Spellbreaker isn't very good in pvp
Same as you, dagger’s auto-attack deals too low damage, 2 is very slow animation, skill 3 and 4 are good, and this 5, while I do like swiftness a lot, it doesn’t really do great amount of damage. So far, axe auto-attack > spellbreaker damage.
Dagger needs more damage on autoattacks and 5th skill, with faster animation on 2nd skill.
Might Makes Right doesn’t work well with daggers, or the spec, there is not enough might gain with Spellbreaker spec
you can tank on point with m/s and str,but again,anything 2m above you and you are finished.
strength, disc, spellbreaker
dagger/shield + greatsword
might on hit + other might traits
Seems fine to me. Heavy use of full counter is where much of your damage comes from. Boonstrip is real, and all is well.
Ditch defense and healing signet. It’s decent. Screw offhand dagger its trash.
I win like 85 % of my duels so it can´t be that bad
Condi Spellbreaker. Hmmm.. delish…
You know that you don’t need to play spellbreaker with daggers, right? You can use almost any other weapon set you want and get better results. Spelbraker is very strong spec, just be sure that you don’t use daggers and you will be fine.
Condi Spellbreaker. Hmmm.. delish…
Im doing much better using this… if spellbreaker turns out to be a condi spec…
Spellbreaker isn’t very good in pvp
Your guys thoughts?
Spellbreaker isn’t very good in pvp
Your guys thoughts?
signed I wonder if those who complain have any idea of using a class other than in melee combat one vs one. Allready had a noob that complained about deadeye is to weak……. some people really do not understand why warrior and deadeye are completely op.
Spellbreaker isn’t very good in pvp
Your guys thoughts?
signed I wonder if those who complain have any idea of using a class other than in melee combat one vs one. Allready had a noob that complained about deadeye is to weak……. some people really do not understand why warrior and deadeye are completely op.
Yes sir. Spellbreaker Warrior is the anti condi in a world FULL of condi.
I was 1v1’ing a condi necro today. I had full health almost the whole time.
Spellbreaker isn’t very good in pvp
Your guys thoughts?
signed I wonder if those who complain have any idea of using a class other than in melee combat one vs one. Allready had a noob that complained about deadeye is to weak……. some people really do not understand why warrior and deadeye are completely op.
hmmm,wasnt that sindererr by any chance?
I remember the FIRST thing I attempted, and im THAT kinda of person, and it was a Mace/Shield + Hammer Bully Spec. The fact you can Boonstrip Stability with the dozens of CC skills you have makes it so people cant even get away from you, and if they try to retaliate you just Full Counter them and restun them.
Spellbreaker even gets to use its Burst Skills as much as Berserker, if not more when you get on a role because Full Counter resets Burst Skills and is also affected by the 33% Adrenaline Refund. Though that whole “When you remove a boon deal damage” trait makes it not god awful at damage.
Build wasnt much in 1v1s but in Team Fights it just turned into me Constantly CCing the enemy team inside my Elite Field with Hammer Burst and Magebane Tethers and watching them all die to the rest of my team.
Prepare to instantly melt in any teamfight, spec brings nothing better for dealing with condis (and there are gonna be a LOT of them)
Whaaa???? There are concerns about the line but this thing can keep resistance up an awfully long time. Featherfoot Grace and Revenge Counter are solid choices.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I remember the FIRST thing I attempted, and im THAT kinda of person, and it was a Mace/Shield + Hammer Bully Spec. The fact you can Boonstrip Stability with the dozens of CC skills you have makes it so people cant even get away from you, and if they try to retaliate you just Full Counter them and restun them.
Spellbreaker even gets to use its Burst Skills as much as Berserker, if not more when you get on a role because Full Counter resets Burst Skills and is also affected by the 33% Adrenaline Refund. Though that whole “When you remove a boon deal damage” trait makes it not god awful at damage.Build wasnt much in 1v1s but in Team Fights it just turned into me Constantly CCing the enemy team inside my Elite Field with Hammer Burst and Magebane Tethers and watching them all die to the rest of my team.
Except CC doesnt strip stability because the trait doesn’t work like that so your entire feedback doesn’t make any sense?
Except CC doesnt strip stability because the trait doesn’t work like that so your entire feedback doesn’t make any sense?
Except it does? Unless its not supposed to? I vividly remember some guy having 5 Stability stacks and I hit him with something that removes Boons and all 5 stacks dropped immediately.
I feel like we are living in different worlds here. Resistance feels beyond useless if there is a scourge on the other team.
Lol spellbreaker is amazing in pvp, no clue how you are playing this class
I feel like we are living in different worlds here. Resistance feels beyond useless if there is a scourge on the other team.
We literally have several ways to apply resistance now. Revenge counter wrecks scourges.
I find disc/strength/spellbreaker seems to be working out well.
Except CC doesnt strip stability because the trait doesn’t work like that so your entire feedback doesn’t make any sense?
Except it does? Unless its not supposed to? I vividly remember some guy having 5 Stability stacks and I hit him with something that removes Boons and all 5 stacks dropped immediately.
The 2 skills that remove boons, Dagger F1 and the utility, will strip stab as per any other boon. The trait that strips boons on stun/daze/KD doesn’t strip anything if the enemy has stab, it just removes a stack of stab as per normal. That said if you trait for the aoe boon removal in the GM you’re probably splashing some boon removal from someone else you hit without stab onto the dude with Earthshaker.
not even a full weekend in and people already complaining. Unless you have played warrior for 5 years as a main and have tried every single new sigil, rune, weapon and trait combination possible, you have no place in saying that something is bad.
That being said, I notice that a lot of warriors don’t know how to be ‘squishy’, which it seems that the SpellBreaker will certainly be. This build is VERY dependent on Full Counter which is awesome because it makes you think about when to use it. Warriors that make the best use of Full Counter will be the best warriors in PvP.
Also, double weapons in this game will ALWAYS be horrible for warrior in PvP. When has Axe/Axe, or Sword/Sword, or any other double weapon combo in the game EVER been viable for warrior? I won’t even mention Mace/Mace. lol. Use a shield. It’s literally the best weapon in the game for the warrior.
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Does Loss aversion have a target cap or an ICD? I notice that when i use earthshaker I can inmediately do full counter and then earthshaker again, and sometimes right back to full counter again. Wrecks groups of people massively.
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Core warrior is better than this. Resistance is NOT condi clear… I dont think you guys realize that scourge has AOE boon corruption
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Core warrior is better than this. Resistance is NOT condi clear… I dont think you guys realize that scourge has AOE boon corruption
Whats your point? Scourge also has AoE condition application, and will apply it faster than you can clear it. Periodic resistance is needed on warrior.
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Core warrior is better than this. Resistance is NOT condi clear… I dont think you guys realize that scourge has AOE boon corruption
Resistance is potentially stronger than condi removal due to Revenge Counter. The more condi’s on you, the more you can put on your opponent, and resistance keeps you safe. The boon corruption isn’t that threatening since you can apply resistance again pretty frequently.
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Core warrior is better than this. Resistance is NOT condi clear… I dont think you guys realize that scourge has AOE boon corruption
There’s something like… don’t get in the aoe’s..
Dodge perhaps? Besides that the condi duration is so low you can easily cover it with resistance.
Besides that, people do not realise how powerfull full counter can be.
I’d gladly take you on my spellbreaker against you on a core warrior.
We’ll see how that turns out.
Warrior actually takes tought and counterplay, instead of mindlessly relying on passives.
A playstyle a lot of warriors aren’t used to. (I used to main mesmer, but big lol at mirage) Pretty sure I’ll be swapping over to spellbreaker for the seasons to come.
(edited by Magnito.6187)
I’ve taken the time to /say “FULL COUNTER, female canine plural”, every time i downed someone with FC. So satisfying
I’ve taken the time to /say “FULL COUNTER, female canine plural”, every time i downed someone with FC. So satisfying
Yup, yup and yes.
It feels kinda like thief. Strong 1v1 and need to be careful in team fights
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
not even a full weekend in and people already complaining. Unless you have played warrior for 5 years as a main and have tried every single new sigil, rune, weapon and trait combination possible, you have no place in saying that something is bad.
That being said, I notice that a lot of warriors don’t know how to be ‘squishy’, which it seems that the SpellBreaker will certainly be. This build is VERY dependent on Full Counter which is awesome because it makes you think about when to use it. Warriors that make the best use of Full Counter will be the best warriors in PvP.
Also, double weapons in this game will ALWAYS be horrible for warrior in PvP. When has Axe/Axe, or Sword/Sword, or any other double weapon combo in the game EVER been viable for warrior? I won’t even mention Mace/Mace. lol. Use a shield. It’s literally the best weapon in the game for the warrior.
i played warrior for 5 years in pvp..and i say full counter is pretty easy to dodge. Doesn’t matter squishy or not, warrior lacks the utility/reliable disengage to actually be the burst class that fills the team like thief/guard/mes, unless your burst damage is off this world, like when rampage was buffed but then people learned to dodge and rampage was nerfed
warrior will always be/can only be tanky brawler in pvp in high end 5v5
(edited by lighter.2708)
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Had extreme success with this and a few variations of this tonight. Only a few Holosmiths and S/D Daredevils gave me trouble 1v1. I really underestimated the healing signet against the new heal…which the cast time of the new heal got me killed 9/10 times.
I used hammer instead of greatsword with the stun/boon removal trait for AoE team fights or defensive moments and pulled off a handful of clutch plays in sPvP. Copying conditions to the enemy from a Full Counter is a great feeling.
Full Counter>Dagger burst>dagger #3 (immobilize on daze trait)>dagger #4>wait for heal attempt>hammer knockdown (any)>remove boons with utility (sword icon)
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Had extreme success with this and a few variations of this tonight. Only a few Holosmiths and S/D Daredevils gave me trouble 1v1. I really underestimated the healing signet against the new heal…which the cast time of the new heal got me killed 9/10 times.
I used hammer instead of greatsword with the stun/boon removal trait for AoE team fights or defensive moments and pulled off a handful of clutch plays in sPvP. Copying conditions to the enemy from a Full Counter is a great feeling.
Full Counter>Dagger burst>dagger #3 (immobilize on daze trait)>dagger #4>wait for heal attempt>hammer knockdown (any)>remove boons with utility (sword icon)
Aye I used it with hammer as well, tho prefer greatsword for it’s mobility thus survival.
That greatsword combined with the dagger leaps can get you out of nasty situations.
I love how warrior actually takes some thought now. I don’t get all the rant. As I stated on another topic:
What thought does it take now that it didn’t take before? It’s still the most straightforward class in the game, in my opinion…which isn’t a bad thing.
You guys try roaming on it? I was using some marauder and zerk stuff and thought it seemed pretty stronk. d/d was meh, mace shield and GS was good. Want to use hammer but the mobility then becomes atrocious.
Always Roaming
I dont play spvp that much,what i do is mostly WvW and honestly,i had great fun with the spellbreaker in the weekend.
I tried all sort of things with the class: roaming,duelling,small scale to following a typical tag blob and have the typical zerg fight.
I made 2 beta spellbreaker:
Friday: the first time i quickly checked all the new utility and traits,went for a full marauder setup and i jumped right into duels and fights in EBG.
Was kinda fun: obiously new to the playstyle and then i quickly tested out the other classes.
Saturday i decided to sit down and figure out a nice balanced build.Made a new speelbreakers and had fights,duells and conversations with others spellbreakers to have some insight or different opinions/idea.
Swapped the marauder for commander in the armor slot,double daggers,mace+shield set up a nice trait comp: had a blast.I spent all the weekend playing mostly this class.
I played vs all the classes: vanilla,HoT specs and the new elites in everysingle possible scenario (wvw speaking) even the stupid ideas like
You telling me i can stripboons with knockbacks…hold on a sec where is Death from above!?
Gliding + [Peak Performance] BAAAM Surprise Aerial Boonstrip.
I killed,i died,i kittened up,i learned,i died and killed again but DAAAM i HAD FUN with the warrior.
Ofc u cant have everything in a single class,u have to make choices and then play accordingly with what u had in mind or with what u have on the go.And once u understand what your weaknesses are u have to think a solution with your current setup or make some changes to addres that specific issue.
People were complaining about getting kited…dude:
Cleansing Ire (get adrenaline when hit) and spam Counter.
Dagger 3 to close gap bullcharge in,strip boons then dagger again
The new R destroy projectiles.Drop it on the enmy or use it to wait for your cds
Mace and shield u have a little gapcloser with shield 4 u can block with shield 5 and mace…I HAD FUN.
(edited by ilMasa.2546)
You guys try roaming on it? I was using some marauder and zerk stuff and thought it seemed pretty stronk. d/d was meh, mace shield and GS was good. Want to use hammer but the mobility then becomes atrocious.
d/a GS with Bull’s Charge and Stomp is pretty nasty. Bull’s Charge to axe 5, to Stomp, to dagger 2, 3, F1, F2, F1. You don’t really ever need to get to GS and if they have anything left to run you have GS 5 and 3 left and Bull’s Charge on its way shortly.
d/d works much the same with dagger 3, 4, F1, F2, F1.
It really plays a lot like a kittened off tanky glkittenter interrupt mesmer. Stun, burst, stun, burst, BIG BURST, collect glory.
It’s hard to give up sources of adrenaline from Defense and SoR, but lean on the boon rips to keep you full. Break Enchantments actually crits kinda high and helps keep endurance rolling in especially in +1, 2, or even 3 situations. Don’t underestimate WoD in outnumbered. Depending on your grandmaster the sustain is really kind of ridiculous. I lost a lot of outnumbered fights but not without punishing them severely. Now back to core and the sustain difference really is night and day to me.
I think the key to playing Spellbreaker is the constant pressure you put out. There are so many must dodge combos that eventually the enemy cannot avoid. Draw out that opening and strike hard.