Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

Yep, me too. I haven’t entered a dungeon/fractal for months because of this.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

If anything it’ll just become more prominent with the nerf to crit damage. Less damage from the same people will make it more noticeable that there is someone in a non zerk build.

The only way to get the numbers anet has said for the crit damage change is literally to crit 100% of the time.

Actually it will be harder to detect as damage difference between pvt and ppc gets smaller.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: xallever.1874


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

If anything it’ll just become more prominent with the nerf to crit damage. Less damage from the same people will make it more noticeable that there is someone in a non zerk build.

The only way to get the numbers anet has said for the crit damage change is literally to crit 100% of the time.

Actually it will be harder to detect as damage difference between pvt and ppc gets smaller.

That’s true. Harder to detect, and yet possibly is going to be even more important.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Its not 10% per person its more like a 15-20% redution as seen here.
You can fanboyish believe whatever ANET says but I know better cuz in the past its been wrong many times.


To be fair. Its a 10% nerf for a Full DPS build without any boost. The higher you get by adding food, banners, signet, trait bonus, etc then you get more about 14-16% nerf. The problem is that all these buff don’t have any official numbers. We made guess to finish our math. These are mostly good guess, but still anet could have figure out that and don’t nerf these food, buff, etc and simply give the right amount of ferocity so they don’t nerf more than 10%. I doubt they will do that, but there is still a chance.

we will have to see I doubt hundred blade damage will go above 20k now

I’m doing between 25k to 35k with my warrior hundred blades. With my guild i can go between 40 and 60k, and you can even reach 80k if you max everything. Saw video of higher than that, but usually not on normal mobs.

I’m pretty sure i’ll maintain most of my Hundred blades over 20K even if the nerf is 15%, except when i’m not with a good party.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bunschii.2918


Gg math, gg

/15 char

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


OK one last try. To start, forget GW2 even exists.

In Nerfland, ….(snip)…

Just popping in to say I love you. I don’t even read this subforum, but news of this thread has spread throughout Tyria, and I traveled a great distance to pay my respects. I applaud your valiant efforts to educate those you meet in the mysterious ways of fractions.


Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


The math in this thread reminds me of a guy I knew who tried to add up the value of all 50 state quarters (obviously 1/4 of a dollar, for non-americans.) He came up with $125…. 50 quarters worth less than a dollar each add up to $125.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


according to anet the zerk build is receiving a 10% damage nerf which means having 5 group of zerker after the patch will be doing 50% less damage , so means that if you want more damage inviting 1 or 2 condition build to the group is far better then having all zerker

a good lvl 80 condition build class can easy do 6k damage a sec with out crits at least this is what I do with my thf having 15 stack of bleed doing 3k damage a tick ,poison doing 1k a sec and my daggers doing 2k a sec

I am sure with the zerk nerf condition build are going be close next to a zerker damage build especially now that you can stack both condition stack and power stack sigils

5 people doing 10% less damage is still equal to 10% less damage. if 5 people do 9k damage instead of 10k you would be doing a total of 45k damage insted of 50k. The difference is 5k. 5/50×100=10%.

That’s incorrect , 5 people doing 10% less damage each is a total of 50% less damage over all as a group

your math that you just did was each player doing 1% damage different I promise you that if the zerker build atm is doing 9k a hit after the patch they will be doing 6k a hit or less

lol, I’m glad you aren’t the one caIculating the interest on my mortgage. I think you should research how percentages work. Also 9k damage versus 10k damage is a 10% difference not 1. If you had 10 million people doing 10% less damage the damage difference is still going to be 10%. 10% of 1 person doing 20k or 10% of 20 people doing 1k is the same. 10% of 5 people doing 100k is still 10%.

^ This made my day.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Andar.9107


The only thing this crit damage nerf will do is force everybody in PVE into zerk even more, and force everybody in PvP/roaming WvW even more into conditions.

This 100%. Before an organized group of 4 bersekers could stand a cleric or condi build into the group for a dungeon or fractal, now they’re just going to ask for another berserker making the problem worse. GG Arena Net.

Until you fix the problems with those other builds, i.e. condition stacking/capping, or adding new dps stats like haste, then nerfing the only build-type that actually works won’t make these trash builds any more attractive.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Seerstrange.4723


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Anet give us new skills!

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Andar.9107


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Agony.3542


While the patch may lower the damage output of a zerker aswell as completely kill zerk amulet+soldier armor builds or the assasin/zerker mix, it does not solve the “core” issue condition damage has.
Condis have a hard cap. 25 stacks for bleed and torment, 9 stacks for burn and poison. If players play “decent builds” they will already occupy a lot of the “condition slots” even if they are not spec’d for condition damage. It gets even worse if two players try to focus on condition damage at the same time; if they play decent, both regarding their build aswell as their playstyle (which makes some examples in the past simply irrelevant) their damage output will be relatively similar to just one condition damagedealer alone (torment can make some difference, because unlike bleed you wont cap out on it by yourself, but thats far from enough).

Another big issue is that condition damage scales extremely bad with gear/buffs. Getting “new gearsets” like ascended or 25 stacks of might will of course make some difference for condition damage, but not as much as it will make for berserker damage.
Having only 2 stats that affect condtion damage directly, condition damage and condition duration, with precision based burn/bleed beeing almost a waste doesnt help the issue.

Rampager may look better when you compare it to berserker then and now, but it’ll still be way subpar to zerker.

Also to all the meta haters: Nerfing one “meta” will just result in another “meta” to appear. “Meta” is what is best suited for people who give kittens about running dungeons, they will find what suits their needs best. And really noone can tell if the “new” meta will be better or worse compared to the one you currently have, but trying to change the “issues” with the current meta by nerfing the gear wont make boring content more intresting. All it will do is that you’ll take more time doing the boring content, which will result in a lot of players quitting.

RIP game 2012-2014

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

^ I don’t think I could have said it better than you if I tried, Agony. Well done. Perfect analysis.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Andar.9107


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.

You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Seerstrange.4723


The problems in the content and mechanics, not the builds. Its already been said in this thread but ill repeat it. Nerfing the meta won’t make the content fun it’ll just make it take longer.

Anet give us new skills!

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.

You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).

The thing is that it isn’t only build that currently works. It is just the build that can get it done insanely fast. If people weren’t so obsessed about running at peak efficiency and doing 15 min Arah runs we probably wouldn’t be as big a deal. It is a bigger deal for WvW roaming power builds which will be facing condi tanks but they will adapt and I am sure we will find a good setup that will give us the power we need since most don’t run full zerker spec anyway..

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Andar.9107


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.

You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).

The thing is that it isn’t only build that currently works. It is just the build that can get it done insanely fast. If people weren’t so obsessed about running at peak efficiency and doing 15 min Arah runs we probably wouldn’t be as big a deal. It is a bigger deal for WvW roaming power builds which will be facing condi tanks but they will adapt and I am sure we will find a good setup that will give us the power we need since most don’t run full zerker spec anyway..

If you have one build that can get it done insanely fast and another build that gets the same content done incredibly slowly then you shouldn’t be surprised when everyone goes to the fast build. Until you change the mechanics to make another insanely fast build to compete with it (berserker versus condi versus anything else isn’t even close in comparison for most classes), then nerfing the one everyone is using just makes people mad and changes nothing. The player base responds by tolerating non-meta builds even LESS now and requiring full berserker groups to maintain the same quality of life in the dungeon as before, gg Anet.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.

You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).

The thing is that it isn’t only build that currently works. It is just the build that can get it done insanely fast. If people weren’t so obsessed about running at peak efficiency and doing 15 min Arah runs we probably wouldn’t be as big a deal. It is a bigger deal for WvW roaming power builds which will be facing condi tanks but they will adapt and I am sure we will find a good setup that will give us the power we need since most don’t run full zerker spec anyway..

If you have one build that can get it done insanely fast and another build that gets the same content done incredibly slowly then you shouldn’t be surprised when everyone goes to the fast build. Until you change the mechanics to make another insanely fast build to compete with it (berserker versus condi versus anything else isn’t even close in comparison for most classes), then nerfing the one everyone is using just makes people mad and changes nothing. The player base responds by tolerating non-meta builds even LESS now and requiring full berserker groups to maintain the same quality of life in the dungeon as before, gg Anet.

An extra couple of minutes is not what I would call extremely slow and it surely isn’t game breaking. Yet these “go zerk or GTFO” seem to think it is.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Xavi.6591


This thread is so funny.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Andar.9107


Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.

These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.

Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.

Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.

That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.

You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).

The thing is that it isn’t only build that currently works. It is just the build that can get it done insanely fast. If people weren’t so obsessed about running at peak efficiency and doing 15 min Arah runs we probably wouldn’t be as big a deal. It is a bigger deal for WvW roaming power builds which will be facing condi tanks but they will adapt and I am sure we will find a good setup that will give us the power we need since most don’t run full zerker spec anyway..

If you have one build that can get it done insanely fast and another build that gets the same content done incredibly slowly then you shouldn’t be surprised when everyone goes to the fast build. Until you change the mechanics to make another insanely fast build to compete with it (berserker versus condi versus anything else isn’t even close in comparison for most classes), then nerfing the one everyone is using just makes people mad and changes nothing. The player base responds by tolerating non-meta builds even LESS now and requiring full berserker groups to maintain the same quality of life in the dungeon as before, gg Anet.

An extra couple of minutes is not what I would call extremely slow and it surely isn’t game breaking. Yet these “go zerk or GTFO” seem to think it is.

It doesn’t need to be gamebreaking or the end of the world, it just needs to be preferred. Their groups are filling fast in LFG so obviously it isn’t much of a hindrance to group forming. It isn’t just an extra couple minutes tacked on to the end of the run, a lot of mechanics can be avoided by simply burning down the mob fast enough.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Been testing condi builds in general. Both Rabid and Rampager looks really decent now. Especially with runes of the krait. since the patch and they are for sure more viable now. Especially on Lupi solos.

Looks like if you are the only condi user in a party you can still contribute DPS decently.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: dlonie.6547


according to anet the zerk build is receiving a 10% damage nerf which means having 5 group of zerker after the patch will be doing 50% less damage

I hate how all of my dungeon runs are taking twice as long now :-(

Dat 50% nerf.

Rampager build looks promising in PVE now.

in Warrior

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

according to anet the zerk build is receiving a 10% damage nerf which means having 5 group of zerker after the patch will be doing 50% less damage

I hate how all of my dungeon runs are taking twice as long now :-(

Dat 50% nerf.

Now I know why pugmath never seems to add up like guangmath does.