The new condition:
Hi removing conditions with burst abilities. /end thread.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
This thread isn’t about removing conditions but bringing Deep Wounds back.
/reading comprehension
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
Warriors are going to die so fast to the new necro condition, we have very little oportunities to stay in close with range classes, they ususally snare us or slow us down wich that means we are going to keep walking to them, which means more damage taken from that condition, this is going to be bad you will see.
Fenrir brings up a good point. Warriors tend to be easily kited, and not moving around in combat tends to mean death. This new condition could end up being another hit towards melee play.
Do you think torment will be affected by Dogged March or Mobile Strikes? Maybe those two will be adjusted to counter torments effects.
Just thinking.
See you in Tyria.
For the sake of argument and derailing the threads intended goal of wishing for Deep Wounds again, here’s hoping that burst skills don’t have to connect to remove conditions because: blind spam.
Dogged March seems more geared to letting us move unhampered, so I feel like Torment won’t be added to the list simply because it doesn’t slow you like the other effects do. Same kind of thing with Mobile Strikes, it snaps you out of a movement hindrance.
Torment likely won’t hinder our movement, but we will pay for every step.
/reading comprehension
Oh the irony. Maybe just look at the title of the thread?
Anyways for everyone else that seems to be worried about Torment… burst skills removing conditions. Plural. Conditions. Albeit, we may have to specc for it… I think warrior condi removal will be better than just average.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
For the sake of argument and derailing the threads intended goal of wishing for Deep Wounds again, here’s hoping that burst skills don’t have to connect to remove conditions because: blind spam.
Terrible thread name and second sentence in the OP then.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
/reading comprehension
Oh the irony. Maybe just look at the title of the thread?
Anyways for everyone else that seems to be worried about Torment… burst skills removing conditions. Plural. Conditions. Albeit, we may have to specc for it… I think warrior condi removal will be better than just average.
Now like the elementalist wea re going to be forced to trait that.
Now like the elementalist wea re going to be forced to trait that.
True, but at least it will be a GM trait worth getting. Just think how much condi removal warriors can have with it. Get loaded up with condis? Use the burst. Immediately get loaded up again? Healing surge, weapon swap, burst again. Condis gone. Short cooldown on burst skills, removing multiple conditions… plenty of condition removal.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Hey guys,
while the feedback given in this thread is really valuable, we would like you to discuss the upcoming balance changes in the dedicated thread for it. This focuses you onto one thread, which let’s us forward your feedback in a much more efficient way and eliminates the possibility of overlooking your important feedback, to do that we decided to lock this thread. You can find our dedicated thread here:
Thanks for your understanding.