These were my patch wish changes. But some of them still apply post patch.
Original post was in January.
1) Baseline fast hands. I really want to shuffle my lines, but discipline is such a hand cuff.
2) Heightened focus icd reduced to 12sec. I would like this to proc ideally everytime I come back to gs set, but with so much pet/clone cleave, I get some wasted quickness. For a GM trait, I would like closer to 33% uptime or greater. Some classes have 5sec 5sec icd boon traits. And quickness is a direct damage buff without actually giving us bigger numbers to worry about. Here 4 ever 12sec is still kind of weak but 20% better.\
3)Now this one might be a little bit of a reach. Reckless dodge removes a boon on hit. As warriors, we just can’t handle boons. Frankly, this would synergize well with stance vigor Grandmaster. Plus removing 1 boons every dodge would not be a lot with the consistency of swiftness, might, fury, regen. And while you are dodge removing, you are not doing dps so its not a powercreep buff.
4) Balance stance needs an CD adjustment of about 20%. At 40secs, its just too low uptime. 30secs would be better, 28secs ideal for about ~38% uptime traited GM or 29% untraited.
5) Stances overall need a cooldown shave, not just balance stance. 60sec is so long. Wells, shouts, etc have AoE utility of boons and have shorter cd than individual stances. Seriously does not make sense.
6) Endure pain needs to apply maybe 1 stack of stability. Currently you cannot stun break with it out of certain skills because they are multiple successive stuns, i.e. gravity well or DH traps. Only 1-2 stacks of short duration to ensure you actually break the stun intended.
8) Thick skin and Adrenal Health still useless.
If my skin is thick, make condi do less damage while above 90% or 85%.
Adrenal Health coefficient needs to be raised. I am giving up a ton of damage and potential trait effects by not using a burst skill. And I got 300health every 3 seconds…
I don’t want heal signet 2.0, but the number does need a tweak.
9) Brawlers recovery should be 2 conditions. That way it could actually be an effective clearer. It is competing with DotE which is can be a 15% damage increase depending on the target.
10) I do not want a teleport. But even with warriors sprint, people just naturally outrun you. Increase eviscerate leap range to 600units.
11) Spiked armor I am on the fence about this one. Seems underwhelming most of the time, but in theory it is nice.
12) Berserker’s Power. This needs a rework. I am not a fan of flat damage multipliers, in an active game. This skill should be reworked into some utility. Burst skills are supposed to be fight changing. I propose the trait work something like this.
Berserker’s Power- When you land a burst skill apply a debuff that reduces healing effectiveness, damage output, movement. One of these three, and maybe it can change with the weapon. So say your pure power bursts can affect healing. Function like a deep wound mechanic. Like hit with eviscerate, debuff all incoming healing is 25% less effective.
Your utility burst skills could affect movement, so like all enemies hit with fire field arrow have 25% movement debuff
This debuff would scale with adrenaline bars used.
Would give your burst some more utility instead of just bigger numbers.
1) Axe 2 is very underwhelming at 4 stacks vulnerability. Should be at least 5% damage increase.
2) Axe 3 would be nice if it connects to have some pull effect associated with it on connect.
3) GS4 would be cool if the return blade pulled people. I would adjust the cd if that became live.
4) please fix Rush pathing. Could make rush remove movement impairing conditions all together. Need to stick to my target and rush is nice for that when it connects properly but then as soon as the channel ends, I am still impaired and cannot keep up.
5) I actually like the shield cooldowns when traited. 16sc and 24sec fits nicely.
6) Axe auto attack is in a good spot.
7) If GS auto was maybe 10-15% faster, it would be perfect.
This is all I can think of at the moment. Some of these are greedy, but I would love to see Berserker’s Power reworked into more utility and less numbers the most.