TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: VaAnSs.1567


Trickshot – Rifle/gs

Build in description

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: GMcgroarty.5043


Man..I KNEW rifles aren’t dead..

You inspire me to run a rifle..

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


I truly miss the old days where I can sneak up to my enemies and killshot. Curse whoever came up with adrenaline decay out of combat.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: GMcgroarty.5043


Have you tried running anything other than GS as a melee weapon? Or do you find this works the best with it?

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


it was never dead o.O, it always worked players just went to tactics that were easier to be executed.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: GMcgroarty.5043


It was dead in the sense where “If you aren’t running Meta you are kitten” mindset.

I think I may try this with Sword/Shield or Axe/Shield and Rifle

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: SweetVibes.7692


1. Watches gameplay.
2. Sees build.
3. Logs into warrior, equips rifle and greatsword and enters WvW. With great hope, a smile on my face, really hyped.
4. Fails at everything and gets terribly owned.

Teach me the ways senpai!

Good video, really enjoyable seeing some rifle warrior gameplay.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Encross.1726


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain. If i wanted to run from my opponents id just roll a ranger, any half decent player would beat this build. That warrior you faced had no clue wtf he was doing lol.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


4. Fails at everything and gets terribly owned.
Teach me the ways senpai!

Well its a montage, doesnt include all the dodged killshots and deaths against decent players.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain.

Then stay away from it for sure.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Umm… Basically it’s just a LB/GS Ranger with less range, weaker damage weaker CC, yet more mobility and tankiness…

But I have to admit the killshot buff is noticeable (the cast time is really short)

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Aomine.5012


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain. If i wanted to run from my opponents id just roll a ranger, any half decent player would beat this build. That warrior you faced had no clue wtf he was doing lol.

Wrong, some of his opponent does has decent fighting capacity. But what truely shine is the mobility to kite 3 players, and can constantly 1 v 2 of the players due to superior mobility/ sustain and better cleave than ranger. Ranger really has some trouble to fight 2 or more competent foes at the same time.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain. If i wanted to run from my opponents id just roll a ranger, any half decent player would beat this build. That warrior you faced had no clue wtf he was doing lol.

Wrong, some of his opponent does has decent fighting capacity. But what truely shine is the mobility to kite 3 players, and can constantly 1 v 2 of the players due to superior mobility/ sustain and better cleave than ranger. Ranger really has some trouble to fight 2 or more competent foes at the same time.

He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Aomine.5012


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain. If i wanted to run from my opponents id just roll a ranger, any half decent player would beat this build. That warrior you faced had no clue wtf he was doing lol.

Wrong, some of his opponent does has decent fighting capacity. But what truely shine is the mobility to kite 3 players, and can constantly 1 v 2 of the players due to superior mobility/ sustain and better cleave than ranger. Ranger really has some trouble to fight 2 or more competent foes at the same time.

He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

Zero sustain in warrior perspective, but plenty sustain to me when I look at it with a glassbow perspective. I wouldn’t have kite as good as him if I’m playing glass-bow. Ranger’s GS is just nowhere as good as Warrior’s GS in terms of mobility, utility, survivability, and damage.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain. If i wanted to run from my opponents id just roll a ranger, any half decent player would beat this build. That warrior you faced had no clue wtf he was doing lol.

Wrong, some of his opponent does has decent fighting capacity. But what truely shine is the mobility to kite 3 players, and can constantly 1 v 2 of the players due to superior mobility/ sustain and better cleave than ranger. Ranger really has some trouble to fight 2 or more competent foes at the same time.

He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

Zero sustain in warrior perspective, but plenty sustain to me when I look at it with a glassbow perspective. I wouldn’t have kite as good as him if I’m playing glass-bow. Ranger’s GS is just nowhere as good as Warrior’s GS in terms of mobility, utility, survivability, and damage.

Im sorry but wat? You must be terrible at pewpew ranger. When its comes to open field in wvw pew pew can do 1v2 depending on what classes he faces.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Aomine.5012


This build is far too squishy and has little sustain. If i wanted to run from my opponents id just roll a ranger, any half decent player would beat this build. That warrior you faced had no clue wtf he was doing lol.

Wrong, some of his opponent does has decent fighting capacity. But what truely shine is the mobility to kite 3 players, and can constantly 1 v 2 of the players due to superior mobility/ sustain and better cleave than ranger. Ranger really has some trouble to fight 2 or more competent foes at the same time.

He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

Zero sustain in warrior perspective, but plenty sustain to me when I look at it with a glassbow perspective. I wouldn’t have kite as good as him if I’m playing glass-bow. Ranger’s GS is just nowhere as good as Warrior’s GS in terms of mobility, utility, survivability, and damage.

Im sorry but wat? You must be terrible at pewpew ranger. When its comes to open field in wvw pew pew can do 1v2 depending on what classes he faces.

Hey, let’s have a in game duel as power ranger if you want to make personal attack.
You talk as if you never lose a duel.

Yes I did 1 vs 3~6 and win before, but doesn’t mean I’m good at 1 v 3~6, it just mean the opponents are terrible. It is known fact that power ranger does not fair well against 2 “competent” foes at once. Just go try it in PVP and you’ll see.

Honestly, just regular venom sharing thief + another necro jump you while they stealth together is enough to kill power ranger.

Anyway, I’ll whisper you shortly when I have time.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Sure thing, go ahead if youre on EU so i can have little revenge on ya (swapable legendary sigils thread) xd i love pewpew vs pewpew fights

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

The build has just enough sustain to do what needs to be done; kill. The fun comes from trying to do that to them before they manage to do it to you. And Vaanss has a lot of fun.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

The build has just enough sustain to do what needs to be done; kill. The fun comes from trying to do that to them before they manage to do it to you. And Vaanss has a lot of fun.

This is exactly the problem with DPS builds: people refusing to understand the mind set required.


Props to being one of the people who aren’t whiners.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


He ran across half the map “fighting” 2 guys,i know Vaans is a great player,but you have to be serious..the build has no sustain whatsoever.No cleansin ire,no dogged march,no adren hp,no safety for condi spamm neither,fun build to play..but really there’s 0 sustain besides having ep.

The build has just enough sustain to do what needs to be done; kill. The fun comes from trying to do that to them before they manage to do it to you. And Vaanss has a lot of fun.

This is exactly the problem with DPS builds: people refusing to understand the mind set required.


Props to being one of the people who aren’t whiners.

What are you even talking about ? Refusing the mindset required ? What a nonsense comment.Nowhere did i say anything bad about Vaans,or his build besides having no sustain..nor did i say that i never run these type of builds myself,nor did i say i ""dont have the mindset required " I’m simply stating theres little to no sustain in this build..That’s it.I run lots of zero sustain builds aswell,cus i play to have Fun,not to roll meta builds.Atleast make some sense next time.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Blacktruth can be a bit… provocative.

The thing is, you were saying how Vaanss was basically running away until he got a clean shot. In my opinion, he totally outplayed them on a build that had just enough sustain in that situation if you play it as well as he does.

Off course the vid only shows his successes, and, outside of dueling, they will probably be lower in number then his failures.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Blacktruth can be a bit… provocative.

The thing is, you were saying how Vaanss was basically running away until he got a clean shot. In my opinion, he totally outplayed them on a build that had just enough sustain in that situation if you play it as well as he does.

Off course the vid only shows his successes, and, outside of dueling, they will probably be lower in number then his failures.

I know,i didn’t mean anything bad by it though,just stating the obvious.I run the same kind of build as vaans actually,just diff sigils/runes and not even using ep but signet of might instead to deal with guards block.It’s really fun if things connect,but i know from experience that the sustain is horrid,and you really have to be on your toes.I also have lots of fails offc,but when it does’s such fun indeed.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Buran.3796


What about replacing Signet of Fury by Signet of Might? I think that the miss of adrenaline can be compensated by the anti-block properties of the signet once is activated.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: witcher.3197


3. Logs into warrior, equips rifle and greatsword and enters WvW. With great hope, a smile on my face, really hyped.
4. Fails at everything and gets terribly owned.

Teach me the ways senpai!

1 – Face baddies who can’t dodge a rooted attack with long cast time and obvious animation.
2 – Make a montage of fights against baddies (cut every part where you face a decent player as you stand no chance with this build).
3 – Profit.

Vaans is a good player, but youtube videos are like Hollywood movies – they look great but in reality you shouldn’t expect superpowers after a spider bites you.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


What about replacing Signet of Fury by Signet of Might? I think that the miss of adrenaline can be compensated by the anti-block properties of the signet once is activated.

The thing with Fury is…It can act as a huge surprise to some people not realizing you popping full adren and starting off with a killshot.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Nicely done! 15 chars

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


it’s such fun indeed.


I actually run something similar also, but with 4 in Arms and Disc to get more crit on my burst skill so you don’t have to pack Intelligence. Most damage in this build usually comes from Volley and Whirlwind anyway in my experience, sometimes even Rush (can crit for 8k easy, lol).

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


I like when people complain about no sustain. What they are asking for in a build is the ability to make a bunch of mistakes and have the build compensate for it. Pure glass builds don’t have this. Dodge or die. More Pew pew!!!!!!

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Azrael.4960


That was awesome to watch, too bad i suck at this sort of thing