: Try to scratch up some points in defense from somwhere. Get that missile reflection. You got two blocks on your main weapon set. These absolutely LOVE reflection. Make your opponent uncomfortable at range while constantly pressing into melee. That’s what relection is there for.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


And use Soldier’s or Valkyrie Amulet. You need time to find the perfect occasion, and with armor you are sure to live to that moment.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I ran something similar to this like 2 patches ago in wvw…
I don’t really like your setup, tbh.

While I admit, my build was more of a #YOLO type of build, utilizing the likes of bull rush and later even experimenting with kick, there is one thing, you need to keep in mind:
You WILL get kited.
An opponent can easily pin you down with ranged attacks and while you may power through with dogged march and hoelbrak runes, you more often than not will simply bleed out without ever being able to as much as touch that guy.

The Greatsword can only bring you that far against ranged opponents, so what I’d suggest is: Try to scratch up some points in defense from somwhere. Get that missile reflection. You got two blocks on your main weapon set. These absolutely LOVE reflection. Make your opponent uncomfortable at range while constantly pressing into melee. That’s what relection is there for.

Kiting can actually be avoided more so with Reflect Projectiles and it was a mistake that Dogged was there as the default. Starting off with counter blow is several seconds of the enemy hitting themselves, then rolling or canceling their attacks. By then you can Bladetrail then Rush in or Whirlwhind in and after that it isn’t too terrible so long as you switch back to mace and use counterblow/ shield stance. If I get spiked by traps/wells (though if I’m smart I’ll Whirlwind through them) you still have Signet of Stamina to cleanse. I could even see Sword/Sword being a substitute for GS because Savage Leap isn’t affected by movement impairments and Riposte would be yet another way to reflect projectiles. Although doing this wouldn’t have the whole synergy between Skull Crack and 100b though a Impale/Rip with Final Thrust combo might do roughly as much…I’ll have to mess around with that.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


And use Soldier’s or Valkyrie Amulet. You need time to find the perfect occasion, and with armor you are sure to live to that moment.

I’ve NEVER found Soldiers to increase survivability more than a few insignificant seconds, not to mention it means your killing power is cut in half. This build’s survival comes from the use of Blocks, Whirlwind, Endure Pain, and the extra dodges from Signet of Stamina. With Soldiers I’ll just see diminishing returns and end up being a wanna-be Guardian.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


And use Soldier’s or Valkyrie Amulet. You need time to find the perfect occasion, and with armor you are sure to live to that moment.

I’ve NEVER found Soldiers to increase survivability more than a few insignificant seconds, not to mention it means your killing power is cut in half. This build’s survival comes from the use of Blocks, Whirlwind, Endure Pain, and the extra dodges from Signet of Stamina. With Soldiers I’ll just see diminishing returns and end up being a wanna-be Guardian.

We have different experiences, then: when you have 3k armor and 24k health points, it’s hard to take you down quickly. You can survive long enough to place another burst to the enemy. And considering your killing power comes from Unsuspecting Foe, you don’t lose too much. You last only few secs more if you get focused.

Even if I understand you are trying to play a hybrid.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I ran something similar to this like 2 patches ago in wvw…
I don’t really like your setup, tbh.

While I admit, my build was more of a #YOLO type of build, utilizing the likes of bull rush and later even experimenting with kick, there is one thing, you need to keep in mind:
You WILL get kited.
An opponent can easily pin you down with ranged attacks and while you may power through with dogged march and hoelbrak runes, you more often than not will simply bleed out without ever being able to as much as touch that guy.

The Greatsword can only bring you that far against ranged opponents, so what I’d suggest is: Try to scratch up some points in defense from somwhere. Get that missile reflection. You got two blocks on your main weapon set. These absolutely LOVE reflection. Make your opponent uncomfortable at range while constantly pressing into melee. That’s what relection is there for.

Kiting can actually be avoided more so with Reflect Projectiles and it was a mistake that Dogged was there as the default. Starting off with counter blow is several seconds of the enemy hitting themselves, then rolling or canceling their attacks. By then you can Bladetrail then Rush in or Whirlwhind in and after that it isn’t too terrible so long as you switch back to mace and use counterblow/ shield stance. If I get spiked by traps/wells (though if I’m smart I’ll Whirlwind through them) you still have Signet of Stamina to cleanse. I could even see Sword/Sword being a substitute for GS because Savage Leap isn’t affected by movement impairments and Riposte would be yet another way to reflect projectiles. Although doing this wouldn’t have the whole synergy between Skull Crack and 100b though a Impale/Rip with Final Thrust combo might do roughly as much…I’ll have to mess around with that.

What about elementalists? They don’t have many projectiles. But still they can easily kite you.

Same for phantasms, except duelist.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


I don’t think everyone gets this. Here’s the best setup WHEN in my humblest of opinions, Dogged March, Melandru/Hoelbrak, AND lemongrass is used. That means you don’t have to micromanage conditions. Honestly, if I played this spec I’d switch it out some and not pick up cleansing ire (WvW mode). I realize you will be more hungry for adrenaline but you can offset it because you’ll be on top of your victim more and burst mastery/signet of fury will help offset even more. The other key, without signet mastery in my eyes, is warrior’s sprint.

So instead of cleansing ire, pick up dogged march. Instead of Vigorous Focus, pick up Warrior’s Sprint. And I’d also drop berserker’s stance because I don’t care about conditions – they fall off me. Instead I’d pick up signet of fury for the extra crit and pop it for a full adrenaline bar to offset my urge to use healing surge prematurely. Also, I’d drop Destruction of the Empowered for Signet Mastery. Dolyak is then better return than balance stance since you already have warrior’s sprint – no need for swiftness when popping balance stance.

And I would MOST definitely use Superior Sigil of Impact on the greatsword (and even the mace). The 100blades combo on the skillcracker stun will be +10 more damage which helps considering we couldn’t squeeze 25 points in arms.


This build fits my playstyle. This is FOR WVW because lemongrass is simply required to make this work. Otherwise Burr brings the right amount of utility to offset conditions for a sPvP build with cleansing ire and berserker’s stance.

Also, I’ve sometimes wielded dual maces for tremor instead of the shield but with missile deflection you have to go with the shield or sword offhand. The only other thing I would consider over missile deflection is last stand or sundering mace. But I think the missile deflection outright wins it with two build in swings for it.

(edited by Tyrion.4259)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Bikkan.4605


I tried this out yesterday in tournaments and it was the most satisfying build so far for me, after the patch. I’d like if you could test out the dual sword instead of GS and tell the results. Thx

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I tried this out yesterday in tournaments and it was the most satisfying build so far for me, after the patch. I’d like if you could test out the dual sword instead of GS and tell the results. Thx

Thx for the feedback! Yah I want to try out dual swords but I’m on my 3rd Midnight in a row and have another tonight so I haven’t had much time for game playing. I do feel like Skull Crack followed by Impale+Rip and Final Thrust could be a solid combination and Riposte is yet another block to make ranged attackers cry.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


I run the build a little bit different, this is my setup for tournament with the build right now. Ran it last night and out of ~10 matches, only one was lost. I didn’t die in a single match, being able to get as low as 1000hp and do one of my 2 full condi cleanses then whirling + rush away, heal, and rejoin fight with allies. I was top score and kills in most matches, this build makes for a NASTY roamer. Greatsword allowed me to move around the map faster than I have ever been able to as my Engi.


Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I tried to keep power at 2000, but probably 1900+ and a bit higher crit chance is a good trade-off.

And I was a bit paranoid about having the bar full, so I used burst mastery. I like the idea of Defy Pain, though.

Just one question: how do you go against mesmers? I managed to down a decent one on a duel arena, and considering it is the nastiest place to duel a mesmer (open field → their teleport create enough gap to be stunbreakers) I think it’s a great result.

I think you might be able to take down bunkers, too. Especially engineers, considering their lack of stability.

Not to forget unsuspecting foe works with daze, too, so you can still pack up some punch using some autotattacks after pommel bash. Or force the enemy to waste a stunbreaker on shield bash.

However, my bigger doubt remains: we lack a gap closer with the mace. In group fights that might not be a problem, though.

How do you see this build as a far point assaulter?

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


It depends on who the bunker is…a good Ranger bunker is really difficult to burst down with all the healing and protection + high armor. I think I kill them easier on my Engi, but for everything else it seems to be great. I had to 1v1 a Mesmer and a Necro at the enemy treb in one of the matches and was able to kill and stomp both.

So far I have been pretty good with Mesmers. Endure Pain is great if I’m against a shatter spec, and all the reflect is really awesome vs the phantasm mesmers. When fighting a phant mesmer I try to save the blocks for as soon as the duelists start their unload and then it kills them for me.

I haven’t had much issue with the lack of Mace/Shield gap closer, 5s cooldown on swapping and GS mobility is great. A lot of times I whirlwind to my target, bladetrail to cripple then swap to Mace and shield bash.

Edit : I have been playing the build as the Roamer though, taking place of where a thief would maybe be in the comp. I’ll assault the enemy treb, assist anywhere needed and get there quickly with GS, ninja cap, etc. It’s extremely effective when you show up to a fight where people are already engaged and just drop someone, lock down the Necro with stuns, whatever.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

(edited by Velron.3729)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Just had a thought…if running the Endure Pain trait and really worried about gap closing what about dropping EP off the utility slot and grabbing Throw Bolas for a short CD nice immobilize? It could be dodge, but so can bulls charge and that’s twice the cd.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Is nice, but unreliable: is really a pain to land on enemies. Bull’s Charge is a bit harder to avoid.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

Have you played it?

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

However you play it, it’s pretty defensive. Not a free kill at all.

Then sure, if you bring it on a duel server, fight right after the spawn against a dueling build, you are gonna have a bad time. But rule number 1 is don’t fight kiters in open field.

You’ll have plenty of occasions to land your burst on the enemy, and mace is offensive even by itself.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

Made me laugh, since I’ve been absolutely wrecking with it. To each their own.

Man this game is sure full of kitten talkers.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


Its a bit of a one trick pony, but its a good trick. Like any warrior weapon combo it works better vs certain build types.

Mists is fully of warriors running mace/gs and necros these days. I could have used 15 stability buttons this morning. Daze fear, stun fear, more walls of fear crap, stun.

I may start running 2 sets of stability for these insane cc mixes.

Mace, run speed +52% and shorter heal cds are certainly the good parts of the patch

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

Have you played it?


Do not works against:
- condition spammers
- bunkers
- fast healers
- hit and run(or evade) with ranged attacks.
- burts (because -3k thoug = instant death)

GS only viable in glass builds, and PvP is not place for glasses.

I recomend put 3k or more thougness, and mix raw dmg with condition dmg, or go full condition.
All another classes(thieves have other resources) have easy access to protection + regeneration + retaliation at same time, good heal skils, evasion in weapon skills, combo fields. Warrior have nothing.

In my opinion Mace are useless without Axe, all then properly traited(if you need swap weapons to deal average dmg, is because are some thing wrong with weapon skills).
Sheld are unthinkable. High cost and low reward in skills… Never use sheld! Embrace my idea
Sheld will become viable when his #4 stuning for 3s or more, and #5 block for 5s or more.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Puandro.3245


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

Have you played it?


Do not works against:
- condition spammers
- bunkers
- fast healers
- hit and run(or evade) with ranged attacks.
- burts (because -3k thoug = instant death)

GS only viable in glass builds, and PvP is not place for glasses.

I recomend put 3k or more thougness, and mix raw dmg with condition dmg, or go full condition.
All another classes(thieves have other resources) have easy access to protection + regeneration + retaliation at same time, good heal skils, evasion in weapon skills, combo fields. Warrior have nothing.

In my opinion Mace are useless without Axe, all then properly traited.
obs: If you need swap weapons to deal average dmg, is because are some thing wrong with weapon skills.

I cant speak for sPvP since i have not have a chance to run it there but in WvW my version of Mace/GS is kittening disgusting, if you dont have stability i just make you into a punching bug. Easiest kills are necros which is pretty funny since everyone thinks they are OP atm

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


One more CC + 100b build.
Useless :/

Just one more free kill in PvP.

Have you played it?


Do not works against:
- condition spammers
- bunkers
- fast healers
- hit and run(or evade) with ranged attacks.
- burts (because -3k thoug = instant death)

GS only viable in glass builds, and PvP is not place for glasses.

I recomend put 3k or more thougness, and mix raw dmg with condition dmg, or go full condition.
All another classes(thieves have other resources) have easy access to protection + regeneration + retaliation at same time, good heal skils, evasion in weapon skills, combo fields. Warrior have nothing.

In my opinion Mace are useless without Axe, all then properly traited(if you need swap weapons to deal average dmg, is because are some thing wrong with weapon skills).
Sheld are unthinkable. High cost and low reward in skills… Never use sheld! Embrace my idea
Sheld will become viable when his #4 stuning for 3s or more, and #5 block for 5s or more.

About the amulet, this build gets better with soldier’s amulet.

And, well, I haven’t tested extensively, but 8k damage with stun can take down some bunkers. To make this work, though, you need sigil of fire. And a bit of luck.

Downing bunkers is possible IMHO, but I haven’t had enough experience with it. I might be wrong.

The good thing, in the right version (soldier amulet) is that you are a one-trick pony, but you can dish out the trick every 8-10 seconds and can take a lot of damage.

Shield Bash works as a win-win: either the enemy wastes a stunbreaker or a dodge, or we can deal him some nice damage.

Most dangerous condi spammers are necros and engineers, right? Well, they both hate stuns.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Yeah the build is great for dropping Engineers and Necros….funny since he says its weak against condition spammers.

I also question why, especially when – at least in my version, you have.

- 2 condi cleanse every 25 sec
-full cleanse every 45 sec
-full cleanse every 60 sec

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


So, I ran this in Tourneys today but used Mel runes. I managed to fairly easily kill the Ele home bunker which made our team take a huge lead and win the match. The reduced damage made the fight take longer but because you are spamming Skull Crack so often it still have good killing power.

That same game I rushed their home point at the start and held off 3 of the enemy team for around a minute, I died but that delay in them being able to cap their home point also gave us an early lead.

Timing the stuns correctly will reward you with making bunkers pop all their anti-cc skills and you’ll be cause to take them down because once you land a full combo Guardians and Ele’s low HP means they’re doomed. Still not a fan of Soldier’s Ammy, makes me feel like a watered down Guardian and killing things while having it is a chore. The point is to have just enough sustain to not be overwhelmed while having enough DPS to punish them.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I thing Mace are good in this way(close in 90% crt chance after stun):


In free weapon set can play longbow fo AoE + condition. Then you will have condition + cc + dps + aoe + cleanser only in weapon set.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I thing Mace are good in this way(close in 90% crt chance after stun):


In free weapon set can play longbow fo AoE + condition. Then you will have condition + cc + dps + aoe + cleanser only in weapon set.

Offhand Axe is still a sub-par choice, the DPS is still garbage, and Fury is up most of the time anyways. The hits from Axe 5 can gain adren fast but that isn’t a problem either with Burst Mastery and Cleansing Ire.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I use frequently use Axe #5 for raw dmg, but adrenaline raises fast Helps in Adrenal Health.

In Skull Cracker build basicaly stun with f1 and chain Axe#5, the dps are realy high.
Are a combo with 16s CD, much better than Bull’s Charge or Sheld Stun + 100b. And without need cast utility slot or swap weapon, even if foe BS, you can repeat the combo in few seconds, and the foe’s skill will be recharging

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I use frequently use Axe #5 for raw dmg, but adrenaline raises fast Helps in Adrenal Health.

In Skull Cracker build basicaly stun with f1 and chain Axe#5, the dps are realy high.
Are a combo with 16s CD, much better than Bull’s Charge or Sheld Stun + 100b. And without need cast utility slot or swap weapon, even if foe BS, you can repeat the combo in few seconds, and the foe’s skill will be recharging

Axe 5 DPS is lower than mainhand Axe 1 and like I said with my traits adren gain is fast enough as it is. The Skull Crack + 100b is a cheap gimmick but it works way better than Axe 5.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


So, I ran this in Tourneys today but used Mel runes. I managed to fairly easily kill the Ele home bunker which made our team take a huge lead and win the match. The reduced damage made the fight take longer but because you are spamming Skull Crack so often it still have good killing power.

That same game I rushed their home point at the start and held off 3 of the enemy team for around a minute, I died but that delay in them being able to cap their home point also gave us an early lead.

Timing the stuns correctly will reward you with making bunkers pop all their anti-cc skills and you’ll be cause to take them down because once you land a full combo Guardians and Ele’s low HP means they’re doomed. Still not a fan of Soldier’s Ammy, makes me feel like a watered down Guardian and killing things while having it is a chore. The point is to have just enough sustain to not be overwhelmed while having enough DPS to punish them.

With Melandru runes you can afford Berserker’s Amulet. But you lack power, right?. With soldier you have to use mace to create pressure with Pommel Bash et similia.

But I played only once with this build, didn’t have the time to try all the tweaks.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


So, I ran this in Tourneys today but used Mel runes. I managed to fairly easily kill the Ele home bunker which made our team take a huge lead and win the match. The reduced damage made the fight take longer but because you are spamming Skull Crack so often it still have good killing power.

That same game I rushed their home point at the start and held off 3 of the enemy team for around a minute, I died but that delay in them being able to cap their home point also gave us an early lead.

Timing the stuns correctly will reward you with making bunkers pop all their anti-cc skills and you’ll be cause to take them down because once you land a full combo Guardians and Ele’s low HP means they’re doomed. Still not a fan of Soldier’s Ammy, makes me feel like a watered down Guardian and killing things while having it is a chore. The point is to have just enough sustain to not be overwhelmed while having enough DPS to punish them.

With Melandru runes you can afford Berserker’s Amulet. But you lack power, right?. With soldier you have to use mace to create pressure with Pommel Bash et similia.

But I played only once with this build, didn’t have the time to try all the tweaks.

Power still wasn’t too bad, you can still go Skull Cracker → 100b → Whirlwind → Skull Cracker. The duration and frequency of the stuns kinda make up for the reduced power and make it harder for confusion shatter mesmers to overwhelm you before you exhaust all their damage mitigation skills. Blurred Frenzy is still a pain because of its low cooldown. With my current version I have 2849 attack, 41% crit chance, 2808 armor when Dolyak signet isn’t activted, and 50% crit damage. With Fury and Unsuspecting Foe your 100b will all crit as well. I tried Sword/Sword and it was OK but man do you start to miss Whirlwind attack, not to mention making Impale+Rip and Final Thrust land as consistently as 100b does is tricky.

I’m working a ton of hours but you could try testing this:


You’ll have higher base stats but at the cost of crit chance and crit damage. Although with Fury and Unsuspecting during 100b it’ll still be 87% crit chance. Honestly it might even out either way. Soldiers and Mel would appear to be counter-intuitive because you would start to see diminishing returns on toughness. Basically the Zerker with Mel has higher crit chance/damage with lower power and toughness and reduces condi duration by 35% while soldiers with Hoelbrak gives better power + Toughness + HP but with much less crit chance/dmg and reduces condi duration by 20%. Both are pretty balanced builds that aren’t exactly glass but aren’t bunkers by any means.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Melandru reduces condi duration by 25%.

And actually the only stats that has to be taken into account is power. Between 1839 and 2000 you have a 10% flat damage increase.

Does that outweight the crit chance and the crit damage you lose? Dunno. Probably not.

However, the objective with soldier’s amulet is to being able to hold a point for some time by yourself and to deal enough burst to kill enemies.

But the most important thing you can achieve with a warrior is a convenient balance, so soldier’s amulet is not mandatory to reach this goal.

For instance, here is a good compromise, even if I didn’t test it:


Mighty defenses can be easily changed for Mobile Strikes or DotE. I just tought it could be fun with all the blocks we have.

High armor, good crit, only 10% less crit damage (only 5% less damage), and 1900 power. We can spend up to 35% of our time not taking ranged damage without dodging (2*4 seconds of 0 damage thanks to endure pain and defy pain over 60 seconds, 3 seconds of blocking over 33 -you have to count the fact the skill goes on cooldown after the block ended- and 1.5 over 11.5 seconds with the mace block). Without counting the mace block, we are at 22%.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


I would personally run Rune of the Hoelbrek over Melandru for this build.

Keep the + power, only 5% less -condi duration.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


With Melandru we get even more toughness.

And +165 power is just an 8.6% damage increase. I’d rather have more toughness.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I use frequently use Axe #5 for raw dmg, but adrenaline raises fast Helps in Adrenal Health.

In Skull Cracker build basicaly stun with f1 and chain Axe#5, the dps are realy high.
Are a combo with 16s CD, much better than Bull’s Charge or Sheld Stun + 100b. And without need cast utility slot or swap weapon, even if foe BS, you can repeat the combo in few seconds, and the foe’s skill will be recharging

Axe 5 DPS is lower than mainhand Axe 1 and like I said with my traits adren gain is fast enough as it is. The Skull Crack + 100b is a cheap gimmick but it works way better than Axe 5.

You’re right.
Axe #5 dps really is low. Thanks for make me review

Now i see.
- Mace are completely useless!

Good luck for those who want use it

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Mace is kittenin boss in team fights. I land so many skull cracks, dazes and shield bashes in the middle of those hectic fights. My target always drops. No one lives through being cc shut down and focused by an outside source.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I still prefer my own build with dual mace+rifle. Gs is a strickle pve wep.

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I use frequently use Axe #5 for raw dmg, but adrenaline raises fast Helps in Adrenal Health.

In Skull Cracker build basicaly stun with f1 and chain Axe#5, the dps are realy high.
Are a combo with 16s CD, much better than Bull’s Charge or Sheld Stun + 100b. And without need cast utility slot or swap weapon, even if foe BS, you can repeat the combo in few seconds, and the foe’s skill will be recharging

Axe 5 DPS is lower than mainhand Axe 1 and like I said with my traits adren gain is fast enough as it is. The Skull Crack + 100b is a cheap gimmick but it works way better than Axe 5.

You’re right.
Axe #5 dps really is low. Thanks for make me review

Now i see.
- Mace are completely useless!

Good luck for those who want use it

100 b is better because
1: you can follow the burst with whirling strike, dealing another chunk of damage.
2: it’s on the same cooldown as skull crack.

And can be used against downed opponents. Whirling can too, but the first is on half the cooldown. AND you’ll end up with 8 stacks of might.

And you still have good mobility and damage outside of the burst. And shield gives you another block. Greatsword is by no means a poor choice.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Actually warrior’s dps are insuficient against tons of defencive recoures that another classes have, and all then are spamming conditions faster you can cleanse.

Necros, Thieves, Rangers and Engineers can put down all your hp in less of 10s only with conditions. Warrior can do the same, but in 20s or 30s. Elementarists, Guardians and Mesmers are dealing insane dmg with insane sustain and control, if you have less of 3k hp you are dead faster you can do same thing.

In my opinion, weapon skills needs massively impovements.

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Melandru reduces condi duration by 25%.

And actually the only stats that has to be taken into account is power. Between 1839 and 2000 you have a 10% flat damage increase.

Does that outweight the crit chance and the crit damage you lose? Dunno. Probably not.

However, the objective with soldier’s amulet is to being able to hold a point for some time by yourself and to deal enough burst to kill enemies.

But the most important thing you can achieve with a warrior is a convenient balance, so soldier’s amulet is not mandatory to reach this goal.

For instance, here is a good compromise, even if I didn’t test it:


Mighty defenses can be easily changed for Mobile Strikes or DotE. I just tought it could be fun with all the blocks we have.

High armor, good crit, only 10% less crit damage (only 5% less damage), and 1900 power. We can spend up to 35% of our time not taking ranged damage without dodging (2*4 seconds of 0 damage thanks to endure pain and defy pain over 60 seconds, 3 seconds of blocking over 33 -you have to count the fact the skill goes on cooldown after the block ended- and 1.5 over 11.5 seconds with the mace block). Without counting the mace block, we are at 22%.

Yah that was a mistype on my part about the amount of reduction, it was like 5am after a midnight shift so such things happen :P.

The problem with that version I don’t think Skull Crack would be up nearly as often because you lose Burst Mastery. The build revolves around constantly using it and not to mention makes it’s cooldown roughly the same as 100b. Also, with Forceful GS and Unsuspecting Foe makes every hit of 100b critical, which gains you Might, so the increase of damage during the attack would be greater than 5%.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: galandor.1059


What about running Runes of Strength with this build? Gain 5% damage when under effects of might, might be worth a look.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I use frequently use Axe #5 for raw dmg, but adrenaline raises fast Helps in Adrenal Health.

In Skull Cracker build basicaly stun with f1 and chain Axe#5, the dps are realy high.
Are a combo with 16s CD, much better than Bull’s Charge or Sheld Stun + 100b. And without need cast utility slot or swap weapon, even if foe BS, you can repeat the combo in few seconds, and the foe’s skill will be recharging

Axe 5 DPS is lower than mainhand Axe 1 and like I said with my traits adren gain is fast enough as it is. The Skull Crack + 100b is a cheap gimmick but it works way better than Axe 5.

You’re right.
Axe #5 dps really is low. Thanks for make me review

Now i see.
- Mace are completely useless!

Good luck for those who want use it

100 b is better because
1: you can follow the burst with whirling strike, dealing another chunk of damage.
2: it’s on the same cooldown as skull crack.

And can be used against downed opponents. Whirling can too, but the first is on half the cooldown. AND you’ll end up with 8 stacks of might.

And you still have good mobility and damage outside of the burst. And shield gives you another block. Greatsword is by no means a poor choice.

Hum. Looks good

In my condition build i use sword/sword, and i have 2,25s block + reflect projectiles + 5 adrenaline every 15s. If the enemy hits close i inflict 8k bleed.

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Melandru reduces condi duration by 25%.

And actually the only stats that has to be taken into account is power. Between 1839 and 2000 you have a 10% flat damage increase.

Does that outweight the crit chance and the crit damage you lose? Dunno. Probably not.

However, the objective with soldier’s amulet is to being able to hold a point for some time by yourself and to deal enough burst to kill enemies.

But the most important thing you can achieve with a warrior is a convenient balance, so soldier’s amulet is not mandatory to reach this goal.

For instance, here is a good compromise, even if I didn’t test it:


Mighty defenses can be easily changed for Mobile Strikes or DotE. I just tought it could be fun with all the blocks we have.

High armor, good crit, only 10% less crit damage (only 5% less damage), and 1900 power. We can spend up to 35% of our time not taking ranged damage without dodging (2*4 seconds of 0 damage thanks to endure pain and defy pain over 60 seconds, 3 seconds of blocking over 33 -you have to count the fact the skill goes on cooldown after the block ended- and 1.5 over 11.5 seconds with the mace block). Without counting the mace block, we are at 22%.

Yah that was a mistype on my part about the amount of reduction, it was like 5am after a midnight shift so such things happen :P.

The problem with that version I don’t think Skull Crack would be up nearly as often because you lose Burst Mastery. The build revolves around constantly using it and not to mention makes it’s cooldown roughly the same as 100b. Also, with Forceful GS and Unsuspecting Foe makes every hit of 100b critical, which gains you Might, so the increase of damage during the attack would be greater than 5%.

The adrenaline loss issue is actually something I’m unsure about. That’s why I said it should be tested, because I never had a problem with landing skull crack every time it was off cd. The question is: will GS let me stick enough to my opponent to gain 3 bars of adrenaline in 8-10 seconds?

Hopefully the enemy will help me with Cleansing Ire, though…

And I gain more out of burst damage potential.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I thing Mace are good in this way(close in 90% crt chance after stun):


In free weapon set can play longbow fo AoE + condition. Then you will have condition + cc + dps + aoe + cleanser only in weapon set.

Here, try this for double burst:


If Skull crack fails, land pommel Bash, then Eviscerate.

Or, if you land the combo, you can interrupt whirling axe to land a full eviscerate, too. Bunker dead, probably.XD

Well, maybe Axe/shield instead of axe mace, but… you get the idea.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I thing Mace are good in this way(close in 90% crt chance after stun):


In free weapon set can play longbow fo AoE + condition. Then you will have condition + cc + dps + aoe + cleanser only in weapon set.

Here, try this for double burst:


If Skull crack fails, land pommel Bash, then Eviscerate.

Or, if you land the combo, you can interrupt whirling axe to land a full eviscerate, too. Bunker dead, probably.XD

Well, maybe Axe/shield instead of axe mace, but… you get the idea.XD


PvP Build - Skull Cracker

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Just came out of my mind, I can’t guarantee it won’t suck.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself