[Merged]Stun warrior meta

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: selan.8354


“we needed 5 people to kill a warrior”

I can’t stop laughing
I can picture it “LF2M to kill a Warrior, need Guard and Ele”.
WvW scrubs give the best laffs.

erm nope we actually are all pretty skilled, but i was on my mesmer and couldnt catch up with him, but the other people had a hard time too. so yeah its because he kept healing a ton when ever we got him down to 25 percent. u werent there so u might not wanna judge.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

@Psybunny: For point 2, Earthshaker is not the only one. Sword skill #2 is not affected by cripple/chill too.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Arguing for the sake of arguing?
1. Bad guard or bad team synergy then. You have to hide behind others and they must protect you. You can’t rambo in midfights like neccy used to.

That’s not bad team synergy if a guardian can’t completely save your kitten if you’re focused and not in plague. He isn’t a monk for Guild Wars 1, the best he can do is giving protection for a couple of seconds.

2. Earthshaker is the only close range gap closer that is not affected by chill/cripple, but it requires adrenaline. Zerk stance is the only adrenaline on demand skill for warr who is running healing signet. Shield bash is so highly telegraphed and heavily affected by cripple/chill. If he isn’t using a lbow he can’t cleanse himself with ease. Hammer F1 is interruptable midair and the most telegraphed skill in game apart from ele dagger earth 5. Again I remind you, CC warr is your hard counter.

You are never out of adrenaline. The build I’m talking about you gain adrenaline when hit, you gain 1/3 adrenaline after using a burst skill and you can charge up adrenaline using berserker stance at the start of a match. You can build up adrenaline on NPCs anyway without any problem.

CC warr is an hard counter of everything, except maybe Warrior themselves and guardians.

Also, who said that Warrior is an hard counter to Necromancer? And who said that hard counters are healthy for the game? This is not rock-paper-scissor.

3. I’d disagree, plague doesn’t offer so much anymore, since stability is too easily ripped by a thief and neccy can’t survive the focusfire in the middle of the midfights anymore anyways. Plague without stability is a death sentence (one with long CD). Plague was never a good small skirmish tool, it only worked as a delay, one which was extremely vulnerable to any ranged. Lbow warr will destroy you if you’re in plague form or atleast force you out of it right away.

Plague does not offers so much anymore? Like, it doesn’t gives you loads of HP, insane toughness and AoE blindness? Plague without stability is a death sentence?
Man, you should play Necromancer more before giving out suggestions in that way.

4. I have no problem KILLING any warrs.
I have “stunbreak” on demand and I know how to LoS when engaging.
Stability is easily ripped, larcenous hits through block and if he pops endure pain, I’ll just gtfo for 4 secs and re-engage. Same with zerk stance, if he pops it, I’ll just ignore it and poke him with sword or swap to D/P, stealth and wait for 8 secs before re-engaging. It’s funny, but my “weak” damage output still hits that 3000+ warr for 2k, 2k, 5k with my autochain.
Evade or blind thief is the worst enemy of a hammer warr.

Yeah, Stability is easily ripped but why would a warrior use stability against a thief?
Also, you hit for 2k, 2k and 5k with autoattack on 3000 armor? Why lying so obviously?
After this one, I think that I’m really done arguing with you. It is clear that you just want to defend stun warriors at any cost.

Have a good day, sir.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: supergica.8652


Recieving buffs =/= OP’ness!!

You all act foolish. Warrior is probably the most balanced profession. Most weapons are useful and the warrior has its use in every format. This is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing.

The other professions need fixes.

You’re right that’s the problem, the class is already “too” balanced. I agree, the other professions should be bought in line with the warrior’s versatility. And that’s the reason buffing the warrior at this point only creates even more discrepancy against the other professions. They should stop with the warrior and bring the others up a bit, unless everyone should just roll warrior.

And we’re not only talking about WvW or PvP, the fact that 5 warrior squads are the most efficient PvE content clearers speaks great volumes of how bad the general balance of the game is. I have yet seen a game (mmo) so biased towards one class.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Axtozob.4597


It’s funny because the power mesmer is currently the hardest counter to the Mace/Shi/GS warrior.

“Pretty skilled”, indeed.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


That’s not bad team synergy if a guardian can’t completely save your kitten if you’re focused and not in plague. He isn’t a monk for Guild Wars 1, the best he can do is giving protection for a couple of seconds.

Oh and you know that little thing called stability and at the same time can force out some utilities with line of warding or slow the warr down with scepter 3.

You are never out of adrenaline. The build I’m talking about you gain adrenaline when hit, you gain 1/3 adrenaline after using a burst skill and you can charge up adrenaline using berserker stance at the start of a match. You can build up adrenaline on NPCs anyway without any problem.

And we come back to the start. Warr has to use his zerk stance in the beginning of the fight. You have to survive that <8 seconds. After that you can keep crippling/CC-ing him. Also what NPCs? Are we still talking about tPvP not wubwub? Or suddenly a new factor as a spirit ranger came into the theoretical fight?

CC warr is an hard counter of everything, except maybe Warrior themselves and guardians.

Burst classes counter warrs, especially S/D thief and if engys get their stability buff, then they’ll probably eat those meta warrs for breakfast also. That same imba spec will fall in a few seconds if lbow warr+thief+mesmer focus him at the same time. At the same time S/F ele (who is pushed out of the meta by neccy/engy) hardcounters lbow warr.

Plague does not offers so much anymore? Like, it doesn’t gives you loads of HP, insane toughness and AoE blindness? Plague without stability is a death sentence?
Man, you should play Necromancer more before giving out suggestions in that way.

I agree the blind is strong, but the HP and toughness are nonsense. Lich form has crazy HP and toughness also, but everyone knows that with no active defense it melts in seconds when focused. Thief rips your stability and GL eating a long fear while getting focused down or getting dazespam+auto to death with D/P. Elite wasted. You can’t afford to be in the middle of the action with neccy anymore. Plague is only good for rez denial and spamming blind, but it won’t save you from getting focused.
Warr lbow 5 immo to lbow F1+3 and enjoy staying in that firefield that is followed with a power spike while having only the option to break out of your elite and waste it or die.

Yeah, Stability is easily ripped but why would a warrior use stability against a thief?
Also, you hit for 2k, 2k and 5k with autoattack on 3000 armor? Why lying so obviously?
After this one, I think that I’m really done arguing with you. It is clear that you just want to defend stun warriors at any cost.

Have a good day, sir.

Hmm…I wonder why is stability useful against me?
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot → Dagger autochain → repeat.
Either have stability or enjoy getting dazelocked. Oh and you know that little thing http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basilisk_Venom.
Endure pain doesn’t save the warr from lockdown.
Are you gonna demand for videoproof like some other random dude who didn’t believe that it’s very possible to run S/D&D/P thief in this meta?

Necro was my 1st alt I created way back in release and I agree that although it’s not the profession I have the most pvp experience on, I still feel fairly confident while playing it. But for future reference, I think it’s better to ask tips in neccy subforum from fellow neccy players than to scream there is no counterplay and that anyone who has success fighting them is a liar.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: supergica.8652


No, Healing signet needs buff. A thief shouldn’t be allowed to kill warriors when the thieves are trying their best. In a 1v1 situation, a thief should rethink and just run away from the warrior.

Nice troll bro

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Axtozob.4597


I often get backstabbed at 8~9K from thieves when I am between 3K-3K3 armor so 2K-2K-5K seems realistic.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: selan.8354


So if you’re compatible with the Necro, why can’t you figure out how to deal with Warrior CC? You don’t know how to use Flesh Wurm and Foot in the Grave? Gotcha, so you’re just a weak skilled player.

erm in spvp, i killed those warriors with my mesmer, but it was a hard hard battle. in wvw …this is out of control. all u see is warriors and even jumping out of their way and attacking from the side, is not gonna help much, as they can tank everything, heal way too much and eat conditions up like nothing. if u are high dps/high tank u should be at least weak to conditions, but u are not, so yeah i hate to say this, but GO glass wvw thieves(stop ganking dolys and taking camps)!GET THEM!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


I agree, in wubwub, warr is a beast. Melandru+food = imba. Add in the factor that most of the wubwub players are very squishy/upleveled and/or don’t know how to actually pvp in small skirmishes. But…wubwub isn’t balanced anyways. The one with the bigger blob wins anyways.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: selan.8354


It’s funny because the power mesmer is currently the hardest counter to the Mace/Shi/GS warrior.

“Pretty skilled”, indeed.

dude i was talking wvw here, not spvp. in spvp i can actually bring my powermesmer. in wvw i need toughness, so way less dps.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Yza.2437


1)Now that I think about it, the warrior as profession has only seen buffs since the end of Beta Weekend 2, sometimes they were small buffs that nobody paid attention to..but buffs nevertheless, a constant line of buffs that seems to never end.

2)This profession just keeps getting stronger and stronger, we’ve reached a point that this profession has absolutely zero counter, during the last SOTG the devs said that it was fine for mesmers to have conditions as a direct counter to their profession..but wasn’t condition supposed to be counter to warriors also?

Still that counter now has been effectively eliminated..only for the warrior while it remain for mesmer..interesting.

3)Despite having the larger number of weapon sets across all professions, the warrior is also the profession with the highest number of viable weapon, if we take a look at the current viable builds for warrior we can see that no weapon is left untouched and same can be said for the utilities

Apparently at Anet there is no need for “extensive testing” to buff the warrior , they get buffed every 3 weeks, in other profession cases we need over one year to see a single change.

Some skills on warrior get buffed without the need to create multiple threads, again the Devs don’t need “positive feedback” to buff the warrior…in some profession cases ( ele) you create over 20 “positive feedback” threads and you still get completely ignored.

Only thing I wonder now is…if there is anything left to buff on warriors

And yet we are not recruited in the Top tourney teams..

You can buff a piece of kittekittenllion times but it will not be as good as a diamond.

Thanks for your input and spvp is that way if you need to learn how to handle a bad class such as a warrior. Hint: Stability/stun breakers.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

ANets warrior balancepolitic

Skill A is weaker than Skill B, and C, so lets buff us it.
After buff:
Now its Skill C weaker than Skill A and B so let us buff it.
Oh noes Skill B is weaker than Skill A and C so let us buff it.

Wait no is Skill A weaker, then Skill B and C, lets buff us it again.
What, now its Skill C weaker, than Skill A and B!? So let us buff it.
OMG, skill B is weaker again, than Skill A and C, its need a buff.

Wait, now is Skill D stronger then skill A, B and C
(They buffing Skill A,B and C (and dont nerf Skill D))

Now its Skill D to weak, it needs a buff…

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Blackpowder -> move out of that field. lol common sense
Headshot -> does no damage, are you trying to interrupt my heal? oh wait oops my heal has no activation time
Pistolwhip -> lols i didn’t see a single S/P thief
Cripple -> does nothing when Im just bunkering this point
Poison -> Cleansing ire with LB burst
Bleed -> Haven’t really run into any condition thieves really.

Blackpowder- You are still blinded when you move out of the field. By the time you hit that thief, he can just fart another blackpowder.
Headshot is good in stopping any attack.
Pistolwhip- I saw a hundred of these yesterday.
Poison- Thief’s dagger auto spams these like it is nothing.
Bleed- Calthrop.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Weggie.3215


“we needed 5 people to kill a warrior”

I can’t stop laughing
I can picture it “LF2M to kill a Warrior, need Guard and Ele”.
WvW scrubs give the best laffs.

HAHAHAHAHA! Best comment ever, I can imagine it now in the new LFG Tool

“LF4M WvW Roaming, hunting Warrs, ping gear, know wat ur doing”

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Best counter to a warrior is a good warrior


Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


A lot of people don’t realize that the main thing that makes warrior a threat in WvW is actually their mobility. I started to realize it after watching a couple of roaming videos done by M/Sh + GS builds like the ones by Gutts and Puandro.

That’s why I basically spec’d my thief to catch a warrior. When you neuter their mobility, it’s possible to overcome their regen as long as you have more than 1 person on the warrior at a time.

1v1 is probably still hard to dent their regen though. It’s probably possible, but I know 1v1 I have never been pressured to run when I’m on my bunker warrior in sPvP. It IS hard to overcome my regen in a 1v1 situation but 2v1 a warrior can’t keep up, unless they run. Which is why it is imperative to neuter their mobility.

Ofcourse the hard part is that only few classes/builds can actually neuter a warrior’s mobility.

All is vain.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Ethaine.8419


Are you talking about 30/30/30/30/30 build ?

Thanks for that btw, haven’t chuckled like that in a while.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


Excalibur getting trolled.

Now to get on topic, I agree. Healing signet ain’t OP, think about it, 8k health/20s. Plenty of other heals do that amount.

Actually almost no heals do that amount.

Signet of Malice.
Ranger healing technically out heals that since it heals the ranger and the pet.
Other classes AOE healing skills can out heal that.

Not really fair though since you listed the minimum amount a heal can be used. Make it 25 seconds.

Troll Unguent Healing in 10 seconds:
8560 (17120 because it heals the pet.

HS Healing in 10 seconds.

Using the method of comparison you used, Healing Surge does 9500 healing in 1 second!!! OMG Healing Signet sucks so bad, it doesn’t even do 1/20th of the healing!!!

Seriously, TU has a 25s cooldown. It’s overall healing per second is less, and it has a cast time.

There’s only a couple heals in the game that heal for more than HS and they all have cast times, which is a fairly big disadvantage.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


I’ll be honest I like the new warriors. I don’t play warrior myself but my Guardian enjoys the competition they bring to the table now where as before they didn’t really do anything at all to make me feel threatened. However I wish you’d run away less and hang around to finish the fight to the bitter end mostly because I’ve got no chance to keep up

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


yup they have been overbuffed imho.they are beasts in wvw atm because of that. it sometimes takes 5 people to kill 1.the heals are too much, the cc is too much and the thing is they dont need to give up everything to do decent dmg. the got toughness,healing, big dps, mass cc, mobilty,vitality all at once. a lot of classes have to give up at least 2 of those.
all i see atm in wvw is warriors everywhere, then necros, then guardians, then eles, then thieves…..and then after a while i see a few engis, then i see 1-3 mesmers in a 50man zerg and 1 ranger a day.

great balance anet!

5 to kill a warrior? You’ve got to be kidding. Also didn’t know this was the wvw part of the forums

This is the warrior sub-forum. Anything warrior-related is on-topic…so stop trolling.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Garakan.8291


I think Healing Signet AND Adrenal Health both need a Change.
Reduce the Base Healing Value, but increase the Healing Stat Scaling.

Adrenal Health atm:
360 Base + (0.15) Healing Power.
Change that to:
280 Base + (0.30) Healing Power.

Healing Signet atm:
392 Base + (0.05) Healing Power.
Change that to:
350 Base + (0.15) Healing Power.

Slight nerf for offensive Warriors, while also buffing defensive Warriors and making Healing Power a more valuable Stat.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


That’s why I basically spec’d my thief to catch a warrior. When you neuter their mobility, it’s possible to overcome their regen as long as you have more than 1 person on the warrior at a time.

No the issue is regen. The mobility is required for his damage and CC in all other builds. He’s mostly melee and requires targets to be nearby in order to land a lot of his attacks.

Now that he’s got ridiculously OP regen, YOU need to stick on HIM. That’s the opposite of any anti-warrior strat. You don’t want to stick on the war, its a bad decision. But now you have no choice.

His mobility makes it hard, if not impossible, for a lot of classes to stick on him. That was the point of having it in the first place.

1v1 is probably still hard to dent their regen though. It’s probably possible, but I know 1v1 I have never been pressured to run when I’m on my bunker warrior in sPvP. It IS hard to overcome my regen in a 1v1 situation but 2v1 a warrior can’t keep up, unless they run. Which is why it is imperative to neuter their mobility.

The fact that you’re not pressured to run as a bunker war is solely because of regen. Your war’s mobility comes from specific weapon and utility choices that you don’t use with the Hammer/Longbow build, yet that build is an unbeatable beast because it gets a full heal every 10 seconds.

They buffed the Healing Signet too much, Adrenal Health needs to be a major trait, and they need to get rid of Dogged March granting regen for 3s every 10s.

Ofcourse the hard part is that only few classes/builds can actually neuter a warrior’s mobility.

And some friendly advice, stop using the word neuter. It sounds like your childishly trying to be offensive but its more of an annoyance to read than anything else.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


ANets warrior balancepolitic

Skill A is weaker than Skill B, and C, so lets buff us it.
After buff:
Now its Skill C weaker than Skill A and B so let us buff it.
Oh noes Skill B is weaker than Skill A and C so let us buff it.

Wait no is Skill A weaker, then Skill B and C, lets buff us it again.
What, now its Skill C weaker, than Skill A and B!? So let us buff it.
OMG, skill B is weaker again, than Skill A and C, its need a buff.

Wait, now is Skill D stronger then skill A, B and C
(They buffing Skill A,B and C (and dont nerf Skill D))

Now its Skill D to weak, it needs a buff…

This is the exact problem with the “Don’t Nerf Me Bro!” approach to balance. You just keep buffing everything and making more work for yourself in the long run.

Nothing you said is warrior-specific though, this logic applies to all DNMB balance approaches.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Excalibur getting trolled.

Now to get on topic, I agree. Healing signet ain’t OP, think about it, 8k health/20s. Plenty of other heals do that amount.

Actually almost no heals do that amount.

Shh…you’ll upset the FotM players on the warrior right now.

Regen will be nerfed on the war in the form of traits and Healing Signet. His regen is the only thing on him that’s truly OP. Healing Signet did not need the buff it got…but it got it because Anet has a bunch of terribads making builds like RoyC…ugh…

MS/SM? Really man? Him and a necro getting destroyed by a bunker banner war in a solo queue was delicious. Hard facts hit you in the face bro. Wars have too much regen.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Can you please just go back to your other class forums and leave Warriors alone?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


yeah mesmer is about all that stands a chance against them in spvp (maybe a good evasion thief could do something aswell, but i seldom see those), but compared to wvw they have weaknesses. in wvw they are completely out of control with cavalier gear and -condi food. thank god you need to grind cavalier armor in fractals like a madman or every stun warrior would run those. the ascended slots are available though, so expect more and more of those imba wars to appear.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


- Thieves d/d can potentially oneshot zerker warriors…NERF
- Guardians can outlive burst from warriors…NERF
- Eles can kill warrior with attrition..NERF
- Necros can kill warriors with condition…NERF and ADD ANTI-CONDITIONS STANCE
- Engy can kite warriors quite well..NERF and ADD MORE GAP CLOSER

But pls @Daecollo go on and make another thread on how warriors suck in this game

- When did guardians get nerfed?
- When did warriors get more gap closers?
- The condition meta BARELY got a nerf and is still over the top for many classes
- Necros got buffed, not nerfed

Yes warriors are very strong and need to be brought down a bit, but it doesn’t strike me as the OP-ness of the necro. A condition classes that can burst quicker and harder than a berserker classes.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Oh and you know that little thing called stability and at the same time can force out some utilities with line of warding or slow the warr down with scepter 3.

So you’re saying that to make Necro works against a Warrior you need at least two stunbreakers and a Guardian with SYG and Hallowed Ground?
Wow, seems balanced that you need 4 utility skills to survive to a single profession.

And we come back to the start. Warr has to use his zerk stance in the beginning of the fight. You have to survive that <8 seconds. After that you can keep crippling/CC-ing him. Also what NPCs? Are we still talking about tPvP not wubwub? Or suddenly a new factor as a spirit ranger came into the theoretical fight?

Start of a match means before the engagement. The Warrior does not use Berserker Stance at the start of the encounter, but at the start of the match so he can join the fight with full adrenaline. Then taking hits, using burst skills and hitting your enemies regenerate adrenaline. Probably also farting generates adrenaline, but I have yet to test it out.

Oh wait, so tPvP has no NPCs? Like no spirits, no minions, no pets, no clones/illusions, no turrets, no elementals, no thieves (from thieves guild) etc?

Burst classes counter warrs, especially S/D thief and if engys get their stability buff, then they’ll probably eat those meta warrs for breakfast also. That same imba spec will fall in a few seconds if lbow warr+thief+mesmer focus him at the same time. At the same time S/F ele (who is pushed out of the meta by neccy/engy) hardcounters lbow warr.

Every profession with burst negating skills (Endure Pain) and 3000+ armor is not countered by direct damage burst. You are making baseless assumptions.

Or are you saying that you need warr+thief+mesmer to focus a single warrior to take him down?

I agree the blind is strong, but the HP and toughness are nonsense. Lich form has crazy HP and toughness also, but everyone knows that with no active defense it melts in seconds when focused. Thief rips your stability and GL eating a long fear while getting focused down or getting dazespam+auto to death with D/P. Elite wasted. You can’t afford to be in the middle of the action with neccy anymore. Plague is only good for rez denial and spamming blind, but it won’t save you from getting focused.
Warr lbow 5 immo to lbow F1+3 and enjoy staying in that firefield that is followed with a power spike while having only the option to break out of your elite and waste it or die.

That is just not true. Check the wiki. Lich form only adds 916 vitality as defensive stat, toughness is the same.
Plague adds 2748 toughness and 1832 vitality, which means 1/2 of damage taken with 0 toughness and +18k HP.

Please, don’t try to teach me how Necromancer works. Plague WILL save you from getting focused.

Hmm…I wonder why is stability useful against me?
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot -> Dagger autochain -> repeat.
Either have stability or enjoy getting dazelocked. Oh and you know that little thing http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basilisk_Venom.
Endure pain doesn’t save the warr from lockdown.
Are you gonna demand for videoproof like some other random dude who didn’t believe that it’s very possible to run S/D&D/P thief in this meta?

Necro was my 1st alt I created way back in release and I agree that although it’s not the profession I have the most pvp experience on, I still feel fairly confident while playing it. But for future reference, I think it’s better to ask tips in neccy subforum from fellow neccy players than to scream there is no counterplay and that anyone who has success fighting them is a liar.

Do you really spam Headshot? Really?!

None has said that he had success playing against warrior as a Necro in this topic, only warrior-biased have said that warrior is fine.
You are just proving post after post that you have no knowledge at all of the Necro class and yet you feel confident into giving tips to how to play a profession you barely played, only to avoid a proper balance discussion.

Then you have added lies and hyperboles to the mixture, making all of this even more ridiculous.

I often get backstabbed at 8~9K from thieves when I am between 3K-3K3 armor so 2K-2K-5K seems realistic.

Do I really have to bring some math to prove how blatant this lie is?

(edited by sorrow.2364)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Balance should /NOT/ be made for GvG and 1v1.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Because balancing the whole game with tpvp standards is so good.


Split skills, that’s the answer, dumb Anet.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Can you please just go back to your other class forums and leave Warriors alone?

Not that I support OPs idea, but slighty ironic coming from yourself!

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Oh and you know that little thing called stability and at the same time can force out some utilities with line of warding or slow the warr down with scepter 3.

So you’re saying that to make Necro works against a Warrior you need at least two stunbreakers and a Guardian with SYG and Hallowed Ground?
Wow, seems balanced that you need 4 utility skills to survive to a single profession.

And we come back to the start. Warr has to use his zerk stance in the beginning of the fight. You have to survive that <8 seconds. After that you can keep crippling/CC-ing him. Also what NPCs? Are we still talking about tPvP not wubwub? Or suddenly a new factor as a spirit ranger came into the theoretical fight?

Start of a match means before the engagement. The Warrior does not use Berserker Stance at the start of the encounter, but at the start of the match so he can join the fight with full adrenaline. Then taking hits, using burst skills and hitting your enemies regenerate adrenaline. Probably also farting generates adrenaline, but I have yet to test it out.

Burst classes counter warrs, especially S/D thief and if engys get their stability buff, then they’ll probably eat those meta warrs for breakfast also. That same imba spec will fall in a few seconds if lbow warr+thief+mesmer focus him at the same time. At the same time S/F ele (who is pushed out of the meta by neccy/engy) hardcounters lbow warr.

Every profession with burst negating skills (Endure Pain) and 3000+ armor is not countered by direct damage burst. You are making baseless assumptions.

Or are you saying that you need warr+thief+mesmer to focus a single warrior to take him down?

I agree the blind is strong, but the HP and toughness are nonsense. Lich form has crazy HP and toughness also, but everyone knows that with no active defense it melts in seconds when focused. Thief rips your stability and GL eating a long fear while getting focused down or getting dazespam+auto to death with D/P. Elite wasted. You can’t afford to be in the middle of the action with neccy anymore. Plague is only good for rez denial and spamming blind, but it won’t save you from getting focused.
Warr lbow 5 immo to lbow F1+3 and enjoy staying in that firefield that is followed with a power spike while having only the option to break out of your elite and waste it or die.

That is just not true. Check the wiki. Lich form only adds 916 vitality as defensive stat, toughness is the same.
Plague adds 2748 toughness and 1832 vitality, which means 1/4 of damage taken with 0 toughness and +18k HP.

Please, don’t try to teach me how Necromancer works. Plague WILL save you from getting focused.

Hmm…I wonder why is stability useful against me?
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot -> Dagger autochain -> repeat.
Either have stability or enjoy getting dazelocked. Oh and you know that little thing http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basilisk_Venom.
Endure pain doesn’t save the warr from lockdown.
Are you gonna demand for videoproof like some other random dude who didn’t believe that it’s very possible to run S/D&D/P thief in this meta?

Necro was my 1st alt I created way back in release and I agree that although it’s not the profession I have the most pvp experience on, I still feel fairly confident while playing it. But for future reference, I think it’s better to ask tips in neccy subforum from fellow neccy players than to scream there is no counterplay and that anyone who has success fighting them is a liar.

Do you really spam Headshot? Really?!

None has said that he had success playing against warrior as a Necro in this topic, only warrior-biased have said that warrior is fine.
You are just proving post after post that you have no knowledge at all of the Necro class and that you’re using lies to prove a flawed point.

I often get backstabbed at 8~9K from thieves when I am between 3K-3K3 armor so 2K-2K-5K seems realistic.

Do I really have to bring some math to prove how blatant this lie is?

I absolutely Trash FOTM warriors on my Necro.


Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


I thought mathematically speaking a fight had to go on for more than 25 seconds before the benefits on healing sig outweighed that of healing surge.

i.e. 392 HPS*25 seconds=9800 health
healing surge=9820 health at full adrenaline (327 HPS when taking into account its recharge time)

Healing sig may have better HPS when comparing , but the burst healing from Surge can be invaluable depending on your build. If you’re playing a bursty build, healing sig is probably not for you, but if you’re trying to tank a point/group you’d probably favor it.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Can you please just go back to your other class forums and leave Warriors alone?

Not that I support OPs idea, but slighty ironic coming from yourself!

Wondering who he’s talking to.

Obviously not me, my main (and only character I care to give 2 kittens about) is war.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


I absolutely Trash FOTM warriors on my Necro.

OMG, Daecollo has proved everything with 1/3 of a random screenshot of a MM Necro.

This thread is over.


[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Garakan.8291


Excalibur getting trolled.

Now to get on topic, I agree. Healing signet ain’t OP, think about it, 8k health/20s. Plenty of other heals do that amount.

Actually almost no heals do that amount.

Shh…you’ll upset the FotM players on the warrior right now.

Regen will be nerfed on the war in the form of traits and Healing Signet. His regen is the only thing on him that’s truly OP. Healing Signet did not need the buff it got…but it got it because Anet has a bunch of terribads making builds like RoyC…ugh…

MS/SM? Really man? Him and a necro getting destroyed by a bunker banner war in a solo queue was delicious. Hard facts hit you in the face bro. Wars have too much regen.

I beg to differ. In my opinion, only offensive Warriors have too much regen.
The Base Value of both Heals is just too good, while the scaling with Healing Power is very bad.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I thought mathematically speaking a fight had to go on for more than 25 seconds before the benefits on healing sig outweighed that of healing surge.

i.e. 392*25=9800 health
healing surge=9820 health at full adrenaline (327 HPS)

Healing sig may have better HPS when comparing , but the burst healing from Surge can be invaluable depending on your build. If you’re playing a bursty build, healing sig is probably not for you, but if you’re trying to tank a point/group you’d probably favor it.

They are also forgetting that Healing Surge isn’t affected as much by Poison as HS, Healing Signet procs every second, while I can cure poison then use healing surge for the full heal, HS will go down to 263 regardless. I can’t cure it and heal big.

Offensive Warriors don’t have too much regen because they are PAPER. They only have too much regen against condition classes, because Conditions ignore armor so a warrior can just use berserker stance/ignore your damage and kill you.

Its called counter-play


coun·ter·play (kountr-pl)
A threat or offensive position in chess intended to counter an opponent’s advantage in another part of the board.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578



Can we please merge all these topics together? They are pretty much the same subject and the same people in them. Its pointless having 3 threads when they are exactly the same.

I absolutely Trash FOTM warriors on my Necro.

OMG, Daecollo has proved everything with 1/3 of a random screenshot of a MM Necro.

This thread is over.


I proved you wrong.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


- Thieves d/d can potentially oneshot zerker warriors…NERF
- Guardians can outlive burst from warriors…NERF
- Eles can kill warrior with attrition..NERF
- Necros can kill warriors with condition…NERF and ADD ANTI-CONDITIONS STANCE
- Engy can kite warriors quite well..NERF and ADD MORE GAP CLOSER

But pls @Daecollo go on and make another thread on how warriors suck in this game

- When did guardians get nerfed?
- When did warriors get more gap closers?
- The condition meta BARELY got a nerf and is still over the top for many classes
- Necros got buffed, not nerfed

Yes warriors are very strong and need to be brought down a bit, but it doesn’t strike me as the OP-ness of the necro. A condition classes that can burst quicker and harder than a berserker classes.

The problem is condi application from ranged attacks. I think they’ve realized this, judging from which skills are getting hit with the nerf bat.

As far as “when did the guardian get nerfed?” … Go read the patch notes for the first few months after release. His ret builds were hit really hard, he got nerfed in almost every department that offered the prot boon, and his symbols were nerfed in radius. Those were recently un-nerfed as they’re slowly realizing the difficulty of playing a near-bunker-only class.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


I was told that healing signet is the most OP skill.

I equipped it and I still get killed easily by a thief.

If Healing signet doesn’t protect me from a thief, I think it should get buffed more. Healing Signet is not OP enough to protect me from thieves.

Healing signet is perfect as is. It does exactly what its supposed to do, which is provide a high HPS over a long period of time. If you got spiked down by a burst DPS thief, well you’re doing it wrong.

Either take Healing Surge which is better for burst heals, or take utility skills and weapon sets to provide burst survival.


[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


I proved you wrong.

So if I post half a screenshot of me as a Warrior stomping a Necromancer I prove you’re wrong?

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Thx for clearing that out RedScope. I forgot about retaliation, which was of course way over the top. Back when it was stronger and not noticeable, you could literally kill yourself on retal. I have another question though. It seems like you all know more inside information than me (someone said engineers are getting aoe stability,…). Any links?

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I actually wonder why every f. noob noob coming to warrior forum and Q_Q about nerfing everything to 0 without a reason given why exacly.. I just checked profession forums and noone.. Noone complains about warrior. I will repeat myself:

In past all we had “buffed” was:

-reworked Brawn to reduce cd on burst -no1 used to complain back then
-Cleansing ire – no1 used to complain
-Burst mastery -no1 was complain
-reduced aftercast on hammer skills by mere 0.5sec..no1 complained
-Dogger march -no1 was complain
-Mace stun increased by 1sec and damage by 50%..no1 was complain
-Healing abilities improved – OMFG WARRIOR OP NERF!!111 CAN’T FACEROLL EM ANYMORE!!!111111

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Very little of these type of topics actually started on the warrior forums. Most of them are actually started on the ‘Structural PvP’ forum to have a non-biased viewpoint, but then Daecollo gets them moved over to warrior forum and here we are.

All is vain.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Very little of these type of topics actually started on the warrior forums. Most of them are actually started on the ‘Structural PvP’ forum to have a non-biased viewpoint, but then Daecollo gets them moved over to warrior forum and here we are.

They are warrior topics?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Very little of these type of topics actually started on the warrior forums. Most of them are actually started on the ‘Structural PvP’ forum to have a non-biased viewpoint, but then Daecollo gets them moved over to warrior forum and here we are.

They are warrior topics?

Yes but this forum is biased. There is a reason these topics are made in sPvP or WvW and not here.

All is vain.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Very little of these type of topics actually started on the warrior forums. Most of them are actually started on the ‘Structural PvP’ forum to have a non-biased viewpoint, but then Daecollo gets them moved over to warrior forum and here we are.

They are warrior topics?

Yes but this forum is biased. There is a reason these topics are made in sPvP or WvW and not here.

Well of course its biased?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Very little of these type of topics actually started on the warrior forums. Most of them are actually started on the ‘Structural PvP’ forum to have a non-biased viewpoint, but then Daecollo gets them moved over to warrior forum and here we are.

They are warrior topics?

Yes but this forum is biased. There is a reason these topics are made in sPvP or WvW and not here.

Well of course its biased?

So why move them here if you know it’s going to be biased?

All is vain.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Very little of these type of topics actually started on the warrior forums. Most of them are actually started on the ‘Structural PvP’ forum to have a non-biased viewpoint, but then Daecollo gets them moved over to warrior forum and here we are.

They are warrior topics?

Yes but this forum is biased. There is a reason these topics are made in sPvP or WvW and not here.

Well of course its biased?

So why move them here if you know it’s going to be biased?

Because I don’t want the SPVP forums filled with topics that are about Warrior, 1v1, GvG, WvWvW?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver