(edited by emkelly.2371)
In an attempt to make This easier to edit and read i have condensed the entire rebuild into a google doc.
Warrior Redone
Credit Sign Up
(edited by emkelly.2371)
Ppl play pve too, i dont want my warrior suffer cause of pvp balance again, look at phalanx strength and forceful greatsword :P
The main problem in my opinion is the placement of the traits.
I mean look Guardian Virtue and Warrior Burst Profession Mechanic.
Guardian has a whole Traitline nearly exclusive for Virtues. They have other Bonus points in other Traitlines but nearly only Minor Buffs.
In contrast Warrior has in 4 of the 5 core Traitlines Grandmaster Major Traits. Sounds cool but the number of choices is bullkitten. Nearly every weapon has other priorities. A mace like maybe Adrenalin gain after executing. For a Berserker Greatsword or Axe is the 100% critchance is useless, Longbow Burning and only raise your normal damage wtf?
Forceful Greatsword and Berserker Power are good, have synergy, but at the end its no choice its a must have for every direct damage build because the lack of other options.
I wish we have the same system liek the Guardian. Life with the standart Burst Skills without modifiers or have a extra traitline for Burst skills with a with many choices to select the burst skill modifier for you weapon. With another grandmaster position some lines can be more then “something i must choose but its all stupid”.
(edited by Capa.7684)
Good point about the burst, Capa. Having a burst mechanic that’s decent, and then a traitline that really makes it shine would have been better.
In fact, wouldn’t this be a better layout?
Strength: All things direct damage focused, including weapon traits for weapons with no real condi aspect. Can have traits that augment burst, but only with respect to direct damage.
Arms: All things condi related, including weapon traits with a primary condi focus. Can have traits that augment burst, but only with respect to condi damage.
Defense: All things related to going tank Can augment burst, but only with respect to personal survival. Shield trait stays here, obviously.
Tactics: All things related to team support, whether offensive, defensive, and healing buffs. Can augment burst, but only with respect to party buffing. Warhorn trait stays here, banner trait goes here too.
Discipline: Principally focused on optimizing the burst mechanic. While the other traitlines might have some traits that interact and improve the burst mechanic, this is where the best stuff would be. For example, Strength would keep Berserker Power, but Discipline would keep Heightened Focus, Burst Mastery, pick up Embrace the Pain (taken out of Cleansing Ire), a trait to increase Adrenaline gain on crit, etc., etc.
Berserker: Pretty much what it is now, largely (but not exclusively) focused on the Berserk state with paths focused on direct damage, another on condi, and the third on survival.
Also, I think Robert Gee’s concept of 3-paths in a traitline is fantastic, and it would be great to see that reflected in the other traitlines to the extent possible.
For example, Strength could have a path for raw damage buffs, another for crits, and a third for a few power burst and weapon traits. Discipline could have a path for augmenting bursts toward raw power, another for condi, and a third for survival. that sort of thing. Or, if that invades too much on the burst territory of the other lines, Adrenaline gain, Adrenaline conservation, and additional burst effects (like adding Taunt, Fear, etc).
Of course, the idea would be to make it so no traitline is mandatory, rather they just allow you to focus on different things. By not taking Discipline, you still have a powerful build with an ok to good burst, but you’ve specialized in other areas. You could skip Defense in favour of keeping yourself (and your allies) going through Tactics and maybe some of the survival traits in Berserker. You could go YOLO hybrid by taking Strength, Arms, and Berserker, or YOLO power by taking Strength, Discipline, and Berserker, YOLO condi by taking Arms, Discipline, and Berserker, supertank by going Defense, Tactics, and Discipline or Berserker, etc..
Does that sound appealing to anyone else?
EDIT: To respect the OP’s intention for this thread, I’ve moved this post to another thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/A-Better-Approach-to-Trait-Organization/first#post5736945
(edited by Choppy.4183)
It would also be nice if they updated the pathing for your leap finishes so that they can go on a higher plane. And so they break through walls.
Savage leap and earthshaker to be precise.
Would have rather had Weapon Master
{F}: change weapon skills of currently equipped weapon. Burst skill remains the same.
Almost anything you could do with this would be better than berserker
What . . . are you doing? Phalanx Strength (Your Changes) and Empower Allies? Guardian already has the 150 toughness interval trait. One single profession shouldn’t have 2 of these and in the same trait line is too rewarding and isn’t balanced. Removing the main function of Phalanx Strength ignores Inspiring Presence (Original Function): Might applied by you grants 10 healing power per stack. I would personally pick 250 Healing power to help myself and allies. The stats warrior is (and was) able to gain from traits makes very optimal builds. But I agree with damage on weapon swap, not dodge. And putting axe on with GS’s ability to gain might on critical hit, but maybe add a different affect with axe instead of might gain fury on critical hit. It would be a wild weapon combination. Also . . . your change to Inspiring Presence is silly to me, you would also grant fury to allies with Signet of Rage, that’s Fury Duration (25s): 20% Critical chance, 150 condition damage (If Traited for). That isn’t balanced for group play.
But thank you for posting some nice ideas.
Damage you apply lasts longer and is more dangerous.
Damage: 5%
Duration increase: 33%
This one confuses me. Damage you apply lasts longer? What is that supposed to mean?
Increases damage to bleeding foes, and bleeds that you apply last longer.
Damage Damage: 5%
Duration Increase: 33%
Normal damage is increased by 5% when the foe is affected by bleed. Bleeding duration is increased by 33%.
Leave body blow as is. Increase bleeds stacks and weakness. This allows warrior to apply conditions with mace. Without this trait all condition builds will rely solely on sword main hand. This change lessens warrior diversity.
Phalanx strength shouldn’t be changed to toughness. Guardian can already do this. Phalanx is the one build that keeps warrior viable in PvE groups/fractals at the moment.
A lot of the suggested changes are simple upgrades on the existing trait. I appreciate the work you have put in, I have a similiar suggestion page of every single trait,how banners could be, what signets could do etc But my thinking is that warrior is in desperate need of an overall freshen up. A lot of traits and skills are antiquated, or have never fully been reliable because the coding is just not their for them to be 100% trustworthy. These skills should just be over hauled to a place they can be reliable. Many of warrior shouts are mundane or simply never get used 99% of the time and the whole signets line is entirely selfish and offers no team dynamic.
In PvP regards the only time I see warrior become some what effective is when I am running entirely glass build with no blocks (So necromancer) Even then simple kiting and blinding when the obvious set up is being worked pretty much allows me to contain them.
With each new elite spec each profession either got new toys that play differently, or in the lucky professions cases a whole new way to playing them. Berserker had a lot of work put into it, but not a lot of imagination or creativity. They added a whole new skill tree before addressing lack luster and broken skills. It is a real shame that after so much work the end result is warrior is still played exactly the same, has more selfish traits than ever, the broken and unreliable skills still remain. It was a lose-lose for both parties. It feels like a opportunity lost and a classic case of best intentions snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
I feel for the warrior community, PvP community and the develop staff. No one came out the winner on this on this one. However, it is not like it can’t be changed. All the area’s that failed to delivered the wished for results can be addressed. All it requires is a open mind and admitting the hope and has not matched the reality and figuring out how to bridge that disparity. No one ever thinks ‘thank goodness we picked a warrior and they can provide for the team some things I don’t have access to.’ However this is often said with guardian and mesmer reflects, engi and thief stealth, druids large scale party healing, revenants ever present boon stacking etc. All warrior can do is play one single minded build that as long as they attack they generate a lot of might to people within 600 units, and that’s it. In todays game, might stacking isn’t an issue anymore, which makes warrior redundant for the time being.
(edited by CntrlAltDefeat.1465)
Wow. Well put. +1
Ppl play pve too, i dont want my warrior suffer cause of pvp balance again, look at phalanx strength and forceful greatsword :P
I have already modified forceful greatsword. In warrior redone it is Forceful Blades.
What exactly did you have i mind for phalanx strength?
Very good post CntrlAltDefeat!
why not just move Head Butt to physical skills category and call it a day?
I said i’d get to work on the skills for warrior. and here i did that. I have started with an overhaul to the way warrior adrenaline is set up. this is just be bouncing stuff around. I’ve updated the first post with that info as well as a quickly put together gif
100 percent with yoy on forceful blades. Been saying this for years, axe should stack might as well. The might on gs makes axe 2nd tier
Major update to the Thread today. I have added my newest changes to a google doc, and have made it public to view. I hope you guys enjoy the read.
Some interesting changes. However, I’d like to offer the following suggestions:
1. revert Body Blow so it inflicts Bleeding again
2. change Distracting Strikes so stuns also inflict Confusion
3. swap Body Blow with Unsuspecting Foe
4. swap the locations of a few grandmasters: move Distracting Strikes to Arms, Burst Precision to Discipline, and Merciless Hammer to Strength
The reason I’d like to see those changes is because they make sense in my mind. Before, if you wanted condi mace/hammer, you’d go Strength, and for critting/power mace/hammer you’d go Arms. With the above changes, it’d be reverse – you’d go Strength for power/crit mace/hammer, and Arms for condi mace/hammer.
I’ve always viewed Strength as a physical (power) line and Arms as a condi line, so these changes would bring things more in line with that. In addition, condi mace/hammer would benefit from Arm’s minor traits far more than power/crit mace/hammer would.
As for Merciless Hammer (which screams Strength, but is in Discipline) and Burst Precision (which screams Discipline, but is in Arms), these would have better placement with my suggested changes (imo).
Also, aside from the listed changes above I’d also like to see Burst Precision changed back. Warriors do need some ways to deal with blocks, evades, blinds, etc, but I don’t think changing Burst Precision would accomplish much on its own in that regard. Plus, 100% crit chance with burst skills can be very useful for several weapons (and it can even be the cornerstone of some builds).
Some interesting changes. However, I’d like to offer the following suggestions…
Thanks for the suggestions. I like some of them. unfortunatly i looked into a few of these while working on the build. here is what i found, and perhaps someone else has a solution.
Peak Performance: Physical skills need a real bonus. Progressive damage on really weak skills doesn’t do much. Perhaps add in granting a second of quickness before activation? That way, our interrupts are more likely to hit and Bolas and Bull’s Charge can travel distance better.
Strength of Purpose: <3
Might need a decent cooldown, and it combos way too well with Forceful/Phalanx/Purpose, but I love the idea of giving Warriors consistent access to Stability.
Arms: Overall, decent tweaks. A good blend of crit and condi.
Quick Breathing: Honestly, should return that to convert conditions as it used to be, or remove 2 conditions.
Tactics/Revival traits; Small thing, but maybe shift Determined Revival to Master, and actually keep Reviver’s Might. It would combo with Strength of Purpose and be rather helpful in escaping clinch scenarios.
Leadership also needs a different trigger. I like the theme, but the gameplay of it is inconsistent.
Inspiring Presence: When pitching this idea as a bundled document, be sure that bonus Healing Power is 30+. Even at full stacks, a measley 250 HealPow borders on worthless.
Powerful Synergy: Yes! This needs to happen.
Defensive Fighter: Treading on Guardian territory, but I like it. Could also, easily, have Protection on weapon swap (2sec), no cooldown.
Sundering Mace: A Vulnerability tap for 5% bonus damage isn’t worth taking Sundering Mace. Mace skills are slow and won’t get much benefit from this. It also has zero synergy. Look at Greatsword or the proposed Axe and tell me you’d take Sundering Mace or Maces at all. >.>
Thinking instead add on “Disabling hits (stun, daze, etc) with Mace skills remove Protection or another boon.” Basically, Boon removal with priority to Protection. Suddenly, bam, Mace has an extra identity as Boon stripper.
Powerful Presence: F. Yes.
Last Stand: Love the Balanced Stance proc, hate the position. Competing with Warrior’s Sprint is going to put off a lot of PvP/WvW peeps that use the speed boost to either get around or harass opponents.
Inspiring Battle Standard: Curious if this is a call to carry Banners around and Stab people. I’d be all for it, actually. If Banners were semi-viable “weapons,” it’d be worth being a mobile buff unit. Granted, held-banner skills would need huge improvements.
Merciless Hammer: What I said for Sundering Mace goes double for a slower weapon dependent on its own stuns. It can’t use its own ability, has zero synergy, and doesn’t come close to competing with Heightened Focus. I’d be quite happy with:
“Non basic Hammer skills grant Stability (1 stack, 1 sec) when activated.”
“Status durations on Hammer skills are increased by 50%.”
Saw many +1s in your document though. Hopefully the submission of a full, organized proposal will get more attention than stray rantings on the boards!
Last Stand: Love the Balanced Stance proc, hate the position. Competing with Warrior’s Sprint is going to put off a lot of PvP/WvW peeps that use the speed boost to either get around or harass opponents.
With the changes I made to the warrior i do not believe that adrenaline decay is as much of an issue. maintaining adrenaline is much easier now, and you have other options besides burst skills. Warriors sprint is now the warrior’s minor trait. I swapped it with Versatile Rage. This was something I intended to do from the start and just did not get around to. I’m also thinking about giving versatile rage a buff to make it more attractive to players. 3 strikes of adrenaline is not really that effective. 5 might be more appropriate. Thanks.Thanks for the feedback.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
New update to The Warrior redone document. Worked on banners. Let me know what you think so i can make changes. Try to be harsh on it. the last thing I want is to create something that is just seen as overpowered.
Peak Performance: Still depressingly the same. :P I assume it’s unchanged because you’re sorting a ton of wonderful ideas and need to settle on just one of them.
Reckless Abandon: Certainly much better to manage than a dodgeroll.
Not sure how I feel about Building Momentum: The two limiters on Burst are the Burst cooldown and adrenaline. This as a minor trait provides a huge benefit that deserves to be a Grandmaster selection. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great talent, but it should have more opportunity cost than picking the trait line. And it will get taken, because Strength (and Greatsword).
Great Fortitude could use a tweak. In addition to Vitality, give a bonus to Healing Power. Not that Healing Power is worth much, which just makes it easy to ask for.
Glad you expanded Unsuspecting Foe to Disabled, instead of just Stunned. But still, ugh, that trait. I’d vote this one off the island if anything better showed up.
Still rethinking Leadership. Priority Target increase damage by allies against targets you strike. Something small, like 3%, duration 3 seconds, ICD 3 seconds, non stacking.
Mace aside, seems fine.
…Oh, there’s an entire Banner section at the bottom. I’ll go read that. o_O
I’m not sure how I feel about the Banner proposal, but I definitely agree that their held form needs a huge update. Get them on par with Elementalist weapons, and you might see some warriors as mobile buff machines akin to a weird Ele-Rev weaponherald hybrid.
Which would be pretty swank.
Stab needs to either hit faster or hit much harder to be a decent enough auto-attack.
Skill 2 should still vary by banner. Will note that in a bit, maybe, but the idea is to still keep the banners in theme.
Inspire as Swiftness is still actually desirable for stuff like WvW. Swiftness and Stability would be even better. I’d be careful about adding too many buffs to a single skill, though.
Into the Fray: I’m wary about another leap/closer that ANet can screw up, but I do love the Taunt/Combo play. Make it so it still ignores movement impairment, and you end up with a weird junk plate of utility.
Plant Standard: I like the Daze.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m especially going to look at the banners.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
Okay guys, I know i’m posting back to back, but this is important for the thread. In case you do not read the opening post of the thread, I keep updating it. The latest update to it which i will post here as well is a link to the Warrior Redone Credits. I will post it here as well. This is a separate Google doc that can be edited by everyone. I will check it every day and add the names of anyone who has added there name, and who has posted their support on this thread. Just put your Anet handle and what role you played in this thread. Examples include:
Support: you have checked out the forum and made a post
Skill and Trait Concepts: You have given suggestions on changes. it does not matter if they did not show up in the build.
Feedback: You have given constructive criticism, good or bad.
Editing: you have caught errors and pointed them out to me.
I want to make sure I represent everyone. Thanks again.
Okay, the part or two I left off, because it was getting on closing time:
Stab should be comparable weapon damage to a basic attack. Attack power, attack speed, something to make up for it.
Inspire as I see it useful wouldn’t lean on short durations, but it also shouldn’t tread on unique banner territory. Swiftness and Stability, definitely.
Swiftness 10 sec, Stability (2) 5 seconds
Combo Finisher: Blast
Into the Fray looks good overall. Adds taunt, which is something Warrior needs, Leap finisher, should be a relatively small radius, though. 300? Should still ignore movement impairment.
Plant Standard. Again, +1 for AoE Daze. Radius is moderate, which is good.
As a note, I’d been thinking of a benefit tradeoff between carrying and planting. If Banners are going to be immobile like spirits, but mobile when held, the benefit to planting should be greater than the carried banner. Wider range, boon stack, something.
Banner 2 should be a solid skill for reinforcing the chosen banner’s role, so it moves beyond just being a buff item.
Defense: Minor damage, 1 second Daze, Grants Protection (3 seconds) to allies in range 300.
Discipline: Grant Fury (10s) and Quickness (2sec)
Strength: Moderate damage strike, inflicts Vulnerability (5 stacks, 10s). Grants Might (3 stacks, 10s) to allies.
Tactics: Heals allies and grants a buff that increases the effect of Regen. Finisher: Blast
Battle Standard: Damage and Knock down (1sec) enemies and grant Stability (2 stacks, 5 seconds) to allies. Finisher: Whirl.
Still in the concept phase, but that’s what I’m thinking for Banner-as-weapon.
Thanks for the input.
Into the Frey
Brutal Banner
PS: Thanks for adding yourself to the credits. I have added you to the warrior redone document.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
Looking at the Physical redesign:
Firstly, the trait. It’s undertuned, but if you’d like to keep it the way it is, I’d recommend adding an adrenaline boost to Physical skills when traited. +3 Adrenaline would be my opening bid. That would help it get to the +30% mark.
If I’m honest, though, ANet has been moving away from the ‘holding adrenaline’ tactic, except for Adrenal Health. Other traits have been more about spending adrenaline on burst, though their effects are more generalized.
On the actual skills themselves:
Throw Bolas – I’d recommend keeping the Immobilize to justify the high cooldown.
Bull’s Charge – Damage boost and a good shaving of cooldown time is a good start. Not sure if it overcomes the opportunity cost of banner/stance utilities.
Kick – Debating a trade off between stun break or slightly shorter cooldown time. Hm. Either way, I do like kicking things so…
As an aside, your inclusion of a stun break here makes me wonder if Peak Performance could add some benefit besides the damage boost. Stun breaks? 1 sec of Resistance? Actually, Resistance activation would be worthy. It would give Resistance to Warrior, if briefly, and help the skills trigger by ignoring movement impairment and Blind.
Stomp – Looking good.
Peak Performance
Damage for the Physical skills has been raised to a point where peak performance now becomes useful. Because physical skills are attacks they are affected by adrenaline gain. I’m against having physical skills having cool downs that are reduced to a point where they are extra where they are extra attacks. instead these are utility skills and where warriors get their CC from.
Throw Bolas
Warriors have several ways to immobilize targets already. I chose to give them a pull to address the issue of warriors no being able to stick to targets. Now you cannot avoid a warrior just buy strafing. you have to watch out for the pull.
Author’s note
So After I get done with the basic rebuild it will be time for what i will call the Nerfing Stage. At this point we will address the finished Warrior Rebuild and preemptively Nerf traits and skills that might become over powered.
Looking over the changes, had a few thoughts:
- I think the Banner Stab should also inflict Bleeding. This would help in the damage department for condition damage builds. If there’s only one attack, it should be able to cater to both power and condi builds.
- I agree with the idea of Inspire granting Swiftness and Stability, although I’m not sure why it’s listed as “Shout, granting allies might, fury, and stability”. Might be a typo.
- I’m a bit confused as to how Rally would actually create a combo field using a banner. I’m also thinking that it might be too overpowered in conjunction with (the improved) Powerful Synergy. Instead, I think it’d make more sense to give aoe boon(s) based on the banner rather than a combo field. For example, Banner of Defense could give Protection (or Protection + Regeneration).
- while I like the idea of Warrior getting Taunts, getting them on Banners seems a bit strange to me. That – in addition to the strange state Leadership (in Tactics) is in – makes me think that we could give Taunt to Leadership, and use the Stampede alternative for the Banner.
Leadership – using a Shout taunts nearby foes. 300 range, 2 sec duration, 5 sec ICD.
- I’ve seen suggestions in other threads of having Peak Performance give the Warrior Quickness for a very short duration upon using a Physical skill, and I have to agree. It makes sense gameplay-wise, as Physical skills are often hard to land and speeding them up will make them harder to react to. It also makes sense thematically; if you’re in better shape, you can do physical feats faster.
Happy Holidays people!
Took a couple days off to be with the family, but i’m back!
Thanks for the feedback on banners. you make a good point about banner stab there are after all condi and direct damage support builds. I was worried about making the banner weaker by doing this, because while i would have to lower the direct damage of the weapon to apply a bleed stack the banner’s attack speed would still be too low to put significant stacks. its something i should look into.
As for Inspire, that was just wording. i certainly did not mean to make it a shout. LOLZ
Rally creates combo fields allowing the warrior to blast the field to grant boons. Now, here there is a major distinction between “boons” and “Warrior Buffs” Boons are indeed buffs but they can be stripped and have stacking applications. (either through time like swiftness, power like might, or number of uses stability) Warrior buffs are warrior specific buffs that the warrior applies. they cannot be stripped and generally do not stack. Powerful Synergy only effects warrior buffs, not boons. So a warrior buff that applies 125 toughness and 125 vitality would apply +50% or 200 toughness and 200 vitality. There are a couple of reasons this should exist on the warrior.
The warrior does not have any way to stack boons, asside from might through the longbow and now through the torch.
Although, having just typed all that i just realized what you meant . HAHAHAHA. by making warrior able to apply boons have just overpowered the warrior. I will be changing that. Thanks.
I love your idea for leadership, though i think we should apply it to something other than shouts. we should probably apply it to warhorn. this way people will not be able to complain about warriors having too many taunts.
Peak performance has not changed because i have changed the physical skills. When i get some more feedback from physical skills i will likelly change it based on what people say. i did not want to change too much at once.
Thanks guys and i’ll be back to talk about other changes.
As for Inspire, that was just wording. i certainly did not mean to make it a shout. LOLZ
While that’s also a concern, I was referring to how that description mentions it grants Fury. I thought it was only supposed to grant Swiftness & Stability (and possibly Might as well, not sure).
Rally creates combo fields allowing the warrior to blast the field to grant boons. Now, here there is a major distinction between “boons” and “Warrior Buffs” Boons are indeed buffs but they can be stripped and have stacking applications. (either through time like swiftness, power like might, or number of uses stability) Warrior buffs are warrior specific buffs that the warrior applies. they cannot be stripped and generally do not stack. Powerful Synergy only effects warrior buffs, not boons. So a warrior buff that applies 125 toughness and 125 vitality would apply +50% or 200 toughness and 200 vitality. There are a couple of reasons this should exist on the warrior.
The warrior does not have any way to stack boons, asside from might through the longbow and now through the torch.Although, having just typed all that i just realized what you meant . HAHAHAHA. by making warrior able to apply boons have just overpowered the warrior. I will be changing that. Thanks.
I’m very confused; I don’t know exactly you’re saying on what you plan on changing. Could you shed some light on what you’ve changed (or what changes you’re planning)?
I love your idea for leadership, though i think we should apply it to something other than shouts. we should probably apply it to warhorn. this way people will not be able to complain about warriors having too many taunts.
I don’t know about that – giving warhorn buff generation + condi cleanse + taunts could bit a bit much. However, thinking on it now Shouts definitely aren’t the right way to go either – if nothing else, ‘FEAR ME!’ would be silly if it made the enemies run towards you. XD
I don’t think that complaint would be very valid, though. I think that if any class should have access to a lot of Taunts, it should be the Warrior. It makes sense thematically, and since it’d help against kiting it’d help out gameplay-wise as well. This makes it kind of a shame how pathetic our ability to taunt is – perhaps it’s something that could be improved upon in this rework.
Peak performance has not changed because i have changed the physical skills. When i get some more feedback from physical skills i will likelly change it based on what people say. i did not want to change too much at once.
Fair enough. I’d like to hear other people’s feedback on the proposed physical skill changes as well.
First, let me say that i’m sorry for the long delay in updates. I certianly did not mean to take this long of a break, but Ruby League called my name and i needed a break from the game after grinding for a week strait. Also I was hoping to get some feedback from players regarding the physical skill changes so i would know what direction I wanted to go with Peak Performance.
Seeing as that did not happen i’m going to make some grammar corrections and remove some of the traits that have universally been despised by the player group. this way i know i have only traits people are okay with.
Also there has been in influx in Warrior remakes on the forums of late. I’m thrilled about this. I also like that people are putting them in Google Docs so they may bee viewed more easily. I’m glad that the discussion continues even outside of this thread. maybe one day we can combine out heads and get a build that anet will actually consider.
That having been said here is the newest changes.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
Huh, something awesome I noted in your design that makes me ponder sending forward as a separate suggestion to the devs.
Stances are particularly and uniquely useful, but they have terrible uptime and come with an opportunity cost. In your design doc, you replace the basic things some traits provided (might, fury) with Stance activations.
That’s friggin’ sexy.
It gives huge synergy to Last Stand (reducing trait cooldowns) and allows a Warrior to double up by selecting the Stance utility on the bar.
Spreading out Stance activations for specific actions could make those fairly competitive.
(edited by Rauderi.8706)
Updates 1/8/2016
Also, thank you Rauderi.8706
(edited by emkelly.2371)
100 feathers needs to be more pressure IMO. Running full zerker just doesn’t do it in today’s meta (PvP). People rez people out of it and they don’t even lose 50% hp while eating it (this includes less tanky ammies). Even if you manage to get the last hit in, it still isn’t hard enough to make people go, “oh kitten! that hurt!”.
People need to realize that warrior takes CDs and skill to get off a burst, but when your burst is a whole 4k on most targets… it’s not enough pressure and you have lost CDs because of it. I do everything I can to land as much as I can even in today’s meta and our “burst” is easy to counter or just simply out heal…
Shouldn’t melee attacks be more rewarding anyways? Not like we’re standing at 1200 doing 8k attacks on 1-5 skills like other classes (Trueshot).
Also, our leaps are garbage compared to everything else the other classes can do now. I remember when warrior was hard to outrun, now almost everything outruns it.
Warrior is just out of date and needs some more shiny new updates like the other classes. I do about if not more damage using older builds without Berserker which I DON’T have to worry about my adren levels as much and it is simply more fun… sad really.
These are my suggestions
Reckless Abadon: damage on dodge and damage on weapon swap.
Building momentum: id vote keep the endurance gain low only 1 instead of 2
Body blow: keep the weakness on this please we dont need the vun
Berserkers power: redundancy two traits that reduce physical skill cooldown trade that for also 5 seconds of our current buff
Distracting strikes: roll this with body blow and make it a grandmaster a real controling grandmaster trait
Strenght of purpose: this should have an ICD otherwise the other classes will have incredibly difficulty CCing us yes were warriors but we can still be tossed around.
Oppertunist: give it swiftness as well
Signet Mastery: if you give it all that at lowest master but thats grandmaster worthy now
Relentless: give it unblockable? really tack on our advantage when we have it
Unsuspecting foe : this should be 100% increase
Burst prescion: there was a long post about an idea not my idea based on adrenaline level bursts get added effect lick unblockable ,100% crit, cant be evaded ect
If you look at the other soldier classes they have a revival trait as well but interstingly they are all missing the revive faster part of it. since its only soldier classes I suspect this was intentional by ANET
Leadership : I like the idea but id go for a boon share trait a small one EX grant swiftness to allies when you gain it
Shrug it off: condis to trigger my vote is at 2 thats the highest it can take 1-2 condis
Powerfull synergy: this should be a master or a minor trait
Unstoppable : health 80% then drop it
Dogged march: add swiftness?
Spiked armor: 500 toughness? 150 is laughable
versatile rage: attach this to brawlers recovery or fast hands
hightened focus : 5 second duration / 10 second ICD
Merciless hammer: this should be a master teir not a grandmaster
i had a similar two teir activation for physical skills
Bolas > throw net: throw a net to immobilize reactivate to pull your enemie to you
Bull rush/pin: lets add immobilize and have a good lock down skill immob = 1-2 seconds
Kick: push back your foe and cripple them
stomp/smash: activate to knock down all nearby foes with a powerfull stomp reactivvate to launch all foes away from you
These are my suggestions
Reckless Abandon
While appreciate the feeback on this trait, i will not be making this work with dodge and weapon swap. the reason being is that as the trait stand you can get a free hit every 5 seconds (4 seconds if you have warrior runes). I already increased the damage, and switched it to a more frequent usage. Making this work with dodge as well would be overpowered.
Body Blow
Yes that is supposed to read weakness. sorry i keep getting the two confused. thanks.
Building Momentum
Each of these bonuses are meant to be 3% of the total bar. Hence 1 adrenaline and 3 endurance. This is based on math, nothing else. As i do not have any other way to judge balance with this build I must trust in basic arithmetic. it will remain as is, however when we enter the nerfing phase of the build i may change it.
Berserker’s Power
This is a remnant from a copy paste I performed from Peak Performance. I have corrected the discrepancy.
Distracting Strikes
I do not want to make a trait where the player just needs to take that one trait for the build to work. Imagine if you could take;
No, if you want to be a CC monster. you will need to take three traits, not two. this is both balanced and fair. (and i wish more classes would take this stance…looking at you necromancers!) On the up side, i have made it so that you CAN take the traits you need for this to work.
Strength of Purpose
I agree with your assessment. i will rework this trait as i do not believe it should be based on gaining might.
I do not think that is necessary, however I may take you up on it. I’ll run some numbers
Signet mastery
Sigh. Look, grand master traits don’t mean anything anymore aside from telling people what you mean when you are naming a trait. This is because when you take a trait line you HAVE to take all three traits. I agree that this trait is powerful, but it was included because it is a sorely needed trait. if you wanted i could swap it with furious, but that would change nothing. (sorry if that sounded insulting, not my intention)
I’m not sure what you mean. Relentless is not an attack, and if you wanted your attacks to be unblock able, you should have taken signet mastery anyway. so no.
Unsuspecting Foe
I see where this is going. See bellow.
Burst Precision
I saw that post. I believe that with the current trait you will find it more than fair. While the trait says unblock able, it can still be defended against with blind, evade, invulnerability, etc. I am not out to make the warrior more powerful, but to fix problems with it. I will not knowingly make a trait overpowered just because someone wants to have a completely unavoidable killshot at 100% crit because they knocked the opponent down.
I may need to change this trait in the future. i admit that i have kept it because it was so unique and i liked it.
Shrug it off
Thanks for the feedback, i did not like that shrug it off basically removed on condition as soon as you got it and was completely pointless after that. so i raised the condi proc so that when it removed conditions it would remove an actual useful amount of them.
is 80% a little too powerful? after all most daze, stuns, etc don’t do much damage.
I’d like to hear more feedback on this one.
Spiked Armor
You are right. 150 toughness is a drop in the bucket. however, you are forgetting Powerful Presence which doubles this bonus and all other warrior buffs. 300 toughness is not a drop in the bucket by any stretch and you also get retaliation? what? yeah i’m leaving this as is.
Someone likes the CC Meta. Nothing wrong with that, i just noticed that many suggestions you have made were supporting a stun lock build. I think I can actually picture in my head what build you were thinking off when you looked at the build. I love that, in fact i hope more people lay own what build theories they come up with.
I’m not planning on upping the CC on Physical skills. Aside from giving us a sorely needed pull. I have already boosted the damage on all Physical skills so that they would work better with peak performance. Now, Physical skills are the attacks that they should have been to begin with. All physical skills can crit for at least 2k except for bolas which I gave a pull.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
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Sustain is what warrior and berserker need and don’t have. Shoutbow was the only ever tru sustain build. Any build which relies on stances is only a temporary damage negation for trait sustain. Cleansing Ire is just one example of a major trait which should be a minor trait. But this alone won’t answer the problem. Berserker’s traits are so weak almost all of them could be rolled into three grandmasters and still have room for actual playstyle changing traits.
While looking over the document again I noticed that Bolo is kind of strange right now.
I assume it immobilizes when it hits and pulls when you hit the button again, but there’s no mention of the immobilize. And if all it did was pull, it seems strange that you’d need to activate it again to pull anyways.
Regardless of all that, I think it doesn’t currently justify its higher cooldown at the moment. How about the following change: if it hits, you can activate it to pull the enemy towards you, but if it misses then you can activate it to be pulled to the enemy’s previous location (where the enemy was when you threw the Bolo). Should be more helpful vs kiting.
Edit: I think Stomp could use some love too. If Kick breaks stun, then Stomp is left in the dust – especially with no Stability. You could make it so Stomp finishes off wounded foes (so Stomp would actually stomp enemies). Be pretty useless in pve, but I think Stomp is probably meant more for pvp anyways.
(edited by castem.5936)
The Current Warrior redone has many new traits that effect sustain. while it may seem like it does not you have to take all traits as they are. For example, every warrior now has access to stances. there are two stances that grant damage negation, (Endure Pain, Defiant stance) just by taking the traits that effect each of these and sheild, the warrior has a large amount of damage reduction.
That’s 25 seconds of damage reduction. On top of this you also have rousing resilience, and unstoppable, not to mention other ways of gaining toughness and health. There is plenty of sustian in the current warrior redone and i think that we have designed it in a way that it is not only fair but fun to play. I’m not shutting down your statement, just saying that sustain is defiantly a priority that has been addressed in detail.
I have not changed any physicals skills aside from damage and of course bolo. Bolo now has a pull attached to it. yes it still immobilizes, i will correct that.
it was never my intention to remove stabilize from stomp. i simply forgot to notate the stomp that was already applied. thanks for pointing that out.
warrior needs some kind of self healing outside of heal and utilities to make other healing skills like defiant stance to work
i suggest some thing like heal yourself for each adrenaline consumed.
warrior needs some kind of self healing outside of heal and utilities to make other healing skills like defiant stance to work
i suggest some thing like heal yourself for each adrenaline consumed.
I agree with this. Part of the changes I made with warrior redone was for stances to be available all the time. in this way, defiant stance is available, which is a heal. We also have rousing resilience, and shout heals. I’m open to suggestions if you think this is not enough.
Added Commenting to the Warrior Redone Credits Document. This way people can just add a note for their name and i can add them onto the Warrior Redone Doc.
Started some brainstorming on Berserk mode. Nothing major, but juts for the sake of completion I wanted to get some basics out of the way.
Updates 1/10/2016
Hello emkelly.2371
I made some comments on your document. Also when you have the chance, feel free to review my suggestions and leave some feedback. I’d like to know from your perspective what may be over-powered or too weak.
I have made a couple of notations on your build. have not looked through all of it as it was pretty late last night.
@Everyone else. Warrior redone will be taking a break from class changes for a few weeks. This is because i want to see what the new changes to warrior are going to be. I will still be editing small things like spelling, grammar, as well as tryiong to continue the discussion
I’m actually excited to see what, if any, changes Anet took from our rebuilds.
I appreciate you taking the time to leave constructive feedback. Thanks. I’ll check out your skill suggestions later.
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