Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Here is some theory craft that I did about all healing abilities. Breaking down all healing skills based on HP/sec.

Warrior Possible Healing Regen Build
Assuming full Adrenal Health

Healing Power: 0
Healing Signet = 392hp/sec
Regeneration = 130hp/sec
Adrenal Health = 360hp/3sec = 120hp/sec
Generated Number = 642hp/sec

Healing Power: 170
Healing Signet = 392 + (0.05 * 170) = 401hp/sec
Regeneration = 130 + (0.125 * 170) = 151hp/sec
Adrenal Health = 360 + (0.15 * 170) = 386hp/3sec = 129hp/sec
Generated Number = 681hp/sec

Healing Power: 600
Healing Signet = 392 + (0.05 * 600) = 420hp/sec
Regeneration = 130 + (0.125 * 600) = 205hp/sec
Adrenal Health = 360 + (0.15 * 600) = 450hp/3sec = 150hp/sec
Generated Number = 775hp/sec

Healing Power: 1200
Healing Signet = 392 + (0.05 * 1200) = 452hp/sec
Regeneration = 130 + (0.125 * 1200) = 280hp/sec
Adrenal Health = 360 + (0.15 * 1200) = 540hp/3sec = 180hp/sec
Generated Number = 912hp/sec

Warrior Possible Healing Mending Build
Recharge Time = 20 sec
Activation Time = 1 sec
Total Time = 21sec

Healing Power: 0
Mending = 5240
Healing per Sec = 250hp/sec

Healing Power: 170
Mending = 5240 + (1.0 * 170) = 5410hp
Healing per Sec = 258hp/sec

Healing Power: 600
Mending = 5240 + (1.0 * 600) = 5840hp
Healing per Sec = 278hp/sec

Healing Power: 1200
Mending = 5240 + (1.0 * 1200) = 6440hp
Healing per Sec = 307hp/sec

Warrior Possible Healing Healing Surge Stage 4 Build
Assuming full Adrenaline
Recharge Time = 30 sec
Activation Time = 1 sec
Total Time = 31sec

Healing Power: 0
Healing Surge = 9820hp
Healing per Sec = 317hp/sec

Healing Power: 170
Healing Surge = 9820 + (1.50 * 170) = 10075hp
Healing per Sec = 325hp/sec

Healing Power: 600
Healing Surge = 9820 + (1.50 * 600) = 10720hp
Healing per Sec = 346hp/sec

Healing Power: 1200
Healing Surge = 9820 + (1.50 * 1200) = 11620hp
Healing per Sec = 375hp/sec

edit: Due note Shout healing from Vigorous Heal is not included due to the different recharge times of shouts. To perform this I would need to consider all shouts separately and perform the hp/sec calculations to each of them.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

(edited by Suddenflame.2601)

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Kilandros.2098


Nice data. We’ve got a little discussion going on in the Guardian forums involving Healing Signet. I’m going to poach this and bring it over there, but I’ll quote you so you’re given due credit.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Nice data. We’ve got a little discussion going on in the Guardian forums involving Healing Signet. I’m going to poach this and bring it over there, but I’ll quote you so you’re given due credit.

Should link that into this one so it can be found easy as well. Thanks.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Kilandros.2098


Nice data. We’ve got a little discussion going on in the Guardian forums involving Healing Signet. I’m going to poach this and bring it over there, but I’ll quote you so you’re given due credit.

Should link that into this one so it can be found easy as well. Thanks.

One thing I noticed was a little odd. Your calculations including Adrenal Health start at 0 Healing Power. By default, anyone with Adrenal Health would also have 150 Healing Power.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: fey.5438


Adrenal health 360hp per 1 sec?
“Adrenal Health grants a fixed amount of health every 3 seconds. "

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Adrenal health 360hp per 1 sec?
“Adrenal Health grants a fixed amount of health every 3 seconds. "

thanks forgot about that i will fix that when I get home

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Adrenal health 360hp per 1 sec?
“Adrenal Health grants a fixed amount of health every 3 seconds. "

thanks forgot about that i will fix that when I get home

You also have to take into account that most of the builds using Healing Signet also rarely have full adrenaline for more than a few seconds.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Nice data. We’ve got a little discussion going on in the Guardian forums involving Healing Signet. I’m going to poach this and bring it over there, but I’ll quote you so you’re given due credit.

Should link that into this one so it can be found easy as well. Thanks.

One thing I noticed was a little odd. Your calculations including Adrenal Health start at 0 Healing Power. By default, anyone with Adrenal Health would also have 150 Healing Power.

Theory craft doesn’t always have to be exact when it comes to those types of things. Always need a base case which has 0 of the modifier Healing power.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Adrenal health 360hp per 1 sec?
“Adrenal Health grants a fixed amount of health every 3 seconds. "

thanks forgot about that i will fix that when I get home

You also have to take into account that most of the builds using Healing Signet also rarely have full adrenaline for more than a few seconds.

I don’t have to take that into account cause I stated that I am assuming Full Adrenaline. I stated what I am assuming for the easy of the calculations. I can add the other conditions later if needed. The same would have to be done with healing surge.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Also fixed the Adrenal Health calculations and removed the unnecessary parts.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Adrenal health 360hp per 1 sec?
“Adrenal Health grants a fixed amount of health every 3 seconds. "

thanks forgot about that i will fix that when I get home

You also have to take into account that most of the builds using Healing Signet also rarely have full adrenaline for more than a few seconds.

I don’t have to take that into account cause I stated that I am assuming Full Adrenaline. I stated what I am assuming for the easy of the calculations. I can add the other conditions later if needed. The same would have to be done with healing surge.

The problem with not taking the adren usage into account is that people reading this with an anti-warrior agenda will use this as “proof” of them being OP even though the math doesn’t represent the reality.

It’s similar to how people directly compare healing skills to each other without considering the other aspects of a class such as other sources of healing via traits or access to buffs like protection and aegis.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Adrenal health 360hp per 1 sec?
“Adrenal Health grants a fixed amount of health every 3 seconds. "

thanks forgot about that i will fix that when I get home

You also have to take into account that most of the builds using Healing Signet also rarely have full adrenaline for more than a few seconds.

I don’t have to take that into account cause I stated that I am assuming Full Adrenaline. I stated what I am assuming for the easy of the calculations. I can add the other conditions later if needed. The same would have to be done with healing surge.

The problem with not taking the adren usage into account is that people reading this with an anti-warrior agenda will use this as “proof” of them being OP even though the math doesn’t represent the reality.

It’s similar to how people directly compare healing skills to each other without considering the other aspects of a class such as other sources of healing via traits or access to buffs like protection and aegis.

They would try to do it anyways. News does it all the time to misrepresent information. I stated my assumptions which have to be taken into account. People will pull out the information they want from any source of material even if the next sentence disproves the first.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: AzureHeaven.4259


Not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish by listing out these statistics, but i would advise you to rework your post around a different set of values for healing power.

0 – theoretical base, 150 – grabbing adrenal health, 300 – healing banners/shouts, 1400 with healing power gear, 1650 – with sigil of life stacking, 2000 – gear, sigil, food, banner, maybe throw in a value between 300 and 1400

Warrior Healing Abilities Hp/sec

in Warrior

Posted by: Traitine.8713


Thank you for this.

80 Warrior – Akallos Traitine