So when do you fix Bers. Power/Heigh. Focus?

So when do you fix Bers. Power/Heigh. Focus?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I really appreciate the tool-tip changes. But any chance to actually implement the changes?

If you don’t believe it yourself just go to Mists with Steady Weapon and 100% Critical Chance.

So when do you fix Bers. Power/Heigh. Focus?

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


I just did a few tests in the mists.

For crit chance I went with rampager amulet, 30 in arms, 1 sigil of accuracy, deep strikes with 5 signets (inc. signet of fury for an additional 180 pre), 30 in discipline ofc for HF and ended up with 86% (no fury) and the supposedly 15% from HF = 101%.
Result: a few non-crits on the golem

Next test: activated SoR and swapped HF for something unrelated. Total crit rate should be 84+20=104%
Result: still a few non-crits

So when do you fix Bers. Power/Heigh. Focus?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Can you redo test without Deep Strikes? It’s probably bugged too.

So when do you fix Bers. Power/Heigh. Focus?

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


I’ll try to set my crit rate to 65% then add fury and HF.

Update: I ditched a rune and deep strikes, got zerker amulet and ended up with 65%.
Result: a few non-crits

I’ll try to get to 100% w/o DS or HF

Update 2: I managed to get to 81% with no HF nor DS.
Result: all crits

Conclusion: both HF and DS are bugged.

(edited by dukefx.9730)

So when do you fix Bers. Power/Heigh. Focus?

in Warrior

Posted by: phantomFury.9168


I did some testing with Berserker’s Power this morning and can confirm that in The Mists, the 15% damage bonus is not correctly applied. The easiest weapon to see this on is the Sword because all three hits of the chain hit for the exact same amount. Damage dealt was 122 and 137 with and without Berserker’s Power, respectively (and ignoring critical hits). That represents a 12% delta.

This has been reported in the Game Bugs sub-forum as well, albeit not by me;

I did some further tests against target dummies in Lion’s Arch (to do a PvE test) but given the RNG nature of attacks without a Steady Weapon, the results were not conclusive. My first round with a Longbow and about only 20 samples each with and without Berserker’s Power showed a 14.5% damage delta. However, with a Sword I had one test find only a 9% damage delta. I would like to try a larger sample size as well as a few other tweaks and will try and report back. The hardest part is that target dummies don’t register in the combat log for easy review and as such, requires trying to track the damage numbers in real time.

UPDATE/EDIT: Just finished gathering 100 samples each with and without Berserker’s Power. This time, was stripped down, no trinkets, and only 30pts in Strength. Damage delta between the average damage for each set of samples was 11.3%. So, still not conclusive. Ugh… if only we had steady weapons in PvE. Trying to detect a damage delta bonus that is smaller than what naturally occurs with a weapon’s attack range is quite annoying.


(edited by phantomFury.9168)